ANNUAL REPORT 2006-2007 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA BELLA VISTA : HYDERABAD CONTENTS Chairman’s Statement 5 Governance of the College 9 Academic Activities 11 Activities of Centres 16 Statement of Accounts 25 Annexures 1. Members of the College Society37 2. Court of Governors 39 3. People at ASCI 41 4. Management Development Programmes 45 5. Major Workshops, Conferences and Seminars 52 6. Research and Consultancy Assignments 53 7. Lectures, Colloquiums and Seminars 61 8. Faculty Publications 62 50th ANNUAL REPORT 2006-2007: GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR Chairman’s Statement I have pleasure in presenting, on develop and conduct new and innovative programmes. behalf of the Court of Governors, The college continued to add to its client list from both the Fiftieth Annual Report and the public and private sectors. The new clients during Audited Statement of Accounts of the year included: Shreya Life Sciences; National Institute the Administrative Staff College of of Technology, Warangal; Jindal Steel; Lundbeck India; India (ASCI), for the year ending National Institute of Ocean Technology; and National 31 March 2007. Procurement Agency, Govt. of Sri Lanka. In terms of financial results, the The two-year Post-Graduate Diploma Programme in College earned an operating Hospital Management was given recognition by the income of Rs. 1,823.20 lakhs AICTE in 2005 and received a high level of interest for compared to Rs. 2,052.95 lakhs during 2005-06. The enrolment. Corporate hospitals have also been helpful total income, including income from investments, was in offering placements. also lower at Rs. 1,971.26 lakhs in 2006-07 compared to Rs. 2,208.63 lakhs in 2005-06. After providing for In keeping with its widening international engagement, depreciation, the net surplus was Rs. 40.46 lakhs. The the college was involved during 2006-07 in conducting net surplus would have been higher but for some several training programmes for institutions abroad. These extraordinary items of expenditure–such as the included procurement management programmes in Nepal expenditure on the Golden Jubilee Celebrations. As set and Sri Lanka; perspectives on governance for the Cape out in the audited statement of accounts, after providing Administrative Academy, South Africa; and a programme Rs. 25.00 lakhs for contingencies and making other on globalization and international trade for Richard T. provisions, the surplus available for transfer to the ASCI Farmer School of Business, Miami University. Development Fund was sharply lower at Rs. 15.46 lakhs In collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat, in 2006-07 as against Rs. 138.42 lakhs in the previous London, and the Ministry of External Affairs of India (with year. I should mention that the college continued its efforts the National Institute of Micro, Small & Medium at containing expenditure and streamlining internal Enterprises in Hyderabad participating), the college financial and administrative procedures, without in any developed a training programme on capacity building for manner sacrificing the quality of its services. 125 entrepreneurs and executives of small and medium Earnings from the training activity continued to show an enterprises from the African continent. Training for the upward trend, with an income of Rs. 1,126.54 lakhs in first batch of 19 managers of small and medium 2006-07 compared to Rs. 1,070.98 lakhs in the previous enterprises from six African countries was completed year. However, while the number of participant man-days, during the year, and a schedule for the remaining four at 28,624, was around the same as in 2005-06, the programmes was also drawn up. number of programmes that the college conducted, at The college continued to make its contribution towards 165, was 22 less than in the previous year. The participant research and consultancy in the areas suggested by the profile indicates that 47 per cent were from the Vision Committee, particularly in the areas of urban government sector, 26 per cent from the public sector, governance, infrastructure, energy and tariff regulation, 13 per cent from the private sector, with the others (e.g., service delivery, evaluation of project impact and training, banking and foreign nationals) constituting 13 per cent among others. However, there was a decline in the income of the total. There was an increase of 45 per cent in the earned from these activities (Rs. 696.66 lakhs) to the number of women participants, reaching a total of 243 tune of Rs. 285.31 lakhs compared to Rs. 981.97 lakhs in 2006-07, while the number of participants from abroad in the preceding year. The decline was due to the was 265. As set out in this report, ASCI continued to successful completion of three big-ticket items in the ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA preceding year–namely, the projects on Service Delivery and promote the adoption of this clean energy source by in Kerala, Impact Assessment of HIV/AIDS in AP, and the IT, hospitality, health and education sectors. National Family Health Survey III. However, as a result of streamlining of project management procedures and Members of the college faculty continued to make a collection of dues, the surplus from many projects was at contribution to research activity. Though, overall, it a higher ratio, softening the impact of the decline in gross remains somewhat below potential. The establishment income. of a seed research fund of Rs. 10 lakhs has been helping to meet modest funding requirements for research work– During 2006-07, the college completed 33 consultancy particularly for supporting the work of research fellows. and research assignments, and received 55 new assignments–in the areas of energy, environment, health, During the year, 12 new members were recruited, and human resources, innovation and technology, by the end of March 2007, the total faculty strength stood international trade and finance, industry, macroeconomic at 41. Owing to recruitment of a number of younger policy and public finance, poverty studies and rural members, the overall age profile of the faculty has come development, public policy, governance and down considerably. At our invitation, Mr. M. P. Bezbaruah, performance, and urban governance. IAS (retd.), former Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India (GoI), and Mr. Kamal Kumar, IPS (retd.), former During the year under review, ASCI continued to be active Director, SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad, have in organizing conferences and workshops on themes of joined the college in an honorary capacity during the year. national and global importance, bringing together policy- A major event in the year was the delivery of the Golden makers and other stakeholders into a common space for Jubilee Address by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Hon’ble focused discussion. In September 2006, the college Prime Minister of India, on 5 December 2006. In his organized an International Conference on Management address, in addition to recognizing the valuable of Change: The Challenges Facing Universities, in contribution the college has made during the last half a partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning, century, he exhorted ASCI to make a greater contribution Vancouver, UNESCO and the AP State Council of Higher in upgrading the skills and reorienting the outlook of Education. Around 40 leading academicians met to managers in India; in toning up the management of large discuss the issues confronting this sector and develop an public sector undertakings; in advising the governments action plan to address them. Following the Tarapore in the delivery of public services; and in building bridges Committee Report on “Fuller Capital Account of co-operation with India’s neighbours. The college will Convertibility,” the college hosted a conference on the orient its activities in the directions indicated by the Prime theme in December 2006, in which the RBI, several Minister. commercial banks, the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, other institutions engaged in policy advice The college organized memorial lectures in honour of and research, and various scholars participated. In Sri K. L. N. Prasad, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and collaboration with the Ministry of Urban Development, Dr. Y. Nayudamma. These lectures were respectively Govt. of India, the Conference on Networking of delivered by the following eminent persons: Sri C. S. JNNURM Cities: Peer Experience and Reflective Learning Rao, Chairman, Insurance Regulatory Development (PEARL) Programme was organized in January 2007, Authority (IRDA), Hyderabad; Hon. Sri Gopalkrishna involving mayors and commissioners from 63 mission Gandhi, Governor of West Bengal; and Prof. C. N. R. cities. During the same month, ASCI also conducted a Rao, Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister of India. Workshop on Power Sector Reforms: Appraisal and the Steps continue to be taken to improve the ambience and Way Ahead at the initiative of the Ministry of Power, quality of the college infrastructure. TV sets were installed Govt. of India, and with the support of Power Finance in all the hostel rooms at Bella Vista and in 38 rooms in Corp. Senior officials concerned with power sector reform the College Park campus. Renovation work was initiated from the Centre and the states participated. The college in the ASCI New Delhi Centre, involving an extensive also conducted a National Conference on Practising Solar revamp of the conference hall to make it more useful Energy Options in February 2007 in partnership with and attractive. In response to a request from the college, Tata-BP Solar India. Representatives of the government, the Prime Minister, in his 5 December speech, announced industry, consumers and others participated to discuss the grant of an interest-free loan of Rs. 5 crores by the 6 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA GoI to ASCI towards upgrading its infrastructural and the nation. Its involvement in the management training other facilities and capacities so as to take forward the of scientists is a significant area of engagement.
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