AGENGY' KET{DRAPARA DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT 68t gtot oeac o'ol,6eqtgot phone No:- 06727-220;64' E-Mail - ori-dkendrapada@nic'in'PlN-754211 No: r\u (..) ot, 1iJ.65.2o19 NotlflcatioE recruitment of particulars of applications received on The general information on detailed list of applicants of the district' kendrapara The final GRS to be posted in different blocks willbewebhostedagainaftgrscrutinyofthesamebythescrutinycommitteewhen to file their obiections' if any' applicants would be given opportunity Prdrect Directol Preliminary Scrutiny List of Gram Rozgar Sevaks(GRSs) under MGNREGS Essential Qualification Comp Caste (Intermidiate/+2) uter Exam Resident Caste Mark Passed Certificat Certificat Mode of Applied in Name of Father / Husband with Secured From(B e of e application.( prescribed Sl No Name of the Applicant D.O.B Name Gender Remark Permanent Address Total (Excludi oard/Co Kendrap Submitte POST/Drop format or of the % O level Mark ng 4th uncil/Un ara Dist d BOX) not Caste Optiona iversity) (Yes/ No) (Yes/No) l) S/o-Nadugopal Das, Vill/Po- Suniti, 1 Goutam Das GP-Suniti, PS/Block-Mahakalapada, 05.07.1993 SEBC M 600 223 37.17 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA Pin-754224 Sankar Ku Behera At/Po- Bagada, 2 Balaram Behera GP-Bagada, Block-Kendrapara Pin- 04.04.1998 SEBC M 600 278 46.33 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA 754212 Gangadhar Behera At-Bandhakata, 3 Sarojini Behera GP-Bandhakata, Block-Marsaghai, 10.05.1993 SEBC F 600 320 53.33 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes PGDCA Pin-754244 Madhusudan Malik At- Baharasubala, GP- Baradaga, 4 Sobharani Malik 15.06.1997 SC F 600 352 58.67 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes PGDCA PS/Block-Mahakalapada, Pin- 754224 PGDCA D/o-Alekh Chandra Das, At- (Self 5 Rekharani Das Baghadia, Po-Dumuka, GP-Dasipur, 07.07.1999 OBC F 600 268 44.67 CHSE No No Yes Drop Box Yes Attested Block-Marsaghai, Pin-754213 Not done) D/o-Suresh Chandra Sethy, At- 6 Asarani Sethy Gogua, GP-Chakada Gogua, Block- 28.06.1995 SC F 600 316 52.67 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box No PGDCA Mahakalapada Pin-754245 W/o- Sarat Ku Jena, At-Garajanga, 7 Sujata Jena GP-Talasanga, Block-Kendrapara, 01.04.1988 SC F 900 454 50.44 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes PGDCA Pin-754214 D/o-Subash Chandra Das, At- 8 Madhusmita Das Bijaynagar, GP-Bijaynagar, Block- 28.05.1995 Gen F 650 377 58.00 SJSV No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA Mahakalapada, Pin-754224 S/o-Gouranga Swain, At- Purusottampur, GP- 9 Narendra Swain 01.06.1992 SEBC M 600 294 49.00 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA Shyamsundarpur, Block- Kendrapara, Pin-754223 D/o-Umesh Chandra Sahoo, Vill- 10 Sangita Sahoo Gualsingh, GP-Gualsingh, Block- 13.06.1994 SEBC F 600 246 41.00 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes PGDCA Derabish, pin-754250 Essential Qualification Comp Caste (Intermidiate/+2) uter Exam Resident Caste Mark Passed Certificat Certificat Mode of Applied in Name of Father / Husband with Secured From(B e of e application.( prescribed Sl No Name of the Applicant D.O.B Name Gender Remark Permanent Address Total (Excludi oard/Co Kendrap Submitte POST/Drop format or of the % O level Mark ng 4th uncil/Un ara Dist d BOX) not Caste Optiona iversity) (Yes/ No) (Yes/No) l) Muralidhar Parida, At-Binchana, PS- 11 Geetanjali Parida Patkura, GP-Padmapur, Block- 10.07.1990 Gen F 1000 605 60.50 SJSV No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA Garadpur, Pin-754213 S/o-Khirod Kumar Dash, At- 12 Ashok Kumar Dash Naindpur, Ps-Patkura, GP-Garadpur, 03.05.1988 Gen M 600 306 51.00 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA Block-Garadpur, Pin-7543153 S/o-Ajay kumar Lenka, At-Ostapur, PGDCA 13 Suvendu Suvam Lenka GP-Nadiabarai, Block-Garadpur, Pin- 03.05.1998 SEBC M 600 470 78.33 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes (Photo not 754223 attach) S/o-Suresh Chandra Lenka, At- PGDCA Odang, Ps-Patkura, GP- SCTE & 14 Devasis Lenka 25.06.1986 SEBC M 3000 2245 74.83 No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes (B.Tech Akhuadakhini, Block-Marsaghai, VT Mechanical) Pin-754228 W/o- Rajendra Kumar Sahoo, At- 15 Sasmita Sahoo Pachimaniapatana, Gp-Endar, 05.03.1987 SEBC F 900 318 35.33 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes PGDCA PS/Block-Derabish Pin-754267 D/o-Ramesh Chandra Malik, Ps- 16 Shashirekha Malik Patkura, Blokc-Garadpur, Pin- 10.05.1993 SC F 600 268 44.67 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes PGDCA 754225 PGDCA (+2 S/o-Adaita Nath, At-Kasoti, GP- marksheet 17 Amiya Kumar Nath Jamdhar, Blokc-Kendrapara, Pin- 22.05.1995 OBC M 600 275 45.83 CHSE No No No Drop Box Yes not 754250 attached) S/o-Bimal Kala, At-Suniti, GP- PGDCA SCTE & 18 Sushanta Kala Suniti, Block-Mahakalapada, Pin- 28.07.1993 OBC M 3000 2062 68.73 No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes (Diploma VT 754224 mechanical) S/o-Balaram Mallik, At-Kodakana, 19 Basant Kumar Mallik Ps-Marsaghai, GP-Patalipanka, 07.03.1982 SC M 900 448 49.78 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Block-Mahakalapada, Pin-754141 W/o-Tapan Kumar Padhi, At- 20 Sangita Panda Nilakanthapur-1, GP-Endar, Block- 04.06.1983 Gen F 900 536 59.56 CHSE No No No Drop Box Yes PGDCA Derabish, pin-754289 D/o-Maheswar Pradhan, GGP- No 21 Urmila Pradhan Kansar, at-Baipur, block- 06.06.1996 SEBC F #DIV/0! Yes No Drop Box Yes document Kendrapara attach Essential Qualification Comp Caste (Intermidiate/+2) uter Exam Resident Caste Mark Passed Certificat Certificat Mode of Applied in Name of Father / Husband with Secured From(B e of e application.( prescribed Sl No Name of the Applicant D.O.B Name Gender Remark Permanent Address Total (Excludi oard/Co Kendrap Submitte POST/Drop format or of the % O level Mark ng 4th uncil/Un ara Dist d BOX) not Caste Optiona iversity) (Yes/ No) (Yes/No) l) S/o-Manoj Kumar Behera, At-Santa 22 Adityanarayan Behera 19.04.1995 Sc M 600 469 78.17 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Sahi, Block-Kendrapara S/o-Gopinath Bal, At-Keshpur, Po- 23 Harihar Bal 05.05.1994 M 600 348 58.00 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Kadalibana, Block/Dist-Kendrapara D/o-Ranjan kumar Mallik, At- Purusottampur, GP- 24 Nandini Mallik 05.04.1991 SC F 600 271 45.17 CHSE No No No Drop Box Yes Shyamsundarpur, Block/Dist- Kendrapara D/o-Tirthananda Lenka, At/GP- 25 Ruchismita Lenka, Dashipur, Po-Balana, Blokc- 01.02.1996 SEBC F 600 261 43.50 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Marsaghai D/o-Gyanaranjan Parida, At-Singiri, 26 Madhusmita Pradhan GP-Bhagabatpur, Block/Dist- 16.07.1986 Gen F 900 410 45.56 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Kendrapara D/o-Madhusudan Thatoi, At- 27 Amisharani Thatoi Bilamugabadi, GP-kutaranga, 02.06.1998 SEBC F 650 538 82.77 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Block/Dist-Kendrapara Certificate & S/o-Krushna Chandra Padhi, At/Po- mark Sheet 28 Satyabrata Padhi Patrapur, block-Pattamundai, Dist- 01.07.1980 Gen M 900 393 43.67 CHSE Yes Yes No Drop Box Yes on O Level kendrapara has ot been S/o-Bijay kumar Sethy, At/Po-GP- 29 Bani Prasad Sethy Amrutamanohi, Blokc/Dist- 06.07.1992 SC M 600 234 39.00 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Kendrapara W/o-Sanatan Sahoo, At-Baniamal, 30 Subhashree sahoo 06.02.1991 SEBC F 600 360 60.00 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Block/Dist-Kendrapara S/o-Tirthananda Lenka, At/Po-/GP- 31 Gyanaranjan Lenka Dashipur, Block-Marsaghai, Dist- 10.05.1997 SEBC M 650 464 71.38 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Kendrapara D/o-Srikanta Parida, At-Oliha 32 Truptimayee Parida Nilakanthapur, GP Alahilo, Blokc- 06.05.2000 SEBC F 600 294 49.00 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Mahakalapada, Dist-kendrapara Essential Qualification Comp Caste (Intermidiate/+2) uter Exam Resident Caste Mark Passed Certificat Certificat Mode of Applied in Name of Father / Husband with Secured From(B e of e application.( prescribed Sl No Name of the Applicant D.O.B Name Gender Remark Permanent Address Total (Excludi oard/Co Kendrap Submitte POST/Drop format or of the % O level Mark ng 4th uncil/Un ara Dist d BOX) not Caste Optiona iversity) (Yes/ No) (Yes/No) l) S/o-Shyamsundar Swain, At- 33 Sanjib Kumar Swain Karanjaiapatana, GP-Mehndinagar, 25.05.1990 SEBC M 1000 659 65.90 SJSV No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Blokc-Marsaghai, Dist-Kendrapara S/o-Bishnu Charan Nayak, At- 34 Prasanna Kumar Nayak 05.04.1996 Gen M 600 237 39.50 CHSE No No No Drop Box Yes Angarwa, GP-Sahira, Block-Aul S/o-Nakula Charan Das, At-Gopal 35 Prakash Kumar das Jew Patana, GP-Manikapatana, 12.02.1991 SEBC M 650 416 64.00 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Block-Aul, Dist-Kendrapara S/o-Nityananda Parida, At/Po-GP- 36 Sukanta Kumar Parida Mehendinagar, Block-Marsaghai, 17.01.1990 Gen M 600 300 50.00 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Dist-Kendrapara W/o-Suryakanta Mallik, At-Orisha 37 Mamatamayee Mallik Bindha, GP-Akhuadakhini, Block- 07.09.1990 SC F 1000 563 56.30 SJSV No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Marsaghai D/o-Sahadev Sethi, At-/GP- 38 Prajalina Sethi Balipatana, Blokc-Pattamundai, Dist- 04.06.1995 SC F 600 274 45.67 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Kendrapara W/o-Kalpataru Kund At-Udayapur, 39 Rina Majhi GP-Srirampur, Block-Pattamundai, 05.07.1989 Gen F 900 372 41.33 CHSE No Yes No Drop Box Yes Dist-Kendrapara D/o-Rajkishjore Rout, At-oliha, GP- 40 Madhusmita Rout 05.01.1994 SEBC F 650 396 60.92 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Deulapada, Block-Mahakalapada D/o-Niranjan Mohanty, At-Mantei, 41 Sonita Sefali Mohanty 03.05.1990 Gen F 1000 636 63.60 SJSV No Yes No Drop Box Yes Po-Antei, Block-Marsaghai S/o-Ananta nath, At-Kasoti, Pandiri, 42 Manguli Nath 15.02.95 SEBC M 600 226 37.67 CHSE No No No Drop Box Yes Po-Jamdhar, Po-Kendrapara D/o-Bidhan Chandra Swain, At- 43 Barsha Swain Purusottampur, Po-Marsaghai, 29.07.1998 SEBC F 600 305 50.83 CHSE No Yes Yes Drop Box Yes Block-Marsaghai Essential Qualification Comp Caste (Intermidiate/+2) uter Exam Resident Caste Mark Passed Certificat Certificat Mode of Applied in Name of Father / Husband with Secured From(B e of e application.( prescribed Sl No Name of the Applicant D.O.B Name Gender Remark Permanent Address Total (Excludi oard/Co Kendrap Submitte POST/Drop format or of the % O level Mark ng 4th uncil/Un ara Dist d BOX) not Caste Optiona iversity) (Yes/ No) (Yes/No) l) S/o- Gunamani Behera At-Kasoti, 44 Nirmala Kumar Behera 03.05.1993 SC M 600 246 41.00 CHSE No No Yes Drop Box Yes Po-Jamdhar, Block-Kendrapara Not from S/o-Bhabagrahi Mallik, At- DOEACC 45 Debasish Mallik Penthapal, GP-Penthapal, Bokc- 01.07.1992 Sc M 600 264 44.00 CHSE Yes Yes Yes Drop Box Yes (Pvt.
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