..,....... For party info, check out our web page at www.CharliesAustin.com or call us Toll Free at (877)2.CHARLIES n~~llnlIDIID@ ILZIDWlID~lID 0 ~5)n~~~1~D®~~n I CAN'T BELIEVE loin lIs: EVERY TUESDAY HERS IS or STEAl<~I6HT 6-8DID BIGGER! WD®0 ®~ C?Omc31J~~~ June 19th at RICH'S• • Featuring Bonnie Pointer (of the P~inter Sisters) Complimentary Well Drinks MOST OUTRAGEOUS WIG CONTEST Tickets available at Basic Brothers and Lobo . THURSDAY" JUNE 24 $,30 advance, $35 Door, To Charge by Phone: 713-940-STAR wRJ»lJ:r.ru, m ~Q[Qc.(, .,.. U\lE\LDIE ~~~~~~~W 'INW (:(.l:l"'~ -- CITY CENTER TRAVEL b- WW with Special Guests Kourtney Campbell, ~~ VOI~E OutTSmart 1!!!J!!lX{!R!1! ~ Bridget Boday & Scarlett Leigh VOLUME25, NUMBER 16 JUNE 18 - JUNE 24, 1999 HIGHLIGHT Gay Men's Health Summit In Boulder, CO by Kirk Read FRESH BEATS Far Out Funkiness & A Tribute To Madonna! by Jimmy Smith HEALTH & FITNESS "BallsTo Keep" by M. Kasten COVER FEATURE Mr. Gay Texas USA Gregory Bosarge by Mama's Boy SNAPSHOTS Razzle Dazzle Dallas CURRENT EVENTS BACKSTAGE Daddy's Dyin' at Dallas' Pocket Sandwich Theatre. STARSCOPE The Sun Moves Into Emotional Cancer by C. Lichtenstein TEXAS TEA www.pacificstreet.com 72 CLASSIFIEDS 90 THE GUIDE TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co .. at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas. Texas 75219 and 500 Lovett Suite 102 in Houston, Texas 77006. Oplnlons expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of its staff. Publication of the name or photo- graph of an,! person or organization in articles or advertising in TWTis not to be construed as any indication 0 the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year. $40 per half year. Back issues available at $2 eoch, Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1999 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PRESIDENT/CEO/COMPTROLLER DALLASOFFICE STEPHENJ. MILES HOUSTONOFFICE 3300 Reagan Street INTERIMPUBLISHER 500 Lovett Blvd .. Suite 102 Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD BANG Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520-8948 EDITOR Houston Fax (713)527-8948 CHRISTOPHERSALZA (214)521-0622 (713)527-9111 E-mail: [email protected] PUBLISHEREMERITUS E-mail: [email protected] ALAN GELLMAN ARTDEPARTMENTSTAFF:Christian Moller CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSJohn Alan Cohan. Mark Coleman. Paul Harris. Phil Johnson. Michael Kasten. Gary Laird. Charlene Lichtenstein. Steven Lindsey, Jimmy Smith. STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSFrancis Alvarez. Graham. A. J. Marroquinez. Midori. Robert Miller. Shawn Northcutt. Jerry Stevens. Tto. Albert Tovar. Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713)527-9111 • Dallas / Ft.Worth - Mark Coleman (214)521-0622 Austin - Esther Marie Anzaldua (512)445-5607. Statewide/National- Steve Miles (214)521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Brian Keever/Houston. Daddo Ceran/Dallas TWT© 1999 Published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company Stephen J. Miles. Dallas, Texas Represented Nationally by Rivendell Marketing Co., Inc .• 212-242-6863 THE TRADITION CONTINUES ••• ONDA Y N[6HT 'IS _____•..• TEXAS InT'RnATIODAL mUJI( niGHT OF THE YEAR Featuring DJ"T' 1999 with Your Hostess Please use the ballol below J,nnlJ m(CALL 10 vole for ,our favorile and Guests Tersa Matthews lexas female impersonator. Jade DeSante and Ihe lOp vole-,eners will Kourtney Devereaux compele live on sla,e at Vllla,e Slation In Dallas on $1.50 W'LL s LOnGn'(KS Sunda" Jul, 18 for over Coming)uly 19 $2,500 In cash and priles ALLnlGIiT LOnG and the rl,hl 10 repnsent lexas In Ihe 1999 National NISSALAMO lexas Enlertalner of the Year National Entertainer of Pa,eanl this Au,usl at Ihe Entertainer of the Year 199. Connecllon In louisville, the Year 199. (ITIJ UlofA IAIlEN Kentucky. Ihe National DAISY EDWARDS Enlertalner of the Year will DEADPEIALS nceive $5,000 in cash and a brand new car. Mail all _llois 10 the addnss below. Onl, one entry per envelope will be accepled. Multiple ballols In one envelope will all be discarded. No hand- dellvend entries will be accepled. You can also vole via the Inter- Don't Be Left Out of the Fun••• net al [email protected], enterin, BM, Choice for lexas Entertainer of the Year 1999 Is __ ." (Onl, one entry per TII' SUP'R SUnDAlJ SIIOLW- JUn, 20 e-mail.) Resuhs will be announced In the July 9 issue of IWI. Featuring Erica Andrews, 1r-My---Choice--------------for Texas' Favorite Female-----Impersonator--~---,is: 1 Shady Lady, Pauletta Leigh 1 1 and SpecialSMest 1 1 1 1 Jasmin CampbeIS_a:tr 1 Clip and Mail to: 1 : TEXAS ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR c/o TWT : 1 1100 RUGAN STREET 1 Th.llom, of mil' 6a'J UlofA',ti(a Andr,w. L1 DALlAS, TEXAS 75219 .-~--.---.1J 1430 N. MAIN ·SANANTONIO·f.210.225.7330 We care about your health @G)2J [U]C9m\]0 GQ~D~w ~[!][ill[ill~~ Wellness, Community Building & Multi-Issue Advocacy ~ everal hundred gay men are expected of color have learned from HIV/AIDS that and your financial health <:::J to converge on Boulder, Colorado, can inform broader work on health promo- from July 29-August 1 for the Gay Men's tion, and the specific health agendas of Health Summit to launch a multi-issue, mul- Latino, African American, Asian and Pacific if you are HIV+ and considering selling your life ticultural gay men's health movement.The Islander, Native American, and Bi-Ra- summit aims to broaden gay men's health cialiMulti-Racial gay and bisexual men. U insurance policy, consider this... efforts beyond its recent narrow focus on Presenters will include David Velez of HIV prevention to include a wide array of Boston's Latino Health Institute, A. Billy S. As one of the oldest and most knowledgeable health issues that gay men encounter. Jones, longtime health activist from Wash- "We are determined to transform health ington, D.C., and Martin Ornelas-Quintero viatica I settlement brokers, we have the experience to promotion for gay men from HIV prevention of LLEGO. to a broader focus on well ness, community The National Gay and Lesbian Task get you the highest cash settlement possible building, and multi-issue health advocacy," Force's Policy Institute will be hosting a said Eric Rofes, long-time San Francisco special forum titled "Constructing a public through a proven competitive bidding process. We community organizer and the summit's policy agenda for gay men's health: What M. Bryan Freeman work for you, not the buyer. We are your advocate. coordinator. "To bring down the level of HIV should our priorities be?" on Thursday, July Founder & Chief Client Advocate among gay men, we've got to develop new 29 from 2:00-5:00 p. m. The forum will ex- approaches to substance use, societal amine how activists can incorporate these Return your completed homophobia, and sexual health. HIV can- concerns into advocacy at the local and One quick, simple application. not continue as an all-encompassing national levels, and how a policy agenda "* application and receive metaphor for gay men's health. We've got may be moved forward. Sean Cahill, Re- No cost or obligation at any time. to build a gay men's health movement as search and Policy Director for the NGLTF * a free videotape: powerful as the movement to fight AIDS in Policy Institute, will moderate the forum. Up to 85% of face value. the 1980s." While the three-day summit's program is *- Exercises for The summit will address a range of chal- still evolving, organizers have announced a lenges to gay men's health and safety, range of events, cutting-edge research, and *' Confidentiality, now and always. People with HIV including anti-gay violence, substance presentations. A series of key sessions will abuse, smoking, childhood sexual abuse, focus on gay men in their teens and 20's *' May qualify up to 1,000 T-cells. by People With HIV. and eating disorders, as well as cancer, and explore this generation's relationship to heart disease, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. sexual health and HIV, interactions with May be tax-free '- ask us. While the Boulder County AIDS Project is older generations, and relationship to gay hosting the summit and offering logistical identity and community. Sessions on "* Free brochure: 14 Questions You Must Ask Before Selling Your Life support, organizers describe the summit as "Empowering Young Fags," "Mobilizing Insurance Policy. a grassroots effort beholden to no organi- Young Gay Men as Health Activists," and zations, government officials, or major cor- "Gay Youth as Health-Resilient Men," are in ~*All policies: group (employer or association), individual (term, whole porations. "The Boulder Summit is quickly preparation, as will an experiential work- evolving into a huge, independent grass- shop confronting ageism, aging and gener- life, universal), FEGLI,SGLI, VGLI and policies less than two years old. roots effort to spur community-based orga- ation gaps. nizing and activism around gay men's A plenary session exploring the relation- health," said Matt Brown of Boulder and ship between masculinity and health in var- -- one of the summit's organizers. ious gay male communities and cultures --- Two pre-conference meetings are will break open discussion related to power, -- BENEFITS planned. On Thursday, July 29, an all-day - ... misogyny, sexual practices, and disease. - ... session coordinated by Philadelphia's An evening forum will tackle emerging sub- ---, AMERICA David Acosta of Gay and Lesbian Latino/a cultures of "barebackers," men who eroti- -- AIDS Education Initiative will focus on cize unprotected sex and debate ways in 800-777 -8878 www.benefitsameric:a.c:om health challenges facing men of color.
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