BROKERAGE Mgr; Dan Abernathy, News Dir; Tom Burt, Chief Engr

BROKERAGE Mgr; Dan Abernathy, News Dir; Tom Burt, Chief Engr

423 -4021. Syracuse U. Bd of Trustees. Net: UPI. For- ton Square (13202). (315) 472 -9797. TWX 710 541 New York Radio mat: Jazz, black, prog. Spec prog: Spanish 2 hrs wkly 0480. Newhouse Bcstg Corp. (group owner; acq Thomas A. Hardy, gen mgr: Mark Humphrey, chief 1948). Net: NBC. Rep: Major Market Radio. Format: engr. MOR. Spec progs: Farm 12 hrs wkly. E.R. Vadebon- coeur, pres; Hugh Barr, gen mgr; Donald C. Schardt, coml mgr; Alan Milair prog dir; Nancy Carpenter, prom BROKERAGE mgr; Dan Abernathy, news dir; Tom Burt, chief engr. College, Burrstone Road (13502). (315) 792 -3069. Rates: 890; 50; 60; 28. Over twenty years of .service to Broadcasting Syracuse University, Syracuse N.Y. Net: Sheridan. For- Appraisals Brokerage Analysis mat: Ed, black, AOR. Spec progs: Class 9 hrs, jazz 15 Westgate Mall, Bethlehem, PA 18017 WSYR-FM hrs, Span 6 hrs, gen ed 10 hrs wkly. F. Clark Laurie, VP; Jack Moran, gen mgr. 215 -865 -3775 AOR i WRMV(AM) -See Herkimer. I HE HOLT CORPORATION WSYR -FM -1946: 94.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 650 ft. Prog AOR; Howard Stereo. sep from AM. Format: WRUN(AM) -April 24, 1948: 1150 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 Castle, prog dir; Tommy Nast, mus dir. Rates: $40; kw -N, DA -2. Thomas Road, Oriskany, N.Y. (13424). WAOX(FM)- See Manlius. 45; 45; 45. (315) 736 -5225. WRUN Inc. (acq 2- 1 -78). Group WCNY-FM -Dec 4, 1971: 91.3 mhz; 18.6 kw. Ant owner: Deer River Bcstg. Rep: Katz. Format: Top -40. 740 ft. Stereo. 506 Old Liverpool Rd. (13088). (315) Ticonderoga Robin B. Martin, pres; Lloyd Walsh, sis mgr; Tom 457 -0440. TWX: 710- 541 -0430. Public Bcstg Council Shine, VP & gen mgr; Fred Horton, prog dir; Bill Bailey, WIPS(AM) -July 1955: 1250 khz; 1 kw -D. DA -D. Box of Central N.Y. Net: NPR. Format: Jazz, class. mus dir; Fred Miller, news dir; James Ravencraft, chief 352, (12883). (518) 585 -2868. Cawley Bcstg Co. (acq Richard Russell, pres & gen mgr; Don Dolloff, prog engr. 8 -79). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Masla. Format: Adult contemp. mgr; Gloria Kritz, mus dir; Hugh Cleland, chief engr. Spec progs: Farm 2 hrs wkly. Gus Cawley pres & WCNY-TV affil. WKGW(FM) -Co -owned with WRUN(AM). Oct 10, gen mgr; Nancy Streeter, coml mgr; Bonnie Towne, 1948: 104.3 mhz; 100 kw horiz, 33 kw vert. Ant 500 ft. FM North Syracuse. prog dir; Peter Johnson. mus dir; Margaret Cawley, WEZG- AM- -See WKGW /FM Inc. (acq 2- 1 -78). Stereo. Prog sep from prom mgr; Dave Downing, news dir & chief engr. AM. Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz Format: Adult contemp. WFBL(AM) -Feb 4, 1922: 1390 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. Rates: 512; 12; 12; -. Fred Miller, prog din. Box 1390, Eastwood Station (13206). (315) First Bcstg (acq 3- 1 -56). Net: ABC /C. 463 -8631. Corp. Troy WTLB(AM) -1946: 1310 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA- Rep: Bernard Howard Inc. Format: Contemn. Milton N. Kellogg Rd., Washington Mills (13479). (315) L. Hibdon, pres; Rick Thomas, gen mgr. Rates: 534; way(Fm)-August 1948: 92.3 mhz; 13 kw. Ant 850 797 -1330. WTLB Inc. (acq 6- 15 -71). Net: ABC /C. Rep: 33; 34; 29. ft. Box 12279. 4243 Albany St., Albany (12212). (518) McGavren -Guild. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Farm 6 Inc. 456 -3600. Rust Communications Group (group hrs wkly. Paul A. Dunn, pres & gen mgr; Edward J. WHEN(AM) -April 14, 1941: 620 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- owner; acq 3 -75). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Eastman. Format: Carey, VP & stn mgr; Art Levy, prog dir; Jim Reitz, mus N, Liverpool Rd. (315) DA -N. 620 Old (13217). Top -40. William Rust, pres; Robert J. Ausfeld, gen dir; Brian Whittemore, news dir; David Doughty chief 457 -6110. Park Bcstg. (group owner; acq 6 -76). Net: mgr; Phil Gregory, news dir; Kelly Stevens, asst prog engr. ABC /E. Rep: Katz. Format: Adult contemp. Roy H. dir; James Cruise, chief engr. Park, pres; Robert Carolin, gen mgr, prog dir; Carl J. WRCK(FM) -Co -owned with WTLB(AM). April 23, Fiorini, coml mgr; Debbie Stoughtenger, mus dir; Bill WGNA(FM) -See Albany. 1962: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 510 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Carey, news dir; Vince Mangiameli, chief engr. from AM. WTLB Inc. (acq 11 -74). Net: ABC /C. Format: WHAZ(AM)- August 1922: 1330 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Top -40. Spec progs: Farm 6 hrs wkly. WKFM(FM) -See Fulton. 784 (12181). (518) 283 -5550. WPOW Inc. (acq 6- 14 -67). Group owner: Camp. Format: Gospel. WUTO(AM) -Jan 29, 1962: 1550 khz; 1 kw -D. 288 WMHR(FM) -March 9, 1969: 102.9 mhz; 11 kw. (CP: John R. Linstra, VP & gen mgr; Sandy Taylor, coml mgr; Genesee St. (13502). (315) 797 -0803. Bunkfeldt 20 kw). Ant 720 ft. Stereo. 4044 Makyes Rd. (13215). Larry Foss, prog dir; Brian Shields. news dir; Gary Bcstg Corp. (acq 9.7.78). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Mary (315) 469 -5051. Mars Hill Bcstg Co. Net: UPI. Format: Koster, chief engr. Rosl in, Format: C &W. Spec progs: Lebanese 1 hr, Ger Religious. Glen H. Burdick. pres; Gordon Bell, gen 2 hrs, Ital 4 hrs, Pol 4 hrs wkly. John Bunkfeldt, pres mgr; Clayton Roberts, chief engr. Rates: $12; 9; 12; WPYX(FM) -See Albany. & chief engr; Jeffrey A. Chard, VP & bus mgr; Gene 12. WRPI(FM) -Nov 1, 1957: 91.5 mhz; 10 kw. Ant 370 Candelor, sis mgr; Andrew Rebscher, opns dir; Peter Hirsch, Andrew WNDR(AM) -1946: 1260 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. Box ft. Stereo. (12181). (518) 270 -6248. Rensellaer prog dir; Art Stuart, mus dir; Cleary, 1212 (13201). (315) 446 -1515. WN Bcstg Inc. (acq Polytechnic Institute. Format: Div. Spec prog: Black 15 news dir. Rates: $20; 18; 20; -. 4- 1 -69). Net: APR. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: hrs, class 10 hrs, Sp 6 hrs, Indian 3 hrs, Chinese 3 hrs -owned with WUTQ(AM). Adult contemp, solid gold. Spec progs: "Sound -off' 10 wkly. Dean Winkler, pres; Larry Schwartz, gen mgr; WOUR(FM) -Co June 1967: 96.9 mhz; 16 kw. Ant 790 ft. Stereo. 288 hrs, Black 1 hr wkly. Robert Wechsler, pres; George Danny Rosenburg, prog dir; Chris Shenton. mus dir; St. 797 -0803. Plavocos, gen & coml mgr; James O'Brien, prog dir; Wolf Fuchs, chief engr. Genesee (13502). (315) Bunkfeldt Corp. 11 -72). Net: ABC /FM. rep: Roslin Len Blanchard, prom mgr; Gary Van Veghten, opns Bcstg (acq Radio AOR. 2 hrs wkly. mgr; Roy Taylor, chief engr. Rates: 536; 32; 34; 26. WTRY(AM) -April 15, 1940: 980 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. Sls. Format: Spec prog: Jazz 1054 Troy- Schenectady Rd. Latham (12110). (518) Jeffrey A. Chard. VP & gen mgr; Dale Edwards, prog WNTO(FM) -Co -owned with WNDR(AM). 1956: 785 -9800. Scott Bcstg Co. Inc. of N.Y. (acq 2- 2 -73). dir; Tom Starr, mus dir; Jerry Kraus, prom mgr Rates: 93.1 mhz; 97 kw. Ant 660 ft. Stereo. Sep from AM. Sig- Group owner: Great Scott. Net: MBS. Rep: McGavren- S35; 34; 36; 36. Format: mus. Gary Guild. Format: Top 40. Spec prog: Farm 4 hrs wkly. nal Bcstg Co. (acq 9- 9 -75). Btfl WYUT(FM) -See Herkimer. Van Veghten, opns & prog dir; Francis McGrath, coml Herbert Scott, pres; Richard E. Vazzana, VP & coml mgr. Rates: $40; 40; 40; 30. mgr; John F Kelly, gen mgr#Dan Martin, prog dir; Bill Cahill, mus dir; Jeff Bellinger, news dir; Norm Avery, Valhalla WOLF(AM) -1940: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N, DA- chief engr Rates: $38; 33; 38; 33. .WARY(FM) -Oct 3,1973: 88.5 mhz; 17.1 w. Ant 440 D. Box 1490 (13201). (315) 422.7211. Listener's Net- ft. 75 Grasslands Rd. (10595). (914) 347 -6969. West- work (group owner: 6- 17 -81). Net: RKO -2. Rep: Tupper Lake chester Community College. Format: Rock & Roll, ed. Torbet. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Black 3 hrs wkly. Spec progs: Jazz 9 hrs, class 6 hrs wkly. William C. Brent W. Lambert, pres: Eric H. Johnson, VP; Dean R. WTPL -FM -Feb 29, 1980: 102.3 mhz; 75 w. Atn Winters, fac mgr; Stuart Wald, gen mgr; Lawrence Edwards, gen mgr; Lori Dale, opns mgr. Rates: $39: 1,450 ft. Box 179, Gouveneur (13642). (315) Spinner, prog dir; Richard Arnold, mus dir; Michael 34; 36; 25. 287 -1230. RD Bcstg Corp. Rep: Walton. Format: MOR, Maggi, prom mgr; Gerry Culliton, news dir; Blair Davis, oldies. Robert W. Hartshorn, pres; Romayne chief engr. WOSC(AM) -See Fulton. Hartshorn, gen mgr; Jim LaValley stn mgr. Rates: $5; 5; 5; 5. WRRB(FM) -Sept 1, 1958: 107.9 mhz; 37 kw. Ant Walton 490 ft. (CP: 37 kw. Ant 490 ft.). Stereo. Box 6509 (13217). (315) 457 -6110. Park Bcstg. (group owner: Utica WDLA(AM) -May 30, 1951: 1270 khz, 5 kw -D. Box 12- Rep: Katz. Format: C &W. Roy H. 58 (13856). 865 -4321. Delaware County Bcstg acq 15 -77). WIBO(FM) -Listing follows WIBX(AM). (607) Park, pres; Robert E. Carolin, gen mgr & prog_dir; Bill Corp. Net: UPI. Rep: Market 4. Format: MOR. Spec 15 hrs, hrs Carey, news dir; Vince Mangiameli, chief engr. WIBX(AM) -Dec 5, 1925: 950 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -1. progs: C &W farm 6 wkly. Myra Youmans, Rates: $14; 14; 17; 17. Box 950 (13503). (315) 736 -9313. Marathon Comm. pres; Amos F. Finch, VP & gen mgr; Bryan Steele, prog mgr; Don mus dir; Clarke, news Inc.

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