r ' » * » j ' 8,262'tC tM A M N : \r — H*-. ■• ■ • ^ Z , . •* \ ^ 'HZ T '. f* «'4/ r* V. i • V . .1 -A V **. r ■■ ‘>y’ t - : ' -p:.. « •, --'4 »• A HIGHER TAiBiRF 1; Or Bse Htre Fpreip Cor- \ r o a e i Stabilized, He FWSATDRDArS Seyi— Floed of d e q i % M'i ''o' -1 ; Goode Smunpint Nalkn. sB inco||in^ •' ■. ''/Yi- V For Freedom Denied "'-y. ■'X'- Atlanta, Ga., 26.—(AP) —A8(q;>tember bis petition WataUaftota, Jaa. 26—(AP)— In Benefit Bid[etba]l, Game Federal Judge B. Marvin Under­ corpus was filed in the local Fsdsral tlM faeO of taapendlaf diaeuMiana ' m . wood today diamissed * the pefition Court sa a surpriss move. Hearing (Of daWa aad aeonomlca with foreign f.'- w for a writ' of habeas corpus whsrsby woe postponed once because of a debtor aationa, the view waa ex- Here Satmdijr To Be Sop- Ai Capons, noturMus former Chica­ congested. docket but on Nov. 16, praaaad today In the hlgheat admin- go gangster, sought his rslsass from 1982, Judge E. MOrvin Undelrwood plemeded By VanderiOe, tbs Atlanta Federal penitent iary called tb« case fo r a bearing, iatratlan aourcea that either Ameri­ ) I under the’ statute :of -limltatidns. Capona's attorneys in j^sssntlng can tarUEa aniat be raiaed or tar- Capone was oonvioted of violat­ his cais liksnsd it to that of WiUiam aiga ourrendea atabiliaed. Preieiice of Famon Flyer. ing tbs inoomt U r laws in 1928, Randolph fiobarton, a ' Boston Three aattonp — Finland, Latvia 1927 and 1928 and was ssnteBoed to lawyer, whom tbs United States fiu- aad CSaaohoSlovaldn-eiow have fU - serve ten years in the Atlanta peni­ prsms Court freed of inooms U x Hartford, Jaa. 28.—(AP) — A lea latb line behind Great Britain A three-hour program of the tentiary. obargss under the statute of llniita- mass of propessd Isgislatloa dss^ and Italy In aeeking and* being most diversified entertainment ever Tbs gangster in his bid for ffvs- tions. ing with a wids varlsty of subJsMs granted a diaeu»«on with the next offered la Manchester has been doro sllsfsd tbs tbrss year clause Judge Underwood took tbs ease pourtd into tbe Ctensrai Assembly adadalxtratlon of their debt terma. uadsr tbs statute of llmitatkms bad under advissmsnt aqd Oqxms, alio completed for .presentation at the expired bsfofs be was indicted on bad enjoyed a three hour "Isavs of today ss Bsaators and Rspris tnti- b thaae diacuaalona, President- tiveo rusbsd to latredues tbsir bitts elect Roosevelt naa determined to annual basketball t ilt between the tbs ebarfss of which hs was con­ abMnes” from tbs psnitentiary local Old Timers 9hd the New B rit­ victed. wbils tbs attorneys argued, was rs- before tbs dssdlias set for the fillip it this nation's bargainlnj power of new businsM, Eto play to get trade advantages ain Old nmero, to be pUyed at the Hs entered tbs Federal psnlten- tpmsd 9 tbs pnsob to await the Uary bars in May last year and last Judfs’s dscisloh. With Friday fixed ss tba Unfit ot fo r tala eounuy. State Armc«y Saturday night. The fUing, spproxlmately 800 BMMurss From quarters qualilled to speak ronam waa announced tod^ by were offered, several of them carry­ the mlad of President Hoover there S. L y Fay aad J. Bennet Qune, ing large apppopriatfoas. •, was word today that he felt the wh;;> are handling the arrange- FARNIB HBLP 8 TH X BV Bf Two M ill m vM o tar a state, Is- united States was Just beginning Ikients, and w ill be presented ac­ Por the first time since Technocracy became a national byword Howard Scott (center), chief Technocrat, TO STEAL OWN HBNS corns tax, while oths measures pro­ to feel the fu ll elEeet. of the de­ cording to a time schedule that will osed for a picture w illi two friends as be discussed the schism that has come in rapks of the Technocrats, Hillsboro, Ore., Jan. 26.— IMONSDBIKtrS posed an old O f. pension plan, , di- parture from the gold standard of allow one and one-half hours for our leaders withdrew from the Tecbn^ratie orgamsation, announced they would continue the energy survey (AP)—Two youths rapped af visten of tbe state into six eon- S m t BritainB .......................................... and other nations last dancing. under another name and without Scottv aid. Scott, however, announced, that Technocraoy "must go on." the door of B; T . Murph.", farm* essional districts and in srsu ia f year, 06L Chamberlin Oomiag With him as he met photographers were Prof. M. King Hubbert (left) aad Dal Hitchcock (right.) sr, and asked help In extricat­ BnnXKEllEFBIU Ss gaseUn# tax. ' Flood of Ghean Goods One of the outstanding figures in ing tbsir truck from mud in Blrtb OontMl A heavy infltm « Coreign goods, the aviation world w ill be on band. front of bis houss, Murpli> aid­ Two bills fanfiliar' to vsteron sold more cheaply on the American Colonel Clarence Chamberlin hav­ ed. Legislators agalB nteds tbsir ap- market than they could be produced ing promised positively to appear Later wbtn tbs youths ' Loal RepreientaliTe' Wn U psaroaos. One would psrafit pbyi- in this country, waa said to be and give a ten-minute address on NEW LEWIS NOVEL arrested in Portland, Murphy cions to givs dontraeiptlva idvloe neoeaaltatlve either tariffs lye raised, his famous trans-Atlsatie fhgbt. UNITED STATES MOVES was Infonnsd thsy borrowed in tbs intersst of a pallisit's bsalM or the forthcoming world economic Chamberlin bopped the Atlantic tbs truck to haul away tbs Hare Upkeep Taken Orer and tbs otbsr would allow wobmb coafarenoe must meet soon and from New" York to Blseleben, Ger­ COMESOUTTODAY chleksns they bad stolen from to ssrvs OB JurlM. movo toward a stabilisation of icur- many, a distance of 8,911 miles, TO PREVENT CONFUCT Murphy’s ooop, and tbs chick- Both Houses. oonftrtMd, the sp- rencles. the second longest non-stop fUgbt •ns wars aboard when bs gave By tke State. pointBMnt of six Justlees and Judgif In aviation history. Re Is rated as tbam the boost. of tbs BuprsBM eburt anil Bupener. In Geneva today the preparatory f, Court. commission fo r the wprld parley -4 » Am Vkluri’'Being PnUiib' Representative William J. Thorn­ Appropriations toteUnf the quaatlon of flxfiig a Z Powert Called To Act art sougnt in four UUs>for lag extremely finer xa a telephone' ^ inLMEBiiniiErot ton, of Manchester, today prsssnt- Ate' fo r that maattag. oraversaUoo with the editor of The Bbsrwood island aa a MeaawhMe, tha Senate foreign re­ efi Id 16 Coontiiei and 13 sd in tbs Gsnsrsl Asssnbly s biO tba Bsnate an __ Herald ,CoL Chamberlin said As Peaceoaken Between mcacssjsiiFT ■ , 4 lations **“rH * * ** favorably report­ woul ' ; ,ositivaly be hers. BlWTEiltSOU) nronosinS! that tbs Connaotleut 81^80,000 was aal^ to ed the Borah bill la authorhM |160,- ConneotlouCi political world will Launages; HigHly Priiied M m Bridgs, known os ths Builpwl.b^ SB oldOld ags poup s B m ^ pHB.iplaApi^ 000 for aqpiass of American 10 be vi^anjfe^reianted as. Mayor Pern and CdeniliiM War Isy Bridgs, at Hartford, aad Gsnator in |ha economie con- WUuam (tmflkln of Hartford and A m o d y iik u be proaobss bs addsd to tbs tu iBp lK sl!6^ 4I .®!f*.^M^old S fS 'pSBSMI piBB, , ^tbM Prsaldnit Hoover request- rsoommandsd rsosnt^ by a Mayor Georgi ’ Quigley of New 0 - system of stste blfbwsys sad bsrs- •SIha sum. V , BritainB r l t ^ w 11 M ^MC lie snt n t to gtye,briefgive,brief THreatens Orer Port. Vermod FM ciui b Oldest New to rk , Jan'. 26—(AP)—furl- lite r bs lupportsd by tbs state. mlsfi^naMsd two yaars ago, aallad for 8wB,00fi. aad saM e ( sa J ,|0us bul^blsA should be foaifitog'i(jfoia Maw InG. WawU ton fold Tba Hsrald to- tien << m nW Dui^WOuMi (Uy h^soavaiied a griat tm on ii^ fields activity win also attend. Wasbiagtoo, Jaa. Ffldnng Doan la iHeute « .y “ef'!W % lg iilw »'iu*M s Ooa- ■ Clair Lewis’s new bod', is out today. 0 8 In dihdmslonsX imoldarlng c o n flfirir^ b tw sfiM h i It is bslng iniblisbsd kfoultaisquuy Vttesi'tfMi wltb obportum^ to The vau(levl]le. acte bave 'all bteb' and (folombia over possession of .tbs Umted Statei. ' Npi Reroll HHig FHce but llttls - tlOB. parttdpate la these came today obtained aad are sald:to be of .un4 k i_ , „ _ la 18 Gountrlss and 18 languagAi. IMO Admully BBBGiPW'BIIHIIOi HU* Ls'jUifa has Hartford, Jaa. 26.—(AP)— Mora from the Fliffdsh nalnlster and the usually fins caliber. Bmle .'W or- n®**®** “ "Ann . Vlcksn'' / is wHat Hs oails To Shyers. - This proposal bas bssn sunrset- State 'llinartment was Informed dtll, diarity sup^tepdentapsrin^pden of. Bast »«an brought to the attetitkm of it—barss tbs bsart and mind of a than 100 bills indudini proposals that tha Latvian minister would world powers signatory to th Xsl MiiUUslniry, Vt., Jan. 2fl>— modsrn woman. lor a state Ibcobm tax. oome to WasUkigton tomorrow to log Peace pact by tbs Amsrioaa Dr. Ifo rritt H. Bddy, AmtiioF* old* I t takss^Hsr tnrougb school, s tf an old age pension plan, moke a similar^pUcatlon. government set practloing physloian, tod% eels- frage work during tbs first . Wilson, Little Rock, Ark., Jaa. :26.—(AP) state into six CongrtssioBSl _ Their War Debts In a hurriedly called mtetlng at brated his lOOtb h l r ^ y . ' administration, Ssttlsmsnt Houss —A treasure bunt ia which the anfriBcrsasfog tbe gsaoUae tax wef• Flalaad ower 88,800,000 and Secretary Stlmson’i home laei night, labors, study ot prison oonditions, American Red Cross had tbs charts offered today tn tbe Benito.
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