20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. March 9, 1984 Supply-and-demand, cold Business in Brief investment group buyin^l blamed for oil cost rise Investing in mortgages 25 percent of Geosource' HARTFORD — The Travefers Corp. has Lawmakers examine Democrats barnstorm Hoyas, Syracuse! HARTFORD (UPI) — A stale energy during February to an average retail invested $153 million in mortgages for commer­ cial real estate held by The Irvine Co. of Orange HARTFORD (UPI) — Geosource Systems, Crosby Valve & Gage Co.,' official blames Connecticut's January cost of $1.19.H per gallon. Wheatley Division, Gelograph, ESM,; County, Calif., the company has announced. Inc., the wholly owned subsidiary of collapse of Mlanus for Super Tuesday battle In finals ^ r g e in heating oil prices on supply Chase discussed the oil price investi­ Marine Services and Power Systems The mortgages include $89.7 million on office Aetna Life & Casualty, has reached an and demand pressures, fueled by a gation at a news conference where he and Service Centers. buildings in Irvine and Newport Beach, Calif., agreement to sell 25 percent of its severe cold snap. released results of a fourth annual Geosource, a supplier of high tech'' ... page 4 ... page 10 ... page 15 and $22.5 million on retail property, $10 million on assets to a group of investors for an Bradford S. Chase, under secretary survey conducted by the state to assess nology products and services' to the research and development buildings and $30.8 undisclosed price. for energy in the Office of Policy and how stale residents feel about energy petroleum industry, kept its worldwidd million on apartment complexes, all in Irvine, the The acquiring management group is Management, said the I5-cent-a-gallon issues. geophysical operations, Petty-Ray, company said Thursday. headed by B.W. Moores, executive vice hike in average heating oil prices was The poll, conducted by the University president of Geosource, and includes and its wireline and international the apparent result of lower oil supplies of Hartford Institute of Social Research The transactions bring The Travelers' mort­ gage investments in holdings of the The IrvineCo. members of the operating manage­ drilling operations. coupled with greater demand. for the state Energy Division, revealed ment. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of Chase based his comments on the 58 percent of the state's residents see to more than $225 million. The company is the The company said it will be concen' developer of California's historic Irvine ranch. New York, as agent, is arranging bank preliminary findings of an investiga­ the energy crisis as serious or very financing for the leveraged buy-out trating its international drilling activi­ tion requested by Gov. William O'Neill serious. Executives get advice transaction. ties in Latin America with expansion Sunny today; Manchester, Conn. to determine the reason for the sudden In the previous survej', 65 percent of "The divestiture of these operations, planned through acquisition, selected jump in oil prices during January. those questioned thought the energy BRIDGEPORT — Executive^ must be suppor­ which represent approximately 25 joint ventures and internal cloudy Sunday Saturday, March 10. 1984 “ Our preliminary indications are crisis was serious or very serious, tive, capable and innovative in order to succeed in percent of Geosource's assets, reflects development. that there's nothing to lead us to believe which was down from 74 percent in the — See page 2 Single copy: 25C business, said Rosabeth Moss Kanter, an author, a strategic decision of Geosource to "Overall, we believe our company is it's more than a supply and demand 1981 survey. now positioned to concentrate on the Hanrtfratf r Mrralb ■yale professor and management consultant. redeploy its assets into three primary situation," Chase said, citing low oil Chase said his agency was concerned Ms. Kanter told about 125 people at the second service markets — geophysical, wire- key service markets whose long-tenn inventories and severe cold during the change in public attitude could annual Business and Professional Women's line and drilling," William R. Laws, outlook is highly favorable,'.’ Laws January. result in less of a commitment by the Conference Wednesday that companies and Geosource's president and chief execu­ said. >• Chase also said his agency's latest public to energy conservation, but individuals unable to adapt to a changing tive officer, said Thursday. Aetna said the sale would not have;a survey of oil prices showed average added that there was no indication that economy will not succeed. The operations included in the sale material effect on its consolidated had happened. prices dropped by 7 cents a gallon are Smith Meter Division, Smith earnings. Lebanon fight Lot iease renewai REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK hottest since A in doubt By Sarah Possell accord ended Herald Reporter The town Parking Authority probably will not renew the ten- By David Zenlon wounded by shellfire and stray bullets from the clashes in which year-old lease on the St. James United Press International Church parking lot on Park Street ^ b l a n c h a r d & R o s s E n o mortars, jeep-mounted cannons fmaturing,,, — a facility the town contributed and rocket-propelled grenades BEIRUT, Lebanon — Mortar $30,000 to help build — when the were used. brings you and grenade battles raged Friday lease expires at the end of October, "The shelling and battles are in the heart ot Beirut and its Parking Authority Chairman Ro­ very heavy. We are in the base­ southern suburbs as leaders of bert F. Gorman said Friday. “Quality you can trust” ment,” a frightened woman said Lebanon's warring sects prepared "There’s a good strong indica­ from the predominently-Moslem for peace talks. At least two deaths tion that we would probably not Ras el Nabeb neighborhood close were reported and 14 injuries. continue to lease under the present .to the bombed out "green line.” The fighting, only three days conditions," Gorman said. CHFA APPROVED before leaders of opposing factions Despite the fighting, state televi­ He said the lot is underused for sion said a "positive atmosphere" were to meet in peace talks in the $1,161 a month the town pays prevailed in Damascus about the ANDOVER $89,500 Lausanne, Switzerriand, was the for it because shoppers apparently prospects for the national unity [41' BE NATURE'S NEIGHBOR 646-2482 heaviest since a cease-fire was dislike walking up the hill on Park talks. 6 room colonial that offers a well designed floor plan for announced and the May 17 Israeli- Street to get to their cars 100 feet Enjoy the seasons on this acre lot surrounded by State television said Syrian Lebanese peace accord was away from Main Street. But he trees and plants. You'll also appreciate all the IN modern living. Expert workmanship and quality materials Foreign Minister Abdel Halim canceled. UPI photo said he does not have figures extras in the lovely 4 bedroom ranch with large that will make this home one that will serve your family Khaddam, whose government sup­ family room with fireplace, master bedroom suite Christian and Moslem factions indicating how heavily the lot is ports the rebels in Lebanon, called with fireplace, ceramic tile kitchen floor and needs for many years to come ... 3 bedrooms, V h baths accused each other of starring the Rescue workers load a Druze Progres­ between rival factions intensified during actually used. Gemayel on the telephone and told^ numerous french doors. Call for more details. with vanities, formal dining room, fireplaced living room, new fighting to torpedo the talks. sive Socialist Party fighter into an the day as battles were fought with He said the town approached the. him Syrian leaders felt positive $69,500. The talks are ex p ^ ed to involve church about building the lot 10 spacious kitchen with Clinton cabinets, wall to wall car­ about die talks. ambulance at a crossing point alongthe heavy machine guns, mortars and new power-sharing arrangements years ago after Main Street peting, stained woodwork, storm windows, screens and Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Green Line in Beirut Friday. Fighting rocket-propelled grenades. between the minority Christians businessmen asked the town to Salem was the first government doors, full basement and amesite driveway! 70’s. and mstjority Moslems, who with help provide more all-day parking official to depart for Switzerland Syrian backing have been fighting for an influx of new downtown for the talks, scheduled to begin We can help you became a for a greater role in the Christian- employees. In the years since the Monday. Gemayel will follow on "REALE" PROFESSIONAL! dominated government. EPA targets soot particles lot was built those employees have Sunday, officials said. Call 646-452S. and ask lor Oan. BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO Battles between Moslem militia­ gone elsewhere to park, he said. Opposition Moslem Shiite leader Realtors men and the 'Lebanese army “ They very quickly found alter­ Nabib Berri and Druze militia D.F. REALE, INC. 189 WEST CENTER STREET erupted just after dawn and natives to paying 10 dollars a chief Walid Jumbatt met with their' Real Estate (CMiMr ofMeKc^ continued throughout the day, wiUi month for parking," Gorman said. 175 lU. St., ■mcli.il.,. Cl. at least two shells exploding in the other Lebanese allies in Damas­ in new pollution restrictions 646-4535 cus, Sj^ria. y V 6 4 6 - 2 4 8 2 Manara district where the tempor­ MANCHESTER MALL OWNER j Pdliticar sources said Berri, capital costs for new equipment ary li’.S. Embassy is located. 'WSSHINGTON (UPI) - The sured within a cubic meter of air. Kenneth Burkamp said Friday he Jumblatt and the other opposition and controls, as well as annual After nightfall, Druze militia­ E P A announced Friday a basic Ruckelshaus's plan might allow would like to know why the town representatives to the Lausanne costs of $740 million.
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