130 JAM THIRD HALLOWE’EN DANCE SPONSORED BY SENIORS Committees, Headed by J. Cauda, Bring in Social Year with a Bang! We Patrician Published by the Students of St. Patrick's High School By John Vondras and Jerry Cauda The first dance sponsored by the Class of ’53 turned out to be a magnificent success. We wish to thank all Volume 6 NOVEMBER, 1952 Number 2 those who were fortunate enough to be in attendance PRINCIPALS OF OCTOBER 24 A.D.C. MEETING Right to left: Victor Pecore, Secretary; Ralph Brown, Treasurer; Brother Aelred; Richard Dillon, President; James Fanning, Vice-President. for making it the big affair it was. Under the reliable guidance of Brother B. Henry, class moderator, the decorations com­ CONFRATERNITY HEARS BRO. AELRED mittee . John Vondras, Jim McKnight, Dick Dillon, Ronald Wilson, Nick Pucino, ON VOCATIONS AS NEW SEASON BEGINS Gene Kessler, Jack (the hulk) Martin, Vinnie Keller, John Burns, Gerry Byrnes, Charlie Schneider, and Ludwig Ruf . transformed New Members Inducted at Church Ceremony; Tigers Receive Oscars; the cafeteria into a veritable autumn wonder­ land. The walls were adorned with stalks of Guest Stresses Finding Out One’s Vocation by Means of Prayer corn and with pumpkins donated by the Keller farm. Mssrs. Vondras and McKnight construct, by Victor Pecore j club, senior dance, etc., the honored guest of ed a beautiful shrine to the Blessed Mother ! the month was introduced. while Mr. Dillon worked on a gory scene in The Archconfraternity of the Divine Child Vocations through Prayer volving two dummies, one splattered with held its initial meeting of the 1952-53 school "blood,” and the other calmly passing a knife year in Columbus Hall on Friday, October 24. Brother Aelred of Mary, the assistant director into his chest. Brother James made possible The president, Richard Dillon, opened the of Novices at St. Joseph’s Normal Institute, the use of his P. A. system and records which meeting by a welcome to the new and old mem­ Barrytown, and a recent representative of the were controlled by Charlie Schneider and Lud­ bers of the organization, and short, but well- American branch of the order at Rome, fol­ wig Ruf. put explanation of the function of the A.D.C. lowed with an inspiring and provocative ad­ Then, after the entire assembly had blended dress stressing not only the need for vocations, Mothers Help Out their voices in the Star Spangled Banner and which is the subject of the Archconfraternity The selling of refreshments was taken care hymn to the Divine Child, and had recited the prayer, but the knowing of one’s vocation. He of by Mr. Dillon, assisted by Mssrs. Vondras prayer of the A.D.C., the "veep,” James Fan­ stated that the only means of knowing one’s and McKnight. Delicious doughnuts were made ning read the calendar of coming events for vocation and understanding the way in which by the mothers whose generous donation of the month of November. The secretary, Victor the Almighty has called is constant and fer- (Continued on page three) Pecore then read his minutes of the meeting vrent prayer. of May 25, the last meeting of the 1951-52 The entertainment program consisted of three school year. masterful harmonica trio numbers by the "Korn Kobblers,” an artistic group composed After a little pep talk by Mr. Dillon, who of Dick Monroe, Wes Kubina, and Fred Mr. O’Rourke Plans Yule is an old hand at that sort of thing, on the Kopser, who gave renditions of "Dark Town importance of giving one’s whole-hearted sup­ port to such vital school activities as the glee Strutters Ball,” "Swanee,” and "Lady of Show for 37 in Glee Club Spain.” Brother Aelred then was called upon by the Upon a challenge from Reverend Father president to present to the Tigers, winners of Francis P. Brennan of St. Patrick’s Parish, the top position in this year’s Intra-mural Martin McKneally undertook to generate Photo Club Goes Into Basketball competition, "oscars” as lasting enough spirit to make the new project of a mementos of their victories. The triumphant Glee Club worth while. The results were indeed sextette were: Rudy Keller, captain, along with gratifying. Thirty-seven potential Lanzas and Action under Bro< James Charlie Byrnes, Joe Walsh, Joe LaSusa, Lon Pinzas showed up to blend their voices in The photography club under Brother James, Zimmerman, and Jim Fanning. the newest and worthiest of our many extra­ the sophomore class moderator and head of curricular efforts. the science repartment, has resumed its work Church Ceremony Initiated The experienced directorship of Mr. Edward started and carried on very Following the presentation, the group pro­ O’Rourke, former concert singer and choral successfully last year. We ceeded to the church where benediction was director, and the artistry of Miss Catherine are hoping for even more held for the first time in the history of the Mulholland as accompanist has been generously success this year. St. Patrick’s chapter. New members were in­ provided by Father Brennan. At present, Mr. Good foundation for this ducted at the altar, and Brother Aelred, who O’Rourke is planning a Christmas concert to hope is the very fine en­ had a busy afternoon, did the honors on the be presented at the Christmas party. larger and assortment of organ accompanying the group singing of "O Since Father Brennan has been so generous developing chemicals avail­ Salutaris” and "Tantum Ergo.” Benediction in providing the very best in guidance for the able in the lab along with the expert direction will be a permanent feature of the subsequent project, we not only owe him a vote of thanks, of Brother James. | meetings at the suggestion of Brother Cornelius, but our wholehearted cooperation! R. Murphy and R. Pallazza the principal. The Patrician Page Two The Patrician • S^fj Dads Hold Poll In Order SENIOR SLAMS Vinnie Keller has been chawin’ the biggest Editor-in-Chiej Richard J. Dillon ’53 To Decide on 52-53 Plans plug I ever saw. Central Hudson sent down a Managing Editor John S. Martin ’53 fine report on our representative in the Indoc­ The first meeting of the Fathers’ Club was trination Course . John Lowney, the quiet Business Manager Richard J. Daley ’53 held on Friday evening, October 10. The presi­ man. Special mention was made of "a fine Assistant Business Mgr. - James McKnight '53 dent, Mr. Edward F. Dillon had planned to sense of proportion and maturity, far superior Sports Editor Martin F. McKneally ’53 decide on a number of important issues, but was to other area representatives.” This is indeed disappointed at the turn-out of fathers. Thus, Freshman Editor Ralph Brown ’56 high praise for John and the school. he mimeographed ballot sheets on which the Sophomore Editor James V. Clifford ’55 "II Duce,” Marcantonio Pucino is fighting fathers made their preferences known. Returns violently for defeat of the bill to limit class Junior Editor Joseph Walsh ’54 fifty-five fathers were checked — still a meager debate to three periods. Faculty Advisor - Brother B. Henry, F. S. C. response. The decisions: there will be no chance books sold this year for a raffle at the father- Charlie Schneider, known to us best as "Javert” of the Student Council is cracking NEWS STAFF and-son banquet. Instead, the fathers will be asked to give one dollar a month dues. Also down on L’il Steve who hasn’t rolled in on Ludwig Ruf '53, Jim McKnight '53, Jerome Cauda decided was the question of time and frequence time yet. '53, John Burns '53, Charles Schneider '53, John of meetings. The fathers were overwhelmingly . and Dick Daley’s in the counting house Vondras ’53, Gerald Byrnes '53, Donald Glynn '54, in favor of Friday night as the meeting night, counting our money . sounds like he’s plann. Charles Byrnes ’54, Hugh Morgan '54, Robert and also decided that meetings will be held on ing to abscond with all sixty-three dollars of Burns ’54. Frederic Kopser ’54, James Browne the second Friday of every month. Other officers the treasury. ’54, Richard Murphy '55, Martin O'Sullivan ’55, of the Fathers’ Club include: Mr. Joseph Pecore, M. F. M. Victor Pecore '55, Thomas Donahue '55, James vice-president; Mr. Harry Wilson, secretary; Moran ’55, Charles Smith '55. Richard Pallazza and Mr. Joseph Daley, treasurer. —o— ’55, Jack Daley ’56, Frank DeGeorge ’56, Francis Carey '55, and Anthony Mancuso ’55. Don Glynn FROSH FANCIES "IT IS A HOLY AND A WHOLE. Jack Daley has a very inquisitive mind . so says a Frosh teacher. D.ck Travis wants to SOME THOUGHT TO PRAY FOR PERSONALITY know who won the World Series. A promising THE DEAD, that they may be loosed pianist . this Bill Robishon. Frank DeGeorge OF THE MONTH has joined the "Bowlers’ Brigade.” Gerry Schu- from sin.” . Math. 2:46 . der is rocking the scientific with his revolu­ Our choice of a personality of this month is tionary ideas concerning atoms. Fenton Downey As Catholics we should take full advantage indeed a worthy one, for the fellow it concerns says the tune of the month should be "Meet of the month of November to pray for the has been one of the leading s.udems in more Mister Callahan.” faithful departed. Now, more than ever before, fields than one ever since he took the entrance when our wasting world is ravaged with war exam, in which he came out first. The "chatting marathon” of which Joe La- and terrorism incited by the diabolical schemes Rossa, Ed Lahey, and Joe LaFalce are primary of Russia, we should take full advantage of every Our boy, as you have guessed by this time, contestants, has been disbanded pending fur­ opportunity to pray.
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