ISSN 1211-8788 Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 85: 351–353, 2000 Arocatus longiceps STÅL in the Czech Republic too (Lygaeidae, Heteroptera) JAROSLAV L. STEHLÍK1 & KAREL HRADIL2 1Moravian Museum, Department of Entomology, Hviezdoslavova 29a, 627 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Department of Forest Protection, Jílovištì-Strnady, 156 04 Praha 5-Zbraslav, Czech Republic STEHLÍK J. L. & HRADIL K. 2000: Arocatus longiceps STÅL in the Czech Republic too (Lygaeidae, Heteroptera). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 85: 351–353. – First find of Arocatus longiceps STÅL in Moravia and Bohemia. New species for the Czech Republic. Biological notes on this species. Key words: Heteroptera, Lygaeidae, Lygaeinae, Arocatus longiceps STÅL, Czech Republic Introduction The pontomediterranean species Arocatus longiceps STÅL, not known from Central Europe until 1995, suddenly started to expand northwards into this region and within a short period it was to be found in three Central European states. This species lives on plane trees, among which the research took place to document its presence in the Czech Republic. The species Arocatus longiceps STÅL was identified by J. Stehlík; other species in the communities of Heteroptera and Coleoptera were identified by K. Hradil. All the material is deposited in the collection of K. Hradil. Results Moravia merid.: Lednice (7166), castle park, 29.xii.1999 4♂, 10♀, together with other species of Heteroptera: Scolopostethus pictus (SCHILLING), Rhyparochromus alboacuminatus (GOEZE), Orsillus depressus (MULSANT & REY), Corythucha ciliata (SAY), Physatocheila dumedorum (HERRICH-SCHAEFFER), Deraeocoris lutescens (SCHILLING), Anthocoris confusus (REUTER). Coleoptera present: Dromius agilis (FABRICIUS), Dromius quadrimaculatus (LINNAEUS) and Philorhizus spilotus (ILLIGER). Moravia merid.: Bøeclav (7267), námìstí 28. øíjna Square, 29.xii.1998 2♀, together with other three species of Heteroptera: Corythucha ciliata (SAY), Scolopostethus pictus (SCHILLING), Anthocoris confusus (REUTER). Bohemia centr.: Prague-Vrchlického sady Public gardens (5952), 12.ii.1999 1♂, 1♀, together with other two species of Heteroptera: Rhyparochromus alboacuminatus (GOEZE), Scolopostethus pictus (SCHILLING). 351 J. L. STEHLÍK & K. HRADIL Discussion The same accompanying species of the studied species [except Orsillus depressus (MULSANT & REY) and Anthocoris confusus (REUTER)] were found by RABITSCH (1998) in Austria. It shows Scopolostethus pictus is not limited only to moist places, as maintained to date in the literature and referred to by STEHLÍK & VAVØÍNOVÁ (1998) and RABITSCH (1998). The research revealed other centres of occurrence of the plane pest Corythucha ciliata (SAY) in South Moravia. All species were caught on plane trees Platanus hispanica MILL. (= P. acerifolia, P. hybrida, P. occidentalis × P. orientalis). According to PÉRICART (1998) adults and nymphs of Arocatus longiceps (STÅL) suck seeds and young leaves. They mate in May and young adults can be found in July. In June and July they accumulate in quantity on the fruit of plane trees. In favourable years they may have two generations. Among the offspring of the second generation, which hibernate, adults may be seen in September or October. The species is known through PÉRICART (1998) from the Apennine Peninsula (inclusive of Sicily), Balkan Peninsula (Slovenia, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece inclusive of Crete), Turkey, Cyprus, European part of Russia (Daghestan), Ukraine (the Crimea), Azerbaijan, Israel, and Iran. In recent years it has also been found in Central Europe , in Austria by ADLBAUER & FRIESS (1996), RABITSCH (1998), in Germany (Baden-Württemberg) by RIEGER (1998), RIETSCHEL (1998) and in Hungary by KONDOROSY (1997). This species varies considerably and several infraspecific units have been described that lack taxonomical value. The specimens captured have altogether light antennae (sometimes the second and the third antennal segments are brown or black (4 specimens). Occasionally, a specimen with black antennae may be found in the material. Only two specimens had black legs. The ventral surface is sometimes red. RIETSCHEL (1998) is the only author to mention a variability of the sternum. He records that the mesoepisternum can be brown or black. In the case of one specimen, which had black legs as well, the pro-, meso- and metaepisternum were black, sharply contrasting with a light supracoxal lobe and orificium. The epimerons are brighter, the third especially so. The other specimens, which also had bright legs and antennae, had sterna as an alternative to this colouring. Summary In recent years we have seen a broadening of the range of some species of Lygaeidae of southern origin into Central Europe [Arocatus longiceps STÅL, Orsillus depressus (MULSANT & REY), Oxycarenus lavaterae (FABRICIUS)], perhaps due to global warming. It therefore becomes necessary to pay particular attention to this question, since harmful species can expand together with harmless species onto the territory of this state. 352 Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 85, 2000 Arocatus longiceps STÅL Souhrn Pontomediteranní druh Arocatus longiceps STÅL, který do roku 1995 nebyl znám ze støední Evropy, zaèal rozšiøovat svùj areál smìrem na sever a bìhem krátké doby byl nalezen ve tøech státech støední Evropy (Rakousku, Nìmecku, Maïarsku). Novì se nám podaøilo prokázat jeho výskyt jak na Moravì, tak v Èechách. Druh žije na Platanus hispanica MILL., na kterém vysává hlavnì semena, a zimuje pod kùrou téhož stromu, kde byl také sbírán. References ADELBAUER K. & FRIESS T. 1996: Die Ritterwanze Arocatus longiceps eine für Mitteleuropa neue Tierart (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae). Jahresbericht. Landesmuseum Joaneum (Graz) (NF) 25 (1995): 33–39. KONDOROSY E. 1997: További ùj poloskafajok a magyar faunában (Heteroptera) (Other species of Heteroptera, new for fauna of Hungary). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 58: 249–251 (in Hungarian). PÉRICART J. 1998: Hémiptères Lygaeidae Euro-méditerranéens. Vol. I. Faune de France, 84A. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences naturelles, Paris, 448 pp. PRUNER L. & MÍKA P. 1996: Seznam obcí a jejích èástí v Èeské republice s èísly mapových polí pro sí•ové mapování fauny (List of settlements in the Czech Republic with associated map field codes for faunistic grid mapping system. Klapalekiana 32 (Suppl.): 1–175. RABITSCH W. 1988: Zur Verbreitung von Arocatus longiceps Stål, 1873 (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) im nördlichen Österreich mit Anmerkungen zur Merkmalvariabilität. Linzer Biologische Beiträge 30: 305–310. RIEGER C. 1997: Ergänzungen zur Faunistik und Systematik einiger Wanzen in Baden-Württemberg (Insecta, Heteroptera). Carolinea 55: 43–48. RIETSCHEL R. 1998: Arocatus longiceps Stål, 1873 (Lygaeidae) ein Platanen-Neubürger in Mitteleuropa. Heteropteron 4: 11–12. STEHLÍK J. L. & VAVØÍNOVÁ I. 1998: Results of the investigations on Hemiptera in Moravia made by the Moravian Museum (Lygaeidae II). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae (Brno) 82(1997): 57–108. Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Biol. (Brno), 85, 2000 353.
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