REPORT OF THE REGIONAL SEMINAR ON METROPOLITANIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT (Curitiba, 16 to 19 November 1981) \ 82-4-864 - iii - CONTENTS Page Preamble 1 I. Organization of work 1 Place and date 1 Attendance 1 Agenda 2 Opening and closing meetings 2 Officers 3 Short account of the proceedings 3 II. General conclusions ^ III. Specific conclusions 7 1. Participation 8 2. Planning 9 3. Environmental potentialities and restrictions 10 4. Ecosystemic approach 11 5. Environmental improvement and protection 12 6. Transport and environment 13 IV. Recommendations 14 Annex 1 - List of participants 17 Annex 2 - Programme 24 Annex 3 - Documents presented at the Seminar 27 Reference documents 28 /Preamble - 1 - Preamble This report summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the Regional Seminar on Metropolitanization and Environment held at Curitiba, State of Parang, Brazil, from 16 to 19 November 1981 by the Economic Commission for Latin. America (CEPAL) in conjunction with the Urban Planning and.Studies Institute of Curitiba (IFPUC), under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Municipal Prefecture of Curitiba. As part of the project on horizontal co-operation in Latin America with regard to styles of development and environment, the seminar was aimed at collecting, evaluating and exchanging experience with a view to providing such co-operation, for the following purposes in particular: (a) Making progress in the understanding of the society/environment relationships involved in metropolitan development, especially with regard to housing, transport and the provision of equipment; (b) Within these fields, studying and proposing policy options ensuring a more integral, sustained and autonomous development of the resources of the region, especially environmental resources (material, energy, territorial and infrastructure resources), and (c) Proposing ways for the practical incorporation of these considerations . into the formulation of metropolitan policies and plans, in particular, those affecting the population in the lower income groups. The cases selected included three metropolises in Brazil -Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte- and five in other countries -Caracas (Venezuela), Lima (Peru), Havana (Cuba), Mexico City (Mexico) and Santiago (Chile). Consideration was also given to the ciry of San Luis (Brazil) as an exceptional case of urban growth with prospects for the development of metropolitan functions in the short term. In addition, consideration was given to ideas of a general nature and proposals concerning mass transport based on suggestions submitted by CEPAL. A brief description is given below of the activities of the Seminar, the general and specific conclusions reached in it and its recommendations. The programme of the Seminar, the list of participants and the list of documents submitted are annexed. These documents will be issued in the near future by the organizing bodies. I. ORGANIZATION OF WORK Place and date 1. The Regional Seminar on Metropolitanization and Environment was held in the city of Curitiba, State of Parang, Brazil, from 16 to 19 November 1981. It was organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL) and the Urban Research and Planning Institute of Curitiba (IPPUC) under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Municipal Prefecture of Curitiba. The fourth meeting of Ecodesarrollo of. Brazil was held at the same time-. Attendance 2. The Seminar was attended by representatives of the following institutions: Town Planning Institute of Paris (IUP); Centre for Development Studies of the Central University of Venezuela (CENDES); Centre for Development Studies and /Promotion in -.2 - Promotion in Lima, Peru (DESCO); Ecodesarrollo Centre of Mexico (CECODES); Environmental Research Planning Centre of Santiago, Chile (CIPMA) and the following Brazilian Institutions: Urban Research and Planning Institute of Curitiba (IPPUC); Institute of Appropriate Technologies; Municipal Prefecture of Curitiba, Co-ordination of the Metropolitan Area of Curitiba; Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social; Companhia de Habita$ao Popular de Curitiba; Secretaria de Estado do Planejamento; Instituto Estadual de Florestas; Fundado Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente (FEEMA); Funda?ao de Tecnología Industrial - Associasao de Moradores de Ipanema; the Federal Universities of Río Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Paraná; the Minas Gerais Technological Centre (CETEC): Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP); Empresa Brasileira dos Transportes Urhanos; Superintendencia dos Recursos Hídricos e do Meio Ambiente (SUREHMA); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano; Secretaria Especial para o Meio Ambiente (SEMA) and the Secretaria de Planejamento do Ministerio do Interior.!/ 3. The Regional Human Settlements Programme, the CEPAL Transport Division and the CEPAL/UNEP Development and Environment Unit and the CEPAL office in Brazil also participated in the work of the Seminar. Agenda 2/ 4-, The work of the Seminar was based on the following agenda: 1. Opening meeting. Presentation and discussion of the conceptual framework. 2. Overall policies relating to metropolitan and environmental development in Brazil. Case studies: Curitiba, San Luis, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro. 3. General presentation and introduction of case studies relating to other countries: Caracas, Lima, Mexico City and Santiago, Chile. 4. Consideration of case studies and exchange of experience relating to five main topics: topics of general interest; integrated development and environment; housing; transport and energy and community participation. 5. Conclusions and preliminary recommendations. Closing meeting. Opening and closing meetings 5. The opening meeting was chaired by Mr. Jaime Lerner, Prefect of Curitiba, who welcomed the participants and drew attention to the importance of the joint CEPAL/IPPUC effort and the experience of Curitiba over the past decade, as an incentive for Latin American co-operation in the field of metropolitan development policies. The Co-ordinator of the Development and Environment Unit also spoke, on behalf of CEPAL and UNEP, and after describing the CEPAL programme of work in this field, examined the role played by the process of metropolitanization in the interrelationships between styles of development and environment. In the discussion of the topic which followed, statements were made by representatives of the organizing bodies and the Ministry of Interior of Brazil and by other participants. In this connexion the following documents were distributed: La dimensión ambiental en los estilos de desarrollo de America Latina (E/CEPAL/G. 1143, July 1981); Las políticas metropolitanas en un contexto de experiencia global (E/CEPAL/PR0Y.6/R.31, 1/ See the list of participants in annex 1. 2/ See the programme of work in annex 2. /18 September - 3 - 18 September 1981); and El estado de los asentamientos humanos en América Latina y el Caribe, prepared by the Department of Human Settlements and Public Works of Mexico 7SAHOP).3/ 6. The closing meeting was chaired by Mr. Cassio Taniguchi, President of IPPUC, who drew attention to areas in which IPPUC -might broaden its approach and its activities, becoming involved in practical experiences which might provide a basis for co-operation to that end. He applauded the achievements of the Seminar and undertook to see that the institution he headed remained in the orbit of co-operation which had been embarked upon. The CEPAL/UNEP representative also expressed his satisfaction with the results achieved and with the degree of interest shown in the cases studied. The Seminar had got the horizontal co-operation activities in this field, the first of their kind in the region, off to a good start. Officers 7. The office of Chairman of the Seminar devolved upon Mr. Jaime Lerner, the Prefect of Curitiba, and on the Co-ordinator of the Joint CEPAL/UNEP Development and Environment Unit. The meetings at which the Brazilian case studies were presented were presided over by Mr. Octavio Elisio Alves de Brito, Co-ordinator of the Eco- desarrollo Group of Brazil. The meetings at which the cases of four other countries were presented were presided over by a representative of the Joint CEPAL/UNEP Development and Environment Unit. The duties of rapporteur of the working groups were performed by Ms. Hélène Lamcq, Mr. Mário Zolezzi, Mr. Carlos Ceneviva, Mr. Celso Bredáriol and the representative of the Joint CEPAL/UNEP Unit. Short account of the proceedings . 8. The consideration of the Brazilian case studies consisted on the one hand of the main proposals and questions arising out of the opening discussion of metropolitanization and environment and, on the other hand, of statements on metropolitanization policy in Brazil and the Federal Environment Law, which were made, respectively, by Mr. Mauricio N. Batista, Deputy Under-Secretary of the Department of Urban Development, and Mr. Pablo N. Neto, of the Special Department on the Environment (both these departments belong to thé Ministry o/ the Interior). 9. Prior to the presentation of the Curitiba case, for which Prefect Jaime Lerner was responsible, experts of IPPUC conducted a guided visit to the city and to the main works achieved over the past decade. Mr. Lerner reviewed the history of the metropolis; explained the principles behind the work of the Prefecture in the past decade; examined some of the accomplishments and difficulties encountered and, using audiovisual
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