TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1988 A rm go Dally Net Press Ron PAGE TWENTY dlimrbrBtrr lEnntUtg iTritIh Per tiM Week ODdrC IS, 1988 ^ Hanrlfpfitpr lEuPtittig IJpraUi Three Manchester surea Mu- dents have been named to the TRADE ALLOWANCES 15,188 About Town dean’s Hst for terms 2 and S at Mencheifer—/4 City of FUlage Cfuarm J«bo*mh'a WltUMM* wtX oon- SSmira (N.T.) College. They (CiMnflEd AdvMtbSsg on JP m f BO) tfuct« thaocratlc ministry school are Miss BUeen CuUeton, FORBLACK and WHITE TV VOL. LXXXVIII, NO. 2 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1968 toBlgbt 1A 7 '^ and a sarvlca daughter ot Mr. and Mm Chris­ maattin at t i l i at Kingdom topher CuUeton of IBB Oreen T R A D E Hall. Rd.; Mlsa MaUory D. Sohardt, d au ^ ter of Dr. and Mrs. Wal­ D m oommlssion on worship ot ter Schardt of 81 Bastland Dr., In U.N, Speech South Msthodlst CSturch will and Miss Cheryl E. Maron, TOWARD moot to n ig h t'^ 7;M at the d a u b e r of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ church. ence O. Maron ot BB ’IVuikeroo- and S A V E sen Rd., Vernon. I COLOR TV LBJ Accepts Fortas’ The aocecutlve board ot Bent­ ley School PTA win meet to­ Martin Keiderllng wUl be the TURNPIKE TV OFFERS TRADE AUOW ANCES UP TO «125 FOR YOUR OLD BLACK and WHITE TV Husk Hits Soviet ^s night at B in the school audi­ leader of the Audult Discussion r ' torium. ClssB tonight at 7 :S0 p.m. in the Reception HaU of South Metho­ WHEN YOU PURCHASE A NEW COLOR TV. INSTALLED W im ROTOR ANTENNA. The executive board of the dist Church. The class is open Methodist Man’s C3ub ot South to all members of the church Methodiet Chxirch will meet to­ wishing to participate in this Prague Takeover ReCfUCSt night at 7:M In the chwch. group study. UNITEDIWTBD NATIONS, tw.tor, who atooditood and dlafitoyeddisplayed a WeetWort OenaanyOermany if Itit datormineddetermined I A Bible Class will be conduct­ N. Y.r (AP)—Secretary/A.r>\ a . of ifgn.Am deckaring ••m.r“Big Ftrma1Pl*iina notGet that a Maiitwannaresuigenoe of NaStaEnMuten ax-ex- -^Sa Rich, OU die,’’ aleo waa eject­ lated. WASHINGTON (AP)— The A<lult Study Class ot ed todfiorrow at 7:80 p.m. at Cal- State Dean Rusk today de­ President Johnson received South Methodist Church wUl nounced the Soviet mflitary ed. "Any auch aotkm,” he aal^ meet tocnorrow from 10 to U :30 Ruck toM the l28.mtlon Qen- "would lead immediately m And accepted “with deep intervention in Ozechoslo- eral Aaaemhiy that the United regret” We^eeday S re­ ajn . at the Susannah Weeley Rev. C. Henry Anderson, vskia as repugnant and acM-defenae meaauras punoant House. 20 Hartford Rd. The of Bknsnuel Isittieren Statea wants peace In Vletxiam to toe Noitb Atlantic Tmaty." quest by Abe Fortas that guest lecturer, Russell Johnson, Church, will leeul an AduH Di»- ctangeroin to peace, and and la ready to haK the bombing Dealing at length with toe nis nomination as chief wiU speak on ‘ 'Vietnam—Should cuaston Hour tomorrow at 7:18 declared it had "sent a of^NorUi Vietnam "the mtaiute Cseohoolovnk Invsaion, RuiS: de* jiBGltice of the United States We Be TbereT” pm. In the chi^tel of the dhock wave of indigna­ we oan be oonMent timt thla Glared the Soviet actloti "haa be withdrawn. church. tion and apimhension would lead toward peace.’’ Miaken hopes for better Bast- "With deep regret I have ac­ TTie board of deacons o< Col­ around the world.” "An honorable aetUement la West reimtlanB’’ and “raised cepted and concur in toe re­ ter Congregational Church will Tlifl U.8. Mcretary of atata, poaalNe,’’ he aald. "What re- doubt and <Saoouragement quest of Mr. JiisUce Fortas and meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. in w oau SIHES _ _ _ making bte flrat U.N. apeech, maina la for Hanoi to get down about many a hopeful venture." cun withdrawing his nomination the Federation Room at the Jews to Mark wax InteiTuptad by three d«m- to the aerloua bualneaa of mak­ "Preoident JohnsonTa dUigent as chief Justice of toe United church. onatratoEV In Uie publio gaQery ing peace in Parle.’’ efforts to build bridges of com­ States," ' a brief presidential who ahouted and digplayad a He warned toe Soviet Union mon Interest besI contact be­ statement aald. First Church of Christ, Sci­ Yom Kippui* baiHiar aaylng “Stop the War in that the United Statea did not tween BhuM and Weft have been "I belie-ved when I made this entist will have iU regular Eunept its coEitention tost the nomination, and I believe now, ’Ilie Jcnviah hoUday of Tom Vietnam" before they were hua- attacked and mtarepresented,*’ Wedneaday Evening Testimony g p u s M a Ued from the iebaroher by aecu- U Jf. ch arter gave Mioeoow toe that he is toe best qualified man Meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Kii^iur or Day of Atonement rity guaxda. Another demonatrar right to intervoM unaaterally in (See Page EighteeB) for this high position,’’ Johnson the church. will begin this evening and wlH said. continue thitough Wednesday, ^leaking of toe'Senate’s re­ ’Iliere will be a service of eervloes will be held at Tem- fusal to halt a filibuster against Holy Communion tomorrow at Beth flhokim today at 7 p.m. PLUS ALL W E FABULOUS NEW SEASON COLOR SHOWS Ekirtas’ nomination, Johnson 10 am . at St. Mary's Episoopal and tomorrow from 7:30 am . said; "The action of the Senate, Church. to 1 pm. and from 4 to 7:15 a b o ^ I revere and to which I p.m. Ylftcor, (Memorial Ser­ Loaded EvacHation Copters devoted a doaen years of my The midweek service of the vice) will be held a t 5 pm. life, is hiftorloally a ^ consUtu- Church of Christ tomorrow at Tom Klppur is the holiest Uonally tragic." JM p.m. win consist of a song day In the Jewish calendar. It Wednesday's action cUmoxed and prajrer aenrlce at the te a fast day on which Jewish Shot Down Near Da Nang toe long luui sometimes bitter church, Lydall and Vamon Sts. pei^ile abstain bbm food and fight which twgan with John- Mnk for twen^rdtve hours r e M im •aon’B nomlnaUon of Fortas June MAKXiN (AP) — Two evacua­ unacooonted for Euid presumed toe helicopter, a corpm an and A midweek prayw service ftom before sundown on Tues­ R C il 28. two wounded Indantrymen were day until after sundown on tion heliooptera loaded with dead. They were aboonl one of Senate avpportera ot John­ and Bible study wUl be con­ wounded Americana were Shot toe heUcoptera that was de- rescued. The crewmen asid toe ducted tomorrow kt 7:80 p.m. at Wednesday. The prayers in the corpomea were wounded. son's nominee to head toe na­ Synagogue speak of man’s stat- down by Noith Vletaknese Etroyed while trying to ovacuate tion's hlgbeat court failed Tuea- Trinity Covenant Church. troopa during a fierce batUe in ' them to a field hoapital. The aeoond helicopter was re­ fullness and Ms need of repent­ covered. .None of toe crewmen day by 14 votes In an effort to W HOE THE QUALITY QOBS M THE NAME GOES ON THE MOST mUSlCD NAME M ELBCIIIONfCS jungled foothills south of Da The U.S. Oomnmnd declined shut off long-oontlmilng debate. Army P(c. Albett P. Roes- ance and forgiveness. At all to aay how many men were or wounded abou^l it was killed services during the day the wor- ' Nang, military apbkeamen re- mdal Jr., son of Albert P. Rosa- portsd today. miaaing while a aearch was stOl or missing. But three of toesn Wedneaday mottling Fortas melsl Sr. o^ 201 Adams St, has ahtpers ocnfeas (heir collective on for their bo^ss, but uncon­ were reported wounded. sent a letter to toe White House guUt, stressing the oonvioUon UJI. lieadguartsra said server- been assigned as a-medic with Hancmf ted color TV tor al soldtora erbo had been wound­ firmed reports, put toe number Headquarters said 28 Ameri­ wktog toe Presldeat to wlto- the 4th Infantry Division in that men and women are re­ New Vida Color TV. Many at three. Four crewmen ahourd cans were wounded in toe day­ draw hUi nomlnatlcm. sponsible ta r one another and msiiriaiased leUabBii^. ed in toe ground fighting were Vietnam., Soper video range tw - models with antoomtie fine long fighting Tueoday, but n a n A oontlnued effort to seftt Star that the nbi of one may affect tonfaig. Choke of fine fmv kflled in toe groiBd action that ate iM ^ v a l of hia nomlntdlon, Brian Van Camp, son of Mr. the Ufe and destiny of others. ers, patented Zenith col­ was touched oft when enemy - - --ratola toa latter, would and M ra H sny R. Van Camp or, demodulated dreoit, nitm e qonaole models h i 20” At the morning service the wid23’*dzca. troops opened fire on troopa of |wftxitlnutdlon of attaoka of 1058 E. MIdtBe Tpke.,. recent­ endent iMuals performed in the aunahine {detore tube for One Infant Dies toe I96to Light Infantry Brlirade ha "espralally In- ly was promoted to Advanced Temple ip Jerusalem on the greater picture bright- ssweping toe area. ate and hannAil to toe Ehigtneer Bkptipmeot Mlidnte- Day cf Atonement axe recaSed, 'Rie number of enemy casual­ Vice Preddent Hubert H.
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