Matchbox 1-75 Contents Spare Parts 1-75 series ........................................................................................................................ 2 Transfer and Stickers ........................................................................................................................... 5 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 1 Matchbox 1-75 Spare Parts 1-75 series Order Description Price MS103b 10 mm dia.metal wheel block tread € 0,50 MS103a 10 mm dia.metal wheel fine tread € 0,50 MS78b 11 mm dia.grey plastic wheel € 0,60 MS78a 11 mm dia.metal wheel € 0,50 MS107 12 mm dia black plastic wheel 2 mm wide ( eg 44c / 52a / 70b) € 0,60 MS108 12 mm dia black plastic wheel 3.5 mm wide ( eg 48c / 26c / 71c ) € 0,60 MS79 13 mm dia.metal wheel € 0,50 MS102b 7 mm dia black plastic wheel € 0,60 MS102a 7 mm dia.grey plastic wheel € 0,60 MS72b 8 mm dia.black plastic wheel € 0,60 MS72c 8 mm dia.grey plastic wheel € 0,60 MS72a 8 mm dia.metal wheel € 0,50 MS73d 9 mm dia. black plastic wheel block tread € 0,60 MS73e 9 mm dia. grey plastic wheel block tread € 0,60 MS73b 9 mm dia.black plastic wheel fine tread € 0,60 MS73c 9 mm dia.grey plastic wheel fine tread € 0,60 MS73a 9 mm dia.metal wheel € 0,50 MS36 9,5 mm dia.metal wheel € 0,50 MS133 001 metal towing pin (glue on) € 1,00 MS134 002 white plastic towhook (for models with interior) € 1,00 MS47 01a roadroller roof € 2,00 MS129 01e Mercedes truck orange canopy € 3,00 MS1 02a dumpertruck driver € 1,50 MS2 02b dumpertruck driver € 1,50 MS130 02d Mercedes trailer orange canopy € 3,00 MS69 03a cement mixer drum wheel € 1,50 MS70 03a cement mixer arm € 1,50 MS80 03a cement mixer drum € 1,50 MS56 03b Bedford tailgate € 1,50 MS3 04b tractor driver € 1,50 MS4 04b tractor front wheel € 1,50 MS81 06a tipper rear body € 2,00 MS132 06d Ford Pickup white plastic rear canopy € 4,00 MS5 07a milk float horse € 2,00 MS6 07a milk float shaft € 1,50 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 2 Matchbox 1-75 MS26a 09a Dennis Fire Engines etc. escape wheels (set of 2) 1st issue small € 2,00 MS26b 09a Dennis Fire Engines etc. escape wheels (set of 2) 2nd issue large € 2,00 MS7 09c Merryweather ladder (white metal) € 2,00 MS21 10c Foden tanker tank back € 1,50 MS45 11b ERF tanker tank end € 1,50 MS9 12a Landrover driver € 1,50 MS82 12c Landrover luggage pack (plastic) € 2,00 MS60 13a Bedford jib arm € 2,50 MS10 13a Bedford crane hook € 1,00 MS27 13b Thames .crane hook € 1,00 MS66 13b Thames Trader jib arm € 2,50 MS31 14c Lomas ambulance set rear doors € 3,00 MS119 14d Iso Griffo window unit € 3,00 MS29 16a trailer ramp € 1,50 MS8 17a Bedford tailgate € 1,50 MS24 17c taxi driver € 1,50 MS117 17d Foden Hoveringham tailgate € 1,50 MS83 17e Horsebox side door gery plastic € 2,50 MS20 19a MG TD spare wheel € 1,00 MS11 19a MG-TD driver € 1,50 MS12 19b MG-A driver € 1,50 MS84 19c Aston Martin driver € 1,50 MS85 19c Aston Martin steering wheel € 1,00 MS140 20c Chevrolet Impala window unit € 3,00 MS141 22c Pontiac window unit € 3,00 MS13 23b Bluebird caravan door € 1,50 MS86 24a Weatherhill arm & scoop € 2,00 MS135 25b VW Beetle blue window unit € 3,00 MS33 25b VW Beetle rear engine cover € 1,50 MS58 25d Ford Cortina set doors € 2,00 MS142 25d Ford Cortina window unit € 3,00 MS68 26a ERF cement mixer drum € 2,00 MS52 26c GMC tailgate € 1,50 MS116 27d Mercedes 230 SL plastic windscreen € 3,00 MS96 30c Crane truck ( 8 wheels) yellow plastic crane hook € 1,50 MS120 32b Jaguar E type plastic window unit € 3,00 MS128 34b VW camper (green) green window unit € 3,00 MS42 34b VW camper (green),side doors (set) € 4,50 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 3 Matchbox 1-75 MS34 34c VW camper (silvergrey),side doors (set) € 4,50 MS124 34-c-1 VW camper high roof window unit yellow € 3,00 MS125 34c-2 VW camper low roof window unit yellow € 3,00 MS14 35a Marshall horsebox side door € 1,50 MS104 36c Opel Diplomat bonnet € 1,50 MS51 37c Dodge tailgate € 1,50 MS22 38a Karrier dustcart rear end € 1,50 MS46 38b Vauxhall tailgate € 1,50 MS15 39a Ford Zodiac driver € 1,50 MS77 39a Ford Zodiac,windscreen surround € 1,00 MS99 39b Pontiac plastic windscreen € 3,00 MS98 39c Ford tractor black plastic steering wheel € 1,50 MS48 40a Bedford tipper tailgate € 1,50 MS97 40c Hay trailer yellow plastic hay rack € 2,00 MS16 41a Jaguar driver € 1,50 MS40 41b D-type Jaguar driver € 1,50 MS114 41c Ford GT plastic window unit € 3,00 MS30 42a Bedford head board € 1,50 MS136 42b Studebaker plastic man & dog € 3,00 MS137 42b Studebaker window unit € 3,00 MS96 42c Iron Fairy yellow plastic crane hook € 1,50 MS43 43c pony trailer rear ramp grey plastic € 2,50 MS57 44b Rolls bootlid € 1,50 MS64 44c GMC refrigerator truck rear door plastic € 2,50 MS131 45a Vauxhall Victor green plastic window unit € 3,00 MS118 45b Ford Corsair green roofrack with boat € 5,00 MS55 46b Pickfords roller shutter (white plastic) € 4,00 MS110 47b Commer icecream van plastic window unit € 3,50 MS126 47c Daf tipper silvergrey roof for back € 2,50 MS39 50b tractor steering wheel € 1,00 MS121 50c Kennel Truck rear plastic canopy € 3,00 MS122 50c Kennel Truck set of 4 plastic dogs € 5,00 MS54 51c 4-axle truck tailgate € 1,50 MS17 52a Maserati driver € 1,50 MS106 52b BRM white plastic driver & steering wheel € 2,00 MS38 53c Ford Zodiac bonnet € 1,50 MS109 53c Ford Zodiac plastic window unit € 3,50 MS44 54a Saracen turret € 1,50 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 4 Matchbox 1-75 MS32 56a trolleybus booms € 1,50 MS88 56b Fiat 1500 luggage pack (plastic) € 2,00 MS143 56b Fiat 1500 window unit € 3,00 MS101 57c Landrover Fire Truck white plastic ladder € 2,50 MS127 58c Daf set of 6 red plastic girders € 5,00 MS138 60b Leyland Site Hut truck plastic hut € 5,00 MS28 61a Scoutcar driver € 1,50 MS95 61b Alvis stalwart yellow cover (plastic) € 2,50 MS61 62b TVservice van ladder / aerial / 3 tv's set red plastic € 7,00 MS89 62b TVservice van rear door shutter (plastic) € 4,00 MS76 63b airport crash truck foam monitor € 1,00 MS112 63b airport crash truck hose white plastic € 1,50 MS111 63b airport crash truck ladder white plastic € 1,50 MS113 63b airport crash truck words for one side white plastic € 1,50 MS115 64b MG 1100 plastic window unit € 3,00 MS23 65b Jaguar bonnet € 1,50 MS90 66b Harley handle bars € 1,50 MS49 67a Saladin armoured car turret € 2,00 MS91 69a Commer side door € 1,50 MS35 71a tanker tank end € 1,50 MS100 71c Ford heavy wrecker red plastic crane hook € 1,50 MS25 73b Ferrari driver € 1,50 MS94 73b Ferrari set exhausts € 1,50 MS59 74a mobile canteen side door € 1,50 MS123 75b Ferrari Berlinetta window unit € 3,00 Transfer and Stickers Order Description Price MT62 05a double decker bus ' Buy Matchbox Series" € 2,50 MT13 05b dubble decker bus 'Baron of Beef' € 2,50 MT19 05b dubble decker bus 'Players Please' € 5,00 MT14 05c dubble decker bus 'Peardrax' € 5,00 MT33 05c/d dubble decker bus 'Bp-Viscostatic' € 4,00 MT27 05c/d dubble decker bus 'Buy Matchbox' € 2,50 MT28 05c/d dubble decker bus 'Pegrams' € 2,50 MT36 10c Foden tanker 'Tate & Lyle' € 5,00 MT50 11b Foden tanker ' Esso' € 2,50 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 5 Matchbox 1-75 MT10 13c Ford Thames recovery truck 'Matchbox Garage' € 2,50 MT52 13d Dodge Recovery 'BP" € 2,50 MT46 14c Lomas ambulance ' L.C.C.Ambulance' € 2,50 MT54 15c Dennis Tippax 'Cleansing Service' € 2,50 MT21 17a Bedford truck 'Removals' (white with black outline) € 2,50 MT1 17a Bedford truck 'Removals'(white) € 2,50 MT53 17d Foden tipper 'Hoveringham ' € 2,50 MT60 19c Aston Martin '19' € 2,50 MT37 20b Erf truck 'Ever ready' € 4,00 MT2 21a bus 'London to Glascow' € 2,50 MT48 21c Commer milkfoat complete set with bottle logo for door € 3,00 MT49 21c Commer milkfoat complete set with cow logo for door € 3,00 MT47 23a caravan rear numberplate € 2,00 MT7 25a Bedford van 'Dunlop' € 2,50 MT63 25c Bedford tanker 'BP' € 3,00 MT52 32c Leyland tanker 'BP' € 2,50 MT8 34a VW van 'Matchbox International Express' € 2,50 MT11 37a Karrier truck 'Coca-Cola' € 2,50 MT9 38a Karrier dustcart 'Cleansing Department' € 2,50 MT39 41a/b Jaguar D type '41' € 2,50 MT64 41c Ford GT '6' with striping € 2,50 MT3 42a Bedford van 'Evening News' € 2,50 MT17 46b Guy van 'Beales Bealesons' € 2,50 MT4 46b Guy van 'Pickfords' € 2,50 MT5 47a Trojan van 'Brooke Bond Tea' € 2,50 MT23 47b Commer van 'Lyons maid Icecream' € 4,00 MT38 49a US halftrack American star € 2,50 MT22 51a Albion truck 'Portland Cement' € 2,50 MT51 51c Leyland tipper 'Pointer ' € 2,50 MT26 52a Maserati '52' € 2,50 MT57 55b/c/d Ford Police car 'Police' + badges for bonnet & doors € 2,50 MT15 56a trolly bus 'Peardrax' € 5,00 MT16 58a bus / coach 'B.E.A.' € 2,50 MT12 59a Thames van 'Singer' € 2,50 MT34 60a Morris 'Builders' (Supply Co in black letters) € 2,50 MT35 60a Morris 'Builders'(Supply Co" in white letters) € 2,50 MT20 62b Commer van 'Radio Rentals' € 2,50 MT18 62b Commer van 'Rentaset' € 2,50 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 6 Matchbox 1-75 MT6 69a Commer van 'Nestle's' € 2,50 MT42 73a Ferrari racing car '73' and Ferrari logo € 2,50 MT24 74a Mobile Canteen 'Refreshments' € 3,00 MT40 74b Daimler bus 'Esso Extra Petrol ' € 4,00 MK modelcarparts | http://www.modelcarparts.com | [email protected] 7 .
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