LOCAL AFFAIRS A. E. Moore, who has been seri- 'atiberttBrmmta. ously ill, is reported to-day as im- Liberty National proving. Bank NKW Succoaaor to the ADVERTISEMENTS, -Master F. Biirrill National Bank George Mahoney cele- brated his eleventh birthday Monday J. A. Haynes. OF evening, entertaining a few friends. ELLSWORTH M. L. Adams. Refreshments were served. H. C. Jordan. The Ellsworth Bijou theatre high school basket- bail team dished Legal Notices. up a genuine sur- Consult Us prise for the Bar Freely Specimen ballots. Harbor high school The officers and directors of team in the game at Hancock hall this bank are at Union Trust Co. always your dis last Friday evening. The Ellsworth on all financial matters. Your affairs will Silvy & Linnehan. posal be held strictly con team showed a surprising improve- and our Classified Advertisements. fidential experience and advice may ment in speed and team prove helpful. Dunham Bros.. Boston. work, and won the Have OFFICERS game by a score of 20 to 16. you established your credit in this Orlando W, Foss. Pres., A. It was one of the best of the K. Farnsworth, Vice Pres., games community? Edw. F. Small. Cashier, F. J. season in Ellsworth. Dunleavy, Assistant Cashier, j SCHEDULE OK MAILS. Friends in Ellsworth were A bank Ellsvrorth Poatufflcf. shocked account is one of the best builders of I HECTORS to hear of Charles H. Burrill the death Monday night of C’has. K. Foster Mrs. Martin A. credit. A. B. Crabtree MAILS RECEIVED Garland, at her home Dr. Lewis Hodgkins at the Green A. E. Farnsworth From Lake fish hatchery, It is to Harvard C. Jordan West—6.,7 a. m.; 4.31 p. m. your financial to have a W. after an illness of a week of influ- advantage Orlando Foss From East—11.11 a. m.; 6.27 m Henry W. Sargent p. enza. in Account with this MAILS CLOSE AT POSTOFFICE. terminating pneumonia. Checking institution. Mr. Garland is himself Going West—10.40 a. m.; 6.00 p. m. dangerously Bank with us. ill. Mrs. Garland was Going East—6.16 a. m.; 4.00 p. m. thirty-ninf years of age. She was the daughter of John Gilbert Warren of and Registered mall should be at post- Otis, Capital, $100,000 and had many warm friends in Surplus profits', $150,000 office half an hour before mall closes. her home town and vicinity, and in Ellsworth IT PAYS TO TRADE She leaves two children, the elder AT THIS STORF about five There will be a Parish meeting of years. Friends the Unitarian society at the E. C. Os- in Ellsworth were grieved Union IkusT for to learn Company Agent Pictorial Review good studio, Friday evening, at 7.30 of the death on Saturday of Pattern* and Publications. o'clock. Mrs. Sarah E. Saunders. She died or Ell Quality Service in Old town, at the home sworth,Maine Miss Gladys Hooper, who has of her just daughter, Mrs. C. closed a successful term of school at Harry Mason, with whom she was the Gouldsboro, is the guest of Mrs. F. A. spending winter, after a short illness of Fleischer's Crochet and Patten. pneumonia. Knitting book of Sweaters Mrs. Saunders was of The seventy years or Coat's Ellsworth A. A. basket-ball age. She was Crochet Book of Yokes, each lOc dear to many friends, team and Hangor Rovers will at Ladies’ Fine I.isle play especially to those families to which Hose in grey only, pair 5f>c Hancock hall Friday evening. Game she had Tbi. brought comfort and efficient WHY BE A DRIFTER? Stocking would retail tor <1 It bought on called at 8.30. aid to-day’s market. in time of sickness or trouble New Si'k She Like a and Crepe de chene Camisoles at Cora Estelle, widow of Calen Mad- leaves three daughters, Mrs. flowing river, some people follow tlie lines of least resistance *1 docks, died yesterday at her hoifle in Mason, Mrs. Ida L. of '). SI.OS, $2,BO, $2.08, $3.08 Hickey Minne- anil spend all their cash for luxuries. $3.40, North Ellsworth, apolis, Minn., and Mrs. Laura surplus Drifting is but’ Ladies’ Sate’t Petticoat* in aged fifty-two Trevor easy black, Copenhagen, years. Mr. Maddocks of Lake, died in Febru- Long Minn.; also one broth- accomplishment requires determination. Decide to save"all can rose and grr o. A *2.50 vnlue for ary, 1918. er, Ivy of you $|.»s Young Boston. Start an account with the For one week Hancock }5auk. ".It. Any of our w ide 50 and 59 cent Eygonia lodge, F. and A. M., will County Savings work the Pageant of American Cretonnes, y -*J, only ;{<>e third degree to-morrow History” given by the Navy of Hancock Bank iioiipy and Toilet evening. Supper will be served at League the United County Savings Glycerine Soap. None better. States at the ball room of #•30- District Deputy Beazley is ex- the New Ellsworth, Extra U.ge cakes, Willard in Maine « for 50c pected to be present to inspect the Washington on February lodge. }-■ The historical scene represent- ing .viaine was arranged by Mrs. Dr. George S. Hagerthy will move John A. Peters, chairman of the his dental offices to the rooms over committee, and depicted the mar- Moore’s drug store early in March. riage of Baron de St. Castin and Dr. Arthur 11. Parcher will move his office Mathtlde, daughter of the chief of from the Manning block to the the SPECIAL NOTICE TO INSURERS rooms Tarratines, at Pentagoet (now vacated by Dr. Hagerthy. ( There is considerable discussion astinel in 1G87. The tableau was generally, regarding Fief Insitra The to the partnership of Fred C. and W. one of the best of the KS; abnormal cost of buildfng maferUl and evening, and labor.U°horRA£K Keplacement rnd V'\Ll costs have more than doubled. H. Scott, and news- the one Look over yyour insurance confectionery selected by the and come m and talk it has been Washington over with me. dealers, dissolved, W. H. Star as an illustration for its Scott, who was story W. recently appointed a of the pageant. Maine was also O. TAPLEY COMPANY mail rep- regular carrier, retiring from resented in the cast by Miss the firm. Lunn, Fred Scott will continue a step-daughter of Congressman the business. White. The The tuel moving picture reproduction situation is becoming se- of rious in Winston Churchill's great novel, Ellsworth, owing to the em- ALARM CLOCKS "The Crisis," is booked to be shown bargo placed upon freight and de- in Ellsworth March 23 and 24. The livery by the snow. Mr. Jones, of the “ "eW '0t °f ALARM CLOCKS in both picture will be of special interest C. W. Grindal estate, reports and lumfJuf dial"6" here, as the late vice-president Han- this morning the supply of furnace t0 the avui nibal Hamlin is one of the characters coal entirely exhausted. They have b"y best’ theseclocks represent the best on the for a market*8^8 fwink, coloring, package represented in it. fair supply of nut coal, but that is 10c now The woman’s club met being drawn upon heavily to Ltix, yesterday the Prices from S2.75 to package ..... 12 afternoon with Miss M. A. supply shortage of furnace $4.00 1 2c Clark. sizes. Kev. They have of coal or- Old It. B. Mathews gave a most in- plenty dered, and in transit, some DutehJCleanser, package 9c teresting and instructive talk on cur- of it near by, hut until rent events. There will be a social freight movement H. C. Kinso, can be resumed, it JORDAN, Jeweler package. meeting next afternoon with might as well be : 8c Tuesday in the mines. Mrs. O. W. Tea The wood situation is ELLSWORTH, Maine Lava bar Tapley. will be but Soap, ..... 7c served. little better. Men have been kept busy breaking out their wood- Pink can \\ illiam 1). Thomas, formerly of Salmon, ..... roads, and deliveries are almost im- i 23c Ellsworth, died February 7, in Le- possible, owing to the blocked con- land. Wash. He leaves two Fancy Barbados Molasses, sisters, (litions of the main roads. No local gal' $1.15 Mrs. John W. Jordan of Ellsworth freight has been received in Ells- National Boiled and Mrs. R. F. Nagle of Dorchester, worth Oats, pkg since a week ago 1 29c Mass. He left Ellsworth some yesterday. years A freight came dawn from ago, but is remembered Bangor Liquid Veneer, 4 oz bottle .... by to-day, but with not friends pleasan^r so much as a 22c here who regret to hear of pound of ..The “ sugar for Ellsworth. Secret Is “ The Out.. his death. food 12.W ... supply is already low in the 45c A large section of the root of the stores, and if the present storm de- boat sheds at We Slice the Price—Not the the Ellsworth Foundry velops serious proportions, the food Quality & Machine The Works collapsed beneath shortage will become acute. ground-hog bought snowshoes thegreat weight of the snow last Fri- and skis for his whole day afternoon, doing considerable A Campaign for tile Blind. family at Silvy & damage. The old Wiswell black- A State-wide campaign to raise on smith shop near the Osgood funds by Linnehan’s Candlemas and CosK ond Carry" Grocer, Ellsworth. stable, subscription to needed en- Day, they now used as an ice-house, also col- largement of the Maine Institute for are lapsed, from the same cause.
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