LOYALTY-'-PROGRESS_.-ART-'-~~~~~~~~~ THE MEN WHO MAKE MOTION PICTURES VOL. I. NO.3 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER I; 1920 TEN CENTS A COpy AT THE THEATERS THIS ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING AND EQUIPMENT BALL COMMITTEE FOR WEEK OF STUDIOS . A. S. C. ALHAMBRA - "Peaceful Valley." Chairman Arthur Edeson an- Charles Ray. Photographed by A History of the Progression of Studio Technique nounced Monday night the appoint- Chester A. Lyons, A. S. C. By L. Guy Wilky ment of the following members of CALIFORNIA-"The Great Lover." the organization as the A. S. C. ~ irected by Frank Lloyd. Photo- Mr. L. Guy Wilky is Second We also have special equipment grand ball committee, and an impor- graphed by]. D. Jennings, A.S.C. Vice President of the American which consists principally of open tant meeting is called for this Fri- CLUNE'S BROADWAY - "The New Society of Cinametographers, and arc or miniature arc lamps. This day evening, December 3rd: York Idea." Alice Brady. one of the charter members. He type of light is used for stand Charles Rosher, Fred Jackman, GARRICK - "Always Audacious." is cinametographer with the Wm. lamps, table lamps, open fireplace ]. D. Jennings, Guy Wilky, R. B. Wallace Reid. Photographed by DeMille Productions, his latest effects and match and candle ef- Kurrle, R. 'S. Newhard, William C. Charles E. Schoenbaum, A. S. C. success being "The Prince Chap," fects. Very beautiful effects may Foster, Frank B. Good, Homer GRAUMAN's-"The Testing Block." starring Thomas Meighan. be obtained in lighting with this Scott, Reggie Lyons, H. Lyman Wm. S. Hart. Photographed by equipment when properly used. Broening, T. G. Gaudio. ] oe August, A. S. C. The cinematographers have se- The early application of elec- A light that has proved very use- GRAUMAN'S RnALTO - "Something cured the beautiful ballroom in the trical lighting in the making of fullately is known under the trade to Think About." C. B. De Mille. new $5,000,000 Ambassador Hotel motion pictures was very much dif- name of The Sun Light Arc. This Photographed by Alvin Wyckoff. for their annual ball, which will be ferent than it is today. The first light is built on the principle of the HIPPODROME - "The American." pictures were made with daylight spot light, but is very much larger, held on the evening 'of January Douglas Fairbanks. Ph 0 t 0- 22nd. entirely, but many difficulties were and has remarkahle penetrating graphed by Wm. McGann and encountered, due principally to This will be one of the greatest Harry Thorpe, A. S. C. power. It has a large reflecting changes .in weather eonditiona.. mirror and a movable arc by which social events ever featured by the KINEMA-"SO Long Letty." Pho- Electrical light first became useful the rays of light may be spread . oeople of the motion picture profes- tographed by Anton Nagy and when it was used on cloudy days to and a whole street may be illumi- sion; and all the leading people of Steve Rounds. help light the set, and at the end nated at night, or the rays may be the industry will be present. :MILLER'S - "Madame Peacock." of the day when the light was bad, converted into a small spot, giving Nazimova. Photographed byR.]. thus making it possible to finish the a strong light of high actinic value EDESON WITH GASNIER- Bergquist, A. S. C. work planned. \'\1' hich is very valuable for spot ROBERTSON-COLE NEW PAN'I'AGIts-"'Felix O'Day." There is a great difference in the lighting. When a large amountof Arthur Edeson, one of the best H. B. Warner. Photographed by electrical equipment that was used light is needed from a single Source known cameramen in the West, is Victor Milner, A. S. C. in the early period of pictures and the Sun Light Arc may be used to now affiliated with Gasnier, in Rob- PALACE - "Sudden Jim." Charles that which we use at present. 'I'he very good advantage instead of a ertson-Cole productions, and will Ray. Photographed by Chester early equipment consisted of mer- number of Kleig lights Or spots. soon be in the midst of a series of cury vapor tubes and Aristo arc A. Lyons, A. S. C. high-class features. PHILHARMONIC AUDITORIUM- lamps. Later the spot lights and Something of the same type of Mr. Edeson is noted for his artis- Kleig lights were introduced. 'I'he light has been gotten out by the "Way Down East." D. W. Grif- tic photography and is a desirable Kleig lights were called hard lights General Electric Company. It is fith. Photographed by G. W. addition to this notable coming or- Bitzer. and were developed from the built on the plan of the large naval search lights and consists of a re- ganiaation. SYMPHONY - "From Now On." Aristo arc lamp. volving arc which is revolved by George Walsh. Before electrical lights became motor power and has a large para- AN IMPORTANT FEATURE SUPItRBA-"Honor Bound." J. Jac- generally used, sunlight effects bolic reflecting mirror. This light In an :industry in which means card. through windows and high lights generates about three million can- of expression change as rapidly as TALLY'S BROADWAy-"The U. P. or back lights were obtained by re- dle power and is very valuable in the making of motion pictures, Trai1." B. B. Hampton. Photo- flecting the direct rays of the sun for special effects. When it is it is sometimes interesting to take graphed by Harry Vallejo. by the aid of mirrors. The same effects are now obtained by us: ng equipped with shutter diffusers, by a look backward for comparison. Kleig lights and spot lights. which the light is more under con- We have become so familiar with ROSEN IN LIMELIGHT trol, some very beautiful sunlight the use of the soft focus that prob- Philip E. Rosen, president of the A number of experiments were made a few years ago with. blue effects may be obtained, such as ably we take it for granted that it American Society of Cinematogra- sunlight streaming through open has always been used. phers, the most exclusive organiza- globe nitrogen lights. These glohes gave a light of good photographic windows, or the sunlight on open In 1916 Mr. John Leezer used a tion of the motion picture industry, sets for back-light effects. This soft focus lens for the first time and one of the coming directors in quality, but the greater part of-the electrical energy was converted light at present is very much in the in cinematography. In picturing the profession, directing all-star and experimental stage, but the possi- "The Marriage of Molly 0" at prominent casts for Metro, is one of into heat, which made it prohib- itive for motion picture use. The bilities seem very promising when l<'ine Arts, featuring Bobby Har- the enthusiastic boosters for the heat generated became so intense used for sunlight effects. ron and Mae Marsh, the lens was cameramen, ever alert to their ad- Much progress has already been used to portray a fairy story. The vancement and recognition. that the actors were unable to work, and the grease paint of the made in the perfecting of electrical effect on the trade was 'startling Mr. Rosen's first picture with makeup soon began to run. The equipment, and experiments are and unsatisfactory. One exhibitor Metro is running this week at furniture became so warm that being carried on by electrical engi- demanded another print because Tally's Theater, on Broadway, Los one could not touch it . neers at the present time in the part of it was indistinct-another .1\ ngeles, "Are All Men Alike?" The general equipment used to- hope of bringing the equipment to said the picture was good, except featuring May Allison, one of the day in the majority of the studios a higher state of perfection. 'l'he the parts in which evidently the popular stars of today. consists of mercury vapor tubes, future of artificial lighting in mo- cameraman was drunk! "Wid" Me Rosen has already started a Kleig l.ichts and spots. While a tion pictures depends very much was the only critic who recognized new picture, an all-star, with Ora few studios depend entirely upon upon the type of equipment that the soft focus as an innovation, and Cat-ewe, Milton Sills and Maigel daylight, they are very few, be- comes to the industry. Motion pie- an artistic one at that! The most Barry in the cast. The story is cause the advantages of using elec- ture photography has developed enthusiastic supporter of the new "The Little Lady of the Big tric" 1 lighting over the old daylieht quite remarkably during the past effect was an artist who WaS pro- House," by Jack London. The able methods are very many. The few years, especially along purely fnse in his praise of the effects pro- young director anticipates a splen-- equipment used today gives the artistic lines, and much credit is duced. did production. he~t balance for lighting. When due to the excellent electrical Emerson spoke a great truth nsed on a clark stag-e any character equipment that has been perfected. when he said that next to the origi- FUNNY EPISODES of lighting may be obtained with Eve r y cinametographer who nator of a great sentence, was the Fred Jackman and Perry Evans, anv degree of contrast between the nopes for the greatest success in first «uoter of it. Happy is he who photographing Mack Sennett spe- bir-h Iivhts, half-tones and shad- his work should understand elec- has the seeing eye! cial feature, "The Small Town nU"r~.
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