Colloquia and Symposia Sponsored by ION (2009.01-2009.12) Date Name Affiliations Title Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry, Structural Insights into the Mechanism of 09-01-08 Josep Rizo University of Texas Southwestern Neurotransmitter Release. Medical Center, USA. Research Fellow, School of Study the human perception and decision 09-02-24 Sheng Li Psychology, University of systems with multimodal brain imaging. Birmingham, UK. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Probing cortical hierarchy with visual 09-02-24 Hong Xu Neuroscience, Columbia University, adaptation: low-level curve adaptation affects USA. high-level facial expression judgments. Creating coordination in the cerebellum and Chris I. De Professor, Netherlands Institute of 09-02-25 the role of artificial networks for brain Zeeuw Neuroscience. machine interfacing (robotics). Associate Professor, Queensland Linda Mechanisms regulating the development of the 09-03-02 Brain Institute, The University of Richards corpus callosum. Queensland, Australia. Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular, Cellular & The Mucolipin Transient Receptor Potential 09-03-02 Hao-Xing Xu Developmental Biology, University Proteins, I(r)on Channels in the Lysosome. of Michigan, USA. Targeted deletion of dopamine receptor John Professor, Royal College of subtypes and genes associated with risk for 09-03-05 Waddington Surgeons in Ireland. psychosis: brain-behaviour relationships for neuropsychiatric disorders. Professor, Department of Cell Kozo Pharmacology, Nagoya University 09-03-20 Axon formation and polarized transport. Kaibuchi Graduate School of Medicine, Japan. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of 09-03-24 Zi-Long Qiu Transcriptional control of neural plasticity. California, San Diego, USA. Professor, School of Public Health Functions of mature mammalian astrocytes Harold 09-04-03 Sciences, State University of New and the philosophical limits of the scientific Kimelberg York at Albany, USA. method. Michael Principal Investigator, The Molecular regulation of Wallerian 09-04-09 Coleman Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK. degeneration. Director, National Institute of 09-04-11 Thomas Insel Mental Health, National Institutes of Rethinking Mental Illness. Health, USA. Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Paths to Alzheimer's and 09-04-14 Ming Guo Neurology, UCLA. Parkinson's disease. 1 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of HDAC4 regulates neuronal survival in normal 09-04-28 Bo Chen Genetics, Harvard Medial School, and diseased retinas. USA. Research Teaching Specialist III, Department of Physiology & The Molecular Regulations and Physiological 09-04-28 Shi-Qing Cai Biophysics, University of Medicine Roles of Potassium Channels. & Dentistry of New Jersey, USA. President, Australian Physiological Society. Professor and Chair of Analgesic conotoxins targeting neuronal 09-04-29 David Adams Physiology, Queensland Brain nicotinic receptors or GABA-B receptors? Institute, University of Queensland, Australia. Centre for Psychiatric Neuroscience Dissecting the fear response: Distinct circuits (CNP), Dept. of Psychiatry and 09-04-30 Ron Stoop in the central amygdala underlie behavioral Physiology, Lausanne University responses to oxytocin. Hospital, University of Lausanne Associate Professor, Department of BDNF actions on both sides of synapses: Lucas 09-05-22 Neurobiology, The University of TRPC channels, MeCP2 and the cellular Pozzo-Miller Alabama at Birmingham, USA. neuropathology of Rett syndrome. Charles Professor, Molecular Neurobiology The basic uniformity in structure of the 09-05-27 Stevens Laboratory, The Salk Institute, USA. neocortex, revisited. Charles Professor, Molecular Neurobiology What the primary visual cortex computes, and 09-05-28 Stevens Laboratory, The Salk Institute, USA. how it does it. Cortical neurons sustain both task-relevant Professor, Dept. Physiology, Andrew J and decision-related neuronal signals across 09-06-05 Anatomy & Genetics, University of Parker irrelevant, unpredictable changes in the sensory Oxford, UK. input. Principal Investigator, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Le-Ping Specification of neurotransmitter phenotypes 09-06-10 Shanghai Institutes for Biological Cheng in the dorsal spinal cord. Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor, Department of Cell James Q. Cytoskeletal control of synaptic receptor 09-06-11 Biology, Emory University School Zheng trafficking. of Medicine, USA. Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Hong-Jun Activity-induced plasticity in the dentate 09-06-22 University School of Medicine, Song gyrus of the adult hippocampus. USA. Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Regulation of dentate granule cell development 09-06-22 Guo-Li Ming University School of Medicine, by DISC1. USA. Assistant Professor, Department of Extrinsic and intrinsic regulators of synapse 09-06-23 Kang Shen Biological Sciences, Stanford formation and axonal transport. University, USA. 2 Associate Professor, Department of New "high-throughput biology" methods for 09-06-29 Donald C. Lo Neurobiology, Duke University drug discovery and translational neuroscience. Medical Center Postdoctoral Fellow, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, The role of chromatin remodeling in learning 09-07-01 Ji-Song Guan Massachusetts Institute of and memory - HDAC2, a memory repressor. Technology, USA. Professor, Dept of Neuroscience, Molecular mechanisms underlying mental 09-07-07 Ype Elgersma Erasmus MC University Hospital. retardation disorders. Associate Professor, Dept. Cell Long-term facilitation of excitatory synaptic 09-07-10 Jian Kang Biology and Anatomy, New York release by astrocytic vacuole-like vesicles. Medical College, USA. Warren and Jermaine Magnuson Professor and Chair, Department of Bruce R. The molecular pathophysiology of CNS white 09-07-13 Neurology, University of Ransom matter injury. Washington School of Medicine. Editor-in-Chief, GLIA Uncovering the release machinery and the Jean-Pierre Principal Investigator, INSERM 09-07-13 function of the gliotransmitter D-serine in the Mothet Unit 862 - Bordeaux, France. cerebral cortex. Marina IBRO Secretary General. Professor, 09-07-17 Brain clocks in flame. Bentivoglio University of Verona, Italy. Investigator and Professor, Howard Susan Forward genetics reveals novel mechanisms of 09-07-31 Hughes Medical Institute and The Ackerman protein misfolding and neurodegeneration. Jackson Laboratory, USA. Associate Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Cellular & Molecular A key role of astrocyte-mediated ventral 09-08-17 Xia Zhang Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, tegmental LTD in cannabis addiction. University of Ottawa, Canada. Associate Professor, Department of Qing Richard Paving the axonal highway - a view of genetic 09-08-20 Developmental Biology, UT Lu and epigenetic control of CNS myelination. Southwestern Medical Center, USA. Professor, Institute of Molecular Synapse formation and plasticity: implications 09-08-21 Lin Mei Medicine and Genetics, Medical in muscular dystrophy and schizophrenia. College of Georgia, USA. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Power of Individual & Wisdom of Majority - Molecular & Cell Biology, Helen Global brain-oscillation modification by 09-08-31 Cheng-Yu Li Wills Institute of Neuroscience, single-neuron burst-spiking & University of California, Berkeley, Synaptic-plasticity modulation by cortical USA. slow-wave oscillation. Assistant professor, Department of Molecular Cell and Developmental Imaging structural plasticity at synapses in the 09-09-02 Yi Zuo Biology, University of California, living brain. Santa Cruz, USA. 3 Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Biology past and biology future: where have 09-09-08 Bruce Alberts California, San Francisco; we been and where are we going? Editor-in-Chief, Science magazine. Associate Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Olfactory Coding and Processing: A 09-09-11 Wei Chen University of Texas Health Science Dual-Layer Twister on Stage. Center at Houston, USA. Hans van der Associate Professor, Erasmus MC, Plasticity versus flexibility in visuomotor 09-10-14 Steen Netherlands. control. Professor, Department of Chemical Driving Biological Discovery Using 09-10-15 John R. Yates Physiology, The Scripps Research Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. Institute, USA. 09-10-29 Sen Song Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT, USA. Deciphering neural circuits. Professor and Director, Department Cognitive Neurology, Hertie 09-11-02 Peter Their The cerebellar basis of motor learning. Institute for Clinical Brain, University of Tübingen, Germany. Stephen Kuffler Professor of Anirvan 09-11-03 Neurobiology, University of Molecular Control of Synaptic Specificity. Ghosh California San Diego, USA. Associate Professor, University of Wnt and Cell Polarity Signaling Pathways in 09-11-03 Yi-Min Zou California, San Diego, USA. Growth Cone Guidance. Tomomi 09-11-03 Unit Leader, RIKEN BSI, Japan. Development of the mammalian thalamus. Shimogori Associate Professor, Department of Xiang-Lei How aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are 09-11-12 Molecular Biology, The Scripps Yang connected with neurological disorders. Research Institute, USA. Associate Professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Generating an infectious prion: searching the 09-11-19 Jiyan Ma Biochemistry, Ohio State University, final prove of prion hypothesis. USA. Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry Life at the Single Molecule Level: Real Time Xiaoliang 09-12-11 and Chemical Biology, Harvard Observation of Gene Expression and Sunney Xie University, USA. Regulation in a Living Cell.
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