i . PACT l^nENTY-FOUR THURSDAY, MAY 9, 19et N Avwaga Dally Nat Pnat Rim iianrtlfPBtpr lEopnIng H arold Vw «M Wssk DBdgd / The Waathar m - ApiBsa, lan r«M asl-*f D. & Wistlw Bonaa Motheni and friend* Boy and current Bennett I Junior High pupils of Mra Dorothy Poole and Aboiit Town Scout .Troop 169, Oonoordia lAith- School PTSO president, Installed M n. Patricia .Guay, directed by Flash Firp Occurs Slwweca or poosIMe thinUiar- e r u Ohuroh. will hold a food sale Mrs.'jG6wan^ 13,974 showent toalglit. Low 46-8a, Sat­ the officers. elementary music department head XMal li o ig t o t Mmohs, Mer- at House and tlale department Miss Martha White, presented a On Another N-Snb urday eoBtIniied «ool and brsecy, tow, wtU m «ot Satuhlay at 7:30 store Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. Mrs. Gowen has served as ed­ 1 e t a n a W t a i partly sunny by ofteranon. High In JHead of PTA musical revue and folk danoe ■ / • PJB. at tiM lodc«. The Bntered Mrs. lAwronce Scranton and Mrs. ucation-finance chairman pf the demonstration. TRADE / Manchmater—^A City o f VUlage Charm tbe 60s. (Continued from Ihigo One) Appantloe aegNe will tie exempU- James MoCarUiy are in charge. Manchester League of Women Mrs. Alex AUardyce, hospitality CM. Joiqih cam oC WUUng^ Mrs. Raymond Gowen, 80 Plym­ Voters for two years; She to serv­ IN YOUR OLD FURS TOW ARD chairman, and her committee serv­ little damage, was the result of a JUBlor warden, wUl pi«eld% The Woman’s Bajptist MhMi<>n outh Lane, wSs Installed as presi­ ing a three-year term on- the Man­ ed refreshments. ▼OL. LXXXn, NO. 188 (TWENTY PAGES) dent of the MMchester Green chester Oommunity College Olt, worionan accidentally stylnging a A NEW STOLE. CAFE o r C O A T MANCHESTER, CONN., PltiDAY, MAY 10, 1963 (o(aasl!(tod Adverting en,^age 18) Society of Connbctlcut held its an- cstole into contact with a Uve PRICE SEVEN CENTS TIm llanoheeter Bducationel nal meeting today at the Second School PTA last night. Izen’s Advisory Council Inc., as Pbnistarch la an old-fashioned, FRIDAY AT Other officers seated are Mrs. public relations chairman. .-r switchboard. Club will meet Tueeday a i S p.m. Baptist Church. Suffield. JtaUt effective ,««emedy for heat The Flasher fire was attributed at Bow en Scdiool in the nuree’s ■Walter Borin, vice president; She to also Christian educatiop rash on babies, Fof. quick com­ Otttoe. James Noary, treasurer; and Mrs. and devotion chairman of the S t by a builder spedeesman to Ignition An open hous^ - W iorlng Mrs. fort, bathe the Infant In water to of accumulated industrial gases. SIBERIAN FUR SHOP Soviet Head Frances D ona^bn, a kindergar­ Murray -Johnston, secretary. Mary’s Church Council of Wotnen, which one cup of cornstarch has, Board Suggested State N ew s In the fire on the Wuson at 144 MAIN ST.—MANOHESTBB Legal Notice ten teacher rbtirlng from Bowers New (PTA Council delegates are and superintendent of the church been a<^ded. After drying, corm Mare Island Naval Shlpyaxd, one School, will be held tomorrow Mrs. Vincent Ramizi,^Mro- Robert school’s junior high de^rtment. starch can be used Instead of bath electrician was burned and two of An- from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the school Bantly and Mrs. Myron Rice. After the Installation, Grade 6 powder. othiera suffered smoke inhalation. One-Up OR Roundup iffi? t ^968*** Bolton. auditorium. All friends and former ’The executive board also in­ To Run Insurance pupils are Invited. cludes Mrs. Olof Anderson, mem- Spring Riots Erupt " 5 y ^ Probata Court for the District of^udorer. Gordon Patterson. The liutz-Civltan 'Travel Series OoluinbU, in said District, dfe^ Red China H A R T F O R D (AP) — A9ths result of the current investt- Two Held in Theft will be presented again next sea­ gation before Acting. ^ e a ^ Hoo. Norman J. pfouss. son with five new lecture-f 11ms, committee appoint^ by Gov. By dO H » BODBBXCK State OOP Chairman A. Searle of Jean. tS. Thom­ announces Mrs. Madeline McAw- John N. Dempsey to study Plnney said, “we are receptive to Of Checks in Mail as of Oolmnbla,- praying /that an in- 1^, director of Lutz Jpnior Mu­ TOKYO (AP) — Premier the entire state insurance sit­ any proposal that wUI clean up stniraent in writing purporting to be seum. Dr. Walter Schardt will con­ the last wilt and test^ en t of said de­ biggest LOVE AFFAIR in town... KhruBhehav luu won a pre­ uation has recommended this situation and assure Connec­ tinue as chairman. STAMFORD (AP)—Stem- c k e d be admitted' to probate, and liminary tactical skirmish in form ing a. commission to su­ ticut of the best coverage at the At Yak; and Brown m « iettws testamentaty be issued to ford detectives said today Stobert W. Oordbo, 417 East Center his ideological war with Com­ pervise hanaling the state’s most reasonable prices.’’ Street. Manchebter, Conn., as per ap- The Manchester Philatelic So- I Meanwhile, a list was released that two men have been ar­ catioo o^'fUa more tiuly appears; ciety will meet Tuesday at 7:30 munist China. The first peace insurance placement. of all agents with vidiom the state rested in New Rochelle, N. Y., r p.m. at North Methodist Church. all the nicest Mothers Steady*^ with Pinehurst! talks will be held in Moscow, Tlic committee, headed by Lau dealt directly on insurance cov­ in the theft from the Stam­ (MtDESt^lD: That said application be Members are reminded to bring rence J. Ackerman, Dean of the erage in the 1969-62 period of BehTd.-endileterinlnod at the Probate not in Peking as Communist ford railroad station of a mail Ottlot to Bolton, in said District, on five lots each for Maupex auction University o f Connecticut Busi­ Democratic rule. chieftain Mao I)K-tung had ness School, recommended forma sack containing $30,000 in Police Also the, J*Oi day ot May, 1968. at 8:00 material, and that.at least one lot h o ^ . These dealings, however, pre­ ocloCk in the afternoon; and that no- could also be used for the children’s I Mothers are a stranjfe breed. A wom­ Most of all she wants to trade at a tlon of a non-salaried, seven-mom sumably. had little to do with the checks. tic« of the pendency of said applica- an of many talents . Mother is a cook, (Shines* Premier Oiou Bn-lol ber commission to "place Insur tton and of tne time and place <h near^ auction. Reserve bids should be i store she can trust . one that offers patronage system. Detective Capt. Robert Hunt fik - # 1 ^ thereon be given to all persons kept reasonably low. j housekeeper, nurse, laundress, gardner, Informed Soviet Ambassador 8. V. anc* for the state, approve rates For Instance, one of the agencies said the men were identified as Stop Melee kAown to be Interested In said estate, her meats, groceries, fruits, vegetables Chsrvonenko Thursday that his and commissions, appoint an agent James W. Harding, 20, formerly of by causing a true copy of this order secretary, treasurer, chauffeur, family named was that of BMwin H. May and dairy products that she can depend fovernmant accepted Khruah- or agents o f record, evaluate the Stamford, and CHayton F. Taubel, to be published once in some news­ James K. Hunter, airman ap­ counselor and peace maker, seamstress, ehev’s Invitation to send a delega­ Jr. former GOP congressman and paper having a circulation in said Dis­ prentice, USN, son of Mr. and on for quality and freshness. And she state’s insurance program peri- former state OOP chairman. 21, formerly of Darien. Both have trict. and by causing a like copy of purchasing agent . all in one. Yet tion to Moscow to discuss Idaologl- odlcaUy, Invaatlgats the feastbU- been living In Mamaroneck, N. Y., At Brandeis said order .to be sent by certified mall Mrs. Carl H. Hunter, 67 Ardmore expects real value for every dime and col differences splitti^ the C9om- According to a supplementary postage prepaid to each of the follow- Rd., has reported to the Naval busy as she is, she finds time to enter­ Ity of deductibles and self-insur- list released by Sen. Bkiward Mar- for the past week, he said. Ing named persons: Charles N. Crock­ dollar she spends. munist world. ancs, and report periodically on They were arrested early today, ett Elso., Atty. for Edwin A. Gordon Air Technical Training Unit, Jack­ tain . and makes her husband and 2JU, D-N^w Haven, chairman of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sonville, Fla., for technical train­ Khrushchev had proposed that the condition of the state’s insur­ the Smate insurance committee, he said, after a police chase. Police Mid Winiam J. Gordon, Address un­ her children’s friends, as well as her We here at Pinehurst are proud that Mao head the CMnese delMfation, A touch of spring fever known, 953 Main St., Manchester. ing in Aviation Blectrician’s Mate ance program.’’ ^ y** agency was paid $36,432.08 said Harding and Taubel abandon­ OoBn., Jean G. Thomas. Columbia, School. Mrs. Raymond Gowen own feel welcome— like members of her thousands of mothers depend on us to but nobody expected the (Shines* The committee’s recommenda­ in premiums by the state during ed a rent car after It crashed In struck three New Englandl Conn., Beatrix G.
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