DOCUMENT TUNE 4 . e ED 116' 139 '002 303 AUTHOR' Rawson, Margaret B., Ed. TITLE Bulletin of the Orton Society, Volume 23. INSTITUTION Orton Societyfr Towson, Md. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 229p. AVAILABLE FROM'The.Orton Society, Inc., 8415 Bellona Lane, Towson, Md. 21204 (members $4.00, nonmembers $5.00, prepaid) ED S PRICE MF- $0.76HC-$12.05 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Dyslexia; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Language Development; *Language Handicaps Lateral Dominance; *Learning Disabilities; *Perception; Reading Diagnosis; Peading Failure; *Reading Instruction; Remedial Reading IDENTIFIERS Orton Society ADSTRACT ...-- This bulletin is published annually in-the interest of children With specific language disabilities, learning disabilities or dyslexia. Articles in this issue deal with "Some Problems of the Ex-Dyslexic," "H mispheric Specialization and Stages in the Learning-to-Read Process " "The International Scene," "Diagnosis and Treatment," "Sem ntics--Diagnostic Categories; Their Use and Misuse," "Personal an Social Studies," and "Books and Children--An Open Letter from a Mother to Her Married Children." Inforpation about the Orton Society is presented. (MKM) 1 a 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666,16666666666666666666666 * ,Documents acquiied by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available,fom other sources. ERIC makes every effort * . * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * *reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcopy reprOductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS): EDRS is not * responsible for the volity of the original document. ReproductioAs* * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** THE ORTON SOCIETY, INC. BULLETIN OF THE ORTON, SOCIETY A Nod-profit Scientific and Educational Organization for the Study and Tceatment of Children with Specific Lanj.uage Disability (Dyslexia) U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS COPY- NATIONAL INSTITUTE DF GRANTED BY EDUCATION RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN THIS DOCUMENT ,HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM The OrtonSociety, Inc THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE OPERATING TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE NATIONAL IN- UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH EDUCATION POSITION OR POPCY FURTHER REPRO- STITUTE OF EDUCATION ERIC SYSTEM RE- DUCTION OUTSIDE THE THE COPYRIGHT QUIRES PERMISSION OF OWNER VOLUME XXIII 1973 $5.00 THE BULLETIN OF THE ORTON SOCIETYis puhlished annually by The Orton Society, Inc., and sent to all members without charge. Additional copies of this issue may he secured by memhers for $.1.00 each; by non members for $5.00. Orders should he sent prepaid to The Orton Society, 8115 Bellona Lane, Towson, Md. 21204. Copyright (:).1973 by the Orton Society, Inc. Manufactured in the United States of America. All rights reserved. 2 THE ORTON SOCIETY, INC. OFFICERS 197 President Roger E. Saunders First Vice-President ' Lucia R. Karnes, Ph.D. Second Vice-President Mrs. Arlene Jones Martin Record ling Secretary Mrs! Dorothy M. Tower Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Eleanor T. Hall Treasurer Robert B. Chapman, III President Emerita Mrs. June Lyday Orton Past President Mrs. Margaret B. Rawson BOARD OF DIRECTORS M'rs. Alice4nsara Mrs. Jane McClelland N. Dale, Bryant, Ph.D. Mrs. Mary Wootton Masland Robert B. Chapman, III Mrs. Paula D. Rome Mrs. Sally B. Childs Mrs. Mary Louise Trusdell Mrs. Ay lett R. Co3C Mrs. Betty Wells Jeannette J. Jansky, Pla.D. Paul M. Williams Miss Alice Koontz ADVISORY COUNCIL Lloyd J. Thompson, M.D. Carl L. Kline, M.D. Chairman Paul V. Lemkau, M.D. Lauretta Bender, M.D. Richard L. Masland, M.D. Arthur L. Benton, Ph.D. John McLeod, Ph.D. Joh1B. Big low, M.A. Zdeneek Matejeek, Ph Dr. Milton Brutten, Ph.D. Ralph D. Rabinovitch, M.D. Edwin M. Cole, M.D. Howard P. Rome, M.D. Macdonald Critchley, M.D. Archie A. Silver, M.D. Leon Eisenberg, M.D. Mrs. Beth H. Slinger land, B.A. J. Roswell Gallagher, M.D. Lucius Waites, M.D. Manuel R. Gomez, M.D. Lrn J. Whitsetl, M.D. Katrina de.Hirscb,F.C.S.T. The Orton Society, Inc. 8415 Bellona Lane Towson, Maryland 21204 Thr.atioual Br 'LLETIN OF THE_ ORTON SOCIETY it puhhrhed with York Fret Pubb rhoBaltitoote. Mal )1,iiiii 21218 BULLETIN OF THE ORTON SOCIETY VOLUME XXIII, 1973 Editorial Editor: Margaret B. Rawson Consultarl John I. Arena Arthur L. Benton Associate Editors: Paula D. Rome Macdonald Critchlgy Roger E. Saunders Carl L. Kline Marion F. Stuart Mary W. Masland June L. Orton Managing Editor: James Silvan Lloyd J. Thompson FOREWORD/ As itprevious years, this 23rd annual Bulletin contains papers from, the laboratory and from the research and treatment clinic, as well as reports from school and individual educational settings. The editor is responsible for reyiews, unleSs they are otherwise initialed. -' As always, the views represented throughout are those of the several &writers, for the Orton Society as a body holds neither an-,pfficial- view nor judgmental responsibility. This is discussed in more detail in the Society's Policy Statement, reprinted at the end of this issue. Responsibility for in- clusion of all materials in the Bulletin rests with the Editor, to whom they seemed relevant to the Society's stated purpose,The study, treatment, and prevention of problems of Specific Language Disability.- An Index to Volumes I through XXI of this Bulletin is now available. See list of publications.. Comments and criticism from readers will be *welcome at any time. Paperrdrid other coQtributions to be considered for publication in Volume XXIV should be submitted, in duplicate, as long as possible before May 1974. Manuscripts, including bibliographies,if anyshould' be typewritten and completely doable-spaced. Format should follow .that of similar articles in this issue of the Bulletin. We very much appreciate the cooperative work of authors, readers, and staff that enables us to produce your annual journal. Mrs. Margaret B. Rawson, Editor Route 10 Frederick, Maryland 21701 Contents Foreword The 1972 Samuel T. Orton Award. Some Problems of the Ex-Dyslexic Macdonald Critchley , 7 Hemispheiic Specialization and Stages in the Learning-to-Read Process Dirk J. Bakker 15 The International Scene 1.Introduction Lloyd J. Thompson 28 2.Language Disability in the Hispano-American Child Lilian Strong 30 3.Dual Remedial Training of Dyslexic Children in Poland Jadwiga Markiewicz and Barbara Zakrezewska 39 4. A Remedial Program for a Senior School in England Mary Manning-Thomas 52 5.Rudolf Berlin: Originator of the Term Dyslexia Rudolph F. Wagner 57 Diagnosis and Treatment 1.Segmentation of the Spoken Word and Reading Acquisition Isabelle Y. Liberman 65 2.Early Prediction of Reading Problems Jeannette Jefferson Jansky 78 3; A Kindergarten Screening Index to Predict Reading Failure Dorothy M. Tower 90 r Diagnosis and Treatment (cont'd.) 4.Developmental DyslexiaPrevailing Concepts and a New Diagnostic Approach Elena Boder 106 .5.The Language Therapist as a Basic Mathematics Tutor for Adolescents Alice Ansara 119 Semantics,,,; , Diagnostic Categories: Their Use and Misuse Margaret B. Rawson 140 Personal and Social Studies 1.Severe Reading. Disabilities: The Family's Dilemmas Carl L. Kline and Carolyn Lacy Kline 146 2.Shadow and Substance of Specific Language Disability: A Longitudinal Study Jane McClelland 160 3.Jeff A Case Study Margaret B. Rawson 182 4. DyslexiaAs Universal as Language Anonymous 186 Books and ChildrenAn Open Letter from a Mother to Her Married Children Dorothy M. Tower .188 Reviews General 194 Specific Lan e Disability 199 Instructions 207 Reference and Miscellany 212 A Statement of Policy 216 "What's in a Name?" 217 Facts about the Orton Society 219 Membership in the Orton Societyy 220 AA The 1972 Samuel T. Orton Award Presented by the Orton Society to Beth H. Slinger land PRESENTA ON BY JAM ESL. TUCKER, M.D. As a member of this Conference Committee, we welcome you all to Puget Sound and the Northwest, to this Conference and, in particular, to this occasion for the presentation of the Sixth Annual Samuel T. Orton Award. Beth Slingerlandthat name rings well on are earfour beautiful syl- lables--behind the name Beth H. Slingerland where is a story of pioneer grit, stick-to-it-iveness, and enthusiasm, the force of which Ishall try to relate. She was born in Santa Rosa, California, her grandparents having come to northern California in the 1850's. She received her degree in edLation from San Francisco State College. 4 1 .1.1 TIN OF THI ORTON SOCIETY 'After teaching a few years in California, she met John Slingerland whom she married in 1925 in Honolulu. For over ten, years .she taught at the Punahou School in Hawaii. During those early years of teaching she noted that there were bright children who had trouble with language. Hearing that efforts were being made to help these children, especially in the East, she got in touch with Anna Gillingham and Bessie Stillman and arranged to meet them at Glacier National Park for a month in the summer of 1935. 'What was supposed to be a vacation for these pioneers turned out to be a vacation just for John, who fished in the mornings, while the women spent the morn- ings instudy. The afternoons were informal, aid John joined them for hiking over the trails of the Rockies. Following this contact, Bessie Stillman and Anna Gillingham spent two years at the Punahou School, where Mrs. Slingerland continued to work under their direction. After World War II, John and Beth Slingerland returned to the main- land, happily for us, to Renton, Washington. Mr. Oliver Hazen, then Super- intendent of the Renton School District, recalled how in those early years his new second-grade teacher would come to his office, full of enthusiasm; re- questing a chance to teach -more of these children." He learned at once that, "You don't say no to Beth Slingerland." Through Mr.
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