952-957.qxd 14/01/2011 09:21 Õ Page 2 AL BAYAN BUSINESS GUIDE INSURANCE & REINSURANCE ACAL (Lebanese Insurance Ass.) AMERICAN LIFE (METLIFE ALICO) Hazmieh - Tel: (5) 956957 - 958959 - Fax: (5) 458959 - General Manager & Legal Representative: M. Jean Claude Noujaim E-mail: [email protected] - Website: www.acal.org.lb - Address: JM Plaza Bldg., 4th to10th Floors Concorde Square, Verdun, Beirut 2042 6212, Lebanon Tel:(1)753111 - (3)386299 - Fax: (1)756300 - 752576 ADIR For Customer Services + Claims Tel: (1) 352752 P.O.Box: 14-5644, Mazraa, Beirut 1105 2805, Lebanon - Chairman - GEN. MGR : M. Sami Haddad - Managing Director & C.E.O : M. René Klat 11-2547, Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2030, Lebanon - Director & Assistant General Manager: M. Jean Hleiss E-mail:[email protected] - Website:www.lb.alico.com - Address: Dora Aya Commercial Center, 1st & 2nd Floor - Dora, Beirut BRANCHES: Tel: (1)256290/1/2- Fax: (1)256293 - Achrafieh Falcons (Sodeco Square bloc A): Tel: (1) 611900/1/2/3 - (3) 326587 P.O.B: 90-1446 Jdeidet El Metn 12022110 Lebanon - Antelias: Rahhal: (Garden Tower Bldg): Tel: (4) 408111 - 408222 - (3) 492277 E-mail:[email protected] - www.adirinsurance.com - Beirut: Diamonds: (Bliss Plaza Bldg.): Tel: (1)374574 -377877 -(3) 180210 ALIG - Beirut: Giants: (Bliss Plaza Bldg.): Tel: (1)377877-360689-(3)348781 - Beirut: Hunters: (Victoria Tower): Tel: (1)423518/522 -(3)511799 - Managing Director: M. Ghassan Saab - Address: Ashrafieh - Tabaris - Borj Al Ghazal - 7th Floor - Beirut: Iskandar (Victoria Tower): Tel: (1) 397393/4 - (3)347802 Tel: (1)327222 - Fax: (1)326999 - - Beirut: Direct Sales Managers (Verdun 2000 Bldg): Tel: (1) 790977 - 785006 - (3)198798 E-mail: [email protected] - www.alig.com.lb - Beirut: Stars : (Atrium Bldg): Tel: (1) 998000 - (3)532800 BRANCHES: - Jal El-Dib: Ark: (Sarkis Bldg) Tel: (4) 711603/5 - 712012 dir - (3) 361778 - Bint Jbeil: Tel: (3)347823 - (7) 460700 - Jal El-Dib: Direct Sales Force (Zard Zard Center): Tel: (4)713882/3 - (3)244082 - Broumana Rep: Tel: (4)961808 - El Chyah: Tel&Fax: (1)277837 - 558929 - Jal El-Dib: Sleiman Associate: (Mid Town Center) Tel: (4)719200/1/2/3/4/5-(3)303101 - Rawshe : Tel: (1) 791683 - Jbeil Stars (Sales Office): (Kamal Al Am Bldg) Tel: (9) 541443 - Sin El Fil: Tel: (1) 491950 - Jdeideh: Guardians (Australian Center) Tel: (1) 877779 - 883497 - (3) 189922 - Tripoli Rep: Tel: (6)410817 - Zahle: Tel&Fax: (8)817888 - Saida Conquerors: (Al Makassed Bldg.): Tel: (7)738953 - (3)183800 - Zgharta: Tel&Fax: (6)570430 - Sin El Fil: Lions: (Victoria Tower) Tel: (1)510580/1/2/3/4 - 423522 (3)389444 -Tyr: Tel: (3)347823 - Sin El Fil: Samaha Direct Sales Center (Mirna Chalouhi Bldg) Tel: (1)497774 - 498884 ALLIANZ SNA - Tripoli: Cedars: (City Complex): (6)432748- 629272 - (3)359128 - Tripoli: Eagles Sales Center (Jundi & Ezzeddine Bldg.): Tel: (6)440981 - 441595 - (3)354289 - General Manager: M. Xavier Denys - Tyr: Direct Sales Force (MTC Bldg): (7) 347096 - 374046 - (3) 599211 - Address: Hazmieh, Allianz SNA Bldg. Tel: (5)956600 - Fax: (5)956624 -P.O.B: 16-6528 C.P. 1100 2130 Beirut, Lebanon - Verdun Conquerors: (Verdun 2000 Bldg ): Tel: (1) 801153 - 790976 - (3) 369182 e-mail: [email protected] - website: www.allianzsna.com - Zahle: Bekaa Sales Office (Wardeh Center - Boulevard): Tel: (08)801688 - 814812 - (3) 306833 BRANCHES: - Borj El Barajneh: Tel: (1) 451446 ARAB RE - Jezzine: Tel: (7) 781437 - Chairman: Sheikh Khaldoun Barakat - Jounieh: Tel: (9) 918465 - Hamra: Tel: (1) 350243 - Vice Chairman : M. Tanous Feghali - Kornet Chehwan: Tel: (4) 911782 - General Manager: M. Ronald Chidiac - Monte Verde: Tel: (4) 409785 - Managers: M. Mohamad Hamoud (Technical) - Sour: Tel: (7) 350025 - Tripoli: Tel: (6) 441149 - 430562 M. Ibrahim Yassine (Int’l Audit) - Zahle: Tel: (8) 803422 M. Mohamed Naji Ahmed (Reinsurance) AGENCIES: - Ain Saade: Tel: (4) 870048 - Address: Arab Re’s Bldg. - Maarad Str. - Beirut Central District - Beit Mery: Tel: (4) 871278 P.O.Box:9060 Beirut - Lebanon - Jbeil: Tel: (9)943069 - 943554 Tel: (1) 983931/2/3- 989500- Fax: (1)985154/5 - Jounieh : Tel: (9) 932445 - Saida: Tel: (7)728717 - 729797 E-mail:[email protected] - Website: www.arabre.com.lb - Zgharta: Tel: (6)662538 - Tayouni: Tel: (1) 399009 ARABIA - Chairman: M. Wahbe A. Tamari AMAN TAKAFUL INS. (ATI) - Chief Executive Officer: M. Fady shammas - Chairman: M. Mussa Shehadeh General Manager: M. Jihad Feitrouni - Address: Head Office: Beirut - Phoenicia Str.- Arabia Bldg. - Address: Verdun - Rachid Karame Str. - Near Cinema Concorde. Saab BLg Tel: (1)363610 / 363611 - (3)314350- 314351 P.O.Box: 114-5010, Beirut - Lebanon Fax: (1)365139 / 363659 - P.O.B: 11-2172 Beirut - Lebanon Tel: (1)749444 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] - Website: www.ati.com.lb Website: www.arabiainsurance.com AMANA BRANCHES: - Chairman - GEN. MGR: M. Georges Salem - Ain El Mreisseh: Tel: (1)360893-360889 - Fax: (1)360071 - P.O.B: 3568 - Assistant General Manager: M. Raja Salem E-mail:[email protected] Head Office: - Chtaura: Tel: (8)545210 Fax: (8)545310 - Email: [email protected] - Saida: Tel: (7)726602/3 - Fax: (7)726601- Email: [email protected] Dekwaneh Highway, Freiha Bldg.1st et nd 2 Floor Tel: (1)683025/6/7- Fax: 683028- P.O.B: 11-9349 Beirut - Tripoli: Tel: (6)440974-Fax: (6)424190 -P.O.B: 224-E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected] - Zalka: Tel:(1)890828/9-Fax:(1)872892-P.O.B:90-1749-E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amanainsurance.com AGENCIES: BRANCHES: - Aley: Tel: (05)557322 - Fax: (5)557323 - Achrafieh Agency: Tel: (1)321260 - Fax: (1)328882-E-mail: [email protected] - Hamra: Tel: (1)370880/1 - Fax: 370878 Life AGENCIES: - Saida: Tel&Fax: (7)752759 - Arrows Agency: Tel: (1)366269 - Fax: (1)366273-E-mail: [email protected] - Tripoli, Bahsas: Tel: (6)410511/2 - Fax: (6)410513 - Elite Agency: Tel: (1)321260 - Fax: (1)328882 -E-mail: [email protected] 952 AL BAYAN ECONOMIC MAG - ISSUE 470 - JANUARY 2011 952-957.qxd 14/01/2011 09:21 Õ Page 3 COMPANIES IN LEBANON AROPE BANCASSURANCE - Chairman: M. Habib Rahal - Chairman - Gen. Mgr.: M. Adel Kassar - General Manager: M. Fateh Bekdache - Gen. Mgr.: M. Christian Besse - Address: Arope Insurance S.A.L. - Address: Centre Gefinor, Bloc A 2nd floor, Rue Clemenceau. P.O.Box: 113- 5686 - Beirut, Lebanon P.O.Box: 11/0393 Tel: (1)759999 - Fax: (1)344012 Tel & Fax: (1)744403 - 744403 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] - www.ebancassurance.com Website: www.arope.com BRANCHES: BANKERS ASSURANCE - Borj Al Barajneh: Tel: (1) 452917 - Chairman of the Board: M. Saba Nader - Dora: Tel: (1) 262222 - General Manager: M. Eugène S. Nader - Jbeil : Tel: (9) 943701 - Central Office: Adlieh Area66 - Jisr El Wati - Road 99 - Bankers Bldg - Saida: Tel: (7) 725303 Tel: (1)420300 - Tyr: Tel: (7) 740900 E-mail: [email protected] - Tripoli: Tel: (6) 446877 BRANCHES: - Zahleh: Tel: (8) 818640 Add Capitole- Down Town Beirut, Riad El Solh - Capitole Bldg. - 4th floor - Tel: (1)962700 - Fax: (1)984004 AS SALAM - Chtoura: Tel: (8)545450 - Fax: (8)545451 - Chairman - GEN. MGR: M. Saad Al-Bsat - Ghobeiri: Tel: (1)270271 - Fax: (1) 552635 - Address: Al- Ramleh Al-Baydah- Fawaz Bldg. - Beethoven Street. - Jounieh (zouk): Tel: (9)221668 - Fax: (9)219991 E-mail: [email protected] - Saida: (7)752756 - Fax: (7)752758 Tel: (1)801871- 811484- 791797- 801869 - Fax: 791798 - Tripoli: Tel: (6)442509 - Fax: (6) 433390 ASSUREX BERYTUS - Chairman : M. Michel Fattal - Chairman : M. Nazih Feghali - GEN. MGR : M. Edward Traboulsi - GEN. MGR: M. Fouad Sawaya - Address: Patriarch Howayek Beirut DownTown - Bab Idriss - Address: Achrafieh, Alfred Naccache Str., Azouri Center Assurex Bldg. P.O.B: 11-7358 P.O.B: 165152, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: (1)982000 - (3) 775338 - Fax: (1)982005 Tel: (1)331331 - Fax: (1) 329076 Home Page: www.berytus.com - E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected] - Web Site: www.assurex.com.lb BRANCHES: BEST RE - Jounieh: Tel: (9)932122- 934951 -Fax: (9)934952 - Chairman: Dr. Saleh Jamil Malaikah - Elissar Mazraat Yachouh: Tel & Fax: (4)928014 - 921014 - Regional General Manager: M. Abdallah Badaoui - Tripoli: Tel & Fax: (6)437539/40 - Address: Sassine - Centre Notre Dame - 5th floor. - Zahleh: Tel: (8)810563 - 810542 -Fax: (8)810562 P.O.Box: 16 6879 Beirut - Lebanon Tel: (1) 328590/3 - Fax: (1) 328594 AXA MIDDLE EAST E-mail: [email protected] - E-mail: [email protected] - www. best-re.com - Chairman & C.E.O.: M. Roger J. Nasnas - General Manager: M. Elie J. Nasnas - Deputy General Manager (Non Life): M. Habeeb Farah BURGAN - Address: Jal El-Dib Highway - AXA Middle East Bldg. - Chairman : M. Diraar Alghanim Tel: (4)716333 - 444 - 555 - Fax:(4)716563 - (Call Center) (4) 727000 - General Manager: M. Salah Hassanieh E-mail: [email protected] Head Office: - Hamra: Maamari Str. Soliclem Bldg. Wardieh:Tel: (1)373630/1/2 - Fax:(1)361431 Sanayeh - Rue Justinian - Center BAC - 11th Floor Tel: (1)751851- 742570/1- Fax: (1) 742569 E-mail: [email protected] - P.O.Box:11-550 Beirut, Lebanon P.O.Box: 11-7338 - Riad El-Solh 11072240 - Lebanon BRANCHES: E-mail: [email protected] - www.burgan-ins.com BRANCHES: - Achkout: Tel/Fax: (9) 959777 - Bhamdoun:Tel: (5)260062 - Bar Elias: Tel/Fax: (8) 510125 - Saida: Tel: (7)728453 - Fax:(7)728454- P.O.B: 798 - Hamra: Tel/Fax: (1) 373630 - Tripoli: Tel: (6)627641- Fax: (6)441251- P.O.B: 206 - Jal El Dib: Tel/Fax: (4) 716333 - Jdita (Chtaura): Tel/Fax: (8) 540532 - 541147 - Jounieh: Tel/Fax: (9) 933777 BYBLOS - Jbeil: Tel/Fax: (9) 545777 - Chairman : M. Fady El-Khoury - Labwe: Tel/Fax: (8) 230611 - GEN. MGR: Mrs.
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