Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday Courier- Gazette By Rockland Pukllihlm Co.. 465 Main St. Established January, 1846. Entorod ao Second Clue Mall Matter. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, January 20, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80. ..............Number 9. YOUR INCOME TAX HAS CLIMBED TO TOP The Courier-Gazette WIFE’S AFFECTIONS ONE DOLLAR A THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Nutshell Information That Homer E. Robinson Is Close To Being Rockland’s Youngest ALL THE HOME NEWS Such Was Jury’s Verdict Yesterday In Warren Alienation Will Help You In Prepar­ Subscription $3 00 per year payable In V Case—Criminal Docket Now On. Bank President—Active Career. • advance; single copies three cento. ing Returns. This is the Bird Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. [Twelve brief articles covering essential by electing him to the office of vice NEWSPAPER HI8TORT j^pnx of Income tax laws. Begun In Jan. Ernest A. Young of Warren was was making bread, and this was so ’ With the possible exception of The Rockland Gazette waa established In 13 issue.] unusual that her husband asked her ! Maynard S. Bird, who was elected president. Jan. 13 of the present 1846. In 1874 the Courier waa established And to Nellie Willie whispered as they awarded a nominal verdict of $1 in why she was doing it. She laughed president of the Security Trust year he was elected to the presidency, and consolidated wkh the Gazette in 1882. WHO? Single persons who had net 'Knox County Supreme Court yester­ succeeding Capt. Israel Snow, who The Free Press was established in 1855, and income of $1,000 or more or gross fondly kissed— and said she was going away with Company at the age of 40, Homer E. In 1891 changed its name ta the Tribune. day following a two days' trial in had lieen tilling the unexpired term Income of $5,000 or more, and mar­ the neighbors in lhe morning. He Robinson, the new head of Rockland These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. “I’ll bet that you were never kissed like of the late Arthur S. Littlefield. He ried .couples who had net income of which he had sought damages in the forbade the neighbors to take her National Bank, is believed to be thc but they put her in their cur and she youngest bank president this city has has attained the highest position in .•. .«. $2,500 or more or gross income of i that!" sum of $3000 for lhe alienation of went. Later Mrs. Young said she j ever had. the gift of the corporation, which has ••• z ••• $5,000 or more must file returns. his wife's affections. «•« J consider it the best part of an WHEN? The filing period is from “Oh! He Dorit Know Nellie Like I was going to Canada and her husband Mr. Robinson was born in this city always selected men of high ability, education to have been born and ••• January 1 to March 15, 1925. The defendants were John 1’. forbade the Therres to take her. July 14, 1884, being a descendant of but. which now carries a much brought up In the country.—Alcott. ••• WHERE? Collector of internal rev- do," Therre, his wife Ava M. Therre, and Mrs. Therre said she fearec} not thc Dr. Moses Robinson, who first set- greater responsibility than In the old days. ••• nue for the district in which the Said that saucy little bird on Nellie's Clinton V- Overlock, leaders of a re­ law nor man. Witness forbade the tied in Cushing in 1736, and later N* *9* ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Therres coming to his house, and af- j moved up St. Georges River to what During the 19 years connection person lives or has his principal ligious sect which is sometimes place of business. hat. ter that they would call Mrs. Young J is now the town of Warrqii. Before witli the hank he has had the satis­ HOW? instructions on Form 1040A known as "Truth.” and which holds into the highway and talk. One ' taking up the career of banking he faction of watching its stead}’ and WE WANTERKNOW! healthy growth from resources of and Form 1040; also the law and Hear this and a tcore of other old time favorites— its meetings in houses, chapels and day she stood more than two hours was employed for some years as regulations. schoolhouses In Warren and neigh­ in the storm and slush talking with j book-keeper In the coal office of John $750,000 to $2,460,000. and in this The Clipper Ship WHAT? Two per cent normal tax "After the Ball," “The Picture Turned Toward the boring towns. The case was non­ Mrs. Therre. , ____________________________________ time the *bank has been remodelled twice—in 1918 and during the past Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— on the first $4,000 of net Income It, Wall,” “Old Gray Bonnet,” ‘School Days,” “Two Little suited as to Mr. Overlock. Mr. Young testified that he asked year, when its floor space was I am writing you for a little prac­ excess ^if the personal exemptions It was claimed on the part of Mr. them kindly to stop interfering, be­ Girla in Blue,” “Come Josephine,” “In the Shade of the doubled. Mr. Robinson feels ex­ tical information. I would like to and credits. Four per cent normal Young that he, his three children and cause he wanted the fellowship of tremely fortunate in having had an find out what year the ship Frederick tax on, the next $4,000. Six per Old Apple Tree,” “A Bicycle Built For Two,” and euch stepson were neglected as the result his wife and family. The reply was opportunity to receive his training Billings was built and what was the cent on the balance of net Income. of her attendance upon the meetings, that they would continue to do as at COMMUNITY FAIR, FEB. 23-28, sung and acted in and that she was induced to go to they were doing. Mrs. Young would from excellent superior officers and captain's name who first commanded Surtax on net income In excess of ' ■ , I her. if possible 1 would also lik« $10,000. costume by Knox County's ablest talent. them in spile of his demand upon no longer go with her husband Sun- ■ modestly feels that Ihe part he may to get pictures of two most famous the defendants that they cease exer­ days, saying that she didn't believe have had in the extension of the tiank Is through the co-operation of the ships built in Rockland years ago— Number 4 I cising their influence upon her. The it was right to go around Sundays. hoard of directors anil the loyalty of the Flying Cloud and the Red Jacket. The revenue act of 1936 provides Therres defended on the ground thut But she would go to the Therres and the associate officers and line work­ It was ahead of my time. These that the status of a taxpayer rela­ — ■ i ■ mi— ■ Mrs. Young acted of her own free stay from three to six hours. There ing force. were two of the smartest ships fly­ tive to the amount of his personal will and that her husband had used were lace curtains on the windows, ! Mr. Robinson is very active in the ing the American flag in the 50's. exemptions shall be determined bv A WASTE OF TIME Bath-Woolwich. The Richmond peo- ber abusively. and you would scarcely know any I am an old New York, deep-water ___ ✓ pie have given a partial statement, The case was tried before the sec- body was at home, witness said. local branches of Masonry being a by apportionment In accordriktce with 32d degree member of that frater­ mate, also an ex-American steam­ the number of months the taxpayer and promised a complete one to the o|ld Jurv of whlch Alvah B. Clark is Overlock would be there. nity. He has lieen treasurer of ship licensed officer. I am an in­ was single, married, or the head of a Friends of Kennebec Bridge legislature," says one Senator. "Az It i fj,reman Mrs ijUellie E. Johnson King Solomon's Temple Chapter, R. mate of the Sailors Snug Harbor a' family. Under the preceding act the looks to me. this commission pro- ; cr- Appleton was challenged and Mr. Young coaxed his wife to stay Are ‘’Agin" the "Investi­ nosed by Representative White, must JoBeph Dondis of Rockland replaced A. M. the past 11 years, and is a Staten Island, N. Y. There are a amount of the exemption to which at home with him, and her people either accept one or the other of her on th<1 jury Mr Dondls. lt ls Knight Templur and Shriner. An­ number of Rockland men here also, the taxpayer was entitled was deter-, gating" Resolve. talked with her. One Sunday Mr. other fraternity in which he has but none of them deep-water men. mined by his status as a single per­ these statements as correct, or else believed, has the distinction of being make recommendations based on Young invited his wife’s folks down been prominent is Pythianism. He Wm. D. Wilson. son, a married person, or the head the first Hebrew to serve oil a Knox from Hope, but Mrs. Young went out Indications are that there are guesswork. If they are going to do is a past chancellor of Gen. Berry • Staten Island, Jan. 15. of a family on the last day of the breakers ahead for tile Kennebec County jury.
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