The american school of classical sTudies aT Athens Annual Reports ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH THROUGH ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH 2006–2007 through 2007–2008 Corinth Architect James Herbst in the pot sheds. Photo: M.J. Gavenda Member Nathaniel Andrade and Carpenter Fellow William Caraher in front of the Arch of Galerius, Thessaloniki. Photo C. Person Trench supervisor Anne McCabe documenting a well discovered at the Agora Excavations (Section BH), 2007. Photo: C. Mauzy 2007–08 Kress Athens/Jerusa- lem Fellow Linda Meiberg at the Clemoutsi Castle on the trip to the Peloponnese. Photo: L. Meiberg Surveying at the Corinth Exca- vations. Photo: M.J. Gavenda 2007–08 Members Jenny Sears, Anne Feltovich, Matt Sears, and Alexis Belis form a human pedi- ment at the sanctuary of Pan on Thasos. Photo: K. Ormand front cover: The Athenian Agora. Photo: C. Mauzy back cover: Nezi Field excavation at Ancient Corinth. Photo: J. Herbst THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIXTH THROUGH ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORTS, 2006–2007 through 2007–2008 Foreword 2 Introduction and Overview 4 The Academic Program 7 The Formal Academic Program 8 Lectures and Informal Presentations 9 Conferences and Exhibitions 9 Summer Sessions 10 Archaeological Fieldwork 11 Excavations at the Athenian Agora 12 Excavations at Ancient Corinth 12 Affiliated Excavations, Surveys, and Synergasias 13 Research Facilities 15 Blegen Library 16 Gennadius Library 16 Archives 17 Malcolm H Wiener Laboratory 18 Publications 19 Administration and Support 21 Managing Committee 22 Trustees 22 Operations: Athens and Princeton 27 ASCSA Alumnae/i Association 28 The Philoi 28 The Years in Review (centerfold) 23 Addenda and Appendices 29 ASCSA Lectures and Events 29 Volumes Published 30 Trustees and Committees 31 Staff of the School 32 Alumni/ae Council Officers 34 Members of the School 35 Cooperating Institutions and their Representatives 39 Friends of the School 43 Financial Reports 47 FOREWORD An Annual Report is a valuable way for an insti- the School as a key participant in the digital arena tution to offer its present and potential constituents Implementation of two major grants involved School a synopsis of its current fiscal and organizational staff and management alike in efforts to organize health Much can be gleaned by reading between the and make electronically accessible the incompa- lines of such reports In this, the combined Annual rable resources of the School, including archival Report of the ASCSA for academic years 2006–07 materials from the Gennadius and Blegen Libraries; and 2007–08, those interested in the work of the more than 150,000 photographs; and archaeological School will find an institution not only confident notebooks from Corinth, representing more than a and capable in its pursuit of its mission, but posi- century of excavation and discovery A redesigned tioned, by virtue of its solid foundation and clear ASCSA website increased the School’s visibility and vision, to achieve its future goals accessibility and fostered unification among some Thanks to its highly committed staff, generous previously functionally disparate components of the supporters, and dedicated Trustees and Managing School Committee members, the American School remains At the same time, the School laid the ground- a peerless provider of opportunities for the advanced work for its physical evolution in the coming decade, study of all aspects of Greek culture and an inspir- forming a Master Planning Committee (of which I ing example of international academic cooperation am pleased to be Chair) to identify infrastructure The School’s infrastructure remains strong, but if and programming needs and planning for a Capital the broad scope of Greek history that is its area of Campaign to fund this next phase of advancement expertise has taught us anything, it is that change is These efforts, which involved much consultation constant and adaptation is key to survival I feel con- with School staff in Athens and Corinth, produced fident that the School will find its way through the a roadmap that will guide the School in prioritizing latest worldwide economic challenges and emerge a and planning future facilities improvements stronger institution than ever I am proud of the School’s hard work and proac- The School’s goal, of course, is not simply to tive planning over the past two years, and I look to survive, but to thrive! To that end, much effort has the future with confidence in its continued success! been put, these past two years, toward positioning Charles K. Williams, II Chairman, ASCSA Board of Trustees 2 Since I took office in spring 2007 my under- support technology, databases, cataloguing and pur- standing of the workings of the American School chasing systems for the two libraries, and digitizing has increased enormously The School is a large and excavation and archival records Outside consultants complex institution, and many dedicated people— have been brought in to assess needs in the libraries, staff, alumnae/i, Trustees, and friends—contribute to and an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Technol- its smooth operation Members of the School family ogy has been formed to help address technological are united by a common interest in and commitment issues to the study of Greece from the earliest days of hu- As the Managing Committee Chair I sit ex officio man activity to the present The School is successful on its ten standing committees, and it is a privilege in carrying out its mission through the support and to participate in their varied functions The willing- advice that it receives from members of the Greek ness of these committee members to spend many Archaeological Service, the Ministry of Culture, and hours on the School’s behalf is impressive, and we other colleagues in Greece are all grateful to them During the past two years there has been an or- As Chair of the Managing Committee I also derly transition of several key positions in Athens sit on both the School and Gennadeion Boards of The five-year term of Professor Stephen V Tracy as Trustees By this means I have become acquainted Director of the School came to an end, and Professor with a wonderful and devoted group of people Jack L Davis began as the new Director, just as I was Through their conscientious stewardship and metic- beginning my term as the new Managing Commit- ulous planning they guide the School through good tee Chair Professor John Oakley’s three-year term as times and bad The School is greatly in their debt for Mellon Professor of Classical Studies also ended, and their thoughtful and careful management the new Mellon Professor, Professor Margaret Miles, In sum, the American School is a great and arrived in July 2008 to begin her tenure The School unique institution Many people contribute to its on- is very fortunate to have such a wealth of talented going success: winter and summer school students, and committed scholars in leadership positions To the stalwart staff in Athens and Princeton, and the all of these individuals, I would like to express my members of the Boards and Managing Committee gratitude With so many people working hard on its behalf, Changes are frequent in the area of institutional I am confident that the School will continue to be technology These occur in the basic organization of successful in its pursuit of excellence Mary C. Sturgeon Chair of the Managing Committee 3 introductiOn & OvERviEW The American School sees the academic program of Classical Studies at in Athens and functions as Athens was established in liaison between the School 1881 by a consortium of nine and the Greek community, American universities, with a the American School is mandate to foster the study widely recognized as one of Greek thought and life and of the leading research cen- to enhance the education ters in Greece as well as the and experience of scholars most significant resource in seeking to become teachers Greece for North Ameri- of Greek With a Managing can scholars of ancient Committee providing aca- and post-classical Greek demic leadership, the School studies pursued its mission, operat- To this day the American ing on contributions from a School of Classical Studies growing body of participat- at Athens remains, as its ing colleges and universities founders envisioned, a pri- and other interested parties vately funded, non-profit Within a few years of its educational institution, and founding, the School added it continues true to its orig- archaeological excavation inal mission: to teach the and research to its primary The School campus archaeology, art, history, lan- focus as a teaching institution guage, and literature of Greece from earliest times Today the School provides graduate students and to the present; to support research through such scholars from over 180 affiliated North American avenues as its libraries, its archives, its study centers colleges and universities a base for the advanced at Corinth and the Athenian Agora, and its Wiener study of all aspects of Greek culture, from antiquity Laboratory; to survey and excavate archaeological to the present day It also contributes considerably sites in Greek lands; and to publish and dissemi- to the dissemination of information about Greek nate the results of its excavations and research At history and archaeology to the Greek public, as well the same time it has expanded its mission and now as to U S and international scholarly communities recognizes its ever more
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