Visit Events Ullswater Here is just a taste of what goes on year-round in our valley. For a full list of all events happening The Lake District in and around the Ullswater Valley please visit ullswater.com MAP & VISITOR GUIDE Lowther Show Activities & Eating Out Self Catering Bed & Breakfast Caravanning, Sat 12 & Sun 13 August 2017 Taking place within the beautiful grounds of Lowther Absolute Escapes 1863 Bar Bistro Rooms 1863 Bar Bistro Rooms B1 Camping and Glamping Castle, this year’s Lowther Show will bring to you a full Things to Do E1 CA11 7YF 01768 892777 CA10 2NH 017684 86334 CA10 2NH 017684 86334 line-up of activity, which will include the Lowther Horse www.absolute-escapes.com www.1863ullswater.co.uk Gillside Farm Cumbria Tourist Guides www.1863ullswater.co.uk C1 Carriage Driving Trials, Taste Cumbria Food & Beer Festival, CA11 0QQ 017684 82346 01539 740133 Beckside Farm Beech House the Lowther Fishing Island and the Lowther Hound Show. www.cumbriatouristguides.org Aira Force Tea Room S17 B2 www.gillsidecaravanandcampingsite.co.uk E2 CA10 2NF 017684 86996 CA11 0PA 017684 82037 www.lowthershow.co.uk CA11 0JS 017684 82067 www.becksidefarm.co.uk www.beechhouse.com Hillcroft Park Distant Horizons UK Ltd www.nationaltrust.org.uk/aira-force C2 A1 CA10 2LT 017684 86363 Patterdale Dog Day CA11 0JJ 017684 86465 Deepdale Hall 'The Byre' The Crown Inn Pooley Bridge www.hillcroftpark.co.uk Sat 26 August 2017 www.distant-horizons.co.uk Another Place, The Lake S2 B18 E18 CA11 0NR 017684 82369 CA10 2NP 017684 25869 Annual event with an open sheep dog trials competition, CA11 0LP 017684 86442 www.deepdalehall.co.uk www.thwaites.co.uk/crown-at-pooley-bridge Park Foot Pooley Bridge Cumberland wrestling, dog competitions and much more. Eden Outdoor Adventures www.another.place C3 CA10 2NA 017684 86309 www.patterdaledogday.co.uk CA10 1AP 07525 653099 Elm How, Cruck Barn and Eagle Cottage Deepdale Hall Farmhouse www.parkfootullswater.co.uk www.edenoutdooradventures.co.uk Askham Hall & Café S3 B4 E3 CA11 0PU 07951 725727 CA11 0NR 017684 82369 Helvellyn Triathlon CA10 2PF 01931 712350 www.matsonground.co.uk www.deepdalehall.co.uk Patterdale Hall Estate - Sun 3 September 2017 Glenridding Sailing & Activity Centre www.askhamhall.co.uk A3 Caravan and Motorhome Club CL One of the toughest triathlons in the world; swim in crystal CA11 0PE 017684 82541 C4 Flitch Cottage George & Dragon Clifton CA11 0PJ 017684 82308 www.glenriddingsailingcentre.co.uk Beckside Farm Café S18 B6 clear Ullswater; cycle the infamous “Struggle” to the top E4 CA10 2ER 01768 865 381 CA11 0RJ 017684 83368 www.patterdalehallestate.com of the Kirkstone Pass (1489ft); run up and down Hellvellyn CA10 2NF 017684 86996 www.georgeanddragonclifton.co.uk Lakeland Boat Hire www.motherbyhouse.co.uk (3118ft). You must have this race in your triathlon portfolio! A4 www.becksidefarm.co.uk Side Farm Campsite C5 www.trihard.co.uk CA10 2NR 017684 86800 Hartsop Fold Holiday Lodges Glenridding House CA11 0NL 017684 82337 www.lakelandboathire.co.uk The Crown Inn Pooley Bridge S4 B7 E19 CA11 0NZ 07917 784977 CA11 0PH 017684 82874 www.patterdale.org/Side%20Farm.htm CA10 2NP 017684 25869 www.hartsop-fold.co.uk www.glenriddinghouse.com Ullswater Outdoor Festival NAV4 Adventure A5 www.thwaites.co.uk/crown-at-pooley-bridge The Quiet Site C6 Sat 23 September – Sun 1 October 2017 CA10 2PG 01931 712174 Helvellyn Cottage Lowthwaite B&B CA11 0LS 07768 727016 Fairlight Guest House S5 B9 www.nav4.co.uk E20 CA11 0QN 017684 82474 CA11 0LE 017684 82343 www.thequietsite.co.uk Nine days of guided walks, outdoor events and CA11 0PD 017684 82397 www.helvellyn-cottage.com www.lowthwaiteullswater.com Ullswater Holiday Park much more around England’s most beautiful lake. Nic’s Nordic Walking A6 www.fairlightguesthouse.co.uk C7 Meadow View Visit ullswater.com for the full line up. CA11 0QR 07976 949488 Hillcroft Park B10 CA11 0LR 017684 86666 S6 www.ullswaterholidaypark.co.uk www.nicsnordicwalks.co.uk Fellbites Cafe E6 CA10 2LT 017684 86363 CA10 2JF 07970 603622 www.ullswater.com CA11 0PD 017684 82781 www.meadowviewtirril.co.uk www.hillcroftpark.co.uk Waterfoot Park ullswater Quirky Workshops www.fellbitescafe.co.uk C8 A7 Mosscrag Guest House CA11 0JF 017684 86302 CA11 0UT 017684 83984 Gillside Farm (Bunkhouse and Caravans) Ian Hodgson Mountain Relay S7 B11 www.waterfootpark.co.uk www.greystokecyclecafe.co.uk/workshops.htm George & Dragon Clifton E7 CA11 0QQ 017684 82346 CA11 0PA 017684 82500 Sun 1 October 2017 CA10 2ER 01768 865 381 www.gillsidecaravanandcampingsite.co.uk www.mosscrag.co.uk Annual mountain relay race from Sykeside Campsite in Reach Beyond Adventure www.georgeanddragonclifton.co.uk www.ullswater.com Motherby House Brotherswater to Patterdale. CA11 0RR 017684 83867 Keldas View Cottage B12 www.hbmr.org.uk Granny Dowbekins Tearooms S8 CA11 0RJ 017684 83368 Hotels www.reachbeyondadventure.co.uk E8 CA11 0QD 07736 814128 CA10 2NP 01768 486453 www.motherbyhouse.co.uk Another Place, The Lake www.keldasviewcottage.com H5 The Ullswater Way Challenge Rod Ireland Photography www.grannydowbekins.co.uk CA11 0LP 017684 86442 A9 Sun Inn Pooley Bridge www.another.place Sun 22 October 2017 CA10 2PG 07982 421699 Patterdale Hall Estate B13 A 20 or 24 mile loop of the lake along the beautiful Helvellyn Country Kitchen E10 S9 CA10 2NN 017684 86205 www.rodireland.co.uk CA11 0PA 017684 82598 CA11 0PJ 017684 82308 Askham Hall & Café Ullswater Way - open to walkers or runners. How to Find Us www.suninnpooleybridge.co.uk H1 www.helvellynkitchen.co.uk www.patterdalehallestate.com www.nav4.co.uk Rookin House Equestrian CA10 2PF 01931 712350 For all its peace and tranquillity, the Ullswater A10 Pooley Bridge Inn www.askhamhall.co.uk & Activity Centre The Old Smithy Cottage B16 Inn on the Lake S20 CA10 2NN 017684 86215 Winter Droving Valley is surprisingly well connected. Located just E11 CA11 0SS 017684 83561 CA11 0PE 017684 82444 CA11 0PJ 07799 520206 www.pooleybridgeinn.co.uk Glenridding Hotel Sat 28 October 2017 5 miles from the M6 motorway (J40) and 3.5 hours www.theoldsmithyullswater.com H2 www.rookinhouse.co.uk www.lakedistricthotels.net/innonthelake CA11 0PB 017684 82228 A magical day of rural celebration, food, fun, games, by rail from London, it really is very accessible The Royal Hotel at Dockray www.glenriddinghotel.com The Quiet Site Cottages B17 masquerade and fi re in Penrith, Cumbria. from all over the UK and beyond. Ullswater Yacht Club A13 Pooley Bridge Inn S10 CA11 0JY 017684 82356 E17 www.winterdroving.uk CA10 2NA 017684 86333 CA10 2NN 017684 86215 CA11 0LS 07768 727016 www.the-royal-dockray.co.uk Inn on The Lake www.thequietsite.co.uk H3 www.ullswateryachtclub.org www.pooleybridgeinn.co.uk CA11 0PE 017684 82444 Christmas Market Ullswater Guest House www.lakedistricthotels.net/innonthelake B15 Sun 3 December 2017, 11am - 4pm Rookin House Equestrian Queen's Head Inn E12 S19 CA10 2NN 017684 86292 & Activity Centre Sharrow Bay Hotel A festive market in a beautiful setting, with stalls selling an CA10 2JF 01768 863219 www.ullswaterguesthouse.co.uk H4 Shopping www.queensheadinn.co.uk CA11 0SS 017684 83561 CA10 2LZ 017684 86301 array of local produce, crafts and seasonal gifts. www.rookinhouse.co.uk www.sharrowbay.co.uk www.askhamhall.co.uk 44 Catstycam: The Outdoor Shop R1 The Royal Hotel at Dockray 43 Glasgow M74 CARLISLE E18 2 Hours CA11 0PA 017684 82351 A74 CA11 0JY 017684 82356 Ullswater Holiday Park Eden Gifted Market 42 Newcastle S11 1.5 Hours www.catstycam.com www.the-royal-dockray.co.uk CA11 0LR 017684 86666 3rd Saturday of every month PENRITH Visitor Attractions Cumbria’s only regular artisan market when Penrith comes 41 PENRITH T M6 J40 www.ullswaterholidaypark.co.uk COCKERMOUTH 40 Glenridding Convenience Store M6 R6 Sharrow Bay Hotel Aira Force National Trust alive with stall holders selling the very best artisanal E13 V1 KESWICK CA11 0PA 017684 82221 CA10 2LZ 017684 86301 Ullswater House Self Catering produce that Cumbria has to off er, from freshly thrown WHITEHAVEN 39 Manchester S12 CA11 0JS 017684 82067 2 Hours www.sharmans.co.uk ULLSWATER www.sharrowbay.co.uk CA11 OPA 07734 852169 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/aira-force teapots to freshly baked scones! M6 GRASMERE www.glenridding.com www.giftededen.co.uk AMBLESIDE Birmingham Glenridding Gallery 38 R2 RAVENGLASS 3.5 Hours Side Farm Tea Room E14 Askham Hall & Café V2 WINDERMERE CA11 0PA 07736 814 128 CA11 ONL 017684 82337 Ullswater View Cottage KENDAL S13 CA10 2PF 01931 712350 The World’s Original Marmalade Awards OXENHOLME 37 M1 London www.glenriddinggallery.co.uk www.patterdale.org/Side%20Farm.htm M5 CA11 0QH 07515 125025 or 01539 726458 5 Hours www.askhamhall.co.uk and Festival 36 www.ullswaterview.com Dalemain and Penrith Town Centre Luiza Oliver Hairdressing & Beauty Sun Inn Pooley Bridge R4 E15 Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens Sat 17 & Sun 18 March 2018 CA11 0PA 07778 501546 V3 CA10 2NN 017684 86205 Waterfoot Park CA11 0HB 017684 86450 A celebration of all things Marmalade at Dalemain Mansion www.luizaoliver.co.uk www.suninnpooleybridge.co.uk S14 CA11 0JF 017684 86302 www.dalemain.com and in Penrith. A packed weekend of events for all the family. Weather Patterdale Village Store www.waterfootpark.co.uk www.dalemain.com Forecast available on Lake District Weather line: R8 The Glenridding Hotel E16 Friends of the Ullswater Way 0844 846 2444 or www.lakedistrictweatherline.co.uk Calls CA11 0NW 017684 82220 CA11 0PB 017684 82228 Waternook Lakeside Accommodation www.ullswaterway.co.uk www.patterdalevillagestore.co.uk www.theglenriddinghotel.com S15 cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.
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