• WllBlnaton Public Library i$ttwn$ii(£vm Wlltiin:.,tcn, Ian 01867 ' Wilmington 16THYIAR.NO. 45 WILMINGTON, MASS., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1971 FIFTEEN CENTS The New High School ^akespeart is (Homing! The Senior Class of Wilmington High School is reaching back to the classical antiquities of the English language for its senior play, this year. School Board Selected for the play, or as someone has expressed It, for their "vehicle" Is Shakespeare - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - one of Shakespeare's mort ethereal wants another plays. It is to be performed next week, starting Thurs- day, through Saturday, in the Herbert C. Barrowa Auditorium. This is the first time, it Is believed that Wilmington High School has tried Shakespeare In a quar- committee ter of a century. A meeting li scheduled to be held tonight, In the High School Library, of the various town boards and commit- tees that may be Interested in the building of a High School, or an addition to the present building. It has been called for by the Wilmington School Com- mittee, with most of the invitations by telephone, The School Committee, hopefully, wants some other board or committee to take over the function of pushing for a new High School. It says In effect that it has too many other things to do. So far there has been no enthulastlc response by any other committee. Town Manager Sterling Morris cannot be present. He has some military duty which he must perform, that evening. Of the other boards, no definite responses are known of at this writing. The Wilmington Planning Board felt. Tuesday night, that two of its members could attend, and THI OlD BOUTWIU HOUSi: Whkh iiHd tar many years nw the ft) anceural h.m. tar many e» that family n.m., Including Oevamer It was prepared to offer more school sites, for the con- present ilta •! IrM PuSey hem*, an S.utw.11 Street. It wn built In awtwarl, •! Maueihvtarrs, aaeut ana hundred yHn aee. sideration of the School Committee. 1711, end m tern dawn abaut 1910, p.,hap, a llttla earlier, h w> The letter written by the School Committee reads: an enormous and time-consuming needed school facilities for our Shakespcoit? is coming \o task. From: Wilmington School Com- tee member is undergoing a major youngsters. Marcia Road mlttee. transition. New educational The School Committee, therefore We would like to meet with you Vflfflfag+mioff Vilmingfon Subject: . Future Direction of changes and such complex Issues wishes to take the position that Jointly to further elaborate our Re-Instated School Building Program. as collective bargaining are be- once it has established the educa- thoughts. Communication as to The Wilmington School Com- tional specifications for any new date. time, and location of this coming &o Shakespeare? coming added burdens with Present at the meeting was Se- mittee In examining its role and Increasing demands on the Com- school building these specifica- meeting will be by telephone to Marcia Road, In North Wilming- the role of School Administrators tions will be forwarded to other the various board chairmen. ton, has returned to the good lectman James Mlcell. who has mittee's time. Likewise, the role attended four recent meetings Setfior Class In the area of school construction of the Superintendent of Schools Is appropriate committees for their Thank you for your considera- grices of the town, and is once recognizes that It has the obliga- action. The School Committee's tion and Interest In "our school again a road. The Planning Board. because of a discussion concern- changing rapidly and will continue ing Webber Road, on which he presents tion to provide the educational to do so. There are many pro- major role in the building pro- buildings needs. Tuesday night, took action to re- specifications for any new con- gram will have been accom- voie Its former reclnslon of the lives, and had participated in the grams that need his attention and Planning Board discussions. He struction. It is the intent of the direction. To direct an educa- plished. Liaison personnel will pirn for the road. School Committee to meet this be assigned to assist any Involved LACK OF ENTHUIASM CANCELS As ajresult of the lncompletion thanked the Planning Board. Tues- *A mdsummer I)W tional program for more than day night, for allowing him to responsibility at all times. 5200 young people and to super- committee, but the great Impetus WINTER CARNIVAL cl :he/hrork on building the road, TTie role of the School Commit- to see any school building pro- a developer, the Planning participate. Dream * vise a total staff of'over 350 is gram carried (rom Mated need A number of Wilmington mer- ■jasra. on January Tth. HN. re- The McMahon Funeral Home, TAintSo! through to fruition must come chants and business men who were ■t><ed the plan for part of It. a which for years has been standing TjaM^mWr I** M**;to 8-OC from other town bodies. willing to sponsor a Winter Car- part with three house-lots on each on a lot of land on which was also The School Committee and the nival here will be getting their side, and directly behind the the home of the late Joseph Mc- School Administration wish to money back within the next few Woburn Street School. The Town Mahon. is being transferred, by Harrow's Auditorium plan, to a lot of land having the remain helpful, and they obvious- days. Meeting then adopted a compli- Anwar*, by Nancy PMHaa R&S Not Polluters ly recognise that they have a The event had the backing of the cated Betterment Plan" which old McMahon home on It. The vested Interest in the quality and Recreation Commission, and applied the money available to presumption by one member of the Planning Board, who viewed Miss Laura M. Marland, retired line of "What Fools these Mortals versatility of any school construc- would have been a step toward that portion of Marcia Road head of the English Department, Be". He Is to play Puck. David The Boston Globe, Tuesday morning, named Raffl & tion: but the responsibility of the creating more recreation for having homes. If developers the plan, before voting. Is that Swanson, of Eames Street, as one of 57 water polluters there may be a sale In the future for whom the School Library Is O'Rourke, an expansionist minded School Committee must not be the residents of the town, both wanted to build on the vacant lots names, at one time presented Senior, has a wonderful time too - of New England streams. extended into the area of provid- young and old. they would have to provide money of the home of the late Mr. Mc- Mahon. Shakespeare plays to the public, He Is Lysander. and It will be he It just isn't so. according to Ralph Swanson. vice ing the primary leadership In Ice sculptures on the common, for the completion of the last por- through the High School classes. who will say "The Course of True president of the firm. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers "selling" any building program lobaggan races at the town park. tion of the road. COMPLGR APHIC ADMITTED TO Miss Carol Chlpman. a teacher Love never did Run Smooth" - to the Town Meeting. speed skating on Silver Lake, a Town Engineer Arthur Harding AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE in Wilmington High, is the lady David feels that the High School has been advised fully, he says, and somehow has not In addition to the fact that it is town wide neighborhood hockev reported on the progress, at paid any attention to what they have been told. who Inspired the Senior Class to seniors are having an exhausting not the School Committee's role, tournament and a snowman con- Tuesday night's meeting. The The Board of Governors of the take up Shakespeare. Miss Chip- time, verifying that fact, In the we also know that neither the test for the children were to be street, he said, had been paved American Stock Exchange re- man la active in the Quannapowitt play. In June of 1971 Raffl it Swanson listed. They added that If there Committee's nor the Administra- Included, along with the first an- that day. And, with safeguards cently approved for original Players, of Reading, and has The costumes are being pre- noted that there was talk about were any further questions to tor's knowledge of building and nual house lighting contest with a to Insure that the town gets paid, listing 7.685.789 shares of com- appeared In a production of A pared by Peggy McNamara and enforcing an old Refuse Act, please contact Raffl ft Swanson. construction exists to any degree prize awarded for the most crea- the Planning Board then re-In- mon stock In five companies. Midsummer Night's Dream, in a group of friends, all High dating back to the 1890's and Immediate action, they said, of excellence. tive display of Christmas decora- stated Marcia Road. Included were 1,891,000 common New Hampshire, during the past School girls, and Johnny Bognore wrote a letter to the U.S. Army would be forthcoming. We must look to the municipality tions. Both William MacKinnon and shares In Compugraphlc Corpora- summer. and Bobby Bush, have been pre- Corps of Engineers, requesting Then came Tuesday morning. through Its various Boards, to Unfortunately It has had to be Bob Leahy, new members atten- tion of Wilmington. Mike Harrington will have the paring the scenery. a copy, so that the firm could be The Boston Globe listed the Pol- provide the leadership In the cancelled due to the lack of enthu- ded the meeting, being Introduced Compugraphlc manufactures fully advised of the act.
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