~0090207-1874 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/30/1990 RETURN TO DPR LIBRARY ~0090207-1874 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/30/1990 mm II 1 all MANA I mm Final Environmental Impact Statement 4m ML Baker-Snoqualmle National Forest 1 all PREFACE 1 This National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) guides all natural resource management activities and establishes management standards and guidelines for the Hr. Baker-Snoqualmie Nattonal Forest. It describes resource management practices, levels of resource production and management, and the availability and suitability o6 lands for resource management. mini The Forest Plan will be reviewed, and updated if necessary, at least every five years. It wtl1 be revised on a ten-year cycle, or at least every 15 years. II This Forest Plan replaces previous land and resource management plans for the Nt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, with the exception of the Alpine Lakes ~m Area Land Management Plan and the Skagit Wild and Scenic River Management Plan, IiI which are both incorporated. Upon approval, subsequent activities affecting the Ht. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest must be in compliance with this Forest lm Plan. In addition, permits, contracts and other instruments for the use and occupancy of National Forest System land must be in conformance with this Im Forest Plan. If any particular provision of this Forest Plan, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is found to be invalid, the remainder of the Forest PLan and the application of that provision to other persons or 1 circumstances shall not be affected. aid Information regarding this Plan can be obtained from: dll Forest Supervisor Ht. Baker-Snoqualmte National Forest 1022 First Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 qmm (206) 442-5400 I al mlm ZUU~UZOI-IU74 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/30/1990 eit T~LE OF ~S m Table of Contents ......................................................... t i List of Tables ............................................................ ttl List of Figures ........................................................... iv elm Chapter I - Introduction A. Purpose of the Forest Plan ...................................... I-I m B. Relationship of the Forest Plan to Other Documents .............. I-] lira C. Plan Organization .... , ........................................... 1-4 O. Forest Description .............................................. 1-5 m Chapter 2 - Summary of the Analysts of the Management Situation Iim A. Introduction .................................................... 2-1 B. Benchmark Analysts .............................................. 2-1 m C. Resource Demand Projections ..................................... 2-4 a D. Information Needs ............................................... 2-11 ~t Chapter 3 - Plan Responsiveness to Issues, Concerns, and Opportunities Overall Emphasis of the Forest Plan ............................. 3-1 eli Plan Responsiveness to the ICO's ................................ 3-2 m Chapter 4 - Forest Management Direction Ill A. Forest Management Goals ......................................... 4-1 B. Desired Future Condition ....................................... 4-9 m The Forest In Ten Years ................................... 4-9 i The Forest In Fifty Years ................................. 4-11 C. Forest Management Objectives ................................... 4-14 m Resource Summaries ........................................ 4-19 Recreation ........................................... 4-19 Ill Scenery ............................................... 4-24 Nationa] Recreation Area .............................. 4-30 w American Indian Religious qnd Cultural Uses ........... 4-3S Jill Archaeological and Historic Properties ................ 4-36 Wt]derness ........................................... 4-38 ! Watershed ............................................ 4-40 .................................................. lil Air 4-41 Wildlife ............................................. 4-42 ! Fish ................................................. 4-46 Vegetation ........................................... 4-48 IBm Research Natural Areas ............................... 4-63 Mtnerals .............................................. 4-66 Inl Landownership and Uses ................................ 4-68 I Roads ................................................. 4-68 Fire .................................................. 4-80 n D. Forest-Wide Standards and Guidelines ............................ 4-81 General Procedures ......................................... 4-84 Ill Recreation ................................................. 4-84 ................................. m Visual Resource Management 4-93 Wild and Scenic Rivers ..................................... 4-95 ill Community and Human Resource Management .................... 4-96 American Indian Religious and Cu]tura] Uses ................ 4-97 m Archaeo]ogical and Htstoric Properties ..................... 4-98 llll Wilderness ................................................. 4-lOl Soil, Air, Water and Riparian Areas ........................ 4-117 w w Ill ~0090207-1874 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/30/1990 m iD Diversity and Long-term Productivity ....................... 4-122 Ftsh Habitat Management .................................... 4-126 mira Threatened and Endangered Species .......................... 4-127 Timber Management .......................................... 4-130 mmg Vegetation Management .................. ................... 4-135 D Minerals and Energy .................... ................... 4-136 Land Uses .............................. ................... 4-137 u Land Adjustments ....................... ................... 4-139 Facilities .............................. ................... 4-140 m Protection ............................. ................... 4-142 E. Management Area Prescriptions ............... ................... 4-143 m Chapter 5 - Implementation of the Forest Plan Introduction .................................................... 5-1 m B. Implementation Direction ........................................ 5-1 C. Monitoring and Evaluation Program ............................... 5-3 n The Monitoring Plan ........................................ 5-8 ammm; D. Amendment and Revision .......................................... 5-28 lmmulm Plan References eooooeooeeeoooeoeooooooQeeoeoooooooo,oeeooeoooooooooo4o,o, PR-] m Plan Glossary oe,*eeoo.e~oeoeo.oeeoeoe,o,.eeoe.,eo,,oo~ooeeoeeeoeooooooeoo PO-1 U Appendices Appendix A - Ten-Year Timber Sale Action Plan ........................ A-] Appendix B - Road Construction Schedule .............................. B-I Appendix C -Wtldltfe and Ftsh Habitat Improvement Schedules ....... C-] n Appendix D Recreation Implementation Scnedules ............... :: .... O-] ~mo Appendix E -Tratl Management Plan and Implementation Schedules ...... E-1 Appendtx F - Wilderness Rehabilitation Schedule ...................... F-] Appendix G - Land Classification and AdJustment Plan ................. G-I Appendix H - Off-Road Vehtcle Plan ................................... H-I mm Appendix I - Watershed Rehabilitation Program ........................ X-1 Iron eum n ~m mm mm nlm mare mm mm gmm N elm lm lualm il mm ~m ZU090207-1874 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 06/30/1990 Q If Ltst of T~les m 2-1 Benchmark Outputs and Effects ............................. dill 2-2 Summary of Projected Supply and ~ticpated Demands........ 2-5 i 3-1 Roadless Area Disposition ................................. 3-3 im 3-2 Planned Historic and Proposed Forest Plan Timber Outputs.. 3-4 3-3 Reltg(ous and Cultural Use Areas vtth Moderate to Htgh ugh Protection frol Development....e..eeoee.eo.emme.eemeeeemo. 3-7 IBm 4-1 Forest Plan Resource Outputs and Activities ............... 4-14 4-2 National Recreation Trails ................................ 4-22 lira 4-3 Proposed Nattonal Recreation Trails ....................... 4-22 i 4-4 Visual Resource Summery (Watersheds) ...................... 4-25 4-5 RecommendedWtld and Scentc Rivers ........................ 4-31 am 4-5 Sensitivity Level - Htld and Scenic Rivers ................ 4-34 4-7 Htlderness Recreation Spectrum ............................ 4-38 iN 4-8 Land Classification ....................................... 4-49 lira 4-9 Allowable Sale Quantity and Timber Sale Program Quantity.. 4-51 4-10 Vegetation Management Practices ........................... 4-53 ibm 4-11 Ttmber Productivity Classification ........................ 4-57 4-12 Present and Future Forest Conditions ...................... 4-58 am 4-)3 R-6 Forest Service Sensitive Plant Species on IBm the Ht. Baker-Snoqualmte Nattonal Forest .................. 4-62 4-14 RecommendedResearch Natural Areas ........................ 4-55 eli 4-15 Effects of Withdraw1 and Htghly Restrictive Nanagement on Mtneral Resource Potential Areas ....................... 4-57 i 4-16 Arterial/Collector Road System Service Levels ............. 4-72 4-17 Potential Management Actions to Improve Cmpstte elm Conditions Descending Order of Implementation............. 4-104 II 4-18 Maxtmum Number of Acres that can be Ftnal Harvested by Al|ocatton Zone (Watershed) by Decade.................. 4-121 u 4-19 Timber Utl|tzatton Standards .............................. 4-]31 am 4-20 ManagementArea Acreages .................................. 4-155 ell 5-) Honttortng Plan ..ee..ee.o..a,e,e.eeoDeee,.eeo.eeeoo....O.. 5-8 HI A-I Ten Year Timber Sale Schedule ............................. A-3 dim C-1 WJldltfe Habitat 1mprevement Schedule
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