Union College Union | Digital Works The oncC ordiensis 1902 The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 1-16-1902 The oncorC diensis, Volume 25, Number 11 John D. Guthrie Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902 Recommended Citation Guthrie, John D., "The oncC ordiensis, Volume 25, Number 11" (1902). The Concordiensis 1902. 2. https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oncC ordiensis 1902 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -. • ~f' -·,-~-~~·· ' .. :I:' i ; 't oncordien is. ,, -....... PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF UNION COLLECE, {. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. )i VoL. XXV. JANUARY 16, 1902. No. 11. ' ' ~ ' . ,'·; '. •, ·.. ·; ,:· ._ ...1':·.:. .• .,l .. · ..: . '. ~ ' ·~ ' '. .... '' . ,\ .,; . \ . I. • ~ • ' <' I ~ • 1 '. -· .......' . K··.· ·GI Union University. ·,.. ·c··. · .• .•... ·.· .. R···u'···E··: : .. , . i •.• 1: B',DR'·· .&··' ,.. ',·c·.,o: .. ;·.' ·. I F . I' ' ~ AIDREW Y. Y. RAYMOND, D. D., LL. D.,. President. 'THE UP-TO-DATE UNION COLLEGE, G:ROCERY HOUS.E· SCHENECTADY, N. Y. •• 1. Course Leading ta the Degree af A. B.___:The usual Classical Course, including li'rench a:n:d G-erman. ..After Sopho­ more year the work is largely elective. FU:LL AND COMPLETE LI:NE OF' 2. Course Leading to the Degree of B. S.-The modern i' languages .are substituted £or the ancient, and the amount of GRO:CEBIE~S AN·:O PRO'VlSlONS., Mathematics and :English studies is increased. After the f Sophomore year a large list of electiTes is offered, f . 3. Course Leading to the Degree of Ph. B.-Thjs di:ffers ' from the A. B. course cb.iefl.y in the omission of Greek and the •• substitution therefo-r of addi·tional work in modern languages and science. _ FRUIT AND VEG'ETABLES 4. General Coui·se Leading to the Degree of B. E.­ This course is intended to give the basis of 2n en~ineering edu­ cation, including the fundamental principles of all special IN THEIR SEAS'ON ••...• branches of the profession. a knowledge of both French and German, aud a fuli course in English. 5.. Sanitary Course Leading to the Degree of B. E.­ This differs from course~ in substituting special work in Sani­ . tary Engineering for some of the General Engineering studies. 6. Electrlcal Course Leading to ,the Degree of B. E.­ This differs from course 4 in substituting- special work in Elec­ f42 & f44 STATE ST. tricity and_ its applications, in place. ef some of the General I Engineerin~r. studies. '11his cours.e is offered iu co-o.p~eration i with the Edison. General Electric Con pany. ( 7. Graduate Cou1•se in Engineering Leading to the Degree of c. E.-A course of one year offered to graduates of courses 4, 5 or 6. ' There are also special courses in .A.nalytial Chemistry, '·· ~ Metallurgy and Natural History. For catalogues or for special j information, address j ------~-EUROPEAN--~---- BENJAMIN H. RIPTON, Dean of the College, Schenectady, N. Y. Broadway and Maiden Lane, DEPARTlkfENT OF MEDICINE. ALBANY, N.Y. Albany Medical College -Regular Term begins Septem­ er 24, 1901; and closes May 6, 1902. Instruction by Lectures, QENTLEMEN ONLY. 250 ROOMS. Recitations, Clinics. Laboratory Work, and Practical Opera­ LADIES' RESTAURANT AT'rA.CHED. tions. Hospital and Laboratory advantages excellent. Catalogues and circulars, containing full information, sent on application to · WILLIAM H. KEELER, PROP. l l WILLIS G. TUCKER, M.D., Registrar, Albany, N.Y. ANNEX-507 & 509 BROADWAY. l DEPARTMENT OF LAW. For Hats, Caps, Furs, Trunks, Bags, · I Suit Cases, Etc., go to .\. Albany Law Scl1ool.-This department of the university is j r located at Albany, near the State Capitol. It occupies a build­ ing wholly devoted to its u~e. The cou.rse leading to the degree ..1-'! , r of LL. :B., is two years, each year is divided .into two semesters. L. T. CLUTE'S, 227. STATE .s·T. - ·' 1 :Expenses.-Matriculation fee, $10; tuition fee, $100, For catalog·ues or other information. address Headquarters for Stetson and Rnox Hats. ·;;; ALBAN"Y LAW SCHOOL, I J. N~WTON FIERO, Dean. ALBANY, N. Y. i l ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. WILSOl't DAVIS·. Exercises held in Albany Medical ()()lJege BuildiJJg. Twenty­ Merchant Tailor. first annual session opened Monday, October 7, 1901. For cata- , ogue and information add1·ess THEODORE J. BRADLEY, Ph. G., Secretary, ALBANY N,. Y. 237 State St. SCHER ECT 1DY, N. Y. t ,,i a ~-ADVERTISEIMENTS.-___,..... 0. :S::'E::EZOG., PALAC·E MARKET. • • DEALER IN FIRST QUALITY OF •• BEEF, PORK, LAMB, HAM AND VEAL. Home .Dressed Poultry Always on Hand. Canned Goods and Vegetables. FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON. Tel. 276-M. 519 State St:reet. THE TEN EYGK, ALBANY, N. Y. H'eadquarte:rs for Novelty Suitings. POSITIVEJ.-~ Y FIRE-PROOF. American and European Plan. M<>st Attractive Special attention always given to students hy Hotel in New York State. Near S'J.'A.TE CAPITAL and other places of interest. Restaurant and Grill Special Features. Orchestra Music during even­ c. COETZ, TAILOR, ing dinner. Long: Distance Telepnone in every 3 Central Arcade. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. roon1. H. J. Rockwell & Son. • • • <9HE • ·• • Supplies Flowers for Balls, Parties, etc. Edison -s- Ho-tel, Also Palms, Ferns and other potted plants in the greenhouses at rear of store . 8GH EN EG'T A DY, N. 'l'. The Largest attd Best Appointed Hotel s. R. JAMES, 202 & 204 STATE ST. in the City. FURNITURE, CROCKERY, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, Headquarters for Sons and Friends of ·Old Union, BRIC-BRAC, ART GOODS. Tourists and Commercial Travelers. -- n & • I,RICE A.LL RIGHT. an.-. lDr. St. J8lmo 1R. ~ret3, Refitted and Refurnishetl. ••• JDenttst ••• Under New Management. (tor. State an~ 1afa1]ette Sts. Rates $2 and $2.50 per Day. GLENN ·:sE.OTHERS., £VROfEAN HOTEL AND SADDLE RDCX OY~TER HDU~E, H. A. PECK, PROPR., Cor. South Centre & Liberty Sts., Schenectady, N.Y. Branch at 355 Broadway, Rensselaer, N.Y. Meals $4.00 a Week. Rooms for Ge'l'l-tZemeB Only. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Order$ cooked and served in all styles. Open untill .A.. )1. 4 ---·ADVERTISEME'NTS.-- 1owne~'s (!an~tes~·•·····.~· =-- D. G. STODENTS 1fmporte~ an{) J!)ome.sttc YOU CAN FIND A FULL LtNE OF <.ttgars an~ (ttgarettes... UP~To·~DATE H~~STMAHH'-5 VH~RMAICT, :.·FURNISHING GO·ODS AT THE NEW STORE EDISON HOTEL :BUILDING, Opp. Post. Office. Schenectady, It. Y. I T. H. ~agiii, .235 ptate ~t. LhRGE UNION PINS G. N. ROGERS,•· DICKELMANN'S, JEWELt:R, BICYCLES 255 STATE ST. AND : ... PRI·CE, 75 CENTS ... REPAIR INC, ·'"NEW STAR RESTAURANT" Opposite Vendome on Centre. 112 CLINTON STREET. 2:1. MeaZ11 $8.150. Best Meals in City. , Begula'l' Heals 25c. Fi-rst-CZa-ss Chef. Long Distance Phone, 6-A. Dinner Served n-30 to 2 P. M. ,....,·~-------A. ABETZ, Proprietor. DR. LORD, @ EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. § VAN GlJRLER 230 STATE STREET. .··. I OPERA HOUSE. I c. H. BENEDICT, I TELEPHONE NO. Manager. 335. IDr. UUlflbur S. 1Roset •. COMIN.G ATTRACTIONS •. ••• lDcnttst ••• ••• 9 to 12 A. ~~,Dj_~lo\o 5 P.M. 437 $tate Street. THE SCHENECTADY CLOTHING CO., •• BY THE •• GIBSON, WALTON & HAGADORN, -THE LEADING- GLEE, BANJO, MANDOLIN ONE-PRICE CASH CLOT'HIERS, HATTERS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. AN'D D'·RAMATlC CLUBS. I EdiMon Hotel Building. 315 State Street, ~E>W~~ ~<900e)N'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, SEE PAGE 14. OPPOSITE V A.N CURLER, Baths, *************** Th0 ConcordiGilSis VoL. XXV. UNION COLLEGE, JANUARY 16, 1902. No. 11. THE ·CHAQLESTON EXPOSITION. America. The distance from Havana to Cin­ cinnati, for instance, is three hundred miles less by Some Facts Concerning It. by way of Charleston than way of Baltimore, five hundred than by way .of New York, and These are days of unfolding, when whatever five hundred and nine less than by way of Bos­ of good and true, or of evil and false, has been ton. Furthermore, the voyage to Charleston lurking in our life, is brought to view. Our frorn the West Indies is far less perilous than to An1erican cities, one after another, are seeking the gulf ports. by tneans of expositions to show to the world The exposition is controlled by a chartered what are their ideals and what are their re­ corporation with an authorized capital of $250,­ sources. Charleston, too, finds in her lofty ooo. The state of South Carolina and the city ideals and inexhaustible resources a cause for an of Charleston has each appropriated $5,ooo to exposition. While yet luxuriating "in the aid it. And while the Federal Government has broad sunlight of heroic deeds," she has felt not as yet made an appropriation the exhibits of that the things for which and by which she has the Navy, State and Interior Departments have lived, need only to be known to be appreciated. been removed intact from Buffalo to Charleston. Hence with the heroic resolve, which her Poet A tract of one hundred and sixty acres within the depicted, in war-titne~, in the farniliar lines: city limits, and on the beautiful Ashley, has "--In the temples of the Fates been chosen as the site and this has been pro­ God has inscribed her doom, nounced the best site ever occupied by an ex­ And all untroubled in her faith, she waits position. The location of Charleston is much The triumph or the tomb-'' like that of New York city and these grounds, she has conceived and opened her .!:. xposition says ML Montgomery Schuyler, correspond to within eighteen months.
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