7-=.r ,f>l,-U rr.+ THE FRISCO-MAN RAILROAD PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES Coach and Car (Metal) ">letalktcel" Paint Yurfnrcr Uuilrling and Station "Jlrtal" Canvas Prcsrrvcr "Jlct;~l" Canvas I'roo' II Pnints I'nirrt 1:rright Car Paints St. Louis Surfacer & Paint Co. ST. LOI'IS -\IAT<F;RS- SEW YORIi No Railroad Man Galena-Signal Oil Co, Can Afford To Be Without ACCIDENT INSURANCE Our Accident Policies i~l'iordthe ~rei~testbenefits i~tthe lowest cost, rl~ostliberal i~djr~stn~er~t,i111d prorlyt p:lyruent. The Travelers Insurance Company III~~ITFORD,COh'S. Tl~eGre:~test Accident Corng;luy fu the \\'orl(l, SEE THE AGEST S. A. MEGEATH, President ( Con. P. Curran Printing Co. Printers, Designers, Engravers, Lithographers, Blank Book Makers PIIOSES EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS Ilrll. Jlain 5191 I<inlo~~l~.Ctwtral 9D1 ST. LOUIS, MO. ?,lention 115 wl1c.11 writing to advertisers. it mil1 heIp us both. SECURITY SECTIONAL ARCHES FOR LOCOMOTIVES 30 Church Street, NEW YORK I American Arch Company, M cCormick Building, CHICAGO I UNIFORMS UNIFORMS JAMES H. HIRSCH& CO. 223 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO - - Xention us when writing to advertisers, it will help us both. 2 THE FRISCO-MAN THE HEWITT SUPPLY GO, WHEN VISITING KANSAS CITY STOP AT C. 11. HEWITT, President BLOSSOM HOUSE HEWITT BABBITT METALS Rtiu~d;lrd Xetnllic Packing Rings RUBBER GOODS 303 Railway Exchange, CHICAGO THE TEXAS COMPANY Texaco Fuel Oil Coniorming to Government Specifications IIIGlt IN FUEL VALUE ElTicient - Econonnicnl Texaco Railroad Lubricants Cut down the wear and tear on rolling stock Illuminating Oils Signal Oils THE TEXAS COMPANY OPPOSITE IJSIOS DEPOT Manufacturers of all klnds of Petroleum Products EUROPEAN PLAS ST. LOUIS FROG & SWITCH CO. XlLVUFACTURER INSULATED WIRES and GABLES The performance record Frogs, switches, Crossings, of KERITE,covering over Switch Stands for half a century, is abso- Steam and Electric Railroads lutely unequalled in the whole history of insu- Oliver lated wires and cables. Electric & Mfg. Co. RAILROAD AXLE-LIGHT PARTS AND REPAIRS 2219-2221 Lucas Ave, ST, LOUIS, MOB Mention us when writing to advertisers, it will help us both. THE FRISCO-i\IAX 3 FLINT Varnish Works FLINT, MICHIGAN BIASUI~ACTUI~EA PULL LISE OF TIIE 1llGIII';ST GIC.\l>E Varnishes, Enamels, Engine Finishes, BIacks, Colors, Primers, Surfacers, Etc. The Sign of FOR Fair Weather THE RAILWAY TRADE Khen this great book of I~:lrgaills :I~~P:II.S(111 J-OII~ hnriz011 it ia nil orrlen of fair \vc,;ltl~car :1lre:111for Ille f:cn~il- :111d its ~X~IC,II~I~LIII.C~: .\Iillic~l~srccopnixe the C:~t:~lopr~cof United Supply & 3lo:1tw111vryIl'~r11 S. Con~pau~:is nu IIIIS:III~II:hig11 PS wol~on~y-r~t' 1)ilr- Manufacturing Co. CII:~SI.Jtl1:lt r;llikl) ---of fu1.t~ .\'cYII's of f:lir 1Iwli11z. RAILWAY EXCHANGE TII? f:~uln~l'~Ili~l~[vil~g w!ltcrr of tllc i~igrilios c;11111ololh-r r11i1r1,ill 1-:lrii'l.v, CHICAGO Over Ji1'l.y ;~c.rv.; of 111~~r1~11:lutlir;nh111)111y tl~c?60,000 c~i!c~ri~lgs~lcscril~cti :c~~cl pic- Pack- LII~IY~ in tlik (':11:1loyue. 1:ighl illto Wool and Cotton Wiping and y1111rIIIII~C il 1)ritixs 111t~11wl s11~1~1~~illK ing Waste, Nuts, Bolts, Rivets, c~~~nrwsol' Llitl IL:I~~OII. :\I:II w?ry r1:ly Spikes, Axles, American i3 I~:~rg:lill11;ly 011 cvc?l'.v :l:ti~lc~ ~I'Olll Rail Loader 11i11s:III~ 11i1u- 11) WWIIS, I'U~II~~II~P,111:~- I r.11inr.r~. ~n11n~~torliol~ilr~. 'I'lle 1:itcst C':lt;ilogue of .\lo~lt.;o~uer.v W:~ral & ~.'onrI~:u~sis a \\~o~r~lol-fr~iex- IlObllillll of Ill? I:ltC-t sIylc$, flit' IICIV- (,st iclca:~s ill evti~~,vfilina:yull rlt!ccl ilt 11l'ic.w.. nl~ic.l~:II~ tbc lon.cst. I llr>rc is :I copy ol' I llis grc:lt I~ook SPENCER-OTIS \v:lili~lr:frtv yorl. It is ;~l)nol~~tr~lyfrce. Si111p1y SC~II~Ius >-o11r II:II~I~;111(1 :1r1- ~lrr.;.; nntl it will go forward to yon at ct~lcc. Atlclrcss Ikpt. ILK. -JG. COMPANY Monfomery Ward &Company CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Sv I Chicago Knnbar City Fort \Vortli Portlnncl -.----- - - - -.- - -- - - - - - - Vol. VIII. No. 4 SAINT LOUIS, MO. April, 1914 -- - --- -- - - - - - - - - --.- - --.- - --- - Thc article in last month's I.'risc.o- "l'ron~ a n~c~hanic~alstandl~oint 1 can- .lltr~c. by 3Jr. H. 11'. Sacol~s deserves not reconlnlenct"; "A similar device Inore than casml notic8e, coming as it was tried out several years ago and docs from one actually enpaged in rf- abandoned by our society"; "We ill- ticienry worli, aud shoultl soften the vestigatcd this patent and found it hearts of some of the so-called rslwrts. did not co~nlily absolutely with the I do not wish to be undwstootl, hou- law," etc. ever, as ~~ntlerratingor tletracti~~g You mllst lino\v, of conrsc, that a Prom the nlnu \\.it11 the toc4t~~~ic.altrain- sort of "halo" Ilns s~~rrountletlthe titlc ing. Such a man has a market1 atl- of "c.ngineer" - \vI~ell~ertnecl~aniral. vantage ovc.r thc Inan tl~thas I~IIcivil or i~lwlric.-antl tall(! rank nntl Ale tlel~riredof such c?dr~c:i~tion,bnt Inan?- were sulrl>osed to Itnow nothing ol the, useful invel~tions have beell brought inner \vorltings of these clepartmcnts. ant hy mechanic*s and laborers. I3ut many who haw n~astered me- TVo all knov that some devices c11nnic.s and with Boston "Tech" or which scellled cr~~deand imprac+ical Purrluc? to their credit., who can Inws- at, lirst, yet with slight vhangcs s~g- ?Ire horso !io\vcr to a mit, arc ~iulling gested I)?. ac.tual c?sl>erienc,r, have the lines ovcr a 1n111e's 1iac.k or 1)urnl)- proven valuable, but mally a j)oor man ing \vatcr at Ilorsc C~wkti~nk. Othcrs l~asIwrn coml~clledto p;~rt,with a11 or that havc! Ivwrni>d to nitvsure Icilo\vat( ;I large cortion of an invention to gct I~ot~~~s--Ohms"intlr~ction" and rclsist- it into sc5rvice. ;\nee, arc n~casr~ringpay days on third Ilcre is whfw the railroad company tri1.1~0. S. .To11 at llcd Fork, or main- has brcn slo\v and the csprrt wry taining a section of telvgrapll line via active. Suc.11 crpressions as these are a gasoline motor on Winding Stair familiar to thc ansious inventor, Jlo!mfnin; n.hile others ~vhohaw laid (i TI-I1C FRISCO-MAS pl'ol~el. attcwtion \vas gi\.en to over- Ilaulil~g ellginos; that is. a cc-l,(ail~ class of repairs grol)e~,ly111adr sl~n~lltl l)rotluce so n~ang~tlilcs ant1 the ~.ountl house foreman end engine men held 10 a strict awount for ~)~rIorn~tl~~c~, I~ut "30::" steps in and sa!.s "a\-pr- agc5s, me boy, avcragc.~," xntl yo11 lillo\v ive, overhauled forty-t\vo rll- gines tbc corresl)ontling non nth hst year and IIIIIS~ not fall don-n. Tllc. wheel is tu~xingand I believe it IKIS heen iound Iwttcr to have thirty PII- ~ines tllornughly nverhauletl thn11 forty-two engines with only the most important repairs. I was amnsecl: Asked to look over an invention-a c,nr coupler. It was noted that tllc? contour of the htwl was n little tlccper and mow of n ci~.- vie than those g(~nwallyin use and found that it was possiblr lo ~nalrea caoupling at a greater degree of c11rv:l- ture. This fcaturo I tho~~ghtan atl- \.antage, hut \vas 1)rnllght upstanding nh(~rithe gaugc was applied and it n-as found that the contou~' varied from the 31. C. B. standard, and, t11er~- fore, like the law of the Jletles ant1 l'c~rsiarls, c,oultl not 11e c.hangctl-ar~tl tllercb you are-So avcragcs thcre nw I10y. MORE ACRES MORE TONNAGE 'Well for preli~uina~y. G(!t, :I 111;lp 01' tIl(l 1{'riwo sysft!111. iel's 1.~lIi(! :I 1OOk (~OIYIIIll(? 111:lill lir~? I'IY)III St,. 1,oriis lo I)oriisor~. So\\ :i i.;~il~.oi~tlis s~rppos~tl lo cl~~;l\\' ils 1o1111ayc:r't.on~ 111~len u~ilc!s eacal~siclc' ol' tiw rig111 of \\.;I>.. 'I'hcrr \VC II;I\,? ror4 C;I?II ~r~ile01' III~~Ut~~~;~(~li i\vct~t.>, S(~II;IIY; n~ilcs,\\-it11 64-0 il(!l"(lS to (vI(.II 111ilcS(~II;II'C. i111d ;I tofill 12.700 SI.~U;I~Tu!ilvs ill ih[, sixip. ;zi rir 1!41::, for each 1000 gross ton miles 11antlli.d on tha syste~n. The ~lc'aresl: tl~ingto an innovation l~asbcen an c,nilc?avor to find out what wc were doing. wlmt we ought to do, and how to do it. This has bccn men- tionctl Iri~To~'c~,IIII~ it is north regeat- ing and is north kccpir~gcontinually bcl'o~r 11s. The saving wls 1)ronght nhol~t l)y e\-oL'yonc lindi~~gnut as IIIIII~~as Ilc could about thf 1111sinc%s and t~llingsornc-o~~~ \\-ho was in a 110- sition to correct it, something about, thc things that werc urong. Tl~c,reis sc*arcel.v an itel11 c30~~ncotctlwith lh(: ol)rration of trains Illat docs not ham sonle intluwcc, and sc:arc:cly an (:m- plo?~but that can assist in somc: way iu ~wl~~cingthr fucl 1,ill.
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