Glossary of Education Terms (教育词汇表) A. Education System/Education Service (教育制度/教育服务) Associate Teachers Scheme 教师返聘计划 Autonomous School 自治学校 Centralised Institution 高级中学 Compulsory Education (CE) 强制教育 CONNECT PLAN (CONtiNuity, 敬业乐业计划 Experience, Commitment in Teaching Plan) Direction Polytechnic 理工学院直接招生计划 Admissions Edu-Pac (Education Service 教育专业与职业发展计划 Professional Development and Career Plan) Enabling Fund (Niche 支援资金 (专长项目) Programme) Enhanced Performance 强化表现评估制度 Management System (EPMS) General Education Officer 普通级教育官 (GEO) Government School 政府学校 Government-Aided School 政府辅助学校 GROW (for the professional and 教师专业与个人发展配套 personal Growth of education officers, through better Recognition, Opportunities and seeing to their Well-being) package Higher Education 高等教育 Independent School 自主学校 IT Demonstration School 资讯科技重点学校 Junior College 初级学院 Joint Polytechnic Special 理工学院特别联合招生行动 Admissions Exercise Ministry of Education Financial 教育部经济援助计划 Assistance Schemes (MOE FAS) MOE FAS For Government and 教育部经济援助计划 Government-Aided Schools (政府与政府辅助学校) MOE FAS For Independent 教育部经济援助计划(自主学校) Schools National School 国家体系学校 Niche of Excellence 专长项目 Niche Programme School 专长项目学校 Post-Secondary Education 中学后教育 Pre-School Education 学前教育 Professional Development 专业提升假期/ Leave (PDL) / Enhanced PDL / 强化专业提升假期计划/灵活专业 Flexi-PDL 提升假期计划 School Cluster System 校群制度 Senior Education Officer (SEO) 高级教育官 Special Assistance Plan School 特别辅助计划学校 (SAP) B. Education terms (教育术语) Ability-driven education 能 力 导 向 教 育 Broad-based education 广泛性教育 Career grade 职衔等级 Centralised Qualifying Test 统一资格鉴定测验 Co-curricular Programme 课程辅助项目执行员 Executive (CCPE) Continuing education 延续教育 Creative Thinking 创意思维 ExCEL Day 精益求精日 Head of Department 部门主任 Joint Admissions Exercise 联合招生活动 Learning Journey 学习之旅 Life-long learning 终身学习 Masterplan for IT in Education 资讯科技教育总蓝图 National Education 国民教育 Partnership in Education 教育伙伴 Part-Time Teaching Programme 部分时间教职计划 PRIME (Programme for 重建和改善现有学校计划 Rebuilding and IMproving Existing schools) School Cockpit 学校资讯舱 School Excellence Model 卓越学校模式 School Motto 校训 School Ranking 学校排名 Scholastic Assessment Test 学能测验 (SAT) Senior Specialist 高级专科督导 Special Education School 特别学校 (Sped) Special Needs Officer 特殊需要指导员 Student Transfer Exercise For 小学生转校申请与处理 Primary Schools (STEPS) Substantive grade 资历等级 Teachers’ Mass Lecture 教师演讲会 The Desired Outcomes of 理想的教育成果 Education The International Mathematics & 国际数学与科学能力调查 Science Survey (TIMSS) Thinking Schools Learning 重思考的学校,好学习的国民 Nation Valued-added School 增值学校 Work-Life Harmony 工作与生活和谐 C. Awards 奖项 Achievement Awards (AA) 成就奖 Best Practice Award (BPA) 最佳治校奖 Development Awards (DA) 发展奖 Edusave Merit Bursaries (EMB) 教育储蓄优异助学金 Edusave Scholarships 教育储蓄奖学金 Inspiring Chinese Teachers 全国模范华文教师奖 Award MOE Masterplan of Awards for 教育部学校奖励计划总蓝图 Schools National Education 国民教育成就奖 Achievement Award National Physical Fitness Award 全国体能奖 (NAPFA) Outstanding Contribution Award 杰出贡献奖 (OCA) Outstanding Development 卓越发展奖 Awards (ODA) Outstanding Youth in Education 杰出青年教育奖 (OYEA) Award President’s Award for Teachers 卓越教师总统奖 School Distinction Award 优异学校奖 School Excellence Award 卓越学校奖 Sustained Achievement Award 持恒成就奖 (SAA) Teaching Award 教学奖学金 The PARTNERS Award 伙伴奖 (PARents, Teachers and NEighbourhood Resources in Synergy) D. Programmes/Subjects/Activities 课程/科目/活动 Advanced Elective Modules 高级选修单元 Aesthetics 美育 Applied Graded Subjects 应用性计分科目 Character Development 品格发展 Civics & Moral Education (CME) 公民与道德教育 Programme Co-Curricular Activities 课程辅助活动 Community Involvement 社区服务计划 Programme Cross-discipline learning 跨学科学习 Cross-faculty modules 跨院系课程 Diploma in Pre-School 学前教育教学专业文凭 Education for Teaching (for teachers) Diploma in Pre-School 学前教育督导专业文 凭 Education in Leadership (for supervisors) Foundation-level subjects 基础水平科目 General Studies in Chinese 华文理解与写作 Gifted Education Programme 高才教育 High-ability student 高能力学生 Higher 1 level 高级副修科目 Higher 2 level 高级主修科目 Higher 3 level 高级深化科目 Integrated Programme 综合课程 Knowledge & Inquiry 知识与探索 Learning Support Programme 学习支援计划 Life Sciences 生命科学 Merged Stream 合并源流 Mother-tongue language 母语 National Cadet Corps (NCC) 全国学生军 团 National Police Cadet Corps 全国学生警 察团 (NPCC) Physical & Aesthetics 体育及美育 Physical Health 体质 Project Work 专 题 作 业 Singapore Youth Festival 新加坡青年节 Sports 体育运动 Standard-level subjects 普通水平科目 Student All-Round Development 学生的全面发展 Subject-based Banding 科目分班 The Leaders in Education 教育领袖培训课程 Programme Trim And Fit Programme (TAF) 健壮计划 TAF Retreat 体能训练营 Uniformed Group 制服团体 E. TLLM & PETALSTM Framework Engaged Learning 投入型学习 Principles of Engaged Learning 投入型学习的基本原则 PETALSTM Framework PETALS™ 框架 Student-Centred 以学生为中心 Affective Engagement 情感投入 Behavioural Engagement 行为投入 Cognitive Engagement 认知投入 Pedagogy 教学法 Students’ readiness 学生的学习准备度 Students’ learning styles 学生的学习风格 Students’ existing knowledge 学生现有的知识 Experience of Learning 学习体验 Stretch students’ thinking 拓展学生的思维 Promote inter-connectedness 提升相互联系的能力 Enable students to take control 促进学生掌控自己学习进度的能 of their learning 力 Tone of Environment 学习环境的氛围 Emotionally safe 情感上感到安全 Open and respectful 开放和相互尊重 Stimulating, productive and 激励的、富有成效的、目的明确 purposeful Assessment 评价 Formative assessment 形成性评价 Summative assessment 终结性评价 Assessment for learning 促进学习的评价 Assessment of learning 对学习的评价 Aligned with learning and 配合教学的评价 teaching Provide regular, timely and 提供定时的、及时的、有建设性 constructive feedback to 的反馈,以促进学生的学习 improve students’ learning Make clear the assessment 明确的评价标准 criteria Provide students with choice in 让学生有选择不同评价任务的机 selecting the assessment tasks 会 Learning Content 学习内容 Authentic real-world examples 具有真实性的例子 Content is relevant 与学生有关的学习内容 School Ecosystem 学校生态系统 Advocacy 提倡 Backing 支持 Capacity Creation 能力创造 Demonstration 演示 .
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