February 17, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E223 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING THE 50TH WEDDING Education has always been important to Gras Committees. Mr. James has been a ANNIVERSARY OF REVEREND Mrs. Mitchell. Following her graduation from leader in Zulu due to a love of the tradition, AND MRS. R.T. MITCHELL East Chicago Roosevelt High School, Mrs. merriment and ceremony of this historic orga- Mitchell later attended Indiana University nization. His newest honor is one that will for- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY through its extension located in East Chicago ever remain among his many high accomplish- OF INDIANA and has earned her Certificate of Completion ments. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Moody Bible Institute. Additionally, Mrs. In addition his role as an active member Friday, February 17, 2012 Mitchell’s devout faith and eagerness to learn and leader of the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure has since led her to participate in numerous Club since 1992, Mr. James is a life-member Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with sin- seminars and religious classes. of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and a member of cere respect that I rise to congratulate Rev- Mrs. Mitchell has served as President of the the Louisiana State Bar Association, the erend R.T. Mitchell, Pastor of New Revelation Minister Wives Coterie of Gary and as Sec- American Bar Association, the Federal Bar As- Missionary Baptist Church in Gary, Indiana, retary of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial sociation and the New Orleans and Baton and his wife, Mrs. Irene Robinson Mitchell, on Baptist State Convention of Indiana, Women’s Rouge Bar Associations. Mr. James’ honors the occasion of their 50th wedding anniver- Department. At New Revelation, she has also and achievements are testaments to his value sary. The members of New Revelation will be served as President of the General Mission as a brother, a leader, and as an esteemed honoring Reverend and Mrs. Mitchell with a and as Chairperson of New Revelation Youth professional in the many organizations to celebration of their anniversary and the re- Ministry, and she has also been involved with which he devotes his time. Mr. James also newal of their marriage vows on Saturday, the Men and Women Day Service and One volunteers with the Leona Tate Foundation for February 25, 2012, at The Chateau in Church One School. In addition to various Change Inc., where he provides legal advice Merrillville, Indiana. Reverend Mitchell was born in Pittsview, ministries in the community, Mrs. Mitchell is to individuals who have made the pursuit for Alabama, and graduated from Glenville High currently the Sunday School teacher at New social justice their lives’ work. School. He continued his education at Moody Revelation and is a member of Ruth Circle Mr. James is the youngest child of Ms. Mary Bible Institute and Indiana Christian Bible Col- and Christian Education. L. James of Kentwood, Louisiana. He is an lege, graduating with a degree in External Reverend and Mrs. Mitchell are the proud alumnus of Southern University Agricultural Bible Study. The Pastor also holds a Bachelor parents of two daughters, Arlene and Artice, and Mechanical College and the Southern of Theology degree and has pursued signifi- and six adoring grandchildren: Robert, Jerrel, University Law Center, where he received his cant additional Evangelical studies. Jeremy, Christian, Ashton, and Isaiah. Juris Doctorate and was associate editor of Reverend Mitchell was called into the min- My colleagues, Pastor and Mrs. Mitchell the Southern University Law Review. He is istry in May 1975 before being ordained on have led lives dedicated to Our Lord, to each also an alumnus of Georgetown University April 6, 1977. On January 22, 1978, Reverend other, and to their family. They have tirelessly Law Center, where he earned a Master of Mitchell became the Pastor of New Revelation ministered to their congregation and have self- Laws (LL.M.) in Taxation with a Certificate in Missionary Baptist Church and has served in lessly given of themselves, their time, and Employee Benefits. I hold Mr. James in the that capacity for the past thirty-four years. Dur- their talents to the greater community of highest regard for his dedication to family, ing his time at New Revelation, Pastor Mitchell Northwest Indiana. Few remain untouched by friends, colleagues, and his community. An in- has taken on many responsibilities and had their generous natures and limitless devotion spiration to all whose lives he touches, Mr. much success. He has served as President of to be of service. I am very fortunate and proud James represents the best of what New Orle- the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Gary and to consider them friends. ans has to offer. His commitment to the city Vicinity and as President of the Martin Luther Mr. Speaker, I am proud to consider Rev- and the future of the city brings hope and King, Jr. Memorial Baptist State Convention of erend R.T. Mitchell and his wonderful life com- promise to ensuring that New Orleans remains Indiana. Reverend Mitchell has also served on panion, Irene, as my friends. At this time I ask one of the most empowered and unique numerous boards and committees for organi- that you and my other distinguished col- places in the world. zations in Gary and throughout Northwest Indi- leagues join me in congratulating Reverend I wish to congratulate Mr. Elroy James on ana including: the Northwest Indiana Food and Mrs. Mitchell as they celebrate their 50th his coronation on February 17th, 2012 as the Bank, the Thelma Marshall Children’s Home, wedding anniversary. Their unselfish and life- 97th King of Zulu. the Second Chance Foundation of Gary, and long dedication to their church, their commu- f the Calumet Project. He currently serves on nity, and to each other, is worthy of our admi- the City of Gary Zoning Board, and he has ration, and I wish them many more happy RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS served as President of the Interfaith Federa- years to come. OF ANDREW W. CHAMBERS tion Clergy Caucus and as a Chaplain of the f Gary Police Department. Throughout the HON. JIM GERLACH HONORING MR. ELROY ANTHONY years, Reverend Mitchell has also been heav- OF PENNSYLVANIA JAMES ily involved with ministering to the incarcerated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in his community. For his outstanding contribu- Friday, February 17, 2012 tions to the community and his commitment to HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND civil rights, in 2010, Reverend Mitchell was OF LOUISIANA Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honored with the prestigious Drum Major IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES congratulate Andrew W. Chambers of Chester Award by the Gary Frontiers Service Club at County, Pennsylvania on his retirement after Friday, February 17, 2012 its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial 30 years of law enforcement service with the Breakfast. Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Tredyffrin Township Police Department. Mrs. Irene Mitchell, was born and raised in to honor the continued achievements of Mr. Chief Chambers began his law enforcement East Chicago, Indiana. As the youngest child Elroy Anthony James, a native and product of career with Tredyffrin Township in 1982 as a of Albert Ervin and Mary Jane Robinson, she my hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana. police officer assigned to patrol. After 9 years, was born into a family that loved the Lord and Today, I wish to congratulate Mr. James as he Chambers worked his way up the ranks as a served Him with joy. As a young person, Irene is honored with the title of 97th King of Zulu, sergeant, lieutenant and captain before being was a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church, an organization that he has proudly served for appointed Superintendent of Police in 2008. where she participated in various organiza- nearly two decades. He has participated on Chief Chambers has also served as com- tions. Later on, she went on to serve as the various committees, including the Zulu Ensem- mander of a Regional Special Operations President of the Gospel Chorus and was in- ble, Picnic, Souvenir Booklet, Public Relations, (SWAT) team, known as the Northeast Ches- volved in Sunday School and with the Nurses. Anniversary, Budget and Finance and Lundi ter County Emergency Response Team, which ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:49 Feb 18, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17FE8.001 E17FEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 17, 2012 serves nine municipalities in Chester County FURTHER HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLA- faced over the years—some of them for dec- for police high risk incident response. He is a TIONS IN CASTRO’S CUBA: THE ades. member of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police CONTINUED ABUSE OF POLIT- Armando Valladares, who unfortunately Association, International Association of Chiefs ICAL PRISONERS couldn’t join us yesterday, but who will appear of Police, Chester County Chiefs of Police As- at a future hearing, was a Cuban Postal Bank sociation and the Southeastern Pennsylvania HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH employee who was arrested for refusing to Chiefs of Police Association. OF NEW JERSEY display a sign on his desk that promoted com- Additionally, Chief Chambers has been a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munism. Mr. Valladares was imprisoned in volunteer firefighter and EMT for over 30 1960 at age 23, and spent 22 years in prison. Friday, February 17, 2012 years and is a certified Public Safety Diver.
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