Member of Audit Burem of Cifeiildtiom i I DORMITORY FOR SERVICE MEN PLANNED CLUD a hl(h-rankinf officer, after hia Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Soeisty, Inc., 1943>-Permis8ion to Reproduce, Except Capturing 35 Enemy Soldiers, had been (hot dovm nat the achieve* on Articles Otherwise Marked. Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue V nieni of Flight Officer John F. Rauth, 22, of York, Nebr., pictured below in the cockpit of hit Warhawk USO-NCCS to Convert plane. In the air force* iince Augu*t, 1940, Rauth ha* been ovenea* since January of thi* year and *aw i, active duty in the Tunisian campaign. After being shot down over Sicily, he was rescued by native fisher­ f}r. men, who took him to the Italian headquarter*. There 35 soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel, sur­ rendered to him and led him to safety a* American guns shelled Trapani. Flight Officer Rauth, a CathoUc, is the oldest of the nine children of Dir. and Dir*. A. F. Rauth. A sister, Sister Diary Vanna, is in St. Qara's Building’s 3 riT % 0 F novitiate, Sinsinawa, Wise. DENVER CATHaiC Into Sleeping Rooms REGISTER K. of G. Will Use Proceeds of Anooal Silver The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies ’The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Dollar Days to Pay Expenses of Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Alierafions Needed VOL. xxxvni. No. 50. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUG. 12, 1943. $1 PER YEAR Plans are being made to provide dormitory facilities for soldiers in the USO-NCCS club at E. 16th and Grant, it was announced this week by Thomas Nevin, grand knight Helen,N.Mex., Where Machebeuf Took Up of the Denver Knights of Columbus council, which will bear the cost of alterations needed to set up sleeping quarters in the club. The new project will fill a long-felt need in PastoralWork,toMark150th Anniversary Denver and provide either free or nominal-priced beds for service men who have over-night passes from the nearby A parish'that was old when the settlers. Though there is nothing bration will be highlighted by a camps or who are passing through first Bishop of Denver arrived definite, it is quite possible that three-day fiesta begining Aug. 14 the city. there in 1853 to serve as its pastor the Conquistadores of Francisco and reaching its climax with a will celebrate its 150th anniver­ Vasquez de Coronado passed Solemn Field Mass in Belen public Facilities Will FAST. ABSTIBE sary Sunday, Aug. 15. The parish through the present site of Belen park Aug. 15. Gov. John J. Be Expanded is that of Our Lady of Belen in around the year 1541. The as­ Dempsey of New Mexico will be Belen, N. Mex., which was estab­ sumption is made in view of the among the distinguished guests The dormitory will be set up lished in 1793. Just 60 years later fact that the Conquistadores made present. in the third floor of the K. of C. HOI OBLIBAIOIIV a priest from France, the Rev. extensive trips into the present French Priests Did building, which is being used for confines of New Mexico from their Joseph P. Machebeuf, arrived in the duration by the USO-NCCS the historic New Mexico town to base in Bernalillo, following in Outstanding Work take up his pastoral work among most instances the Rio Grande, The pastorates oi F a th e rs club. At the present time there Fr. Barry Wogan, Chaplain of the Indians and the descendants on whose west bank Belen is Machebeuf, Borgrieni, and Mon­ are seven rooms on this floor. In IBIS SAIBBBAY of the Spanish setUers. situated. tana (1853-1854) was followed by order to provide sleeping quarters, Correctional Institutions, Says: Beien's 150th anniversary cele­ (TumtoPaget— Column 8) meisiER E ll. Father Machebeuf, who became the partitions between several of A letter from Archbishop Ur* Vicar Apostolic of Colorado and these rooms will bejremoved; lav­ ban J. Vehr announcing a dispen­ Utah when the vicariate was estab­ College Curriculum Enlarged atory and shower facilities will be sation from fast and abstinence Recreation Programs lished Aug. 16, 1868—three-quar­ on the Vigil of the Assumption ters of a century ago—became expanded; and an additional stair­ and Ember days in September is REEIS COELEtE first Bishop of Denver when the Loretto Heights Speech way or fire escape will be pro­ as follows: see was erected Aug. 16, 1887. He vided to comply with the fire laws Aug. 5, 1948 died two years later, on July 10, of the city and county of Denver. Reverend dear Father: No Delinquency Cure; 1889. According to J. Franklin Sulli­ In virtue of the faculties van, director of the USO-NCCS T Though his term as pastor in Department Has New Head granted by our Holy Father, Pius, Belen was brief (less than a year), club, the beds will be offered free XII, to all local Ordinaries for the the future Bishop made a great to soldiers who wish to make use of them during the day. For those duration of the war, a general dis­ name for himself in the Rio Major changes in the department of speech, Minneapolis, Minn, She pensation from the laws of fast Strong Famiiy Life is Students who are planning to Grande river valley town. Though oi speech are being made by Lo­ received her Master’s degree from who will use the facilities over and abstinence on the vigil of the attend the regular session in Regis small and frail in stature, he pos­ retto Heights college, Denver, it is the University of Minnesota. night, a nominal fee will be Feast of the Assumption, Satur­ sessed a tremendous vitality. announced by officials of the col­ Improvements in the physical charged, merely enough to cover college, Denver, beginning Sept. 1 expenses.' day, Aug. 14, is hereby granted Proposing a strengthened family ing a good time, the delinquency are urged to indicate their inten­ Founded by Spanish Settler* lege. The curriculum has been en­ setup of the department are also to all the faithful of the arch­ life as the Church’s answer to the difficult'[ties will disappear or at ’The town of Belen was founded larged to offer a major in the field, under way. The west wing of one Annual Festival diocese, to priests, and to mem­ current wave of juvenile delin­ least decrease. The community, tions soon, according to the Very and new courses will be added in fioor in the Administration build­ Rev. John L. Flanagan, S.J., presi­ in 1741 by a band of Spanish bers of religious communities. quency, the Rev. Barry J. Wogan, they say, must now entertain the forensics, speech correction, and ing will be devoted to speech work. To Be Sept. 2-5 General dispensation is like­ pastor of St Joseph’s church in children while the parents are dent. Preliminary registration will radio. A laboratory is being installed, The proceeds of the annual Sil­ begin Aug. 15 and will continue wise granted from the laws of Golden, scores the delinquency busy with the war. Delegation Prelate Mrs. Elizabeth Shackel Hogge, consisting of makeup rooms, cos- ver Dollar Days of the Knights of fasting on the Ember days, Sept. “experts” who contend that ex­ All recognize, according to the until Sept. 1, the day of registra­ M.A., has been named as head of Columbus, to be held at the Cath­ 16, 17, and 18, and also from the panded recreation programs offer writer, that war-time conditions tion for upper classmen. Freshmen Will Offer Mass for the department of speech to suc­ olic Charities annex, E. 17th and laws of abstinence, except on Fri­ the ultimate solution to the prob­ account a certain amount of registration will be Aug. 31. ceed Mrs. Raymond McCraig, the Grant, Sept. 2, 3, 4, and 6, will be day, Sept. 17. I lem. Father Wogan, who is Cath­ unrest among the young, but “pub­ Freshman week, a period of orien­ Migrant Beet Workers former Miss Helen Burke. M.A., used to defray the expenses needed Faithfully yours in Christ, olic chaplain for two state indus­ lic money and the spending of it tation for incoming freshmen, will who was married in Fort Leaven­ to make the necessary alterations be held Aug. 30-31. With war con­ « URBAN J. VEHR. ' trial schools and for the federal have never solved a moral problem. worth, Kaps., in June. in the building. Archbishop of Denvey, correctional institution near Mor­ We cannot hire recreational, direc­ ditions creating much uncertainty The settlement for Mexican Mrs. Hogge has traveled exten­ rison, sets forth the views of the tional talent at so much per an as to the number of students who migrant beet workers in Fort Lup- sively in Europe, Canada, and the Lorettine, at Home in Shanghai When It Church in the current issue of the num, nve it a budget to spend, and will be enrolled for next semester, ton, sponsored by the Farm Secur­ United States. She studied in the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. then■ lefeel ■ any complacency^at hav­ a preliminary registration will pro­ ity Administration, will solemnly Speech institute in London, Eng­ Was Bombed, Gets Only Meager News of Family ing solved a serious situation.” vide the college authorities with observe the Feast of the Assump­ land, and also in Morwest college “The Church is not surprised some necessary data in order to Iftat the present condition of delin­ The real reasons of the delin- tion Sunday, Aug.
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