Notes NAT. NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 55(1): 179-183 , 2007 Tw o new Records of Goniothalamus (An nonaceae) 仕om Thailand Yu 伽l)I a Yuyen/ Piya Chalermglin ,2 and Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn 1 Abstract. Abstract. - Goniothalamus cheliensis H. H. Hu ,previously known from southwestern Yunnan ,is reported from northem northem Th a i1 and and Goniothalamus repevensis Pierre ex Fin. & Gagnep. ,p陀 viously known from Cambodia and Laos ,is reported from southeastern 引lailand. 百 lese species are here described and illustrated. τ'h e first report of Goniothalamus in 官lailand listed 9 species (CRAIB ,1925).τ 'w enty- one one species were reported by BYGRAVE (1 997). One more species was reported by us in 2006 (YUYEN ETAL. ,2006) Goniothalamus Goniothalamus cheliensis H. H. Hu ,Bull. Fan Mem. Ins t. Bio l. 10: 121-128. 1940. Figure Evergreen Evergreen treelet about 3m high; bark striate , pale grey; branchlets straight ,brown , densely densely brown tomentose. Le aves simple ,distichous; blades coriaceous ,obovate ,56--6 6 cm long ,16 ー20 cm broad , apex caudate ,broadly acu 飽 at the base; dull glossy brown above when 命y,brown below; glabrous above , with some brown tomentum on the mi 合ib ,mi 合ibdensely brown tomentose below ,especially so on veins and margins; main nerves c. 24- 32 p剖rs ,sec ・ ondary ondary nerves arching ,anastomosing ,fme above ,prominently raised below; margins entire , revolute. revolute. Petioles 2.5-3 cm long ,dorsally grooved ,densely brownωmentose. Flowers solitary or or in groups from woody tubercles on the main stem or rnain branches; pedicels about 1. 5 cm long ,densely brown tomentose , with 4- 5 bracts at the base. Sepals 3,coriaceous ,broadly ovate ,4 cm long , 2.5 cm broad , apex acuminate; brown sericeous on both sides ,especially on the main veins outside ,except at the base inside ,green. Petals 6,coriaceous ,greenish- yellowish ,outer 3 ovate , 6.5 cm long , 3.5 cm broad; apex acute; rusty puberlulous on both sides ,especially on the main veins outside ,except at the base inside; veins prominent inside; claw claw broad; inner 3 ovate ,3 .3 cm long ,1. 8 cm broad ,velutinous outside ,especially on main veins ,glabrous inside; claws broad. Stamens numerous ,3 mm long ,connectives convex. Pistils Pistils several ,8 mm long ,vertically grooved; ov 紅 y cylindrical ,densely brown tomentose; stigma stigma cylindrical ,incurved ,canaliculate ,glabrous; ovules 4. Thail 姐 d.-North: Nan ,Doi Phu Kah; Yuyen 220 (23 Apri12004 ,CMU) Dis 佐ibution.- Southwestem Yunnan Habita t. -Primary , lower montane evergreen forest at 1, 000 m elevation Phenology. 一日owering March-April ,Fruiting September (Yunnan) lOep 釘 tment of Biology ,Faculty of Science ,Chiangmai University ,Chiangmai 50200 ,τT 凶 land. ailand 1'h ailand In stitute of Scientific and Technologic a1 Research (τlSTR) ,Bangkok ,Th ailand. Received Received 12 October 2006; accepted 29 Oecember 2006. 179 179 180 YUTIAYA YUYEN ,P! YA CHALERMG Ll N ,AND VJLAJWAN ANu SARNSUNTHORN Notes. Notes. - According to Hu 's description , the branchlets of G. cheliensis are black (speci- hirsute men collected by C. W. Wang from Che- Li Hsien ,Maan-Shang , southwestern Yunnan) , but in Yuyen's Yuyen's specimens the branchlets are densely brown tomentose. 百le specific epithet refers to the the type locality. This species has the biggest leaves for Goniothalamus in Thailand. Gonio 曲alamus repevensis Pierre ex Fin. & Gagnep. ,Bull. Soc. Bo t. France 53 Mem. 4: 117.1906; 117.1906; Finet & Gagnepain ,Fl. Gen. de l'Indo-Chine 1: 89 ,pl. lXB. 1907; Ast , F l. Gen. de l'I ndo-Chine Supplement: 98. 1938. Figure 2. Evergreen Evergreen shrub about 1m high; bark glabrous ,finely striate ,brown; branchlets straight , sp 紅 sely rusty puberulous to glabrescen t. Le aves simple ,distichous; blades thin; lanceolate , 9-9.5 9-9.5 x 3-3.5 cm ,apex acuminate , base cuneate ,m 釘 gins entire; young blades densely rusty puberulous , older blades glabrous; midrib sunken and grooved above ,raised below; secondary nerves nerves 10-11 pairs , obscure on both sides ,fine , arching and anastomosing 5 mm below the margin ,finer venation reticulate ,obscure , but visible in transmitted light; green above , pale green green below. Petioles 4- 5 mm long ,dorsally grooved ,glabrous. Flowers solitary ,axillary; pedicels pedicels about 8 mm long , thickened apically ,sp 紅 sely rusty puberulous to glabrous; bracts 5-6 basal ,scale-like ,green. Sepals 3,greenish ,coriaceous ,凶 angular ,4 mm long ,7 mm broad , apex acute; sparsely adpressed rusty puberulous outside ,glabrous inside. Petals 6,coriaceous , yellowish ,becoming pink-red when older; outer 3 ovate-elliptic , 3-3.5 x 1. 5- 1. 8 cm ,apex acuminate , with sp 紅 se indumentum as on the outside of 出e sepals on both sides , venation obscure ,reticulate; inner 3 similar to 出e outer 3, but smaller , 10 x5 mm , marginally connate above the claws. Stamens numerous ,1 mm long; connectives thick ,truncate ,papillose. Pistils numerous ,4 mm long ,vertically grooved; stigma cylindric ,curved ,canaliculate ,glabrous; style style short; ov 釘 y cylindric , densely rusty tomentose; ovules 1-2. Monoca7 戸 5-11 ,oblong , 1. 5-2 x 0.8 -0 .9 cm ,glabrous ,green , orange when ripe; stalks 6 mm , Seeds 1-2 ,ellipsoid. Thailand.-Southeas t: Chanthaburi ,Kh ao Soi Dao ,Yuyen 232 (26 April 2006 ,CMU) Distribu “on.-Cambodia and Laos Habitat.-Primary , seasonal evergreen forest; 600 ー900 m elevation Phenology. Phenology. - Fl owering April-May ,Fruiting April-May Notes. 一百le distinguishing feature of G. repeven~is is the long cylindrical stigma which is as as long as the ov 紅 y. Th e specific epithet refers to 出e type locality. Acknowledgments.- The authors would like to 出ank J. F. Maxwell , curator of CMU for literature literature and thoroughly correcting the description. We would like to 白ank the curators and staff staff of CMU ,BK ,and BKF for their kind perr 凶ssion to study Goniothalamus specimens. Thi s work was supported by Th e Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Program. TWO NEW RECORDS OF GON IOT H ALAMUS (ANN ONACEAE) 181 A sucm 『 B 建鈎 Y 11m 瀦EV |lm C D E ぬ| 協 12 mn H F G Fig Ul巴 1. Gonio th αlam us cheli ensis Hu. A ,branch ; 8 ,f1 ower; C ,o ut sid e of se pa l; D ,out sid e of out er peta l; E ,in sid e of out erp eta l; F,in sid e of inn er petal; G ,co nnat e inn erp eta ls; H ,s tam en; 1,pi stil (Y uye n 220) . (D rawn by Y. Yuyen .) 182 182 Y U 1T AY A YUY EN ,P IYA C H ALERMG Ll N ,AND VILA IWAN ANUSAR NSUN TI -IOR N B 。Smm C 1 1 A 、ρzn 爪 ------aa--z-ー Wー I r C'2 2 、“122 n 3 戸、“ nEE n 匂a'n m D E F 。2mm lcm 1 cn 司 日 J Figur e 2 Goniothalamus repe νensis Pierre ex Fin_ & Ga gnep_ A , branch; B ,flow 巴r; C , outside of s巴pal; 0 , in s ide of ollter petal ; E ,in sid e of inner p etal; F,co nn ate inner pet als;G ,pi stil; H ,s tamen ; 1,mono carp s; J,11l 0nocarp ,lo ng. sec l. ,s ho w ing 2 see ds (Y uye n 232). (Drawn by Y. Yuyen .) TWONEW RECORDS OF GONIOTHALAMUS (ANNONACEAE) 183 REFERENCES AST , S. 1938. Annonacees. Fl. Gen. de l'lndo ・Chine Supplement: 98. BYGRAVE ,P. 1997. Provisional checklist ofThailand Annonaceae. Royal Botanic Gardens ,Kew , U.K.: 8-9. CRAIB ,W. G. 1925.Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 1. Th e Siam Society ,Bangkok ,Thailand: 50- 52. FINET , A. E. ,AND F. GAGNEPAIN. 1907. Annonacees. Fl. Gen. de l' lndo-Chine 1: 89. Hu ,H. H. 1940. Notulae systematicae anfloram sinensem X. Bulletin of the Fan Memoriallnstitute of Biology 10: 121-128. 121-128. YUYEN ,Y.; P. CHALERMGLIN ,AND V. ANUSARNSUNTHORN. 2006. Goniothalamus elegans Ast (An nonaceae) ,a new record record for Th ailand. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 54 (1): 157-158. .
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