ANNUAL REPORT 2006 CONTENTS 1. Mission Statement of ECRE 2 ECRE member Agencies. 3. Letter of welcome 4. The Year in Brief 5. A Coherent Response 6. A Common European Asylum System that will Respect Human Rights 7. Working together for Change 8. Creating a Welcoming Society 9. Support and solidarity across Europe 10. Promoting the Voices of Refugees 11. Case Studies: Refugee Stories 12. 2006 Publications 13. ECRE Structure & Financial Report ECRE MISSION STATEMENT . is a pan-European network the highest quality, legally ) active membership and a strong Secretariat of a wide range of knowledge, experience and best practice throughout Zoja, a refugee from Chechnya living in the Czech Republic (Collected as part of ECRE’s Refugee Stories Project) “The decision-makers should approach asylum seekers the same way that they would like the asylum seekers to approach them.” ECRE draws on the energy, ideas and commitment of an based on the values of human dignity, human rights and an ethic of solidarity. seeking refuge and protection within Europe. It promotes the protection and integration of refugees of refugee-assisting non-governmental organisations, concerned with the needs of all individuals accurate and representative Europe. ECRE encourages the widest possible active involvement of its member agencies. ECRE aims to ensure that its ideas, projects, research and policies are of It strives to involve wider civil society, the political community and refugee communities in its work. THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON REFUGEES AND EXILES (ECRE ON REFUGEES THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL ASYLKOORDINATION: DIAKONIE/PROTESTANT INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL EURASIAEURASIA CBAR - Laudonagasse 52/9, 1080 Vienna REFUGEE SERVICE AUSTRIA PRESS FUND COMITE BELGE D'AIDE AUX REFUGIES AUSTRIA Steinergasse 3/12, 1170 Vienna AZ 1006, M. Huseyn sir., 1a, Baku City Rue Defacqz 1, Bte 10, Tel: +43 1 532 1291 AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN 1000 Brussels S Email: [email protected] Tel: +43 1 402 67 54-0 Tel: +994 12 439 76 97 BELGIUM S Website: www.asyl.at/ Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: +32 2 537 82 20 E E I I Website: www.diakonie.at/efdoe Email: [email protected] C C N N BULGARIAN RED CROSS CROATIAN LAW CENTRE COUNSELLING CENTRE FOR COUNSELLING CENTRE FOR E 76 James Boucher Blvd, Sofia 1407 Hebrangova 21, 10000 Zagreb INTEGRATION REFUGEES E INTEGRATION REFUGEES BULGARIA CROATIA Senovazna 2, 110 00 Praha 1 Senovazna 2, 120 00 Praha 1 G G Tel: +359 2 865 7547 Tel: +385 1 4873 965 CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC A A Email: [email protected] Fax: +385 1 4835 013 Tel: +420 224 233 034 Tel: +420 224 228 582 Website: www.redcross.bg Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] R R Website: www.p-p-i.cz/english/index.htm Website: www.uprchlici.ecn.cz/ E E B B CIMADE FORUM REFUGIES FRANCE TERRE D'ASILE ARBEITERWOHLFAHRT 176 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris BP 1054, 69612 Villeurbanne cedex 24 rue Marc Seguin, 75018 Paris Bundesverband, Postfach 410163 M M FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE Oppelner Strabe 130, 53119 Bonn E E Tel: +33 1 44 18 60 50 Tel: +33 4 78 03 74 45 Tel: +33 1 53 04 39 99 GERMANY M M Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: +49 0228 6685-257 Website: www.cimade.org/ Website: www.forumrefugies.org/ Website: www.france-terre-asile.org/ Email: [email protected] Website: www.awo.org E E R R GREEK COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES HUNGARIAN HELSINKI COMMITTEE MENEDEK - HUNGARIAN IRISHIRISH REFUGEEREFUGEE COUNCILCOUNCIL C C 25 Solomou str., 10682 Athens 1242 Budapest, Pf. 317, 1054 Budapest ASSOCIATION FOR MIGRANTS 88 Capel Street, Dublin 1 E E GREECE Bajcsy-Zsilinszky ut 36-38 1077 Budapest, Josika utca 2 IRELANDIRELAND Tel: +30 10 332 0000 HUNGARY HUNGARY Tel: +353 1 8730 042 Email: [email protected] Tel: +36 1 321 4327 Tel: +36 1 34 46 224 Email: [email protected] Website: www.gcr.gr/ Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ Website: www.helsinki.hu Website: www.menedek.hu ALTER MODUS DUTCH COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES FOUNDATION FOR REFUGEE PHAROS Beogradska 37, 81000 Podgorica Postbus 2894, 1000 CW Amsterdam STUDENTS UAF Herenstraat 35, Postbus 13318, MONTENEGRO THE NETHERLANDS Postbus 14300, Wilheminapark 38 3507 LH Utrecht Tel: +381 81 23 23 21 Tel: +31 20 346 72 00 THE NETHERLANDS THE NETHERLANDS Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 3581 NJ Utrecht. Tel: +31 30 252 0835 Tel: +31 30 234 98 00 Website: www.vluchtelingenwerk.nl Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.uaf.nl Website: www.pharos.nl ROMANIAN NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR MEMORIAL HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE GROUP 484 RED CROSS OF SERBIA REFUGEES - CNRR 12, Maly Karetniy pereulok Gracanicka 10, 11000 Belgrade Simina 19, 11000 Belgrade 42 Anton Pann St, Sector 3, Bucharest 103051 Moscow SERBIA SERBIA ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION Tel: +381 11 26 31 445 Tel: +381 11 328 1086 Tel: +40 21 322 27 86 Tel: +7 095 200 6506 Email: [email protected] Website: www.redcross.org.yu Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.grupa484.org.yu Website: www.cnrr.ro/ Website: www.memo.ru CARITAS SWEDEN RADDA BARNEN SWEDEN SWEDISH RED CROSS SWEDISH REFUGEE AID Olandsgatan 42, 116 63 Stockholm (SAVE THE CHILDREN) Hornsgatan 54, Box 175 63, 118 91 Stockholm Box 92011, Textilgatan 43, 120 06 Stockholm SWEDEN Torsgatan 4, 107 88 Stockholm SWEDEN SWEDEN Tel: +46 8 556 020 00 SWEDEN Tel: +46 8 698 9237 Tel: + 46 8 452 46 00 Tel: +46 8 211 605 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: +46 8 211 685 Website: www.caritas.se Website: www.rb.se/ Website: www.redcross.se/ Email: [email protected] Website: www.swera.se EDUCATION ACTION INTERNATIONAL ETHIOPIAN COMMUNITY CENTRE ILPAILPA IMMIGRATIONIMMIGRATION ADVISORYADVISORY SERVICESERVICE Refugee Education Training Advisory Service ININ THETHE UKUK Lindsey House, 40/42 Charterhouse Street County House, 190 Great Dover Street 3 Dufferin Street, London, EC1Y 8NA Selby Centre, Selby Road, London N17 8JL London EC1M 6JH London SE1 4YB UK UK Tel: +44 20 7426 5800 UK Tel: +44 20 8801 9224 UK Tel: +44 20 7251 8383 Tel: +44 20 7967 1215 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.education-action.org/ Website: www.eccuk.org/ Website: www.ilpa.org.uk Website: www.iasuk.org AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BELGIUM BULGARIA CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY GREECE HUNGARY IRELAND ITALY LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA NETHERLANDS NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION SERBIA MONTENEGRO 2 SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND UK USA CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL JESUIT REFUGEE SERVICE – EUROPE VLUCHTELINGENWERK VLAANDEREN BULGARIAN HELSINKI COMMITTEE CHURCHES (CEC)/ CHURCHES’ RESCUE COMMITTEE BELGIUM Rue du Progres 333/2, 1030 Bruxelles Gaucheretstraat 164, 1030 Brussels Association for Refugees & COMMISSION FOR MIGRANTS IN pl. de Vieille Halle aux Bles 16, BELGIUM BELGIUM Migrants - Bulgaria EUROPE 1000 Brussels. BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 250 32 20 Tel: +32 2 274 0020 1 Uzundjovska Street, Sofia 1000 174 Rue joseph II, 1040 Breussels, Tel: +32 2 511 43 00 Fax: +32 2 250 32 29 Fax: +32 2 201 0376 BULGARIA Tel: +359 2 981 33 18 BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 234 68 00 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.theirc.org Website: www.jesref.org Website: www.vluchtelingenwerk.be Website: www.bghelsinki.org Website: www.ccme.be OPU SDRUZENI OBCANU ZABYVAJICICH SE DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL FINNISH RED CROSS\ FINNISH REFUGEE ADVICE CENTRE Veletrzni 24, Prague 7, 170 00 EMIGRANTY - SOZE Borgergade 10, 3rd floor, P.O.Box 53 Tehtaankatu 1a Mannerheimintie 40 D 79, 00100 Helsinki CZECH REPUBLIC Vranovska 26-28, 61400 Brno 1002 Copenhagen PO Box 168, 00140 Helsinki FINLAND Tel: +420 220 397 220 CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK FINLAND Tel: +358 9 2519 0016 Email: [email protected] Tel: +420 545 213 643 Tel: +45 33 73 50 00 Tel: +358 9 12931 Email: [email protected] Website: www.opu.cz Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.pakolaisneuvonta.fi/ Website: www.soze.cz/ Website: www.drc.dk/ Website: www.redcross.fi DER PARITATISCHE DEUTSCHER CARITASVERBAND DIAKONISCHES WERK DER EKD GERMAN RED CROSS PRO ASYL WOLFAHRTSVERBAND Postfach 420, Karlstrabe 40 Reichensteiner Weg 24, 14195 Berlin Carstennstr. 58, 12205 Berlin Pf. 160624, 60069 Frankfurt/Main GESAMTVERBAND 79104 Freiburg i.Br. GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY Oranienburger Str.13-14, D-10178, Berlin GERMANY Tel: +49 30 8 300 1347 Tel: +49 30 85404 124 Tel: +49 69 230 688 GERMANY Tel: + 49 761 200 475 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: +49 030 24636-0 Website: www.caritas.de Website: www.diakonie.de Website: www.drk.de Website: www.proasyl.de Email: [email protected] CIR - ITALIAN COUNCIL ICSICS -- ITALIANITALIAN CONSORTIUMCONSORTIUM LITHUANIAN RED CROSS CARITAS LUXEMBOURG ADI - ASSOCIATION FOR DEMOCRATIC FOR REFUGEES OF SOLIDARITY Gedimino pr. 3A, 01103 Vilnius 29 rue Michel Welter, L-2730 Luxembourg INITIATIVESINITIATIVES Via del Velabro 5a, 00186 Roma Via Salaria 89, 00198 Rome LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG Bul. Braka Ginovski 61, 3rd Floor, ITALYITALY ITALYITALY Tel: +370 5 2127322 Tel: +352 40 21 31 531 1230 Gostivar, MACEDONIA Tel: +39 06 69 200 114 Tel: +39 06 85355081 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: +389 42 22 11 00 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.redcross.lt Website: www.caritas.lu/ Email: [email protected] Website: www.cir-onlus.org/ Website: www.icsitalia.org Website: www.adi.org.mk NORWEGIAN ORGANISATION NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL POLISH HUMANITARIAN PORTUGUESE REFUGEE COUNCIL ROMANIAN FORUM FOR REFUGEES FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS Grensen 17, PO Box 6758 ORGANISATION Av.
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