COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA DAVID W. HENDERSON Open subsets of Hilbert space Compositio Mathematica, tome 21, no 3 (1969), p. 312-318 <http://www.numdam.org/item?id=CM_1969__21_3_312_0> © Foundation Compositio Mathematica, 1969, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Compositio Mathematica » (http: //http://www.compositio.nl/) implique l’accord avec les conditions géné- rales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/conditions). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infrac- tion pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques http://www.numdam.org/ COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA, Vol. 21, Fasc. 3, 1969, pag. 312-318 Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing Printed in the Netherlands Open subsets of Hilbert space by David W. Henderson 1 In this paper we prove the following THEOREM. Il M is an open subset of the separable Hilbert space. l2’ which we shall call H, then M is homeomorphic to an open set N C H where ("~" denotes "is homeomorphic to" and R ~ Reals) a countable locally-finte simplicial complex (clfsc), and (c) there is an embedding h: bd(N) X R ~ H such that (i) h (bd (N ) X R ) is open in H, (ii) h 1 bd (N) X {0} is the inclusion o f bd(N) into H, and (iii) h(bd(N) X ( - ~, 0)) = N. Recent results of Eells and Elworthy [7] show that each sepa- rable C°° Hilbert manifold is C°°-diffeomorphic to an open subset of H, and, since Hilbert C~-structures are unique [7], we may assert, in this case, that M is C°°-diffeomorphic to N. Also, each separable, infinite-dimensional, Fréchet space, F, is homeomorphic to H (see [1]). In a later paper [9] the author will use the Theorem to show that all separable manifolds modeled on F are homeo- morphic to open subsets of H (and thus have unique Hilbert Coo- structures). The author wishes to thank R. D. Anderson, William Cutler and Ross Geoghegan for numerous suggestions which have improved and simplified the presentation in this paper. The author is also indebted to James Eells for supplying several of the special cases. 1. Spécial cases It is natural to ask when a manifold M modeled on H has the form P X H, for a finite-dimensional manifold P. In this section we give several answers based on the following result: 1 The author is an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. 312 313 Il X and Y are manifolds modeled on H, then any homotopy equiv- alence f : X -* Y is homotopic to a homeomorphism (diffeomorphism ) of X onto Y. This result is a combined effort of [7], [9], [11], and [12]. (The proof in [9] uses the Theorem of this paper but not the results of this section.) It is the first special case that motivates the proof of the Theorem; however, the proof of the Theorem is otherwise independent of this section. SPECIAL CASE 1. M has the homotopy type of a finite-dimensional clfsc L, i f and only i f , M is homeomorphic (diffeomorphic) to P X H, where P is an open subset of a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. PROOF. Embed L in a sufficiently high dimensional Euclidean space En and let P be its open regular neighborhood. Then M has the homotopy type of P x H, and thus M ~ P X H. In fact, M is homeomorphic (though not diffeomorphic )to cl(P) H. SPECIAL CASE 2. Let M be a connected separable manifold modeled on H. Then M is homeomorphic (diffeomorphic) to P H, where P is an open subset of a Euclidean space, i f and only i f the following conditions are satis f ied: (a) Il M denotes the universal covering space of M, then there is an integer n such that Hi() = 0, for i &#x3E; n ; and (b) Hn+1(M, R) = 0, for all local coefficients e (possibly non- abelian, i f n = 1). PROOF. First of all, M and -9 have the homotopy type of connected clfsc’s. Theorem E of Wall [14] insures that M has the homotopy type of a finite-dimensional clfsc L and thus we may apply the first special case. SPECIAL CASE 3. In the above cases P is an open manifold. Conditions which insure that M is homeomorphic (diffeomorphic ) to P X H, for P a closed (compact) manifold, are much more delicate. As above, we can use Wall’s work [14] to reduce the problem to a characterization of those clfsc having the homotopy type of such M. Sufficient conditions are then given by the theorems of W. Browder [6] and Novikov [13]. In another direction, we can use a theorem of Berstein-Ganea [5] which asserts that the conditions (a), (b) below imply that the map f : M ~ P is a homotopy equivalence. From it we obtain: There is a closed manifold P such that M is homeomorphic (di f f eo- morphic ) to P X H, i f and only i f , there is an integer n such that (a) Hn(M) ~ 0, and (b) M is dominated by a mani f old P (i.e., there are maps f : M ~ P and g : P - M such that g o f is homotopic to the identity map on M. ) 314 2. Lemmas We need two lemmas concerning Property Z which was first introduced by R. D. Anderson in [2]. (A closed set Y C W is said to have Property Z in W if, for each homotopically trivial and non- void open set U in W, U - Y is homotopically trivial and non-void.) LEMMA 1. Il X = A u B, where A, B, and A n B are homeo- morphic to H and A n B is closed with Property Z in both A and B, then, for any neighborhood N of A n B, there is a homeomorphism of A onto X whicy is fixed on A -N. The proof (which is left to the reader) follows easily from Corollary 10.3 of [2], which asserts that any homeomorphism between two closed sets with Property Z in H can be extended to a homeomorphism of all of H onto itself. LEMMA 2. Il X is a separable manifold modeled on H and A is a closed subset of X such that A = UF, where F is a locally-finite collection of closed sets with Property Z in X. Then A has Property Z in X. PROOF. A has Property Z in X if and only if each x E A has a neighborhood W such that A n U has Property Z in W. (Lemma 1 of [4]. ) Choose W so small that it intersects only finitely many members of F, say {F1, F2, ···, Fn}. Let U be a homotopically trivial and non-void open subset of W. Then, since each Fi is closed and has Property Z in X, are successively homotopically trivial and non-void open sets. Therefore, W n ~{F1, F2,..., Fn} = W n A has Property Z in W. 3. Proof of theorem The proof uses several basic results from the Theory of Combinatorial Topology. Most of these results can be found in any treatise in the subject. A ll of the needed results can be found in [15]. Let L be any countable locally-finite simplicial complex (clfsc ) which has the homotopy type of M. (See, for example, [8].) Consider ILI linearly embedded in H so that, if {v1, v2, ···} are the vertices of L, then |vi| is the point of H whose i-th coordinate is 1 and whose other coordinates are 0. Define Ei to be the set of all points of H whose j-th coordinates are 0 for each i &#x3E; i. Let T be any triangulation of ~{Ei|i = 1, 2, 3, ···} such that T n Ei 315 is a combinatorial triangulation of Ei and a subcomplex of T and such that L is a subcomplex of T. Note that T (but not T n Ei ) will, of necessity, fail to be locally finite. If Q is a simplicial com- plex, then let Q" denote the second barycentric subdivision of Q; and, if ce is a simplex of Q, let st(03B1, Q ) be the smallest subcomplex of Q which contains all those simplices of Q which have oc as a face. For each oc E L, let b(et) be the barycenter of oc and define where n ( oc ) is the smallest integer such that |st(03B1, L)| C En(cx). If 03B2 is a face of a (written "fJ oc" ), then st(03B2, L) D st(03B1, L ); and, thus, There follows a list of those properties of the D(03B1)’s which we shall use. These properties may be verified by standard combina- torial arguments. (See, in particular [15], pages 196 and 197, where C is a simplex and C* = D(C).) Then (D(03B1), D(03B1) n D (bd ce )) is homeomorphic to the pair 1 In (a) -dim (a) X Idim (03B1), In(a)-dim (a) X bd(Idim (a) )]. Let K be the subcomplex of T" such that |K| = ~{D(03B1)|03B1 ~L}. We will show that K is the clfsc whose existence is asserted in the Theorem. K also corresponds to the P of the first special case. Let We shall finish the proof of the theorem via several propositions. In the proofs of these propositions we will several times need to use a theorem proved by Klee (Theorem III.
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