Carlos Carrasco THE TURKEY SAYS: VISIT THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT — NORTHERN CALIFORNIA'S HEADQUARTERS FOR NIKE SPORT SHOES AND THE_ RUNNING SHOP IN THE BAY AREA! © Stopwatches ©European Racing Shorts © M e n ' s Shorts © W o m e n ' s Shorts © M e n ' s & Women's Mesh Shirts © M e n ' s & Women's Warm-up Suits © R a c e Info. ©Running Literature ©E.R.G. ©Running Socks ©Running Appliances © M e t r i c Converters © T E A M DISCOUNTS ©T-Shirts (Nike, Montreal '76, Custom) **We stock the follow ing warm-ups: ADD-IN; BRAVADO; ANDIA; & WINNING WAYS!! LISTEN to the Turkey Talk — "Tips on Beginning Jogging" (KRE 1400 AM or 102.9 FM) Every Friday at 6:40 PM • STORE HOURS: Mon-Fri (10-6); Sat (10-5)# the athletic department 2114 ADDISON STREET, BERKELEY, CA 94704 — PH. (415) 843-7767 IN SAN MATEO CALIFORNIA TRACE NEWS A PUBLICATION DEVOTED TO CALIFORNIA TRACK PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY MASTERS GIRLS--WOMEN RESULTS OLYMPIC PICTURES RANKINGS PROFILES SCHEDULES SPORTS MORE UP FRONT Mt. Pleasant (San Jose) freshman, Car­ los Carrasco, was featured as NorCal Portrait in the Nov/Dec issue of the NCRR. Since that time he has shown his cross-country credentials apply well on the track too. As of April 21, Carlos has the best high school 2-mile time in NorCal (9:19.0). Here he's shown leading Craig Corey at the San Jose Relays. /Dave Stock Photo/ ONLY $5.00 PER YEAR Staff & Rates CONTENTS EDITOR: Jack Leydig ADVERTISING: Bill Clark THIS & THAT 4 MEDICAL ADVICE COLUMN 14 PUBLISHER: Frank Cunningham RESULTS: Penny DeMoss LONG DISTANCE RATINGS 6 SCHEDULING 15 MEDICAL ADVICE: Harry Hlavac, DPM CIRCULATION: Dave Shrock CLUB NEWS 7 RACE WALKING 17 ARTIST: Penny DeMoss PHOTO EDITOR: John Marconi CLASSIFIED ADS 10 PREP PATOIS 17 CARTOONIST: Dave Brown, Lee Holley PROD. MGR.: Harold DeMoss LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 10 TOP NOR-CAL PREP MARKS 18 ADDRESS LABELS: Dave Himmelberger, Peggy Lyman "THE HUMAN RACE" 12 TRACK & FIELD RESULTS 19 NOR-CAL PORTRAIT 13 LONG DISTANCE RESULTS 21 STAFF WRITERS: Bill Clark, Harry Hlavac, Len Wallach, Jack WEST VALLEY PORTRAIT 13 LATE GNUS 26 Leydig, Chris Kinder, Tom Jordan, Dave Himmelberger, Conrad Walker. EDITOR'S MESSAGE PRODUCTION & MAILING: Bill, Ellen 8 Teresa Clark, Harold, Bob & Penny DeMoss, Phyllis Olrich, Dennis Tracy, Dave Shrock, • VACATION FOR YOUR EDITOR: - After the next issue is in Mike Niemiec, Bob Kelson, Craig Corey, Brian Frank, Jack Ley­ the mail (about June 29), I will be taking off on a much need­ dig. ed vacation to Montreal for the Olympic Games with my wife-to- be, Judy Gumbs. We will not return until after the Tahoe Re­ CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kevin Kirby, Lorraine Rorke, Den­ lays (Aug. 15), so please keep all correspondence to a mini­ nis O'Rorke, Mike Shaughnessy, Dave Stock, Wayne Glusker, Jay mum...! will not be here to answer any personal letters, and Marlowe, Jim Hume, Jeff Searls, Jeff Zimmerman, Jim Engle, all NCRR-related business should be kept to results/photos/ Keith Conning, John Marconi, John Danner. renewals & new subscriptions if possible. Don't expect any quick responses to correspondence of any kind, as we will be LDR POINT RATINGS: (NorCal) Art Dudley; (SoCal) Stan Rosen­ operating with a skeleton staff, checking our mailbox only a field. few times a week. During the month of June, I will be work­ ing hard to tie up loose ends before I leave, so PLEASE keep REGULAR CORRESPONDANTS: (NorCal) Roxy Andersen, Fred Baer, Bob mail and phonecalls to a minimum. If you must correspond, I Bowman, Dr. Harmon Brown, Marshall Clark, Harold DeMoss, Dick prefer the mail. If I'm really busy I will just not answer Gilchrist, Wayne Glusker, Jim Hume, Roy Kissin, Bill Mensing, the phone...normally it rings constantly between 7 and ll Dick Meyer, Phyllis Olrich, Mike Shaughnessy, Tim Smith, Walt every night, so if you can't get through because of a busy Stack, Dave Stock, Len Wallach, John Wenos. (SoCal) Wes Al­ signal, you'll know why. Remember, this is not a business... derson, John Brennand, Bill Cockerham, Shirley Davisson, Kaj it is all voluntary and nobody gets paid (all profits, which Johansen, Dave Pain, Stan Rosenfield, Al Sheahen, John Wenos. amount to about $100/month, go into the WVTC treasury). There­ (Nat'l & Intemat’l) Runner's World, Starting Line, Track & fore, please have some consideration for my workload. I will Field News, Track Newsletter, Women's Track & Field World. not have time for 'friendly chats' during the upcoming months while trying to prepare for my vacation, marriage, moving, etc. MAILING: Third-Class Bulk Rate from San Mateo, CA...at inter­ I will normally not answer correspondence unless it is accom­ vals of from 5-8 weeks. No issue should require longer than panied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope...I simply can­ two weeks delivery in the United States. First Class rates not afford it. Thank you for your help! available (see below). NCRR IS NOT FORWARDABLE UNLESS YOU PAY FORWARDING POSTAGE. • POSTAL INCREASES: - Our friendly Postal Service plans on raising its rates for all 2nd and 3rd-class mail sometime in RATES: $2.50 per 6 months; $5.00 per year; third-class bulk July by about 40%!! This applies to the NCRR and you can rate. Multiple year subscriptions are no longer available. quess what that is going to mean. We have kept our rates at Add $3.00/year for lst-class in the U.S., Canada £ Mexico... $5.00/year for as long as I can remember, despite rapidly in­ these will automatically go airmail in the U.S. Add $1.50/ creasing printing, paper, and postal costs. All other maga­ year for 3rd-class to all foreign countries, including Canada zines that I know of have had to increase their subscription and Mexico. Foreign airmail rates available upon request. rates, and it appears we will have to also. The only reason Special Rates: $3.00/year for newsmedia and libraries in the we have kept our rates at $5.00 so long is because we are ba­ U.S. only. Dealer Rates: $30.00/year for 10 copies each issue sically a non-profit venture...other magazines have to make a (40% Discount)^ profit to survive, and maintain a certain profit-margin. If we don't increase our rates, we will be faced with just break­ Contributors ing even very soon. So beginning sometime late this summer we will probably (90% sure) raise our rates to $6/year ($1.00 per All news, features, results, photos, and other items should be issue). Anyone sending in only $5.00 after a certain date (to sent to: NCRR, P.O. Box 1551, San Mateo, CA 94401. Due to ir­ be specified next issue) will get 10-months worth of NCRR in­ regularity of mailing dates, all information should be mailed stead of a full year. We hope you understand the necessity as soon as possible. Prospective photographers and volunteer for doing this and will continue to support us, despite the in­ correspondents should request details. Readers are encouraged crease. You can help us by recommending the NCRR to your local to submit results/scheduling. Request permission for materi­ merchants for advertising, and by turning on a friend to a sub­ als used from NCRR other than scheduling § results. We now scription for a birthday present or something similar. Thanks! pay $15 for prints used as cover shots. Prints not returned unless requested...should be 5 x 7 or larger if possible and • NCRR WILL NOW BE FORWARDED-— IF: - Beginning with this is­ in black and white preferrably. Thanks for your support! sue, we are taking the chance of having to pay return postage if those of you who move will not pay for forwarding postage. MAILING DATES: - The May/June issue (#60) should be mailed on This is a trial...if we get too many copies back we will dis­ June 29; July/August will be out in early September. continue the policy. BUT...let us know if you move anyway. • PHOTOS NEEDED: - We're getting good coverage of most long (2:20:55), John Jones (2:21:39), Ron Kurrle (2:22:44), Kirk distance races, but so far this track season we've received Pfeffer (2:19:07), Tony Sandoval (2:19:35), Carl Swift very few pics of sprinters and middle distance men and nothing (2:19:39), Gary Tuttle (2:17:26), Ron Wayne (2:18:46), Ron at all to speak of on field events. So those of you out there Zarate (2:19:38). In addition, three others, listed in other who've been taking photos, please send us some of your goodies states than California, have been residents recently...they for next issue (need them by June 10). We haven't featured a include Ed Mendoza (Ariz., 2:14:13), Jon Anderson (Ore., field-event performer on the cover lately, so if you've got 2:16:08), and Don Kardong (Wash., 2:19:14). Duncan Macdonald something you think is worthy of a covershot, send it in and recorded a 2:19:53 at the Maui Marathon, but is not eligible you might be $15.00 richer! because the course was uncertified...four others are in the same situation because of unmeasured courses. — Hall of Fame • NO TIPS ON RIPOFF YET: - It looks as if whomever broke in­ (Track & Field) inductees announced on March 15 included the to my VW bus is long gone. No one has seen the car (a 1957 following ten individuals: Dolores (Dee) Beckman, Ken Doherty, metallic-green Chrysler with smashed rear end) and the shoes Bob Hayes, Hayes Jones, Billy Mills, Charlie Paddock, Steve haven't appeared.
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