WESTFIELD LEADER 1 TNI LUDING AM* MOiT WIDELY CIMLULATED WUKLY NtWtTATU IN UNION COUNTY - j, YEAB-*-»». 28 WESTHELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1950 Bvwry Thd Kinney Na»ed lfa«»ter» Night At Town Committee [Board to Open Game Tomorrow Residents to Elect School United Drive It will be Boosters' Might To Honor Mayor, tomorrow when the Westfield Board Head Senior High basketball team Council Apr. 13 H.S.Bids Feb. 15 engages the Scotch Plains quintet on the Booseveit Jun- Board Members Tuesday Trustees, Offken ior High court. Members of To Hold Country the association are urged to WomuuCt CUtb Sptmker Picked; 19 Goal attend, prominently display- Club Dinner For School Board Candidate* Awards Contract Short 12,832 ing their buttons, and aid in OffkiaU, Wive* Budget, Race rooting away the jinx which hat been plaguing the local Samuel M. Kinney was re-elect- The Westfield Town Committee For Covering Of outfit. Features Of ed president of the board of trus- will sponsor a "Cititens Tegti- tees of the United Campaign for The junior varaity will open the festivities with a game at I nionial Dinner" for the Mayor and Brook At Site Westfield Social Agencies at the Town Councilmen at the Echo District Poll annual meeting of the board at the 7:30. The varsity game will begin at 8:30. Lake Country Club on Thursday, Bid: for the construction of the YMCA Tuesday evening. Other Apr. 13, it was decided at the reg- A four-way battle for three officers elected at the same time -« Mnior high wheel on Rahwajr ular monthly meeting of the or- Board of Education teats, dwifn* - IJTmu, will be opened ata «p«d«l were Miss Antoinette P. Cramer, ed to stir voter interest above last ganitation Monday evening. The Jibing of the 9i»ti tt Bdae»UoB vice president; Henry L. Rost, Polio Drive year's record slump of 287 btllota, Wtanesday evening at * p. m., treasurer; Rosweli S. Nichols Jr., group met in the home of Commit- wiil take place Tuesday at the an* frtnk Ketch»m, chairmM of the secretary and Raymond S. Grant, teewoman Mis, Hilda Eichhorn, nual school election. Polls will be L~ situ and building committee, assistant secretary. Non - agency Gains Ground 651 Forest avenue. open from 5 p. in. to 9 p. m. at ~ lfced it • meeting of the board trustees elected at the meeting In announcing the committee's Washington School for voters ill Saday night. The meeting will were Mr. Kinney, Robert S. Pur- Funda Now Near decision, Chairman Robert N. Ev- the flrst and second wards an4 jHSd in the Roasevelt Junior vis and Charles A. Doerr. ans declared, "The Mayor and his Lincoln School for third and fourth >• Will School and the public U fn- Trustees for the coming year Last Year> Mark Councilman give unselfishly of their ward voters. riud to attend, Mr. Keteham said. representing the six member agen- time and talents all through the In a laat-mlnute effort to gain liity Villa and Soils of Wettfitb) cies are: District Nursing Associ- Robert L. DcCamp, treasurer of year, and it seems only fitting support for its' candidates, Bryet MK awarded tht contract for cov- ation, Mrs. William H. On with Westfteld's March of Dime* cam- that the townspeople have this op- I. MacDonaM, J. William H. 3« and relocating 626 feet of Mis. Herbert E. Gernert, alter- paign, today reported that contri- portunity to express their appre- Mencke and William L. Riederer, took at the new site, on their low C.Y.Denny Jr. To nate; Community Center Associa- butions to the drive now exceed ciation for services rendered. The the Joint Civic Committee to Nomi- 5Tof $47,358.flO. There were nine tion, Mrs. Ella Sands with Mrs. $3,200—a mark that is already only persons who possibly make nate Candidates for the Board of Hi, received, ranging to WI,«15- Clara Stockley, alternate; West- within 1100 of last year's total. greater sacrifices in the interest Education thii week mailed letteri ac The construction ftrmi kid Speak Monday field District Committee of Boy Mr. DeCamp stressed that funds of civic management are the wives BHVCK I, MACUOSAMI WILLIAM L, MtWEItBIt to local clubs stating the reasons awrately on two prc-poeitiona, Scouts, Bryant P. Kenney with from coin boxes throughout the of these hard-working men who for its choice of the three mea. Muring 325 feet of the brook, on Town Meeting Head Stewart E. Burr, alternate; Girl town have not been included in have to sit home alone night after Malcolm G, Robinson ia the inde. wfcich bids ranged from fM,000 to Scouts, Mrs. Paul L. Haines with this amount. These will be col- night So this year, the dinner Plan Borough pendent candidate. 01,7M and covering the complete Mrs. Manson Benedict, alternate; lected at a later date. Woman'. Club Guest will be a joint tribute, with the George R. Bvownell, chairman of With. YWCA, Miss A. P. Cramer with In this year's drive to raise wives of our Mayor and Council- Mrs. Joan S. Skelly, alternate; double the umial amount needed "Donor Ni the committee, has stated that "the i Other bidi were ai follow*: "Why Not Give. Your Mind a men being invited to share the recommendation by the committee tmV Neso * Son Inc., propoial Chance?" will be the topic of YMCA, A. V. Havens with H. Em- to counteract polio, the first card spotlight with their husbands." erson Thomas, alternate. party for the Dimes benefit will of Mean's. MacDonald and Mencks 1, 1*1,680, proposal 2, |47,40»; George V. Denny- Jr., founder and Tickets will be on sale in the needs little comment. Both wer« •etroacllo Brothers Inc., proposal moderator of America's Town Mr. Kinney in his report as pres- be held next Thursday nt 1:45 near future, it was announced by Set Feb. 21 for ident of the board pointed out im- p. m. in the Masonic Temple. This highly commended by the other ' • 1, |35W propo.il 2, W2.274; U Meeting of the Air, Monday at 2: IS Edgar E. Rumple, chairman of the Blood Typing members of the board and personi rI ftra Contracting Co., proposal 1, p. m. at. the February meeting of portant sources of encouragement will be the first in a series of five dinner. Only a limited number In the.school system and each il I PIWOO, proposal i. 163,138; A. F. the Woman's Club in the Masonic in the United Campaign accom- parties sponsored by local women will be available, due to space lim- MOUNTAINSIDE — A Mouh- plishments and certain challenging to aid the polio drive. acting as chairman of an imnar< I Canning 4 Ceatone, proposal 1, Temple. itations at Echo Lake. In order to tuinslde Night will be held Tues- tant committee of the board, Their - and discouraging factors. Positive Mrs. Louis A. Jennings of Moun- I m,7M.72, proposal 2, *l2,a76.82; Mr. Denny is a Graduate of the give a representative group of citi- day evening, Feb. 21, between 7:30 past perfoAnance Justifies support factors include (1) "broiul base of tainside will be hostess Thursday. I lUnley J. Ziobro Inc., proposal 1, University of. North Carolina zens a chance to attend, tickets will and 9 p. in. by the Westfleld-Moun far their re-eleclioii. I |U,330, prdposal 2, »61,470; Ter- where he showed great interest coverage with over 5200 Westfield Her assistant will be Mrs. David be made available to all the town's tainside Blood Donor Service in "In determining the third candi- lihle Construction Co., propoial 1, in dramatics. After a period as contributions; (2) the size, calibre Schimmel of Wcstfleld. Patroness- civic, service and fraternal group* the Mountainside Fire House. and loyal and energetic devotion of es for the party are: date to be recommended, the com* «»,339.S0, propoaal 2, MWD.83; instructor in dramatics and man- on a pro rata basis, depending on Mrs. Bernard Buck, local regis- the campaign organization which Mesdames Minor C, K, Jones, rnittet took into consideration MM Frank Pominfck k Co., proposal aging a lecture bureau in New their membership. A limited num- trar and member of the blood don- 1, $34,060, proposal 2, »6O,290. York, he was appointed director, of continues to be a monument to the William Poeter, Irwin Spellmttn, ber of tickets will also be avail- expressed need of 'a member on or board, has stressed the fact the board who was competent te <Tfee appointment of Mi» Ruth Columbia University's Institute of public interest and admiration for Harry Lake, K. B. Holmes, Karl able from the town committeemen that blood typing only is done now M. Keeiey as English teacher in Arts and Sciences. It was thru the work of oUji' agencies, and (3) Litzelman, Temple Patton, Joseph and women. Those interested are handle financial matters. Of tht and that no blood is taken. In persons considered Mr. Rlederef Ikt RooMvelt School, substituting this source the League of Political the fact that so r.-.any abie men and Chattin, Manley Spence, D. E. Tut- urged to reserve tickets from the that way in the event of an emer- to Miss Claire Gift, who ii M, Education heard of him, which aeemed to be best qualified to meet (Continued on Page -) gency, or if a blood transfusion is •at approved. Misa Keeiey re- eventually lead to Mr. Denny's (Continued en Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) the needs of the board in this re- needed by someone in Mountain- gard as well as' to possess the more - MJMdlwr B.A.
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