The original documents are located in Box 19, folder “International Paper Company - Corporate Affairs Program (3)” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 19 of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library CORPORATE AFFAIRS DIRECTORY June 2, 1975 -38- ALABAMA Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: R. H. Allen Governor: George C. Wallace (D) Senators: John J. Sparkman (D): Fore~gn Relations (Ch.) Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Select Small Business Joint Economic James B. Allen (D): Agriculture & Forestry, Government Operations Rules and Administration LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Bay Minette Jack Edwards (R) - 1 T. T. Edwards Cont. Plt. Appropriations Bay Minette Co. Lands " G. A. Gibbs Dothan Atl. & St. Andrews W. L. Dickinson (R) - 2 R. A. Givan Bay RR Armed Services, House Administration Gadsden Tom Bevill (D) - 4 R. H. Allen Co~ Lands Appropriations Mobile Jack Edwards (R) - 1 W. L. Hood Co. Lands Appropriations Mobile Cont. Div. Reg •. Ofc. " R. Forrest Mobile Erling Riis Lab. " R. H. Allen Mobile IP Realty Corp. " J. A. Gallup Mobile SKD Hedqtrs. SK Mill " R. H. Allen Mobile Bagpak M. Cathey " Mobile Wd. Pres. Plt. " R. H. Allen Ed. Products Group June 2, 1975 -39- ALABAMA (continued) LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Mobile W. L. Hood Gulf Woodlands " Monroeville T. B. Kennedy Co. Lands " Montgomery W. L. Dickinson (R) - 2 G. A. Gibbs Co. Lands Armed Services, House Administration Selma Walter Flowers (D) - 7 T. B. Kennedy Co. Lands Judiciary, Science & · Technology Troy Co. Lands W. L. Dickinson (R) - 2 G. A. Gibbs Armed Services, House Administration ~ Tuscaloosa Walter Flowers (D) - 7 T. B. Kennedy co. Lands Judiciary, Science & Technology June 2, 1975 -40- ARKANSAS Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: R~ L. Hart Governor: David Pryor (D) Senators: John·L. McClellan (D): Appropriations (Ch.), Government Operations, Judiciary Dale Bumpers (D): Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Interior and Insular Affairs LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Camden Ray Thornton (D) - 4 W. D. Brian Bagpak Plt. Judiciary, Science & Technology Camden M. F. Scanlan, Jr. SK Mill II Camden Wds. Div. Ofc. II II Fort Smith J. P. Hammerschmidt (R) - 3 J. Hall Long-Bell Public Works, Veterans' Distrib. Ctr. Affairs Hot Springs c. A. :aelniak Co. Lands II Little Rock Wilbur D. Mills (D) - 2 P. Anderson Long-Bell Ways & Means, Jt. Internal Distrib. Ctr .. Revenue Taxation Malvern Ray Thornton (D) - 4 R. Hunter Flkbd. Plt. Judiciary, Science & Technology Pine Bluff R. L. Hart Co. Lands II Pine Bluff SK Mill II II Russellville J. P. Hammerschmidt (R) - 3 J. H. Griggs Co. Lands Public Works, Veterans' Affairs Searcy Wilbur D. Mills (D) - 2 R. L. Hart Co. Lands Ways & Means, Jt. Internal Revenue Taxation June 2, 1975 -41- ARKANSAS (continued) Springdale J. P. Hammerschmidt (R) - 3 Irvin Dryer Long-Bell Public Works, Veterans' Dist. Center Affairs June 2, 1975 -42- CALIFORNIA Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: Gary L. O'Rielly Governor: Edmund G. Brown, Jr. (D) Senators: Alan M. Cranston (D): Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs, Budget, Labor & Public Welfare, Veterans' Affairs John V. Tunney (D): Commerce, Judiciary, Jt. Atomic Energy LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Burlingame Leo. J. Ryan (D) - 11 D. J. Mollahan Cont. Div. Reg. Ofc. Foreign P..ffairs, Government Operations Creative Mktg. -Ctr. II C. Annala Paper Sls. Reg. Ofc. W. P. Douglass, Jr. Compton A. F. Hawkins (D) - 29 A. G. Stewart Sgl. Serv. Plt. House Administration · La Mirada Del Clawson (R) - 33 R. Oien Long-Bell Interior & Insular Affairs, Cab. Wrhse. Budget, Rules, Public Works & Transportation Los Angeles Cont. Plt. George F. Danielson (D) - 31 w. Hart Judiciary, Veterans Affairs Huntington Beach Glenn Anderson (D) - 32 · T. D. Klement FC & L Div. Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Public Works and Transportation Modesto John J. McFall (D) - 14 H. B. Tonking, Jr. Cont. Plt. Appropriations San Jose Don Edwards (D) - 9 D. R. Johnson Bagpak Plt. Judiciary, Veterans' Affairs San Jose Cont. Plt. Norman Y. Mineta (D) - 13 E. W. Carney Post Office & Civil Service , Public Works and Transporation June 2, 1975 · -43- CALIFORNIA (continued) LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE San Leandro Fldg. Ctn. & Lbl. Plt. Fortney H. (Pete) Stark (D) - 8 F. Ziegenhein Ways & Means Turlock Sgl. Serv. Plt. B. F. Sisk (D) - 15 B. J. Pearson Agriculture, Foreign Affairs Weed Harold T. Johnson (D) - 2 J. M. White Long-Bell Interior & Insular Door Factory Affairs, Public Works Swml. Ply. June 2, 1975 -44- CONNECTICUT Regional Corporate Affairs Representatives: R. W. Knowland Governor: Ella T. Grasso (D) Senators: Abraham A. Ribicoff (D): Government Operations (Ch.), Finance, Joint Economic Lowell P. Weicker (R): Commerce, Government Operations, Select Small Business LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Putnam Cont. Plt. · Christopher J. Dodd (D) - 2 R. L. Johnston · Judiciary June 2, 1975 -45- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA LOCATION/FACILITY DELEGATE CORPORATE AFFAIRS REPRESENTATIVE Washington Walter E. Fountroy (D) R. W. Kittle Corporate Affairs Ofc. Banking & Currency District of Columbia -46- June 2, 1975 FLORIDA Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: J. T. Mann Governor: Reubin Askew (D) Senators: Richard Stone ·(D) Agriculture & Forestry, Veterans Affairs, Interior & Insular Affairs Lawton Chiles (D): Appropriations, Budget, Government Operations LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Auburndale James A. Haley (D) - 8 J. D. Sheffield Cont. Plt. Interior & Insular Affairs (Ch.) Gainesville Don Fuqua (D) - 2 J. Mann and Co. Lands Science & Astro­ A. L. Hughes nautics, Government Operations Homestead Dante B. Fascell (D) - 15 T. Royal Royal Engineering Foreign Affairs, Co. Hdotrs. Government OPerations Jacksonville Charles D. Bennett (D) - 3 J. Mann and Co. Lands Armed Services, Standards A. L. Hughes of Official Conduct Panama City Robert L. F. Sikes (D) - a F. Snell Co. Lands Appropriations Panama City II J. Mann and SK Mill J. Baker Panama City II II Wds. Div. Ofc. June 2, 1975 -47- GEORGIA Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: J. T. Earnest Governor: George Busbee (D) Senators: Herman E. Talmadge (D): Agricultur~ & Forestry (Ch.), Finance Veterans' Affairs Sam Nunn (D): Armed Services, Budget, Government Operations, Select Small Business LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Albany Dawson Mathis (D) - 2 J. T. Earnest Co. Lands Agriculture, House Administration Atlanta Andrew Young (D) - 5 Sls. Ofc. Rules R. L. Engle Bl. Bd. R. Saunders IP Sls. Co. G. H. Murphy Paper Grp. E. s. Hooker, Jr. Columbus Jack Brinkley (D) - 3 R. H. Allen Co. Lands Armed Services Decatur Elliott H. Levitas (D) - 4 Co. Lands Government Operations, Public Works & Trans. East Point John J. Flynt, Jr. (D) - 6 R. L. Engle Sgl. Serv. Plt. Appropriations, Standards of Official Conduct (Ch.) Eatonton R. G. Stephens, Jr. (D) - 10 R. Gregory Wd. Prod. Plt. Banking & Currency, Housing, Interior & Insular Affairs Gainesville Phil M. Landrum (D) - 9 Co. Lands Budget La Grange Jack Brinkley (D) - 3 R. H. Allen Co. Lands Armed Services Richmond Hill Ronald B. Ginn (D) - 1 R. L. Pipkin Co. Lands Merchant Marine & Fisheries, Public Works & Trans. Tucker Elliott H. Levitas (D) - 4 W. F. Sponsler Long-·Bell Banking & Currency, Dist. Center Joint Economic June 2, 1975 -48- GEORGIA (continued) LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Richmond Hill W. S. Stuckey, Jr. (D) - 8 G. H. Caldwell Company Lands' Interstate & Foreign Commerce, District of Columbia June 2, 1975 -49- ILLINOIS Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: ~ Governor: Daniel Walker (D) Senators: Charles H. Percy (R): Foreign Relations, Government Operations, Joint Economic Adlai E. Stevenson,!!! (D): Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs District of Columbia, Commerce LOCATION/FACILITY CONGRESSMAN/DISTRICT CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Chicago Congresswoman Cardiss Collins (D) - 7 Creative Mktg. Ctr. Government Operstions, Foreign Fine Paper Sales Affairs w. Eckenbrecht Fldg. Ctn. & Lbl. c. F. Emmert IP Sls. Co. J. R. Tisdale Std. Prods. c. F. Klement Litchfield Paul Findley (R) - 20 s. Simmons Con. Plas. Plt. Agriculture Northlake Henry J. Hyde (R) - 6 D. c. Stevens Cont. Plt. Banking, Currency & Housing, Judiciary Peoria Robert H. Michel (R) - 18 K. E. Palmer Label Plant Appropriations June 2, 1975 -so- INDIANA Regional Corporate Affairs Representative: Governor: Otis R. Bowen (R) Senators: Birch Bayh (D): Judiciary, Appropriations
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