Marzo 2020 / No. 6 @Rafael Villegas Loreto Bay National Marine Park and the new Management Program Loretanos designing the future of Loreto PNBL and the management program The Plan includes new zoning ties of the area. most important change is participants in this pro- in the future, and would In 2009, the Park Ma- an increase in the size of cess agreed that, without risk losing its main source and bans harpoon fishing, nagement Program was no fishing areas from a healthy National Park, of income. Loreto’s future revised. At least 40 repre- 108.4 hectares to 6,219.3 Loreto would not be able depends on the recovery fishing with traps, and the use sentatives from different hectares. The MP also to sustain tourist demands of the health of the Park. of jet skis within the Park sectors met and worked prohibits spear fishing, for more than five months fishing with traps, the use ith the the PNBL Management analyzing the modifica- of jet skis, whale watching objective Program, which is a modi- tions. The opinions and with boats larger than 12 of stren- fication of the one publi- suggestions obtained in meters and adds restric- gthening shed in 2003. these work shops were tions on the use of the con- The update relied on incorporated into a lear- drones. Wservation of ecosystems the active participation of ning and negotiation pro- The MP includes new and their biodiversity, as users in the area (fisher- cess, to build a shared Fishing Recovery Areas well as promoting the sus- men, service providers, vision and ensure the exempt from any harves- tainable development of academics, civil society health of the Park as a ting or alteration activity, communities, the Natio- organizations and the ge- tourist destination. to ensure that resources nal Commission of Natu- neral public). The Mana- The Management Pro- survive and thrive over ral Protected Areas gement Program was a gram (MP) was revised time and thereby ensure announced on April 23, necessary response to the again in 2019 and includes the continuity of the rich 2019, the publication of new socioeconomic reali- new rules and zoning. The marine environment. The 3 Objectives of the Loreto Bay National Marine Park Management Program Management Program The general objective of the Ma- the National Park. is the main planning nagement Program is to be the gui- Restoration: Recover and restore and regulation docu- ding instrument of planning and the ecological conditions which ment for any Natural regulation of the Loreto Bay Natio- existed prior to the influence of hu- Protected Area. The nal Park. It establishes the activities, man activities, allowing for the con- Adocument is based on the knowle- actions and guidelines for manage- tinuity of natural processes in dge of the problems faced by the ment and administration. The spe- ecosystems. Park, its natural resources and their cific objectives of the Park are: Knowledge: Generate, recover use. It contains actions to be carried Protection: To preserve the bio- and disseminate traditional or new conservation and sustainable prac- communities, institutions, groups out in the short, medium and long diversity of the National Park, to knowledge, practices and technolo- tices through environmental and social organizations interested term. The actions implemented stop the deterioration of the gies, which support the preservation education. in the conservation and sustainable must be adapted and based on the ecosystems. and sustainable use of the biodiver- Management: Establish the ways use of the Park. best management and conservation Operation: Through sustainable sity of Loreto Bay National Park. in which the administration of the policies and practices that guarantee projects conserve, protect, and res- Culture: Encourage the support National Park can be organized to the objectives set for the creation of tore the Park, and provide environ- of the surrounding communities of encourage the active participation the Natural Protected Area. mental training and education about the Loreto Bay National Park for of people, surrounding 4 Land Preservation Subzones (PreTI) hese zones are loca- ble to human disturbance. endangered rattlesnake without The Park may install signs for ted in areas of the The subzone also includes rattles (Crotalus catalinensis). administrative and manage- National Park that Catalana Island. It covers an Therefore, it is important that ment purposes. have suffered zero or area of 3,938.40 hectares. On the activities in these locations Activities not allowed: minimal alteration of the island there is a great diver- encourage protection and a) Landing is not permitted Tthe habitat and have high eco- sity of flora and fauna, charac- preservation. except for scientific research logical value such as: biodiver- terized by giant biznagas cactus Allowed activities: Scientific and management activities of sity, presence of endemic (Ferocactus diguetti var. Digue- research and environmental the National Park and refuge for species, significant contribution ti), the highest in the entire Gulf monitoring, filming, photogra- fishermen on Catalina Island; to other ecosystems due to their of California. Another endemic phy and sound recording and b) Cleaning, processing or high productivity or because species is the critically scientific collection of wildlife. disposing of products from fi- they are areas of importance as shing activities; a genetic reservoir and a source c) Installing tourist and fi- of reproductive material. shing camps; d) Attaching boats to the Islets and Catalana Island rocks of the islets as an ancho- ring method; This subzone covers a total e) Constructing public and area of 3,957.60 hectares. It in- private structures; cludes the islets: La Islita, La f) Opening of new trails; Mestiza, Blanco, Las Islitas, g) Introducing exotic spe- Candeleros, Tijeras, Pardo, Las cies, including invasive ones; Galeras I and Las Galeras II. The and islets are nesting sites for nu- h) Making fires or any type merous birds and very vulnera- of burning. 5 Marine and Wetland Preservation Subzone (PreMH) his subzone co- ecosystems. vers an area of 6,219.30 hecta- Wetlands Preservation res. It comprises Subzones different marine Tecosystems such as roc- Mangroves of the Meta- ky reefs and wetlands. tes: comprises an area of the city of Loreto, adja- the southern end of the These environments are 2.94 hectares, located cent to the population of coastal portion of the important because nu- west of Coronado the Zaragoza neighbor- National Park. In this merous species of com- Island. hood. This area corres- area the main vegetation mercial and ecological Punta El Bajo: covers ponds to one of the rain is mangroves. importance congregate an area of 14.06 hectares tributaries that flows Estero de Bahía Ba- in these areas. They are and is located in the sou- into the Natural Protec- landra: covers an area of places where there are thwest corner of Coro- ted Area, includes relics 6.07 hectares, is located ideal conditions for spe- nado Island, and of what was the wetland to the Northwest of the cies to live, multiply, and contains mangrove pat- where Loreto’s mission Carmen Island, and in- exchange genes and dis- ches with black man- was founded, and recei- cludes extremely small perse and colonize new grove species (Avicennia ves one of the most im- mangrove patches sites. Once they reach germinans). portant freshwater flows which have a high eco- maturity, they can move Estero las Garzas: co- in the region during the logical importance since to other areas where vers an area of 10.30 rainy season. they are the breeding they can be harvested, in hectares located in the Mangroves of Ligüí: habitat of numerous addition to providing peninsular area, south of comprises an area of species of commercial nutrients to other the population center of 6.56 hectares, located at interest. 6 in these areas are: Marine Allowed activities : Environ- mental education, scientific research and environmental monitoring, boat transit, and Preservation tourism with low environmen- tal impact. Activities not allowed: All Subzones types of fishing, extraction of seawater, aquaculture, ancho- ring in the reefs, dredging or arine Preservation during the first larval stages of other activities that disturb areas, also called numerous marine species. Ma- sediment, and wildlife extrac- fishery recovery or rine Preservation areas provide tion except for scientific non-fishing zones, opportunities for the observa- collection. Mare intended to tion of flora and fauna. maintain the conditions of re- The geophysical characte- presentative ecosystems. They Due to the characteristics ristics of the subzone provide have ecosystems represented described above, the Preserva- areas for refuge and rest of fi- by their high productivity and tion sub-areas are those areas shermen in bad weather; contribution of propagules in good condition that contain however it is important to spe- (larval stage, fry, juveniles and relevant or fragile ecosystems. cify that fishing is not allowed adults). It includes sites that Any activities in these areas in this subzone. These envi- serve as habitat and refuge for require careful management to ronments are important as numerous species of fish, mo- ensure preservation. The acti- areas where species @Rafa Murillo llusks and crustaceans, mainly vities allowed and not allowed congregate. 7 No Fishing Areas ESTERO NOPOLÓ-LOS NIDOS Covers an area of 460.20 hectares, located south of the city of Loreto and adjacent to the tourist complex of Nopoló. It includes a set of intertidal and subtidal coastal ecosystems of great ecological and economic importance, and a small estuary with three mangrove species that characterize Loreto wetlands. The rocky reef called Los Nidos is also located there. ESTERO PUERTO ESCONDIDO - BARCO HUNDIDO Covers an area of 613.20 hectares, located approximately 17 km south of the city of Loreto. It represents one of the largest and best pre- served estuaries of the Loreto Bay National Park.
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