AN AFFORDABLE "/ ask you to join in ~ Soutlltrn Africa SOUTHERN Media Center's program. Invite otllt, people of conscience into your home, school, church AFRICA VIDEO or community center to screen one of ~ir fine films." UBRARY. .. Archibishop Desmond Tutu eOo'er Photo by Omor Badsha funt",,'1n Kwa M:uhu 01 two ANC $OIdie~ killed In diShes with the police OUtside Sunger .984 In\ide Photo by Wendy Schwegmonn Bishop Desmond Tutu and Rtsi<!enu 01 MoCOPa ~fttr aU nl,ht vi,1I to prott st against rtmoYOllls. 1983 Photo 01'1 page 1'1 by Omar 8adsha Mem~r of Amoutl Residences' Asso<latloo. Amoutl 1983 This year California Newsreel offers You can now start thinking about To help schools start their Southem Africa educators and activists the chance to begin videocassettes more as affordable, video lib raries, we are offering any six titles a low cost, Southern Africa video library. convenient refereoce books than as for only $595. These six cassettes can form We are making available our entire expensive, cumbersome films. Purchasing the basis of an authoritative collection Southern Africa Media Center catalog­ ins tead of renting gives teachers access to covering the entire Southem Africa region the most comprehensive and up-to-date in titles anytime they want, for large lecture from a variety of academic perspectives. the world-for only $195 per title. College courses or small seminars-without the African Studies, Intemational Relations, departments and libraries can now expense or inconvenience of rental. Geography. Anthropology and History purchase videocassettes for liule more departments could pool their funds to than two film rentals, ooly 25% of the film acqui re a library which can be used in purchase price. AT $195 EACH, dozens of courses year after year and circulate to mo re individual students than YOU CAN BUY any Single reference book. RATHER THAN Video offers all of us involved in Southem RENT. .. Africa education the opportunity to rethink our use of audi cwisual resources Video also makes possible new, more and to explore ways to give students and individualized uses of audiovisual resources. the general public more convenient access Cassettes can be aSSigned as reserved to this crucial information. books or outside reading; they can be subjects for book reportS or take-home tests; and they can provide a permanent reference resource for students who need ANY quick background information. SIX TITLES­ FOR ONLY $595 2 NOT AVAILABLE AFTER 11 /28 /87 Witness To Apartheid Producer/director: Sharon Sopher Co-producer/director: Kevin Harris 55 minutes, 1986 Video; sale $195, rental $75 16mm; sale $850, rental $85 For contractual reasons, we can not make Witness to Apartheid available after Nov, 28, 1987. Therefore, it is imperative that you purchase your copy before that dote. Witness to Apartheid is the Academy Award nominated film which alerted the world to the daily police terror in South Africa, With Archibishop Tutu as a guide, Witness to Apartheid allow viewers to "travel" to South Photo by POIlI KonIIlfS Africa enter the townships and listen to the Migrant lalxw amp. Lanp, Cap(' Town 1980 VOICes of the tortured children themselves. We meet a young boy barely able to speak after tVvO ......eeks of beatings In detention, and J members of the banned Congress of South NEW RELEASE' African Students, their idtntities hidden for But they also shaw how people sustain the fear of ar rest We share the grief of the struggle despite the overwhelming helpless parents of a teenage boy shot dead Bound to repression. We're introduced to some of the If'1 his school playground by a policeman. (ijJ organizations comprising the United Strike Back Democratic Front. the student organizations. We also meet adults still trying to change trade unions and consumer boycotts which South Africa ron-violently Mkhuseli Jack. the have mobilized mil lions. In the townships. Produced by: Capricorn Productions organizer of a successful black consumer street committees are replac ing gcrvernment boycott in Port Elizabeth, and "Cheeky" 35 minutes, 1987 fronts. And the ANC. convinced that Watson, a white merchant whose home was Video: sale $195, rental $60 repression rot reform is the states response bombed because he supported the boycott. 16mm: sale $490, rental $60 to political demands, is strengthening its Just completed. Bound to Strike Back is the underground networks and multiplying its WItness to Apartheid prCNides an essential fir;,t film to pierce the media ban and give armed actions. introduction to the human rights emergency voice to South Africa's freedom movement. in South Africa. It should be part of any It introduces Americans to the people who Bound to Strike Back is a unique profile of an library. will shape the new South Africa-the leaders insurgency. a case study of social conflict and of the United Democratic Front (UDF) and mass movements. It will help Americans "My words [cannot J reproduce what one African National Congress (ANC). know and respect the leaders we must sees in Witness to Apartheid. It is a brave re<:agnize if we are to have a meaningful. and powerful piece of journalism ... To see Bound to Strike Back shoNs a South Africa democratic South Africa policy. these things is to know why South African torn by Civil War. 3O.CXXl have been "Today we are blamed for Yiolence. But long blacks cannot be content, now, with detained and 2500 killed since the State of before we were born, long before the piecemeal reform." Emergency in a battle graNing more ruthless by ANC was formed, people in South Africa Anthony Lewis. New Yo'* Times the day. The filmmakers secretly fol low the security forces as they seal off townships were dying li ke flies." with razor wire and move in shooting. And Henry Fazzie t UDF leader "One of the most heart-rending their cameras keep roll ing as other (now in detention) documentaries ever to have come out of journalists caught in restricted areas are from Bound to Strike Bock South Africa." The London Times beaten viciously by police. 4 NEW RELEASE! NEW RELEASE! systematically mutilates their captives. In the Corridors Destructive most harrowing sequences. earless MNR Engagement victims describe their ordeal. of Freedom In Angola a captured South African Producer: Scope Fil ms cOlTlmardo describes blCM'ing up oil Producer. Ingrid Sinclair 52 minutes, 1987 refinenes. We learn how the South African 52 minutes. 1987 Video: sale $195. rental $75 Defense Force 'NQr\t;s side by side with the Vi deo only: sale $195. rental $75 U.s. supported UNITA rebels; their favored 16mm: inquire t<etlC IS planting mines In the fields: some estimate 20.000 peasants have lost limbs. Apardleld's reach extends far beyond South Perhaps I'IO'Nhere in the 'NQrld is the challenge of development more imposlng­ Africa's borders. This explosive documentary Kenneth Kaunda president of Zambia, and enss-crosses the Front Line States- and more urgent-than in the nine ANC president Oliver Tambo. wonder how irdeperdent bl<ek states of soothern Africa. 21mbab<Ne, t1ozarrbique. Botswana. Zambia much longer western policy makers will and Angola-in an unprecedented continue to cast a blind eye 00 the terror investigation of South Africa's regional w a ~ In 1981. Tanzania, Zambia. Malawi. Botswana. and destruction. This timely film will help Leshotho. Swaz iland. Angola, Moza mbique, For the past six years South Afric a has been Americans determine the ansv.-er. directing terrorist auacks. surrogate armies and Zimbabwe in itiated the Southern African Development Coordination and outright invasions in a destabilization "What South Africa Is now trying to achieve campaign to keep black Africa at bay and Conference (SADCC). a novel attempt at by destabiliZing front line states is to delay maintain dominance of the region regional cooperation to free themselves that day when apartheid Is no more," from South Africa's stranglehold CNer the In Mozambique. for example. hundreds of Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda, region and raise living standards. thousands have been killed not just by from Destructive Engagement bullets but by a famine which is in large part Comdors 0( Freedom traces these patterns d man-made. There the South Africa-backed deperdence back to when Cecil Rhodes and National Reststance Movement (MNR)-a the colonial powers first turned the regIOn band of mercenaries and forced into suppliers of cheap raw materials. most d which were shipped through South Afro 5 conscripts-burns crops and villages. arK! Today. only 6% ci SADCC trade is among member states. PC1Ner tines from the giant Caborra Basso dam in Mozambique send electricity not to nearby Zambia and Malawi. but to South Africa 1200 miles <rNtIf. And 7rJ% of SADCC ifll>Orts and exports passes through South African ports. The film examines SADCCs attempts to rationalize industrialization. coordinate marketing. and buikl a regional infrastructure. Their priority is the development ci alternative transportatiorl corridors to Mozarnbiquan and Angolan ports. But South Africa commandos and mercenaries repeatedly sabatoge their work. Corridors of Freedom provides a unique inside look at emerging regional development structures which could pr<:l'-lide a model for a future post-apartheid southern Africa. Photo by ~ Alphen L~ highbnd~ 1983 6 Winnie In 1960.69 armed black demonstrators And Nelson were shot dead by police at Sharpewille. Nelson reluctantly set out to organize a Mandela national strike and an AI\!( guerrilla force. Winnie and thew children v.ould never see him at rome again: sooo he was imprisoned Producer: National Black Programming for life. Consortium and Villon Films Director: Peter Oavis Winnie uncomfortably found herself thMt 58 minutes, 1986 more and more IntO the limelight.
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