![Kootenai County Republican (Rathdrum, Idaho), 1902-02-21, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
f the littlo city of Monterey, committed ly belonged to one of the many wood­ suicide Sunday night in a lodging chopping crew» in the vicinity. The house at Seattle. Less than an hour ffen tn « mu later Edith Curran, a beautiful 19-year- man's head was completely severed I« from the body. FROM DISPATCH£S °ld g,r1' vvho had been employed as a waitress in a hotel also NEWS HERE IS BRIEFLY TOLD. HEAD OF THE STEEL TRUST. t restaurant, OHEGON notbs. ended her life. Both took carbolic acid. IE. Review of Happenings in Both Despondency was the cause Of the 4500 cattle put in winter feed- in both < hoii-e selection ot inirrrutui item« ing quarters on Butter creek this win- filtern and Western Hemisphere« Cases. He tin« Hern Spending Two Months Guthered Thruuich the Rrrk — ter over half have been shipped out Haring the !*nat Week—National. Chairman Mercer of the house pub- Traveling Oxer the Continent and T*luHt Ex ery- and over three quarters sold. Hlaioricnl, Political and Penonai lie buildings committee has informed Srclion Shims General England—Waa Aeenmpanled by The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Representative Jones that in his opin-; Growth—Msiif Accidents Occur» ■ Wife and Slater—Trade Outlook U »U. gventa Teraely Expounded. company today chartered the steam- ; ion his committee would favorably re-1 Personals. ship Indrasamha, a new 10.00»» ton ves-; Eavorable. e BelW I port the bills recently passed by the! sei, to take the place of the steamship v® Rev. George Carter Needham, the senate making appropriations for pub-1 Knight Companion, which was wreck-; ioted evangelish, is dead. lie buildings at Spokane and Tacoma, WASHINGTON NEWS. New York. Feb. 17.—Charles M. Dr. W. James Howells of Spokane ed last week ofT the coast of Japan. tiaetnl The queen regent of Spain has1 or, in any event, would authorize the At a recent meeting ot the Lewis > t,cb"ab’ Presl<lent of the United will succeed Dr. D. MacLean as sup­ to 0^1 igned the treaty of friendship with : purchase of sites in these tw’o cities. erintendent of the eastern Washington and Clark exposition stockholders the j States Steel corporation, has returned J| be United States. He was also of the opinion that the hospital for the insane at Medical capital stock of the corporation was i from Europe on the American liner *.Eli* committee would increase tpe appro­ Mrs. Virginia Suret, aged 55, was Lake. increased from $300.000 to $50,000. Ot ; st. Paul, after an absence of two „urned to death Sunday evening in her priation for the Seattle building to this amount nearly $400,000 has ai- » folio». .The notorious Eph Dent case which months spent in travel uu the conti­ •■HKjpjutments. Her apron caught fire $1,000,000. ready been subscribed. A set of hv j Walla Walla country courts have been nent and in England. He was accom­ the kitchen stove. It required the utmost strength of 12 I trying to settle for 15 months termtnat- laws, based upon those adopted by the r m panied by his wife and sister and T xt San Francisco a heavy south- men to, . carry, to the grave, the„ _casket . Ii ed with Dent pleading guilty and pay- Louisiana Purchase exposition, to be y »hol, hrester, which sprung up Sunday af­ containing the remains of Dennis j iEg a $40 fine with costs. held in St. I-ouls, were adopted. was greeted when he landed by his BUff ternoon, gave vessels at anchor in the Leahy, whose funeral has recently j John W. Arrasmlth of Whitman Reports of the serious overcrowding father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. »nd a, harbor a severe shaking up. been held In New York. The dead man j of the cattle ranges of Harney and county notified Governor McBride yes­ Schwab; his brother Joseph Scwab. Four lives were lost in a head-on col­ weighed 700 pounds. Lehy’s enormous! Lake . counties are succeeded by an­ y H terday that he had decided to accept and a large party of friends. lusion on the Iowa Central railroad weight has been acquired within the the p0sition of state graln insp€ctor nouncement of an equally serious con­ to Mr. Schwab returns, as he himself » bear Gifford, Iowa, a light engine past 10 years. When he turned the dition fight at home. The county of tendered him by the governor. expressed to the Associated Press, crashing into a passenger train. 500 pound mark two years ago, a phy­ Umatilla is seriously overstocked with coots. Construction on the Washington & more than ever impressed with the ! Albert O’Klein ox Chicago, a student sician pronounced his increase of size Great Northern railway from Marcus sheep. There are 22,000 more sheep scope and possibilities ot the great cl the University of Michigan, com­ due to fatty degeneration of the heart in Umatilla than at a corresponding ere cot to Republic is being done as rapidly and told Leahy his death was only a date last year and sales this winter corporation of which he is at the head tleooli mitted suicide at Ann Arbor, Mich., by as circumstances will permit. Track question of time. Appreciating the have not been active. and more than enthusiastic with the mill« firing prussic acid. No reason for laying is being done with machinery. A gale raged along the Oregon coast trade and commerce of the world. O’Kleln's act is known. trouble his interment might cause his Adjutant General Drain has Issued self m and one life was lost In ABtoria as a Mr. Schwab declined to discuss the Thirteen young men have been con- friends, Leahy hunted up a place of an order instructing all companies of . IU___ result of the storm. Captain Hans personal detallB of his trip. He said then j. Briet ed of the murder of Jack Osborne, residence close to a cemetery, and It the National Guard to parade on Wash­ Roustoff, while walking along Twenty- he preferred to Bpeak as the president iln Russell county, Virginia, last Christ­ was necessary to carry the casket only ington's birthday, the hour and place ion thg fifth street, was Instantly killed by the of the United States Steel corporation. »ke aj mas, and sentenced to the penitentiary a short distance. to be designated by the proper officers. for from 1 to 18 years each. The heavy importations of cattle and overturning of the sidewalk, which was "I went away for a vacation,” he ' »1er caused by the wind. Roustoff was Pittsburg will get the new school Itinerary of the Prince. other live stock Into Whitman county said, “and while I had a delightful »me q. crushed to death beneath the walk. At for the education of engineers to be Washington, Feb. 19.—Dr. Hill, for the has had the effect of stimulating the trip, I also did a great deal of work. I tlmeB the wind attained a velocity of found a feeling of the utmost friend­ eines is established by the French government. president’s delegates, lias made public the desire of farmers and stockmen to 100 miles an hour or more. ship for our country existing every­ ay that The French school of political science the general program and itinerary of the raise tame grasses for pasture and will be located in New York city. hay. where In Europe. -I found, also, in­ visit of his royal-highness, Prince Henry IDAHO GLKANINGg. tense interest in the question of Indus­ uk«j General J. Franklin Bell has prac­ of Prussia, covering the period of time As the result of trouble in a saloon Ben Hamilton, a miner, aged 30 trial combinations, the business men tically cleaned up the insurrection in from Saturday, February 22, to Tuesday, at Northport recently Jeremiah I^y years, was buried under 40 feet of on every hand wishing to know more «nHyMWatangas province, in Philippines, the (March 11, 1902. ons, a smelter laborer, is dead ; Patrick lily q.H troops under his command having Mcllvane, a bartender, is in Jail charg snow tn a slide at the mouth of the about them and more about our meth­ As it now stands the itinerary is de­ Crackerjack mine In ouffalo Hump )en my B made a clean sweep of the district. ed with murder, and John Strangs ods. clared by the president’s delegates to be last week. illiimi’H Santos-Dumont, the aeronaut, met (colored), a striking smelterman,-has ”1 have been privileged to meet the final. It is as follows: Supervisor Chalcraft Is now in 1 tbe»B*lth a disaster at Monaco recently and fled the state to avoid arrest as an ac­ greatest men in the European world Saturday, February 22—Arrival in New charge of the Indian school, although IccnldBhad a narrow escape from death. His cessory to Mcllvgne’s crime. of finance and manufacture and the York harbor, probably about noon, os former Superintendent F. D. Voorhies . veellBairship is a total wreck, while tonight The largest land deal that bas taken great master minds of economic Krön Prinz Wilhelm. Admiral Evans, is still at the school, where he will After iB his motor lies at the bottom of the bay place in Walla Walla for some time thought. 1 was surprised and delight­ commanding the special squadron, will probably remain until his successor ia to giinBat Monaco. was recently made, the Walla Walla ed to find such tremendous Interest in meet the steamer at quarantine station named and arrives.
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