Asymmetric Lee Distance Codes for DNA-Based Storage Ryan Gabrys∗y, Han Mao Kiahz, and Olgica Milenkovicx ∗ x Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA ySpawar Systems Center San Diego, Code 532, USA z School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Emails: ∗[email protected], y [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract—We consider a new family of asymmetric Lee codes that arise in the design and implementation of DNA-based storage systems and systems with parallel string transmission protocols. The codewords are defined over a quaternary alphabet, although the results carry over to other alphabet sizes, and have symbol distances dictated by their underlying binary representation. Our contributions are two-fold. First, we derive upper bounds on the size of the codes under the asymmetric Lee distance measure based on linear programming techniques. Second, we propose code con- structions which imply lower bounds. Fig. 1. A pair of channels with individual substitution errors, for which the out- Keywords. Coding for DNA-based storage, Coding theory puts may also be switched. For the given example, the outputs of the channels at position three are switched. I. INTRODUCTION Codes for classical channels with single-sequence inputs 10 ! T . In this case, the proposed metric illustrates a DNA and single-sequence outputs have been studied extensively, readout channel in which the bases fA; T g are very likely to be leading to a diverse suite of solutions including algebraic mutually confused during sequencing, while the basis fG; Cg codes [15], codes on graphs, such as LDPC codes [14], and are much less likely to be misinterpreted for each other. Illu- polar codes [16]. Similar advances have been reported for mina systems and some other sequencing devices have substi- parallel channels [7], with the rather common underlying as- tution errors that exhibit such “bias” phenomena, and similar sumption that the channels introduce uncorrelated errors. The effects may be expected for single base sequencing technolo- alphabet size of the codes used in both scenarios is usually gies of the third generation [13]. restricted by the system design, and often, input sequences The problem of interest is to design pairs of sequences – are de-interleaved or represented as arrays over smaller alpha- henceforth, termed codewords – such that any two codewords bets in order to enable more efficient transmission. Far less is are at a sufficiently large “distance” from each other. We subse- known about channels that operate on several sequences at the quently refer to the distance imposed by Figure 2 as the asym- same time and introduce correlated symbol errors, or output metric Lee distance (ALD). The ALD resembles a weighted ordering errors. The goal of this work is to analyze one such version of the Lee metric [2], with the exception of two sym- scenario, motivated by emerging applications in DNA-based bols being treated differently. These two symbols capture the storage systems. uncertainty about the actual ordering of the readouts. Given the To motivate our analysis, consider a transmission model in connection with the Lee metric, a partial analysis of the ALD which two binary input sequences are simultaneously passed and related code construction questions may be addressed by through two channels that introduce substitution errors with invoking results for codes in the Lee metric [1], [2]. Neverthe- some probability 0 < p < 1=2 (Figure 1). Simultaneous errors less, due to the asymmetry of the distance, specialized tech- in both strings are less likely than individual string errors. In niques need to be developed to find bounds on the code size addition to the substitution errors, the outputs of the channels and to construct codes that approach these bounds. To accom- may be switched – in other words, the label of the channel plish this task, we formally define the ALD as a judiciously from which the output symbol originated may be in error. The chosen combination of the Lee and the Hamming distance. confusion graph of this type of channel is depicted in Figure 2. The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we introduce In Figure 2, the vertices are indexed by pairs of bits denot- the ALD, and then proceed to derive upper and lower bounds ing the inputs into the two channels. The labels of the edges on the size of the largest code in this metric using results on denote the channel confusion parameters (weights, distances). codes in the Lee metric. In Section III, we turn our attention One application of such a model arises in DNA sequencing on computing tighter upper bounds on the size of codes by ap- for archival storage [6], where multiple sequences are read in plying generalized sphere packing techniques not known from parallel. The readout errors are rare and it is very uncommon the Lee coding literature. New code constructions and related to make simultaneous mistakes in both sequences; nevertheless, questions are discussed in Section IV. the identity of the strands may be confused due to string sorting II. PROBLEM FORMULATION issues. Another unrelated way to view this model is to assume that the binary encodings represent four symbols of the DNA We start by characterizing the channel errors by introducing alphabet fA; T; G; Cg, say 00 ! G, 11 ! C, 01 ! A and a new distance measure, which we refer to as the asymmetric (0; 0) 1+λ 1+λ angle inequality. We henceforth focus our attention on integer λ. 2(1+λ) From (1), we observe that the paired symbol distance is (1; 0) (0; 1) asymmetric, in so far that complementary pairs are treated λ differently than non-complementary pairs. Furthermore, when pairs are complementary, the distance depends on the binary 1+λ weight of the pairs. The choice of the parameter λ governs the 1+λ (1; 1) degree of the asymmetry in the distance. Fig. 2. Weighted confusion graph for codelength n = 1. In order to highlight the relationship between dλ((a; b); (c; d)) and the Lee distance, define the mapping Z : 2 ! so that Lee distance (ALD). Z2 Z4 00 ! 1, 10 ! 0, 01 ! 2 and 11 ! 3. Then, by changing the We refer to an error that causes a paired-symbol transition weight between (10) and (01) – from λ to 2(1 + λ), we ar- from (1; 0) to (0; 1) as a Class 1 (switch) error; similarly, we rive at a scaled version of the Lee distance d (x; y) between refer to an error that causes a single substitution in one of the L symbols x; y 2 , which reads as input strings as a Class 2 error. An error that causes a paired- Z4 symbol transition from (0; 0) to (1; 1) is referred to as a Class 3 (1 + λ) · minf4 − jx − yj; jx − yjg = (1 + λ) · dL(x; y): (simultaneous substitution) error. Note that based on Figure 2, (2) an edge in the confusion graph corresponding to a Class 1 error has weight λ, an edge for a Class 2 error has weight 1+λ, while More precisely, for two sequences x; y over Z4, we have an edge for a Class 3 error has weight 2(1 + λ). dλ(x; y) =(1 + λ) · dL(x; y)− (3) Let m > 2 be an integer. For a1; a2; : : : ; am 2 Z2, the X indicator function χ is such that χ(a1; a2; : : : ; am) = 1; if (λ + 2) χ(xi; yi) 6 (1 + λ) · dL(x; y): a1 = a2 = ··· = am and χ(a1; a2; : : : ; am) = 0 other- fxi;yig=f0;2g wise. Consider next four sequences a = (a1; : : : ; an); b = n The main difference between the ALD and the Lee metric is (b1; : : : ; bn); c = (c1; : : : ; cn); d = (d1; : : : ; dn) 2 Z2 , paired as (a; b) and (c; d), and define two pseudo-metrics: that the distance between pairs of symbols, say (s; p); (q; r) 2 2 is not completely characterized by the weight of the vec- n Z2 X tor (s; p) + (q; r), and that in particular, it depends on the exact d ((a; b); (c; d)) := χ(a ; b ) + χ(c ; d ) − 2χ(a ; b ; c ; d ); S i i i i i i i i values of (s; p) in a manner analogous to asymmetric error cor- i=1 n recting codes. This connection between the ALD, Lee metric, X dD((a; b); (c; d)) := 2(χ(ai; bi) + χ(ci; di))+ and asymmetric error correcting codes will be used in our sub- i=1 sequent derivations. ¯ χ(ai; bi; c¯i; di) − 4χ(ai; bi; ci; di); Let d be a real positive integer. We say that two pairs of se- n n quences (a; b); (c; d) 2 Z2 × Z2 are (d,λ)-distinguishable if where x¯ = 1 − x; and x 2 . Note that the pseudo-metrics Z2 their ALD dλ is at least d; similarly, we say that two pairs of dS((a; b); (c; d)) and dD((a; b); (c; d)) both depend on how sequences are (d,λ)-indistinguishable if their ALD is less than much the sequences within the pairing (a ; b ); (c ; d ), i 2 [n], i i i i d. We use Aλ(n; d) to denote the largest number of (d; λ)- disagree from each other, as well as how much the pairs dif- distinguishable sequences of length n. In the next section, we fer themselves. Furthermore, observe that d is invariant under S derive a number of upper bounds on Aλ(n; d). the change of order in the pairing, i.e., dS((a; b); (c; d)) = dS((b; a); (c; d)), and that it takes the maximum value 2n if III.
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