Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 13 MARCH 1975 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Matters of Public Interest (13 MARCH 1975] Papers 249 THURSDAY, 13 MARCH 1975 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. PAPERS The following paper was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed:- Report of the Department of Primary Industries for the year 1973-74. The following papers were laid on the table:- Orders in Council under- The Agricultural Bank (Loans) Act of 1959. The City of Brisbane Market Acts, 1960 to 1967. Co-ordination of Rural Advances and Agricultural Bank Act 1938-1969. Dairy Products Stabilisation Act 1933- 1972. Explosives Act 1952-1974. Fauna Conservation Act 1974. Fish Supply Management Act 1972. Meat Industry Act 1965-1973. The Milk Supply Acts, 1952 to 1961. Plague Grasshoppers Extermination Act 1937-1971. Primary Producers' Organisation and Marketing Act 1926-1973. Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Act 1962-1972. Sugar Experiment Stations Act 1900- 1973. Swine Compensation Fund Act 1962- 1969. Wheat Pool Act 1920-1972. 250 Questions Upon Notice [13 MARCH 1975] Questions Upon Notice Regulations under- (2) "The names of the Directors ef Agricultural Standards Act 1952-1972. Lae Enterprises may be obtained from Dairy Products Stabilisation Act 1933- the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs, 1972. Anzac Square Government Buildings, Fruit and Vegetable Act 1947-1972. Adelaide Street." Hen Quotas Act 1973. (3) "The Clean Air Act is directed Hospitals Act 1936-1971. towards industry, and land development Meat Industry Act 1965-1973. does not come within the scope of the Primary Producers' Organisation and regulations." Marketing Act 1926-1973. The Tobacco Industry Protection Act of 1965. CoMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE, GLADSTONE Notifications of Approvals under The Soil (a) Mr. Hanson, pursuant to notice, asked Conservation Act of 1965. The Minister for Health,- (1) As the Commonwealth Government PETITION finance for the establishment of a com­ PRESERVATION OF THE "BELLEVUE" munity health centre in Gladstone was BUILDING AND "THE MANSIONS" .forwarded to his department in October, 1974, and as the State Director of Com­ Mr. BURNS (Lytton-Leader of the munity Health said ·in November that it Opposition) presented a petition from 179 was expected that the centre would operate citizens of Queensland praying rthat the from February, when can Gladstone people 'Parliament of Queensland will do all in its expect the centre to start operating? power to preserve the "Bellevue" building and "The Mansions" as part of that heritage (2) Has any staff been appointed for which should properly continue to be enjoyed this centre, what are the numbers to be by the people of the State of Queensland. or likely to be appointed and what will be Petition read and received. the qualifications and classifications of these personnel? QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE Answers:- DUST NUISANCE FROM LAE ENTERPRISES ( 1) "Four properties were investigated PROJECT, HoLLYWELL and one building is under consideration for purchase." Mr. K. J. Hooper for Mr. Dean, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Local (2) "Two community health nurses who Government,- have commenced training will take up ( 1) Is he aware of the grave danger to duty within three months. When the health and property created by a fine, centre is established there will be regular black dust from a development project at visits by the medical officer in charge of iHoHywell by 'a company named Lae community medicine at Rockhampton and Bnterprlses and that motor vehioles have the services of therapists and psychologists to drive whh headlight's full on as early will be provided from Rockhampton on as 10 a.m. because of poor visibility? a sessional basis. The full time staff of the centre will include a social worker who (2) Will he ascertain the names of the must be eligible for membership of the directors of Lae Enterprises who are Australian Association of Social Workers; -responsible for the development of the a home help organiser capable of organis­ 75-acre Shearwater Estate at HollyweH? ing and supervising temporary home helpers and who is usually recruited from the com­ (3) Will he invoke the Olean Air Aot munity because of local knowledge; three by forcing this company to comply with positions for community health aides (two the regmations and ,to oomplete the of which may be appointed before the end development as a matter of urgency so that of June); a clerk; and two clerk-typists. ifesidents and parents with children are I would advise the Honourable Member not subjected to this continual threat to that Commonwealth approval of a grant their health and well-being? towards the establishment of a Com­ munity Health Centre at Gladstone was Answers:- received on October 24, 1974. In accord­ (1) "I am not aware of a danger to ance with financial arrangements advances health and property at Hollywell because have been received from the Common­ of black dust. The Division of Air wealth to meet forecasted expenditure for Pollution Control has not received any the quarter ending March 31, 1975 in complaints, and the planning officer of the respect of capital cost of purchase of Gold Coast City Council has made fre­ property abovementioned and anticipated quent visits to the site without encountering expenditure on salaries for community a dust nuisance." health nurses already employed." Questions Upon Notice [13 MARCH 1975] Questions Upon Notice 251 (b) Mr. Hanson, pursuant to notice, asked ( 4) Will he also provide the House with The Minister for Works,- a complete and detailed breakdown of the ( 1) Were any officers of his department schools in which all such teachers have engaged in the sekction of properties in been placed ·in the last two years? Gladstone recently for a community health centre? Answers:- (2) Was any decision made by depart­ (!) "Yes, there had been evidence of mental officers and how many buildings some criticism in this regard but in dis­ or houses were inspected? cussions with the Queensland Teachers' Union this has been satisfactorily resolved." (3) When is it likely that a decision wiH be made on the centre's location? (2) "No." Answer:- (3) "Yes." ( 1 to 3) "A report has been furnished ( 4) "In reply to a similar Question by my department to the Department of last year by Mr. Peter Wood, a list of Health on four properties inspected by a the placements of overseas teachers in departmental architect, in connection with the twelve months to September 20, 1974 a proposal for the establishment of a was compiled and forwarded to Mr. Wood. Community Health Centre at Gladstone. As evidence that my department has To the best of my knowledge no decision nothing to hide in this regard, I table has yet been made for the acquisition of that list. However, the list took several a property or properties in this connection." days to compile last year and I am reluct­ ant to direct that officers be diverted from their duties to compile a new list. A further 250 overseas teachers have been CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY REGISTRATIONS appointed since the list was compiled, and !\:fr. Ahem for Mr. Armstrong, pursuant to I am informed that a similar pattern of notice, asked The Minister for Justice,- appointment has been followed." ( 1) How many co-operatives are regis­ Paper.-Whereupon Mr. Bird laid upon tered under the Co-operative and Other the Table of the House a copy of the Societies Act? contract and the list referred to . (2) How many applications for registra­ tior; ':'ere made on behalf of community societies formed solely for the distribution of Commonweahh Government grants for REHABILITATION OF FORMER PRISONERS the housing of A>borigines? Mr. Wright, pursuant to notice, asked The (3) How many such applica~ions have Minister for Community and Welfare been approved and how many are under Services,- consideration? (!~ What assistance is acvailable to ex-pnsoners to enaJble them to obtain Answers:- employment upon release? ( I) "245." (2) What organisations, both com­ (2) "28." munity and Government-sponsored, give (3) "Of the above, 10 societies have such assistance? been registered. The rules of another 14 (3) Does the Railway Department societies are being examined by either the refuse to employ persons with a prison Crown Law Officer or the Registrar. The record? If so, how does he explain such remaining four applications were lodged a policy, which obviously conflicts with with the Registrar on March 11, 1975." his own department's stated aim of assist­ ing in the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners? TEACHERS RECRUITED FROM OVERSEAS Answers:- Mr. Wright, pursuant to notice asked The (!) "Welfare officers have been Minister for Education,- ' appointed to the Prisons Department and (1) Is he aware of criticism by and part of their duties is to assist prisoners to obtain employment on discharge. In concen~ amongst members of the teaahing profess1on that special treatment is being addition a monthly visit is made by an given by his department to those teachers officer of the District Employment Office who have come from overseas? and he advises prisoners on job oppor­ tunities." (2) Are these teachers being given guarantees that they will be placed in (2) "The Salvation Army; the Society metropolitan or provincial city areas? of St. Vincent de Paul; Teen Challenge; the Prisoners Aid Society; the Legion of (3) Will he table a copy of the contract Mary Hostel; the New Life Centre, and conditions entered into by these Ipswich; Stewart Lodge for Women; the teachers? William Powell Home; Morris House and 252 Questions Upon Notice [13 MARCH 1975] Questions Upon Notice the Commonwealth Aboriginal Hostel, STATEMENTS BY DR. H.
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