1 DOCUMENT RESUME SE 004 647 ED 021 740 24 By-Balabanian Norman; Kirwin Gerald J. DIODE AND DIODE CIRCUITS APROGRAMMED TEXT. Syracuse Univ. N.Y. Dept. of ElectricalEngineering. Spons Agency-Office of Education(DH(W), Washington D.C. Bureau ofResearch Report No- 4 Bureau No- BR-5-0796 Pub Date 64 Contract- OEC- 4-10-102 Note-177p. EDRS Price MF-S0.75 HC-S7.16 *ELECTRONICS *ENGINEERING EDUCATIM*INSTRUCTIONAL Desc_riptors-*COLLEGE SCIENCE. ELECTRICITY, UNDERGRADUATE STLOY MATRIALS PHYSICAL SCIENCES*PROGRAMED INSTRUCTIOK TEXTBOOKS Identifiers-United States Office ofEducation University of Syracuse This programed text on diodeand diode circuits wasdeveloped under contract Office of Education as Number4 in a series of materialsfor with the Uniteci States regular use in anelectrical engineering sequence.It is intended as a supplement to a text and otherinstructional material. (DI-1) Mo.' 4 U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICE OF HEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION &WELFARE ?Rogs--,67cit THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLYAS RECEIVED FROM THE , POSITIONPERSONSTATED DOOR OR NOT ORGANIZATION POLICY. NECESSARILY ORIGINATING REPRESENT IT. OffiCIALPOINTSOfFICE Of VIEW Of EDUCATION OR OPINIONS DIODE'A Programmed AND DIODE TextCIRCUITS CD NormanEl ectri Balabanian cal Engineeringby and Gerald Department J. Kirwin ci1-4 Syracuse Uni versi ty COPYRIGHTED"PERMISSION TO REPRODUCEBEENTHIS 6RANTED CD BYTO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONSMATERVAOPERATING L4.1 Copyright,1964 UNDERTHEEDUCATION. ERICCOPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS SYSTEM FURTHER OWNER."REQUIRES WITHREPRODUCTIONTHEPERMISSION U.S. OFFICE OUTSIDE Of OF A_EMEKNEMti-2121Et 11011 DIODE AND DIODEby CIRCUITS Un NormanElectrical BalabanianSyracuse Engineering andUniversity Gerald Department J. Kirwin U.S.Contract Copyright,Office No. of4-10-102 Education1964 OE L.3 Aorer,Aormerr LIiIi L I1=1 L=1.. L'"7-1_ E -1L _I t 1 L F-1 r ft1 . fl Section I DIODES 3. symbolicelementAn ideal asform depicted inresistor Fig. by la. isthe anThestraighthypothetical current line is current-voltagenetworiproportional elementto curvewhichthe voltage inis Fig. shown inlb. thisin Question: The(b)(a) resistance,The slopereciprocal ofFt, the is of current-voltagedeterminedtheslope as:of the curve. current-voltagecurve. / ., Answer:2 The reciprocal of the slope (b) voltageof(Note: the current-voltageAndthe theabscissa ordinate is curve. is , .. - current.) . Many electricalconductors, such ascopperand.aluminum) exhibit abehavior3 proportionalitysuchthe temperaturethat thevoltagebetweenof the and conductorvoltage currentandbeare currentheldproportional. constant.apply, itBut is inusually order necessarythat the strictthat Question:Arentitcoil in ofof a copper Ideep amperesice wirewaterin theisbath. heldcopper Aat voltage wire.aconstant Thenof V temperature thevolts voltage resultsbyis immersinginincreased a cur- to(b)(a) 2V thevolts. newold currentpowerDeterminetoto the the new. old;following ratios: 11.0010.110.4.1 Answer: (a) 2 .1 (b) as1/4(Remember the square thatof power the current.)varies Fig. 2(b) LJ There are nany important anduseful devices in electrical engineeringin5 whichthroughcan be the describedthe current-voltage origin. asbeingOne suchcurvea device devicedoes requiring isnot called assume only a the diode.a smallform Inofvoltage simpleastraight toterms, produce line a diode cur- voltagerentdirection. in isone necessary direction,(In many toinstances, theproduceso-called thethe same voltageforward magnitude accompanyingdirection.of currentHowever,appreciable in thea much reverse greater cur- renttypical wouldThe diode above be inso behavior Fig.high 2a.as isto picturedThecause schematiccomplete graphically symbol breakdown byof theFig. and current-voltage 2bdestructionwill be usedof curve theto repre-device.)for a actualsent Notean diodeactual that points diode.the orientation in the forward ofthedirection. arrowhead at the center ofthe symbol for an Question: powerCompare when the i power= -I amperes.dissipated (Assumeinthe aboveI to bediode some when positive i = I, number.) withthe Answer: Thein thepower reverse dissipateddirection,withthan thewheni = current the willforwardsame bemagnitude muchdirection. greaterof greatercurrentThis is voltageis a inre-the that issult necessary of the much to sustainthe current ,11.0010. neededin the reversefor the currentdirectionin over the whatforward is Fig.3 direction. -1 We have seen that a diode tends toprovide an easy path for current through7 - Andirection.itself ideal in diode theThis forwardis modean hypothetical ofdirection operation whilenetwork leads tending uselement toto the preventhavingconcept thecurrent (2 following an idealin the diode.three raverse properties:(a) thereits voltage is no reverseis zero current;when its currentis forward (positive); ferentIn order(b)(c) symbol toits distinguish showncurrent in isFig. anzero ideal3 whenwilldiode beits used. voltagefrom an isactual reverse diodel.the (negative). slightlydif- terms.See if you can write the threeproperties of an ideal diode in mathematical i (a)(c)(b) 8 Answer: .((b)(a) c ) vi >=. 000 forfor iv >. < 0 Since we shall be making continual referenceto the plot of current versus9 voltagedesignate"i-v curve" when the fordiscussing plot this of plot. voltage diodes,Likewise against we shall thecurrent. adoptexpressionthe convenientMv-i curve" abbreviation, will serve to Question: Fromthe i-vthe curveideal fordiode an idealdefinition diode. in theprevious frame, try to construct 1r=1 rm =1 1=3 =1 1=3 there is a very usefulconcept known as the forward.11 tionand reverseWhenof the considering i-vresistance characteristic diodesof a diode.of Fig.This 4. attentionconceptThis plot may to is bethisi:Itroduced.indistinguishable i-v curve byfor considera- positivefram thatofvalues v ofto of ai resistor.vis only. constantThus,Letfor uswhen a restrictfixed v is valuepositive, our of0. soalso is i. Mbreover, the ratio Question: Whati-vcurve curvemust is to happenforapproach an toideal theif diode? samethe firstform asquadrantthe verticalposition segment of thisof i-v the Answer:12 0 must approach 900. 1: .. il-I o...w,. 13 of Fig.Continuing 4, recall ourthatdiscussion the slope of ofthethis first linequadrant and the segmentresistanceof theare i-vrelated. curve Question:What8 approaches limiting 900?valueof résistaace isassociated with thisline, as Answer: 0 ohms. Fig. 4 (repeated) 15 an idealWeIn returnview diode of to haswhat Fig. zero you4 resistance haveand focusjust done,toour forward attentionit should current. on seemthe thirdnatural quadrant to say thatsegment ofissegment thisseen i-vtoof becomethecurve ideal ashorizontal, ediode is made i-v takingtocurve.approach onthe zero. same positionIn this asinstance the horizontal the segment Question: resistanceIn view of theof theabove ideal interpretation, diode whenthewhat voltage can you is saynegative? about the Answer:16 It will be infinite. 17 andfor non-zero.whichLater we in will this find discussion the forward we shall and. bereverse talking resistances about other to thanbe finite, ideal positivediodes conducting,diodeAnother is equivalent thedescription switch to isa ofswitchon anand ideal thatthe voltageisdiode either is.often is onzero. or usefUllyoff. When employed. the diodeAn 14ideal CompleteWhen the the following diode is sentence:non-conducting, 18 Answer: voltagethe(or switchthe iscurrent negativeis off is and zero.)(or the zero). diode .211 Fig. 5 ORM.ii When the diode currentis positive, the diodevoltage is zero, making19it equivalent toConsider a short thecircuit. circuit inFig. 5. Redraw it with thediode replaced LI Question: voltage.by its equivalent andcalculate the diode currentand the diode HI AmarammanowiewaseliftlissWINSIIIIIIIMINIgeormor 10 voltsVW\2g2 1 10 volts I T lilt T i =10 Fig. 6 2= 5 amps I 21 theis equivalent&LodeWhen theby itsdiodeto equivalentan voltageopencircuit.andie negative, calculateRedraw thethethe diodecircuitdiode current current in Fig. is and zero6 thehavinganddiode thereplaced voltage.diode 7.17 1,4,1Air VLept . 22 25 2 22 111111M ci a .111111111INS 10 volts 11111111=1111 10 volts vi == 0 -10 amps volts . Fig. 7 23 rl-1 therediode Inis some onlyin itsnetworks one open source, orit closedis whosepossiblecondition.voltage to ortell currentThis rather will is simply oftenconstant, bewhether theconnected case the whenideal to [] onlyanetwork possibleConsider'the of resistors direction arrangement and for idealactual of diodes.elements current asin depictedthe 10 voltin Fig. source? 7. What is the 1 Answer: from(Upward c to through d through the thesource.) source. 25 d. 0 volts a Fig.7( repeated) 25 impossibleWith reference forthe currenttothe to25 goohm fromresistor a to bin through the networkthis resistor?of Fig. 7, why isit El =1 26 Answer: Sinceacrossin parallel, the the diode 25 current ohm and resistor resistor from a would toare b 25 2 1 allowedpositivecause the by quantity. diodethe diode. voltageThis tois benot a 10 volts + v b Fig. 1 (repeated) Then theSuppose diode that will current have a inreverse the 25voltage ohmresistor and hence is inzero the current. direction from bto a. Question: Rememberingvoltage source that is theupward,'assuming only possible thedirection currentfor in currentthe 25 ohm,in the Li resistorWhatopen conclusioncircuit), to be from howare canbwe to facedthe a Kcl(which with? be satisfiedinsures that at the junctiondiode is a?an El 28 Answer: theUnder Kcl the cannot conditions be satisfied postulated, at 25thatjunction obit current resistor a. Wecannot canin anyonlyexist direction. conclude in the
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