TABLE OF CONTENTS November 1998 Issue 454 Vol. 41 No. 5 31 st Year of Publication 20-Time Hugo Winner CHARLES N. BROWN Publisher & Editor-in-Chief MAIN STORIES MARIANNE S. JABLON Managing Editor Iran “Ends” Rushdie Death Threat/8 Bertelsmann Buys Stake in barnesandnoble.com/8 MARK R. KELLY Saramago Wins Nobel Prize/8 Electronic Editor Wightman & Marquis Win $4,000 Hubbard Prizes/8 FAREN C. MILLER Aurora Awards Winners/9 CAROLYN F. CUSHMAN KIRSTEN GONG-WONG THE DATA FILE Editors Macmillan Bids for Cassell/9 Half the Best are SF?/9 Clarion Call/9 JEFFREY PRUCHER Announcements/9 Calls for Papers/9 Worldcon News/9 Editorial Assistant Readings & Signings/68 Awards News/68 International Awards News/68 EDWARD BRYANT Contest News/68 Legal News/68 Book News/68 Market News/68 RUSSELL LETSON Rights & Options/68 Publications Received/68 Catalogs Received/70 GARY K. WOLFE Contributing Editors INTERVIEWS WILLIAM G. CO N TEN TO P.D. 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