Sept. 9, 1886]' The ISTation 221 end of confused and discrepant usage in writers L'EspInolB, Comte Henri de. La Ligue et los Papes. Pa- (p. 86), which, designed to illustrate a series of .ris: Palm6; Boston: Schoenhof. wars, is not exact for any one period. It is inserted of the present day. Kimon, of course, is not only Lotze, H. Outlines of iEsthetlcs. Englished by G. T. Ladd. Glnn & Co. $1. at the accession of William III., but belongs to a more correct form, but a pleasanter sound than Macy. J. Our Government: How it Grew, What ti^ Does, and How it Does it. Boston: Ginn & Co. SScents. the middle of the nineteenth century ; the Aus­ Cimon, just as Kikero is pleasanter than Oicero; McClelland, M. G. Princess: A Novel. Henry Holt & Co. trian Netherlands are called Belgium, Genoa is but nobody says ffifccro—except as a Latin , 50 cents. McPherson, Edward. A Hand-book of Politics for 188<!. annexed to Sardinia, Silesia to Prussia, and Ga- word; why, then, Kimon? Again, what is Washington: J. J. Chapman. 82.00. Memoirs and Letters of Doliy Madison. Edited by her- licia to Austria. By an oversight, the name Bur­ gained by printing Perikles and Hermokrates ? grandnlece. Houghton, Mifllin & Co. 81.26. gundy stands east of the Sa6ne (in Franche- Eveffithe distinction between literary and classi­ Millennial Dawn. Vol. i. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Zion's Watch Tower. Comt6—an historical Burgundy, to be sure). cal usage is not always easy to observe. Mr. Morris, E. J. Prejudiced Inquiries; Being the Backwoods Lectures for 1884. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 81-26. Cox says Thucydides; why not then Macedo­ PiSladan, J. Curleuse. Paris: Laurent; Boston: Schoen­ nian ? hof. P^ladan, J. Le Vice supreme. Paris: Laurent; Boston : Lives of Greek Statesmen. Second Series: Ephi- Schoenhof. .^ , • .^ Pisemsky, Alexis. Les Faiseurs. Paris: Plon & Nourrlt; altes—Hermokrates. By the Rev. Sir George BOOKS OF THE WEEK. Boston: Schoenhof. Rollinat, Maurice. L'Ablme: Poesies. Paris: Charpen- W. Cox, Bart. Harper & Bros. 1880. 16mo. Allen & Greenough. Select Orations of Cicero. Edited tier; Boston : Schoenhof. with Vocabulary. Boston: Ginn&Co. 81.40. Rougemont, A de. La France: Notes d'un Amerioaln SIR GEOBGB COX has made Greek history so dis­ Amicis, Edmondo de. Constantinople. New edition. G. recuelllies et mises en ordre. Writers' Publishing Co.- tinctly his field that whatever he writes in rela­ P. Putnam's Sons. S8..')0. Schubin, O. Gloria Victis: A Romance. W. S. Gotts- Bolton, Sarah K. Uvea of Girls Who Became Famous. berger. tion to it is sure to be read with interest. The T. y. Croweil & Co. SotCTtce Economic Discussion. The Science Company. , Bumaby,Fred. Our'Eadicals: A Tale of Ix)ve and Poli­ Sinclair, G. L. Dry-Plate Making for Amateurs. Sco- reader of his ' Lives' is struck with the ease and tics. HarDer'& Bros. 25 cents. vllle Manufacturing Co. _ Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Boolis and Pam­ Southworth, E. D. if. N. The Gipsy's Prophecy. T. B. picturesqueuess of narration which come from a phlets relating to America. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Peterson & Bro. 75 cents. long and minute familiarity, and which place & Co. 50 cents. Stinde, J. The Buchholz Family: Sketches of Berlin Coxon, Ethel. The Long Lane: A Novel. Harper & Bros. Life. Englished by L. Dora Schmitz. London: G. Bell him in imagination in the presence of the gene­ 25 cents. & Sons. Deane, Mary. St. Brlanels. Haiper&Bros. 20 cents. Strong, Rev. J. Our Country: Its Possible Future and ration whose political intrigues and contests are Dupuy. E. The Great Masters of Russian Literature In Its Present Crises. Baker & Taylor. Ihe Nineteenth Century. Englished by N. H. Dole. T. Swann, J. An Investor's Notes on American Railroads. described as if it were his own period. A very Y. Croweli & Co. S!1.26. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 81.26., clear picture of Greek society is therefore sketch­ Field, Alice n. Palermo; Christmas to Whitsuntide. Re­ Systematic Catalogue of the Public Library of the City vised ed. G. P. Putnam's Sons. *1.25. - of Milwaukee. Published by the Trustees. ed in relation to these ten personalities. The Foye. J. C. Handboolc of Mineralogy. D. Van Nostrand. The Critic. VoL v. Jan.—June, 1886. The CWMe Com­ 50 cents. pany. former volume, also containing ten lives, extend­ Gladstone, W. E. The Irish Question. Charles Scrlbner's The Great Gold Secret, and Other Stories. Cassell & Co. Sons. 10 cents. 15 cents. ed from Solon to Gelon; in the present we have Hay, Mary C. A Wiclced Girl. Harper & Bros. 25 cents. The Irish Question as Viewed by One Hundred Eminent a practically complete history of the period from How: Things One Ought to Know. Kochester: Ward & Statesmen of 'England, Ireland, and America. Ford's Co. National Library. 25 cents. the close of the Persian war to that of the Pelo- Jackson, Lady. The Court of France in the Sixteenth Trumbull. J. H. Memorial History of Hartford County, Century. Harper & Bros. 25 cents. Conn. 2 vols. Boston: Edward L. Osgood. ponnesian war. It is really a misfortune that all '•Jak." The Riverside Museum. T. Y. Croweli & Co. VAmb^ry, A. The Story of Hungary, With the Colla­ »1.25. boration of Louis Hellprin. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 81.50. the modem nations have softened the Roman c Jewett, Sarah O. Deephaven. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Westail, W. Two Pinches of Snuff. Harper & Bros. 20 (representing the Greek «), so that the forms of 50 cents. Kelsey, Prof. F. W. Caesar's Gallic War. Boston: John _WledersheIm, Prof. B. Elements of the Comparative proper"names that have come down to us do not Aliyn. Anatomy of Vertebrates. Macmillan & Co. 83.00. Knoj, T. W. The Life of Robert Pulton and a History of Wyman, Liilie C. Poverty Grass. Houghton, Mifllin & give us the equivalents of the original. Hence no Steam Navigation. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 81.75. Co. 81.25. MESSRS. 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