Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Drawer 1 Title Classification Puerto Rico Bahía de Fajardo and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25667/1990 Puerto Rico Bahía de Fajardo and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25667/1998 Puerto Rico Bahía de Ponce and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25683/1998 Puerto Rico Bahía de Ponce and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25683/2000 Puerto Rico Bahía de Ponce and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25683/2003 Puerto Rico Bahía de Ponce and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25683/2009 Puerto Rico Bahía de San Juan. C 55.418/7:25670/1998 Puerto Rico Bahía de San Juan. C 55.418/7:25670/2000 Puerto Rico Bahía de San Juan. C 55.418/7:25670/2002 Puerto Rico Bahía de San Juan. C 55.418/7:25670/2003 Puerto Rico Bahía de San Juan. C 55.418/7:25670/2011 United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/1993-95 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/1998-99 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/1990-91 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/1989 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/1995-97 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/1983 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: including C 55.418:1/2000-01 Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. West Indies Isla de Culebra and Approaches. C 55.418/7:25653/1997 West Indies Isla de Culebra Ensenada Honda. C 55.418/7:25654/1990 West Indies Isla de Culebra Ensenada Honda. C 55.418/7:25654/2000 West Indies Isla de Culebra Ensenada Honda to C 55.418/7:25665/2004 Canal de Luis Peña. West Indies North Coast of Puerto Rico Punta C 55.418/7:25668/1999 Peñon to Punta Vacía Talega. West Indies North Coast of Puerto Rico Punta C 55.418/7:25668/2002 Peñon to Punta Vacía Talega. West Indies North Coast of Puerto Rico Punta C 55.418/7:25668/2008 Peñon to Punta Vacía Talega. West Indies North Coast of Puerto Rico Punta C 55.418/7:25668/2012 Peñon to Punta Vacía Talega. Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Drawer 1 Title Classification West Indies Puerto Rico and adjacent islands. D 5.356:25018/2001 Puerto Rico Operating Area (North). West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/1996 West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/1998 West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/2000 West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/2002 West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/2004 West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/2008 West Indies Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. C 55.418/7:25640/2011 West Indies Puerto Rico Bahía de Boquerón. C 55.418/7:25675/2011 Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Drawer 2 Title Classification West Indies Puerto Rico Bahía de Mayagüez and C 55.418/7:25673/2006 Approaches. West Indies Puerto Rico Bahía de Mayagüez and C 55.418/7:25673/1990 Approaches. West Indies Puerto Rico Bahía de Mayagüez and C 55.418/7:25673/1998 Approaches. West Indies Puerto Rico East Coast Pasaje de San Juan to Puerto de Humacao and Western C 55.418/7:25663/2012 Part of Isla de Vieques. West Indies Puerto Rico East Coast Pasaje de C 55.418/7:25664/2011 Vieques and Radas Roosevelt. West Indies Puerto Rico Ensenada Honda. C 55.418/7:25666/1997 West Indies Puerto Rico Puerto Arroyo. C 55.418/7:25689/2001 West Indies Puerto Rico Puerto Yabucoa. C 55.418/7:25661/1994 West Indies Puerto Rico Puerto Yabucoa. C 55.418/7:25661/2004 West Indies Puerto Rico Punta Lima to Cayo C 55.418/7:25665/1991 Batata. West Indies Puerto Rico Punta Lima to Cayo C 55.418/7:25665/2000 Batata. West Indies Puerto Rico Punta Lima to Cayo C 55.418/7:25665/2006 Batata. West Indies Puerto Rico South Coast Bahía de C 55.418/7:25687/1991 Jobos and Bahía de Rincón. West Indies Puerto Rico South Coast Bahía de C 55.418/7:25687/2003 Jobos and Bahía de Rincón. West Indies Puerto Rico South Coast Punta C 55.418/7:25685/1990 Petrona to Isla Caja de Muertos. West Indies South Coast Bahía de Guayanilla C 55.418/7:25681/2000 and Bahía de Tallaboa. West Indies South Coast Bahía de Guayanilla C 55.418/7:25681/2003 and Bahía de Tallaboa. West Indies South Coast Bahía de Guayanilla C 55.418/7:25681/2007 and Bahía de Tallaboa. West Indies South Coast Bahía de Guayanilla C 55.418/7:25681/2011 and Bahía de Tallaboa. West Indies South Coast of Puerto Rico Guánica C 55.418/7:25677/1995 Light to Punta Tuna Light. West Indies South Coast of Puerto Rico Guánica C 55.418/7:25677/2003 Light to Punta Tuna Light. Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Drawer 2 Title Classification West Indies South Coast of Puerto Rico Guánica C 55.418/7:25677/2008 Light to Punta Tuna Light. West Indies Virgin Passage and Sonda de C 55.418/7:25650/1996 Vieques. West Indies Virgin Passage and Sonda de C 55.418/7:25650/2000 Vieques. West Indies Virgin Passage and Sonda de C 55.418/7:25650/2011 Vieques. West Indies West Coast of Puerto Rico. C 55.418/7:25671/2011 Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps Department of the Interior - United States Geological Survey Drawer 3 Title Classification Serie Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Adjuntas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6637.5/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Adjuntas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6637.5/1977 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Aguadilla I 19.81:N1822.5-W6707.5/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Aguadilla I 19.81:N1822.5-W6707.5/1960 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Aguas Buenas I 19.81:N1815-W6600/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Aguas Buenas I 19.81:N1815-W6600/1964 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Aguas Buenas I 19.81:N1815-W6600/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Arecibo I 19.81:N1822.5-W6637.5/1953 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Arecibo I 19.81:N1822.5-W6637.5/1964 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Arecibo I 19.81:N1822.5-W6637.5/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Barceloneta I 19.81:N1822.5-W6630/1953 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Barceloneta I 19.81:N1822.5-W6630/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Barranquitas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6615/1953 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Barranquitas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6615/1957 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Barranquitas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6615/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Bayamón I 19.81:N1822.5-W6607.5/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Bayamón I 19.81:N1822.5-W6607.5/1963 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Bayamón I 19.81:N1822.5-W6607.5/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Bayaney I 19.81:N1815-W6645/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Bayaney I 19.81:N1815-W6645/1957 (Topographic) Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps Department of the Interior - United States Geological Survey Drawer 3 Title Classification Serie Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Bayaney I 19.81:N1815-W6645/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cabo Rojo I 19.81:N1752.5-W6707.5/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cabo Rojo I 19.81:N1752.5-W6707.5/1966 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Caguas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6600/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Caguas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6600/1957 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Caguas I 19.81:N1807.5-W6600/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Camuy I 19.81:N1822.5-W6645/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Camuy I 19.81:N1822.5-W6645/1957 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Camuy I 19.81:N1822.5-W6645/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Carolina I 19.81:N1822.5-W6552.5/1950 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Carolina I 19.81:N1822.5-W6552.5/1963 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Carolina I 19.81:N1822.5-W6552.5/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cayey I 19.81:N1800-W6607.5/1953 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cayey I 19.81:N1800-W6607.5/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cayo Icacos I 19.81:N1817.5-W6530/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cayo Icacos I 19.81:N1817.5-W6530/1958 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Cayo Icacos I 19.81:N1817.5-W6530/1977 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Central Aguirre I 19.81:N1752.5-W6607.5/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Central Aguirre I 19.81:N1752.5-W6607.5/1982 (Topographic) Documents and Maps Collection Puerto Rico's Maps Department of the Interior - United States Geological Survey Drawer 4 Title Classification Serie Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Central La Plata I 19.81:N1815-W6700/1964 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Ciales I 19.81:N1815-W6622.5/1953 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Ciales I 19.81:N1815-W6622.5/1957 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Ciales I 19.81:N1815-W6622.5/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Coamo I 19.81:N1800-W6615/1952 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Coamo I 19.81:N1800-W6615/1972 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Coamo I 19.81:N1800-W6615/1982 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Comerío I 19.81:N1807.5-W6607.5/1953 (Topographic) Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series Comerío I 19.81:N1807.5-W6607.5/1957 (Topographic) Quadrangle
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