![BUIN Sqiare-Deilii](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
! Clinton Independent Clinton Independent iwWMill FiTU u# tM > la FnUftrtMd Ivory Tteraiay, at 1 la. * ia. ila.( 14 «.|H e. iaoi «>u« week, Two vwki I'utBtj M of LUntoe County , Throe wonka..... 2 uu, J uu, 4 IM ft illtttt W 'Kour week* ..1 * an] a TV| « BU( a VI It OP It UU oohhit" & estkk, Threw inouikj . I SO, 5 OU 7 UU It 00 10 UDJU M m* mi.utiM ....i & aa 8 uo io uoiia uuit oo« ou • in* mouth*. .. 7 (H* 10 U» 1.1 00 to 00 40 Mm 01 The Clinton Independent. r»rlv< month* a («» It (MMf OMM 00 «M UM» 00 TERMB. Legal Adv* rUneiacutM alataiute mIm. 1 Minding ponto/r. $1 AX In *4»a«. for |**| H ' Marriege and Death Notkce free. •riii uni ot (hi comity . ibd |l 2^ ^ lliori lit il** oniitf.t iiuaai j * Jhudaeee Corda. the ltaeaor oader, §B par jraa Afr All Matter* Cor p«bttco44oa »u*» la L-uc . \f/\f \r III ___V/\ WHOLE \(), (),) 1. Utl Bui Iiwn Notiaa M eada a Hm hr tat WVdore*Uj morulug to laenre Itobtlcaaon .hi > U lj. III# ill / • Ol/i ST. JOHNS. MICH.. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1870. taiu « WM)k. OPi:*|N(« DAY IN MT. JOll >*. Arknowlrd|rwrnl and Mrsolu- I oimmon 4 ounrll PrormtingM. ONTH4 V —Catuc Into the •iKkararc of the un* Tiik Com no Bam * Conckkt .—The llsas. imiu MrKiiau. J 2 ittijflM, N ot about I lie ftnrt day uf Nre HOME MATTERS. to r, A. 1*. U7M, oitc Heifer twu ran old this tlrst Concert by llcaidi ’s Hand will la* A Ural Uala«*a| for (fee l.a*lr> • Ionia . April 25, 1H7 H. COUNCIL ROOM, MT JOHNS, I an I Mpreredriil#«f Db^laf of Mumiuy Kvkmino , April2*, 1*?:*. [ spring. Light red color, with alar la lorehrad — given at the Opera House, Friday eve ­ Mr. Edmor Will you please pul>- Prexeiit—1». M. Krenrli, l*r**»ldent, in<l Tni.iii- Ihillaa, April 22, 1X79. —W«i. IVIIlay jmd wife returned to Kick, Stw Nurtnf IVlitllNert' In ning. May bill. They will Is* assisted Ml. Jalina t:%erj One Plratf*, IUIi the following resolutions in your Kaloti, Kiklew, HetMtenM.n, Nk ti«d- and lVrrin. «&*ia FRANK FILTFAl to H. th«dr urw borne In C olorado, ) entvnlay. b\ ('onrad llolVinun, the i iulwcnt % io- and Ketlred With frellugt of Mai |ia)>er y The minute* of tho laM Iwu luitllne arm* nml — U«g(;tl<i* in Trunk*, Satelielt and lafaclloM . and approved. MOM 10 V TO LOAN llnlst; Mr. H. I.. ( unis, .1.(1. Adams, J'o WhutH it hviy L'w’tTH: — ruHKKunoM or mmnir. Uiibrellai*, at A. Y.. Holler A Co. ’#. Mr. and Mrs. Price, Mrs. Hilton. Mr. From the time the cards of invitation In order that we, the ineinbcrs of A |M-<iUon with nnmoroua atgaalure-, prayluK tkr ■ WHEN LOOmi! urn — Kei'olleet the Itaml (’omvrt, Friday I. D. Clock, the cornet soloUt; Mr. W. were first issued, our ladies were on Hoyt ’s Ionia City Hand, may show our Huaril to < rtii.inu l a M*«er on Ike MHith *14** <*1 At 8 Per Cent. evening. May V, at opera Hall. II. Watt#, and the Timid Awkward lUUruoil »trv.-i, fr.Mii Oakland Uriel to tltntoM the v M' ebv preparing for Wednesday, he VSO on of the reception Afeaac, «*. |>n-riii..l, mint i.n nu.iion, r»-Krnd to • >n uainr uiulicrcd and nruduitlvc Krai Kslale, In — Men** hand-made B*m>u and Sin*** To purchase your Spring I)re3H (ioodn, rcnioin- Squad. April 2.’td, the day on which they ex ­ an I w a* tendered u* by Ikt:l oin 111 ill.x-oil Mrvi'L*, «ilh 11ml ru. Uoiia Io P' •uius of )*run and upwaraa. at A. I.. Holler A Uo.**. —---- ^ ► p«>rt approx.iiiiutrlv Ike nail of coualruitins Iki- pected to witness, at Mrs. J. X. De- tiie members of Beach ’s Hand, and a Ikt that we arc showing the finest line of Casli- jAMLft M. Tl'KNKK, —D nt’1 fall to go and nee the origi ­ name or eiihtr *oot krlik or alotto. CIO.Hm Igniting, Mk h, A Tk.unko IThi*.—Volney ( hapin, Witt’s new millinery rooms ill Steele's great many other citizens of St. Johns, A pcttUou praying the Hoard Io giad.* Itogrr* nal Georgia Mlnatrela, at Opera Hall, book-keeper and kalesiuan in the dry Union Block, cast Walker street, the during our visit, in concert, to that city *lreel, from lam-iug -treei to Morion »w mereH, Poplins. Alpacas, Black Silks, Summer Saturday evening. gooils store of Messrs. Tcachout A ( ha- iqiening and display of the finest stock on tiie loth Instant, w e adopt the fol ­ preaeimd and rofi-rrod to ike Com m it to on tinwli-' Going io Build ? —Congregational social at the real- aud Walkr*. pii., has a dog aliout eighteen month* of new Kpring millinery it had yet been lowing i‘e*oliilions : I’Uk.-KNTAT loM <»K « I.AIM*. Silkn, and Fancy Dtcsn (»oo<Ih of al! kinds, ever ileooa of Mr*. J. >1. FrUbie, next Tuea- old, of tho setter and pointer breed, tlielr good fortune to aco in St. Johns: AV*Jr«d That *f, the iurinlM*n .*f llwjri'a |<»nia The following account* were pn-wiiliil uni rr- day evening. which is interestingly educated. The C’ily IWnd, rvturn our .lucre thank.: I ir*l, to llo- fern-l lolke Coiiiuiillre uu Claim *, via: brought into this market. Remember also that and to tell the truth tlielr Iio|m'h and lunultcr* of Ht^at h'a ttuixl for lh«- iulrr«*i ■lauifesl- Aec’l of John It. Hale .................... Ill 2** CHAS. I. HOLTON, — Re incut her that A. L. Holler A <’o. tlrst important thing the dog learned, ex|>ertatlons were more titan fully re­ Sail give you the best bargain* In Keudy- ad, and ihvir untiriuii rfforl* for Uie »u<» raa of our “ L. Hrlgg*. ....................................... 51 7A was to say hi* prayers, and in duiug so alized. Notwithstanding the time had < oiMvrt ; oinl, t<> l n u< li, lalon, " O. N. I* land ................................... <• <4'i we sell nothing but hrst-class goods and at panic or NT. JOHN*, made C'lothing. (live them a call. assumes a very queer yet seemingly bten short in preparation for till* oc ­ WIiHkIou **, MrFarlan, ainl other., for tl»«* aMi.tauro “ A. Ward w ell,......................... 4 15 Dtsain*- to my to th*»ar wbo cuatcmplatc buildiag —Don't forget the4 A a kv% artl SqtiaJ' easy position. In oliedicuce to the iht y an gratuiltniftl^ tt ndrrol ua Tlilnl, totbr pro* *• M McBride,.................................. :» 7^ prices. A call will convince you that we are casion, early Wednesday morning — priH.tr of the IVrmi llouw. and inanaK'*r* of Iht* W. Crunk lie,............................... 2 to the cornsug -awn, that lie is prefared to furatoh nt the Hand Convert, I riday evening, command «>t his master to nerfonu this W hicll was as Spring-like as the event , iiprra llounr, for ibr trraoiou. niannrr In whi. I* wr “ Win f'randell, ............................... I 5ft ••atuualcv plans and si**-idealiuua, ami will cue- May ** l,u.ldi*r, .................................... I 2.V m-lling gootls at extremely low prices. A dollar I rat to do all Ma-on Work, (furniah mate rials or pleasant ilutj*, lie cllinlk into a chair, itself, the ^iiiall Dut tastelully furnish­ w<*r«' ruU-rtaiiM-l I.y itu-iu ; Kuurth, to |»ro|iri« loi» otherwise,) at very low rate*. The last of redrren. —According to the olllcinl retnrnathe ait*down, placing Ids fore feet over the of tlu* hi. Join.. |4i|K-r- lur favor* , also, Ktsikit or wtashiho committkks . ed and arranged apartment* fairly j />>./»r«/t Thai an Imitation liu extoiHlol to Tke CoiumiUae oa < laiiu* reported luui Io tin* was never worth more than at the present time, tea furnished ou application. Addreaa number of Menuol children In thl* coun ­ back, then laying Ids neck over the glow ed wit It beauty and loveliness, i Ibwh'i lianJ to |-iy u- a riail, in cunwrt or olh«-r- Board Um- a«r iMitil* Ihl* evvulug pnwvuli*]. wnk tin C. I. ilOLTON, Si. Johns. ty last year, waa #,597. February 2ft, 1A79. *:unc, doses his eye*, and In till* po ­ A h the door swung to and fro almost vio, al »u early dal*-; iimI we Iio|m- they will at l in re* •nunn-ndatirtii Ikat thev ne allownl Iu full ; —The bidding for the doctoring of conformity nixm thi- reeolulion ; and le it further WhkA rvjorl wa* areepinl and a.lotHf. 1. therefore, do not spend one until you give us a sition remains till Ida master shouts momentarily admitting some new call- ; 1 he Com mine.'on lirail.-* and Walk* roi-irl.d tiie county |K>or for the coming year, “mien,” w licit In* jumps over the hack | K- Tlial a tH»py of ihtw reNoiultoii- lx* ft* r- Without the er, the ta ‘u Itching and pompon- feath- i ui«lit'U t)*•* hi. John* |mi|*'ni for iMitdiraiion. touk to ikt* Hoitr .1 the 1*1 |a*tili<in forgruiling Itoger* j •all. u ill take place In the early part of J tine. of the chair and c .mjhts about as if very , ers and llow ers noilded a graceful wel­ ('. K. KINK. ►•ifi l, wilk ilit* rtH-oiiiun n<l.ilion ikal tin- pmyi-r • .1 —The non fen»*e around the Court r soimvKKit, tin* (irtilion.
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