I . •. ' 316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. DECEMBER 17, Also, a bill (H. R. 3886) granting an increase of pension to lands which lie along the upper :.l\Iississippi River bottom be­ Frances Rains Chatfield; to the Committee on Pensions. tween Lynxville and De Soto, Wis. ; to the Committee on Agri­ By Mr. LAZARO: A bill (H. R. 3887) for the relief of the culture. legal representatives of the estate of Alphonse Desmare, de. 239. By l\Ir. KING: Petition of Ralph B. O'Neill and 700 other ceased, and others; to the Committee on War Claims. American citizens of the fifteenth congressional district of Illi­ By l\!r. LEAVITT: A bill (H. R. 3888) granting a pension to nois, petitioning Congress to take immediate steps to collect Sarah J. Harn ; to the Committee on Pensions. the $10,000.000.000, both principal and interest, now owing to By l\ir. LINEBERGER: A bill (H. R. 3889) fo · the relief the United States; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of George A. Berry; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. 240. By l\Ir. LEATHERWOOD: Petition of the Auxiliary Also, a bill (H. R. 3890) granting a pension to Sarah E. No. 8, N. A. L. C., Salt Lake City, Utah, relative to a fair Young; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. adjustment of salaries of postal employees ; to the Committee By Mr. LONGWORTH: A bill (H. R. 3891) granting a pen­ on the Post Office and Post Roads. sion to Charles 1\1. Conaway; to the Committee on Pensions. 241. Also, petition of the Kiwanis Club, of Price, Utah, Also, a bill ( H. R. 3892) for the relief of Frank H. Anderson ; relatiYe to the transportation act of 1920; to the Committee on to the Committee on Claims. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Also, a bill ( H. R. 3893) granting an increase of pension to 242. Also, petition of the board of county commissioners of Anna l\I. Bonner; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Carbon County, Utah, relative to the transportation act of By Mr. MOORES of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 3894) to renew 1920; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. patent No. 55769; to the Committee on Patents. 243. By l\lr. TEMPLE: Petition of Donora Woman's Club, By l\1r. PARK of Georgia: A bill (H. R. 3895) for the relief of Donora, Pa., indorsing the Towner-Sterling bill; to the of the Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Co., a corporation; Committee on Education. to the Committee on Claims. 244. By Mr. YOUNG: Petition of the Bismarck, N. Dak., By Mr. RAMSEYER: A bill (H. R. 3896) granting a pension Association of Commerce, December 5, 1923, protesting against to Nancy Blitz; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. increase of rates on lignite coal proposed by railroads of the B:v 1\fr. ROACH: A bill (H. R. 3897) granting a pension to Northwest at a time when the State of North Dakota is suffer­ Sarah Jane Silvey; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ing from economic want; to the Committee on Interstate and By Mr. ROUSE: A bill (H. R. 3898) granting a pension to Foreign Commerce. Oliver P. Krutz; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 245. Al o, petition of the Association of Post Office Clerks and By l\lr. TAYLOR of Tennessee : A bill (H. R. 3899) granting Letter Carriers of Bismarck, N. Dak., urging minimum salary a pension to l\.Ia.ry Reynolds; to the Committee on Invalid of $2,000 for letter carriers and clerks and maximum salary Pensions. of $2,400; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. By l\Jr. SNYDER: A bill (H. R. 3900) to cancel two allot­ 2-16. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce, Jamestown, ments made to Richard Bell, deceased, embracing land within N. Dak., urging repeal of telephone and telegraph tax; to the the Round Valley Indian Reservation in California; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Indian Affairs. By l\Ir. TAYLOR of West Virginia : A bill (H. R. 3001) granting a pension to Guy B. Pendleton ; to the Committee on Pensions. SEN.A.TE. By l\1r. TIN"CHER: A bill (H. R. 3902) granting an increase of pension to Martha Williams; to the Committee on Invalid MONDAY, December 17, 19~3 . Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. l\Iuir, D. D., offered the following By Mr. WARD of New York : A bill (H. R. 3903) for the re­ prayer: lief of various owners of vessels and cargoe damaged by the U. S. S. Lrrm berton ; to the Committee on Claims. Our gracious and blessed God, we come into Thy presence Also, a bill ( H. R. 3904) granting a pension to Marilla Robert­ this morning thanking Thee for all the mercies with which son Coleman; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Thou dost crown our days. As we look to the duties await­ By l\I.r. WEAVER : A bill ( H. R. 3905) granting a pension to ing this Chamber, we humbly beseech Thee .for guidance Samuel B. Pickens; to the Committee on Pensions. and direction in the ways along Thine own thinking that Thy By l\1r. TEMPLE: Resolution (H. Res. 93) providing for the glory may be advanced and good be accomplished. In the payment to Cora E. Gray, widow of Samuel H. Gray, late official name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. reporter of debates of the Hou e of Representatives, a sum The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journai of the equal to one year's salary as official reporter of debates and proceedings of Saturday last, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS $250 as funeral expen es of said Samuel H. Gray; to the Com­ and by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed mittee on Accounts. with and the Journal was approved. PERRY'S VICTORY ME~fORI.AL COM~Issro::q- , PETITIONS, ETC. The PRESIDE.NT pro tempore- laid before the Senate the Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid following message from the President of the United States, on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: which was read, and, with the accompanying papers, re­ 232. By the SPEAKER (by request) : Petition of Walter 0 . ferred to the Committee on the Library : Boynton, 13-137 General Motors Building, Detroit, Mich., ap­ proving Secretary 1\Iellon's tax-reduction plan ; to the Commit­ To the Congress of the United States: tee on Ways and l\Ieans. I transmit herewith the fourth annual report of Perry's 233. Also (by request), petition of citizens of Springfield, Victory Memorial Commission, dated December 3, 1923, which l\Iass., urging the abolishment of discriminatory tax on small­ was submitted to the Secretary of the Interior, pursuant tc1 arms ammunition and firearms; to the Committee on Ways and section 5 of the act entitled "An act creating a commi sion Means. for the maintenance, control, care, etc., of the Perry's Victory ~3-1. By Mr. ABERl\'ETHY : Petition of the Cotton Manu­ l\Iemorial on Put in Bay Island, Lake Erie, Ohio, and for other facturers' Association of North Carolina, relative to the reduc­ purposes," approved March 3, 1919 (40 Stat 1322-1324). tion of Federal taxes and the manner in which they are col­ CALVIN COOLIDGE. lectect · to the Committee rn Wars and Means. THE WHITE HOUSE, December 17, 1923. 235. 'By l\1r. BULWINKLE: Petition of the Cotton l\1anu­ facturers' Association of North Carolina, praying for a reduc­ REPORT OF GOVERNOR GE -ERAL OF PHILIPPINE ISLA.NOS. tion in Federal taxes, and other matters; to the Committee on The PRESIDEXT pro tempore laid before the Senate the Wavs and Mean . following message from the President of the United States, ~:JG. lly l\1r. FULLER : Petition of the General Motors Cor­ which was read, and. with the accompanying papers, referred poration, favoring repeal of all e:s:cise taxes on automobiles, to the Committee on Territories and Insular Possessions : truck. , repair parts, tires, and accessories; to the Committee on Ways and 1\leans. To tlie Congress of the United States: 237. By Mr. FULMER: Petition of the Columbia Chamber of As required by section 21 of the act of Congress approved Commerce, Columbia, S. C., urging the repeal of taxes on tele­ August 29, 1916, entitled "An act to declare the purpose of the graph messages and telephone tolls; to the Committee on Ways people of the United States as to the future political status of an<'! 1\leans. · the people of the Philippine Islands, and to provide a more 238. By Mr. HOWARD of Nebraska: Petition of 57 citizens of autonomous governmenf for those islands,'' I transmit herewith, Nebraska, opposing the drainage of the Winneshiek bottom for the information of the Congress, the report of the Governor 1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 317 General of the Philippine Islands, together with the reports of CALL OF THE ROLL. the heads of the departments of the Philippine government, for Mr. FLETOHER. Mr. President, I suggest the absence ~f a the fiscal year ended December 31, 1922. quorum. I concur in the recommendation of the Secretary of War as The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the to the printing of this report as a congressional document. .roll. CALVIN COOLIDGE. The reading clerk called the roll, and the .following Senators THE WHITE HousE, December 11, 1923. an wered to their names : [NoTE.-Report accompanied similar message to the House of !~:~t ~~~,uld ~d~ ~g~~~~~i Tieprescn ta ti ves.] Ball Ferris Lenroot Shields Bayard Fess Lod~e 8hipstead -rui:PORT OF GOVERNOR OF PORTO RICO.
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