Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-9-1996 The iH lltop 2-9-1996 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-9-1996" (1996). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 153. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/153 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Serving the Howard University community since 1924 February. 2, 1996 Schools of Engineering, University Communications launch appoints· special ne\V multiJD.edia centers• assistant to entertainment induscry, and, most compete in the real - e,, Gena Gatewood recently, for its work on Disney's President Swygert flillllp Staff Writer world. feature animation film, "Toy Story." " We want to get the Michael Tucker, a lecturer in the technology o ut to. the Michele Bertrand brings media, 1i1nf11 University's School of School of Communications, was mass of students, not if1eCring and School of instrumental in *ctti~g this pr?gram only in engineering, management exp ertise to the job ~ t1ons have both opened off the ground. ' I think chere s a lot but communications, , ~edia computer laos this of fun chings going o n with fine ans, and· so on," computers," Tucker said. Harris said. By Jennifer Jenkins 'fircmonies introduced the Tucker added that he wants T he Engineering Hilttop Staff Writer IIIOI of Engineering's $2.5 African Americans to be able to Department is ~ lab institucc in early compete in the job market. Offering current ly organizing While the East Coast was -.A ctor/comedian Sin bad. encouragement to Howaril new courses and battling the "Blizzard of '96," ~ been named as the first students, he said, "Become text !raining programs for Howarcl Universicy received a ,ikroftbeadvisory council for savvy so that you are not afraid of Its students. Summer gift fro m the sunny Caribbean. •iplitute, P.articipatcd in the it. Your competition is not afraid programs for college Michele D. Bertrand, of St. _.;cs. Sinbad was chosen to and they will jump ahead!" ano high school Thomas, U.S: Virgin ls lan~sf ~ because of his long­ The multimedia center in the students may also was appo1 n1 eo Spec1a il,lig interest in technology for School of Communications has become availal>le later. Assistant to Howard tsrtainment industry. recently installed new Macintosh "T his semester, Univers ity Pres iden t H. 'Dr teehnology is already in Power PCs. Al though, at !)resent, we're basically in set­ Pa t rick Swygert over the ,.teindustry,but there arc few the center is only accessible to up phase." Harris Christmas holidays. ofoolor applying it,'' Sinbad communications students, faculty expla ined. However, Bertrand will be involved idl this beginning. Howard members arc working to open it up he expects the center to in external and campus-w ide will take a ma,tor step to the entire Universny. Professors be o pen to s tudents communications, as well as in - the 21st century. in the School of Communications w it hin a couple of facul t y a nd s taff liaison 1kr personalities, including want to intej!rate the institute into weeks. - activi11cs. Io response 10 her lie Allen and Steve Harvey, the school s curriculum. Clint C hris Jones, a appointment, Swygert said, llFC the importance of this W ilson, assistant professor of j unior majoring in " Mic he le Bertrand bri ngs t11taod arc in support of this journalism, hopes to start team m ec h an i ca l g'reat dept h a nd range of reporting projects as a way of engineering, said the experience in higher education Michele Bertrand new ,f'.imon to the installation of encouraging students to become center will give and the media that will be of assistant to the President ~ Unisys terminals, the new active in the center. "The thing with students the extra edge immense val ue to Howard iliiie in the School of this is motivation," Wilson said. they need to excel m One of the new multlmedla computers. U niver si ty in t he months th ere, she worked with the Tri­ liming will include the latest "Once you start using it, you start t he competit ive ahead. Ou r effort 10 Island broadcasting system. lialogacal equi pment for thinking bigger and l>roader!" en$.incering field. technology as " our vehicle to meet reinvigorate public support for In th e D.C. area, she worked l!lll!'visualizat1on, animation, The Sctiool of Engineering is ' I hoP.e to increase my activities the needs of the 21st century." Howard can o nl y be enh anced as a fund-ra iser for t he oillimedia integration. Most also very excited about its new and familiarize myself with the new Shurn added that Howard by someone wi th Ms. natio nal programs at WETA­ lilljllipment and software for computer center. Dr. Gary Harris, center," Jones said. University has not offered any Bertrand's experience." TV/ FM, a nd was t he lilllifutc has been provided by director of the engineering center, Todd Shurn, assistant professor money in support of this program. Bertrand joins Howard production manager of a video la~hics, Inc., a company said chc new lab will give "Howard in the computer science Instead, the institute relics heavily Universi ty from the sen ior series fo r the Smit hsonian •ml\'Cd global recogmlion the ability 10 train stuocnts and will department, urges Afr ican­ on corporate support. management group ' of the Institution. l'5 contributio ns to t he provide tools to enable students to American students to use computer Natio nal Endowment for th e Bertrand has also taught at Humanities. He r s ix -year the Graduate Li brary S chool tenure with the Endowment of the University of Rhode lazz ensenible to enibark on Our effort to reinvigorate public support for Howard _eight-day tour of Japan I • can only be enhanced by "We plan to do a lot of sightseeing while in a greater appreciation of music, so I'm takin&m y By Donya Matheny Japan. We arc going to Japan Disney and the credit card and looking for Clifford Brown, ' he Hilltop Staff Writer Yamaha music factory," Irby said. "There will said. someone with Ms. also be a reception held for the tazz ensemble by Irby said the trip is a good experience for the Iii Howard University Jazz Ensemble's the U.S. Ambassador to Japan. ' students and the busy schedule will help the • cc sparked the interest of a Japanese The members of the ensemble are looking musicians perfect their craft. Bertrand's experience. ~ and the band is now preparing to tour forward to the activities they will participate in "Whenever the band travels out of the country, tlllcr this month. during their free ti me in Japan. Trumpeter we give eight concerts in 10 days," Irby said. .~ Irby 111. lhc ensemble's director, said that Clifton Brockington, a senior jazz studies major " Wftenever we can do that mani concerts - Patrick Swygert, ~dor who heard the band 1>erform from Washingto n, D.C., said that he is together, the belier the band sounds. ' tlllcd an interest in forming a relationship anti cipating the 14-hour plane ride and the Because the tour will cause the ensemble to la Japan and Howard Umvcrsity. chance to stiop fo r jazz music that he can not fi nd miss eight days of classes, Irby said that all of President, 'lie of the diplomats from the Japanese in the United States. the stuoents have made arrangements with their "·as at a concert we did in I 994. He professors to make up for the time that they will '> have lunch with me afterwards," Irby be away. Howard University :lc'lt111ted to develop some sort ofc ultural "At the beginning of the semester, all of the with Japan and Howard University. students informed their teachers that they would juz is so popular in Japan, he thou_gbt be gone for that period of time," Irby said. University would be the perfect vehicle "Several students will be communicating with was disti ng uished by her Island, the Uni versity of the tbose 1ies." their teacherS by E-mail." coordinat ion of t he agency's Virgi n Is l ands and the · to Irby, jazz is "more popular in On Feb. 15, the jazz ensemble will perform natio nal outreach program and University of the District of anywhere m the world." a pre-Japan concert at the Andrew ~ankin her administration of public Columbia. llid the band received grants from the Memorial Chapel. This concert will be the programs in the humanities. $ he received her B.A . io · I Cultu.re Associat ion of Japan and ensemble's way of announcing its tour 10 the Several of the programs were English literature fro m S mi th International Foundation of New York. University community and offering a sample of centered around the electronic College, an M.S. in I ibrary will cover the costs of airfare, food, the music that will be performed while abroad. media. science fro m Colu mbia 111d the concerts. Irby, an associate professor of music in the Bertrand worked in various University a nd a n M .A.
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