DIRECTORY.] SUFFOLK. HASKETON. 155 x865 by the Rev. Hugh Augustus Bernen M.A.. of arrive from Ipswich at 7 a,m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.;. Magdalen College, Oxford. Here was formerly a chapel sunday at 10 a.m. Postal orders are issued here, but dedicated to St. Glement. Charles Hugh Berners esq. not paid. Holbrook is the nearest money order .&i tele- of Woolverstone Hall, is lord of the manor and chief land- graph office, 3 miles distant owner. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,739 acres of land, 166 of ,tidal water and 284 of fore- National Schoo.l(mixed),en1&rged in 1894 for 100 children; shore; rateable value, £1,84°; the population in 1891 average attendance, 83; J. A. Smith, master was 371. Carrier to Ipswich:- Post Office.-Edward Mealing, sub-prostma.ster. Letter. Edward Grimwood, mono tues. thurs. et sat Barners Rev. Hugh AUgustU8 M.A. Grimwood Edward, carrier Pooley Frederick, wheelw,right (rector) Mealing Edwd. saddler &; harness mkr Scott Waiter, brick &; tile maker Abhott Henry, farmer Mayhew David, 'blacksmitb. Suckling Frederick, Rose P.R Allen Wm. Hy. frmr. Harkstead hall Parker Da-vid, bailifl to Waiter Wrinch Robt. Hy. frtm'. Nether hall Daniels Wm. shopkpr. &; beer retIr Wrinch esq HARLESTON ill a parish of scattered houses, 3 dates from the year 1557. The living is a rectory, an­ miles north-west from Stowmarket station and 3 south­ nexed to Onehouse, joint net yearly value, £285, in the west from HaughIey Junction station, both on the Ips­ gift of R. J. Pettiward esq. and held since 1892 by the wich and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, Rev. Reginald Austin Oram M.A. of Caius College, Cam­ in the North Western division of the county, Stow­ bridge, who resides at Onehouse. Robert John Pettiward market petty sessional division and county court dis­ esq. M.A., J.P. of Great Finborough Hall, who is lord trict, hundred and union of Stow, rural deanery of of the manor, is the principal landowner. The soil is Stow, archdeaconry of Suffolk and dioeese of Norwich. strong loam; Ilubsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, The church of St. Augustine is a builing of flint with barley and beans. The parish contains 6n: acres; rate­ .stone dressings in thQ Pointed style, consisting of nave able value, £301; the population in 1891 was 78. only, with a small shingled turret containing one bell I a Letters received from Bury St. Edmunds, via Woolpit, quasi-chancel has been formed by partitioning off part between 8 &; 9 a.m. The nearest money order &; tele­ of the east end by a screen: the church has a thatched graph office is &t Haughley, about 2! miles distant roof and is seated with oaken benches;it was thorou~hIy The children of thi8 place attend Haughley school restored in 1860, and affords 70 sittings. The register Armlltrong Rohert & John, farmers rHensby Arth. farmer, Harleston hall/Turner Thos.(exors.of),frmr.Moor bdg Bird Daniel, farmer, The Green Reynolds Thomas, haulier HARTEST is a parish and village 9 mile. north-by- an acre waa formed in 1857 at a. cost of £1g6, and is west from Sudbury, 6 north-west from LonR' Melford under the control of the Parish Council. Two cottages, and 41 north from Glemsford station on the Cambridge left by Thomas Wright in 1646, with an annual sum of and Long Melford section of the Great Eastern railway, IOS. were sold in 1869 for £18, which amount was invested in the Southern division of the county, hundred of and the interest is applied towards the relief of four Babergh, Melford petty sessional division, union and poor widows. The poor of Hartest have also 20S. yearly county CQurt district of Sudbury, rural deanery Bnd from Corder's charity, and a fifth part of Poley's charity, archdeaconry of Sudbury and diocese of Ely. The amounting to £n 8s. yearly. John George WeIler­ church of AM Saints is a strueture of flint in the Per- Poley esq. of Boxted Hall, 'is lord of the manor and 'Prin­ pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north cipal landowner. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, chiefly and south porches and an embattled western tower of clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, beans, flint and brick, containing 5 bells: the stained east peas and roots. The area. is 1,985 acres of land; rate­ window, a memorial to the late Mrs. Maddy, was able value, £2,034; the population in 1891 was 590. erected by MillS Sawyer, niece of the late Rev. John Parish Clerk, Charles Dye, Maddy. D.D. rector here. fro~ 1819 and canon .of Ely; Post & M. O. 0., S. B. &; Annuity &; Insurance Office.- there IS another memorIal wmdow to John DIckerson, George Kimmis, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive and a. marble monument, erected 1891, in memory of through Bury St. Edmunds at 6.30 a.m.; dispatched the ~ev. yr. Weller-Poley M.A. rector of Santon 1857-86, at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Hawke- by his WIdow, who also rellto!ed both porches,.and the don, 3 miles distant tower was also restored by her ID 1890 al a memona.l of her Thomas Sparke, in 1721, bEl...queathed a house & land, husband: the church was restored .a~dl reseated m ~879 now produeing a yearly income of £30 (out of which at a cost of £1,3°0, and has 4°0 • s~ttm~s. The regIster £6 is paid to Brockley school & £1 to Hawkedon da~s from .the year 1556. The livmg IS a rectory, c~n- schooll), which is applied to the school 8olid.ated WIth that of Boxted, ne~ yearly: value (,47°, m· National School (mixed), built in 1860 &; enlarged in cludmg 20 acres of. glebe and reSIdence, m the gIft of the. 1875, for 180 children; average attendance, 130; Crown, and held smce 1878 by the Rev. Arthur Packer Sheriff Augustus Long, master; Mrs. Long, mistress; M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, rural dean of Sudbury, Mis. Caroline Gibbons assistant mistress and J.P. for Suffolk. In the village is a small Congrega- '. tional chapel and there is a meeting room for the Plymouth Carners to- "Brethren. The Village Institute, erected at a. cos1; of Bury William Pask, mon. wed. fri. &; sat.; Alfred Dye, £1,000 in x888, by Thomas Weller-Poleyesq. of London, wed. &; sat has now (1900) about 90 memben. A cemetery of half Sudibury-Alfred Dye, thuI's PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cemetery (Fk. Bradnam, keeper) Kimmis Geo. shoe mkr. &; post office Cawston William EbenezeI' Cla.rke [Benjamin, butcher 'et farmer Kinog'. Geo. farmer, maltster &; miller Davenport Rev. James Arthui' M.A. Oolson CharJleshn(Mrs.), farmer ... (wmSd &: 8team) 'sh (curate) Crickmore 0 , groce~ I&; d~p~r all Long b;erift Augustus, clerk to Pan Gwilt Roberl J.P. 'Stowe hill a~ant for.~. &; A. Gilbey Limited, .council . Kendall William Thoma8 wme &; splnt march,ants . NIcholls LuclUs M..R.O.S.Eng., L.S.~. NicholIs Lucius Duffen James .Albert, Bell 1DD;. good sur~n, &; medIcal.offi:cer '& public Packer Rev. Arthur M.A., J.P. (rector . &ccO~?datIo~' for commerClala l& va~cmator No.. I .distnc~, Sudb~ry &; rural dean) Rectory postmg lD all lts branches umon &; No.8 distnct, Thingoe umon , Dye Alfred, beer retailer &; carrier Pask Frederick, baker COMMERCIAL. ElIingham Clement, bakm- Pask William, carrier &; shopkeepet' Aldridge Robert, baker &; shoe maker Foreman Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pawsey Charles, Swan P.H Bailey Moses, shopkeeper Gunn Joseph Hines, farmer, Wal- Savage Charles, Cook's farm Bradnam In. cattle dealer &; farmer grave's farm Spilling Daniel, harness maker Cadge Herbert, builder, contractor, Hayward James, carpenter Sturgeon Edwd. organ buildr.& baker joiner,wheelwright &; general 'et shoe- Honeywood James, farmer Sturgeon Robt. plumber &; decorator mg smith Honeywood John, farmer Tabner George, Crown inn Oawston William Ebenezer, farmer Hudgell William, harness maker Village Institute (R'ev.Jamea A.Daven- Oawston Geo. Bateman, frmr. &; btchr Ince Herbert, grocer &; draper port M.A. sec) lIASXETON is a village and parish, about =a miles rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, north-west from Woodbridge and 7 miles north-east nave, south porch and a. western tower, round at the from Ipswich, in the South Eastern division of the base, but octagonal above, and containing 5 bells, which county, Carford hundred, Woodbridge petty sessional have been rehung, and a place left for a. sixth: there division, union and county courtJ district, rural deanery are two stained windows: on a. slab in the chancel is of Carlford, archdeaconry of Suffolk and diocese of Nor- a Latin inscription to William Farrer ob. 24 Aug. 1637, \rich. The church of St. Andrew is a building of a tablet to hi. Ion, and one to the Rev. Henry Free-.
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