BOOK REVIEW KREIPL K., ALF A. 1999. Recent Xenophoridae. ConchBooks, Hackenheim. 148 pp., 44 textfigs, 20 repro-figs, 28 pls. ISBN 3-925919-26-0. Price 115.00 DEM. Xenophoridae Philippi, 1853 is a small family of marine prosobranch gastropods included in Caenogastropoda. It contains 26 recent species and subspecies. Among other shelled gastropods they are distinct in a peculiar feature: all species affix foreign objects to the upper shell surface. Among these ob- jects, one may find complete bivalve, gastropod, scaphopod and branchiopod shells or their frag- ments, coral parts, pebbles, rock debris, etc. Recently specimens of Xenophoridae with unusual non-ma- rine objects attached to their shells, such as pieces of broken glass, metals, bottle corks or even coins, are collected more and more frequently (RÄTSCH 1991). The foreign objects are affixed at the peripheric edge of the shell aperture glued with pallial excretion (SHANK 1969). When a snail has added a new full shell whorl, the affixed object appears again near the aper- ture, this time at its inner edge, and then the attach- ment becomes additionally reinforced. Since the ma- terials collected at sea bottom are affixed to shells from the very early life stages, usually more or less close one to the other (specially among the represen- tatives of the genus Xenophora), the upper surface van- ishes under the cover of collected objects located along the shell suture. That is why Xenophoridae are usually called “carrier shells”. FEINSTEIN &CAIRNS (1998) have recently dis- cussed different hypotheses explaining possible rea- sons why the ability for foreign object affixing to the Xenophoridae Philippi, 1853 to niewielka rodzina shell edge was developed during the evolution of morskich œlimaków przodoskrzelnych zaliczana do Xenophoridae. In general, the hypotheses may be di- Caenogastropoda. Do rodziny tej nale¿y 26 wspó³cze- vided into two groups. One of them includes those œnie ¿yj¹cych gatunków i podgatunków. Cech¹ wyró¿- which stress a defensive character of this ability. The niaj¹c¹ Xenophoridae spoœród wszystkich innych second group includes hypotheses of functional ad- oskorupionych brzuchonogów jest przyczepianie vantages given by foreign materials on shell surface. obych cia³ do górnej powierzchni muszli. Wœród One of the possible benefits of the object attached is umieszczanych tam obiektów znalezæ mo¿na ca³e b¹dz creation of a camouflage which may be visual (rather fragmenty muszli ma³¿y, œlimaków, ³ódkonogów, ra- less important for xenophorids living at greater mienionogów, kawa³ki korali, kamyki, od³amki skalne, depths), tactile (blurring the shell outline to a preda- itp. A ostatnio coraz czêœciej znajdywane s¹ okazy Xe- tor searching food at the bottom) or olfactory (ob- 168 Andrzej Lesicki nophoridae z przyczepionymi obiektami zupe³nie ob- jects located along the periphery of the conical shell cego dla mórz pochodzenia, jak kawa³ki szk³a, gruzu, raise it over the sea bottom, so that the snail does not metali, butelkowe korki, a nawet monety (RÄTSCH leave any continuous chemical trail). Affixed objects 1991). Obiekty przytwierdzane s¹ do peryferycznej may reinforce or armour shell which is sometimes re- krawêdzi otworu muszli przez wydzielinê p³aszcza garded as another defensive effect. Among functional (SHANK 1969). Gdy œlimak dobuduje pe³ny skrêt advantage theories FEINSTEIN &CAIRNS (1998) list muszli i przyczepiony element ponownie znajdzie siê those pointing out enlargement of the lower shell di- przy otworze muszli, tym razem po jego wewnêtrznej ameter which may prevent the snail from sinking in krawêdzi, przyklejenie zostaje dodatkowo wzmocnio- muddy bottom (“snowshoeing” effect) and those ne. Poniewa¿ wyszukiwane na dnie morza obiekty stressing an increased stability of thus ballasted shell. przyczepiane s¹ do muszli od najwczeœniejszych eta- Finally they show advantage in feeding process, as a pów ¿ycia œlimaka, zwykle mniej lub bardziej gêsto je- raised shell creates a “feeding cone” beneath the shell den za drugim (zw³aszcza u przedstawicieli z rodzaju aperture so that the snail may graze algae, Xenophora), górna jej powierzchnia znika czêsto pod foraminifers and other microorganisms, that are pokryw¹ zebranych materia³ów ulokowanych wzd³u¿ eaten by Xenophoridae, without moving out of the szwu muszli. Nic dziwnego, ¿e Xenophoridae potocz- shell cover. nie zwane s¹ „œmieciarkami”. The book “Recent Xenophoridae” by KURT Ostatnio FEINSTEIN iCAIRNS (1998) szczegó³owo KREIPL and AXEL ALF was published at the end of przedyskutowali ró¿ne hipotezy wyjaœniaj¹ce powody, 1999 as a new title in the monograph series of gastro- dla których w czasie ewolucji u Xenophoridae mog³a pod families. The German publishing house wykszta³ciæ siê zdolnoœæ przyczepiania obcych obiek- ConchBooks (former Verlag Christa Hemmen) spe- tów do krawêdzi muszli. Z grubsza hipotezy te podzie- cializes recently in such monographs. After books liæ mo¿na na wskazuj¹ce na obronny charakter tej dedicated to Cypraeidae (LORENZ &HUBERT 1993), umiejêtnoœci oraz na sugeruj¹ce przystowania funk- Conidae (RÖCKEL et al. 1995), Cassidae (KREIPL cjonalne. Wœród mo¿liwych korzyœci, jakie daj¹ obce 1997) and Harpidae (POPPE et al. 1999) it issued an obiekty przyczepione do muszli, FEINSTEIN iCAIRNS album about Xenophoridae. This family was rather (1998) wyliczaj¹ tworzenie kamufla¿u wizualnego rarely subject to monograph descriptions; papers by (choæ raczej o mniejszym znaczeniu dla gatunków REEVE (1843, 1845), PONDER (1883) and g³êbokowodnych), dotykowego (zacieraj¹cego obraz KRONENBERG &GOUD (1988) may be mentioned. muszli obmacuj¹cemu dno drapie¿nikowi) i zapacho- The book starts with a general characteristics of wego (obiekty ulokowane wzd³u¿ bocznej krawêdzi Xenophoridae which includes the above cited discus- sto¿kowatej muszli unosz¹ j¹ ponad powierzchniê sion of FEINSTEIN &CAIRNS‘s (1998) paper. The dna, przez co œlimak nie zostawia ci¹g³ego œladu che- chapter presents details of xenophorid shell mor- micznego). Inny efekt obronny polegaæ mo¿e na phology, listing features which are useful in species wzmocnieniu, „opancerzeniu” muszli. Wœród funkcjo- identification despite a great individual variability. nalnych teorii t³umacz¹cych wykszta³cenie omawianej The second, most voluminous part of the book con- cechy, FEINSTEIN iCAIRNS wymieniaj¹ hipotezy wska- tains a taxonomic review of the family. Although zuj¹ce na powiêkszenie dolnej œrednicy muszli, co KREIPL &ALF are based on the taxonomic revision of mia³oby zapobiegaæ zag³êbianiu siê w miêkkim the family published by PONDER in 1983, they use a pod³o¿u (efekt rakiety œnie¿nej), a tak¿e te akcen- generic classification after KREIPL et al. (1999) recog- tuj¹ce wzrost stabilnoœci obci¹¿onej muszli, czy te¿ nising the following genera: Xenophora s. str. Fischer wreszcie sugeruj¹ce u³atwienia w zdobywaniu pokar- von Waldheim, 1807 (with 15 species), Xenophora mu (uniesiona ponad pod³o¿em muszla tworzy (Austrophora) Kreipl, Alf et Kronenberg, 1999 (1 spe- „sto¿ek pokarmowy” pod otworem muszli, tote¿ œli- cies), Stellaria Möller, 1832 (6 species) and Onustus mak mo¿e spokojnie zdrapywaæ z pod³o¿a glony, Swainson, 1840 (4 species). Moreover, they treat otwornice i inne mikroorganizmy, stanowi¹ce pokarm Xenophora (Xenophora) senegalensis Fischer, 1873 as a Xenophoridae, nie wysuwaj¹c siê poza obrêb muszli). valid species although PONDER (1983) regarded it as Wydana w koñcu ubieg³ego roku ksi¹¿ka „Recent an ecological form of X. (X.) crispa (König, 1825). The Xenophoridae” KURTA KREIPLA iAXELA ALFA to taxonomic part begins with an identification key for nowa z serii monografii rodzin œlimaków, w których xenophorid genera, species and subspecies published publikowaniu specjalizuje siê ostatnio niemieckie wy- successively in English, German, French and Italian dawnictwo ConchBooks (uprzednie Verlag Christa language versions. Next, particular species are de- Hemmen). Po ksi¹¿kach poœwiêconych Cypraeidae scribed. Each description contains data on type mate- (LORENZ &HUBERT 1993), Conidae (RÖCKEL et al. rial, type locality and range, detailed conchological 1995), Cassidae (KREIPL 1997) i Harpidae (POPPE et characteristics, comparison with the most similar spe- al. 1999) nak³adem tego wydawnictwa ukaza³ siê al- cies stressing features important for identification, bum o Xenophoridae. Rodzina ta nieczêsto by³a comments and list of synonyms (with bibliography). Book review 169 przedmiotem opracowañ monograficznych, wœród The descriptions are supplemented by black- których wymieniæ mo¿na prace REEVE‘A (1843, 1845), and-white photos, mostly of the bottom shell surface PONDERA (1883) oraz KRONENBERGA iGOUDA around aperture (with taxonomically important fea- (1988). tures) and, in case of early described species, by re- Ksi¹¿kê otwiera ogólna charakterystyka Xenopho- productions of illustrations from the nineteenth cen- ridae, w du¿ej czêœci przytaczaj¹ca dyskusjê z cytowa- tury iconographies, documenting the mastery of their nego powy¿ej artyku³u FEINSTEINA iCAIRNSA (1998). authors in reflecting nature in drawings. There is a list Istotnym elementem rozdzia³u jest opis morfologii of geographic regions where xenophorid species oc- muszli Xenophoridae, z wyliczeniem tych cech, które cur at the end of the taxonomic part. The most beau- s¹ przydatne przy identyfikacji gatunków, mimo du¿ej tiful part of the book is made by 28 colour plates with zmiennoœci indywidualnej. Druga, najobszerniejsza wonderful photos of all xenophorid species. A sepa- czêœæ ksi¹¿ki zawiera
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