Chapter Fifteen Cloud-like fmanation of the Natural Mandala of Wrathful Deities Root-text: Then the identit y of all the tath&gatas, the essential nature of all the buddhae, manifested as the mandala of wrathful deities. (1] For what, one might ask, is this revealed? (2) Through conceptions which are deluded with respect to selfhood and manifest attachment to the imaginary, beings are seParated( from the genuine path. Without understanding the hidden secrets, one becomes manifestly attached to the concealed secrets, and then one is deluded with respect to causes and results. In con- sequence, (3) one is cast down by the harsh seeds of existence. and then one is born in the hottest of hells/ which is unceasing. One is afflicted there by the excruciating sufferin g s of intense heat, and at the very moment when one thinks,"Would that I might experience intense cold rather than this!", one is thoroughly numbed and utterly afflicted by severe pains which split (one's body ) in the manner of a lotus flower. Such sufferings endured in the eight (hells) beginning with the hottest, and in the eight (hells) beginning with the coldest are connected with the world- øystems and are experienced for twelve thousand great aeons. (4) Then that process of maturation comes to an end and one suffers pangs of hunger and thirst smong the tormented spirits. Desirable objects become unpleasant, turn into diverse objects-- poisonous and harsh, and they even become non-existant. Utterly emaciated 1064 and dry, one is born for six great aeons with body , limbs, and sense-organs which are unsatisfactory . ( 5] Then, when that process of maturation of the coarse obscurations of pest deeds has gradually diminished, and one is united with one's previous existence, as a tormented spirit, one becomes a great ogre who is most venomous and fierce. Such beings have one body with a hundred heads, and with diverse kinds of heads, or they have a hundred bodies with a single head. They have diverse kinds of bodies, with many limbs and diverse kinds of limbs. They bear diverse kinds of harmful hand-implements, and they have a multitude of retainers. The y have diverse terrifying forms, and they bellow diverse kinds of terrifying roar. Their forms and roars, stench and bad breath cause all beings to panic in fear. With black vital energy, which is utterly terrifying, and with breath which is cold and hot they disturb the (chilio)coems throughout the ten directions. They inflict four hundred and four kinds of disease; and they cause insanit y and debilit y . Through these powers, they subjugate the n&ga domains, the realms of the anti gods, the god-realms, and those of Brahmak&yika, Abh&svara, ubhakrtsna, and Brhatphala downwards. (6] Owing to the service which (Rudra), the (archetype of such beings), had performed in the past, the omniscient (Heruka) observed and then disciplined him through spirituality. (7] 1065 In order that the teth&gata, the Magical Net which is an indestructible array of greatness, might display the charisma of great pride which disci p lines the lord of the three levels of existence within the ten directions of the six world-systems, this identity of the indestructible body, speech, and mind of e]1 the tath&gatas, the Transcendent Lord and Great joyous One, became absorbed in th kingly contemplation of the Magical Net, which emanates as the great cloud of the mandals of kingly wrath?'il deities. [8) From the expanse of the real, the great Krodhvari emerged. With exclamation of "Hi, Hi!", and with a lustrous glow which is j oy ous, the jewel (penis) and the lotus (vagina) swelled, and then penetratation occured through the joy of their non-dual embrace. (9) From the cloud of their "enlightened mind"(=seminal fluids), there emerged (the mantra) HflM HUM HUM V]VA KRODHA JVALA MANDALA PHAT PHAT PHAT HALA HALA HALA HUM. (10] At these words, pervading the infinite ten directions of the six world-systems, the assemblies of the mandala of wrathful deities came forth, as large as the trichiliocosni and equal in number to the atomic particles of the ten directions, (11] and thus all the ten directions of the six world-systems were rocked, further rocked, and absolutely rocked. Sounds were bellowed, further bellowed, and absolutely bellowed. (Instru- ments) were rattled, further rattled, and absolutely rattled. (Objects) were destroyed, further destro yed, and absolutely d estroy ed. (Waves) were dispersed, further dispersed, and 1066 absolutely dispersed. Among those who abide in all the chiliocosms of the ten directions of the six world-systems, they conquered, further conquered and absolutely conquered those who were most powerful and moBt resplendent, Mahebvara who was great in strength, and all such bein gs. (12] Then the Transcendent Lord, the Great Joyous One himself, became transformed in all respects into the dark brown buddha-body of the Blood-Drinker, very terrifying, most awesome, in a great blaze (of li ght) which causes p anic, with heads, arms, and legs equal in number to the atomic particles of the chiliocosm, holding diverse weapons; and he then turned into a form with three heads, six arms, and four legs. Re j oicin g in a great charnel ground, in the midst of an ocean of blood, upon a mountain of human bones, and at the centre of a spa'ious circle which greatly blazes forth, he stood with (left le g s) extending and (ri ght legs) drawn in, upon a seat which comprised Mahevara and the moBt proud mistress of the charnel ground, husband and wife. 113] As for that cloud-mass of the mandala of wrathful deities: there were some associated with the great glorious Blood-Drinker who stands in the eastern direction, there were some associated with the great glorous Ratna Blood-Drinker who stands in the southern direction, there were some associated with the great glorious Padma Blood-Drinker who stands in the western direction, and there were some associated with the great glorious and universal Karma Blood-Drinker who stands in the northern direction. All of these were endowed with a very terrify ing guise, an awesome 1067 roar, and a blazing aura, with three heads, six arms, and four legs. They stood with (legs) extended and drawn in, upon seats which comprise husband and wife couples of gandharvas, yaksas, ogres, yama-s p irits, and other such beings. The host of the great Blood-Drinker queens also stood, embracing their respective buddha-bodies. [1k] [These Herukas of the five enlightened families were absorbed and subsumed together, and then as one (the y performed) the wondrous act of granting many instructions]. [15) Then the Great Proud Spirit and other such beings, in their ferocious temper, revealed great miraculous abilities, diverse and malignant, and with one voice and a malignant roar they emitted fierce wrathful words, with an unpleasant exhalation of breath. Saying,"Release us! Why do you act so, 0 lord of corn- p assion!", they were angered and enraged in their most venomous temper. 116] Then the Transcendent Lord, the Great Joyous One, assumed a form with nine heads, eighteen arms, and eight legs, and then with an awesome voice he grew exceedingly wrathful in accordance with the skillful means which instructs through spirituality. Utter- ing,"HflM HtIM HM HA HA HA KHAHI KHAHI KHAHI!", (17] he discarded the hearts and all sense-organs of the hosts of great venomous s p irits such as Mahevara, he extracted their entrails, cut off their limbs, ate all their flesh, drank all their blood, and wore all their bones. (18) Then, utterin g these words: MOM HUM HUM BHYOH E ARALI HRIM HRIM JAM JAM, the world-systems of the ten 1068 directions along with space were absorbed within an area the size of a sin g le mustard seed. [19] Then they gathered the highest queens among the queens of all. female elementals, who are the wives of the highest kings, Including the Great Proud Spirit, among the kings of all the male elementals. These are namely Mahàr&ksasl Manur&ksasl, Brahm&nl, Raudri, Indrn1, Vaisnavl LNàràyanl], Kaumàrl, Pingalà, Amrtá [Sryá], Saumi [ántI], Dandi, Ráksasi, Bhaksasf, Rati, Rudhiramadi, EkacrIn1, Manohârikà, Siddhlkarl, Vàyudevl, Mahámáraná, Agná'f, Várh1, Cémundi, Bhu j aná, Varunáni, Yellow- red Mahàchàgal&, Dark-blue Mahàkumbhakarnl, Dark-yellow Lambodarà, and so forth, along with their slaves arid slaves of slaves, and their servants and servants of servants, equal in number to the atoms of their surrounding fields. [20) Then the Transcendent Lord, the Great Joyous One, the great glorious Blood-Drinker, again manifested the very terrifying forms of the five enlightened families through the skillful means which grants instruction, and then all of them through their j oyousness became absorbed in the contemplation called "the emergence of the cloud-like nandala of dis p lay ". [21) This following (mantra) emerged from their indestructible bod y , speech and mind: OM All HUM VAJRA PRAVEAYA ALALAHO. [22] So saying, the queens of the elemental spirits were excited with extreme desire. The y contracted and expanded the lotus mandalas (of their vaginas), and then, just as Iron unites with a magnet, the great ogress Manur&ksasI, Pingall. Rati, 1069 Mahám&raná, Mahákáll, Yellow-red Mahichã galI, Dark-blue Mahá- kumbhekarni, and Dark-yellow Larnbodará embraced the body of the transcendent lord, or Great Joyous One, the great glorious Vajra Blood-Drinker. Brahmini, Raudri, Indrànl, Vaisnavi, and Kaumàrl embraced the body of the transcendent lord, the great glorious TathIgata (=Buddha) Blood-Drinker. Amrtà, SàntI, Dandi, Bhaksasl, and Riksasl embraced the bod y of the transcendent lord, the great glorious Ratna Blood-Drinker.
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