MANC HI S n R SPORIS filftMnUMMI i n m / i M M TRUeXS/VAM Jg2|T{tUC18/VAII> fluim m IHiiSf FMSAU F O R U L f Bex haimment 1 MSTAI. ____ Mosdo MI7 fonsEodatum- d Comedy Is old Whale adapting Mnm. fwm fnum COP. Sunrise rod. MortoHv BroNiert, 31S policy weighed 40mx> Center St., MondiOTtor. but contemporary to lofty poBitlon XU fS U ^ , 04S-S13S..>' page 3 page 11 page 18 I Cheyy HBS PleottMe S' Pickup. 4 X 4, V-S auto, TOYOTA mocMnop. Cob 04B- mucti more. S10,ffS. Cof­ offers pm. fer Cltevrolet. *46 *«*«.»> I a 9T hm - fecfft t^S, '87 SR5 XTRACAB TBUCRB *0 ;; US IS A WEEKLY PEATUBE APPEABINO EVERY OTt«n GMC JlmniY 1M1 4 X 4, • Powei^l 2.4 liter EFI engine eontty ond mirror. All TUESDAY AND THURSDAY IN CLABBinEO. MOST OP THESE AOS ARE Sierra Grande, V-t, auto, • Roomy cab with inside storage space wfofcBfnB, SIM. Coll DEALER AOS, BUT WDIVIDUALS WISHINO TO SELL THEIR TRUCKS ARE S74PS. Carter Cnevrelet. offer SEm,047-f ENCOURAC^O TO PHONE 04S-771t TO PLACE THEIR ADS... 64M464.K' Loads of standard comforts and conveniences Oievv IfBS El Comlno Conoultta pickup. V-l, 0^ 0, o/c. Looded IfflS. mirlirstrr Hrralft l/ V M I Corter Chevrolet. 646- m m Accord mV • 5 l a r a r * m s n s ^ w m *4*4.«^ Mriiichiislnr A Lily n( VillH!ji' Ctiiirm nm , A M / P M ________ Nissan 1996 shortbod 4x4, >Mt offer. C«H«M4 n 7 f foot onple plopr AAozOo 19B7 shorIbBO, T o r- Mazda 1997 ihortbod, standard transmission dovsandMO-TVMoffH^ mounlino frame and hv- notfo sHvor, gray Intgrtor. Ondo blug,luxurv pack- ulHh plow 910,500. Do- Friday, March 6,1987 4,___ drouflct. S4H. Coll (f14) Morlorty Brothors, 315 ogg, pray Interior. 3 to Cormlor Motors. 643- 30 Cents 4165..,» ffV9 LTD Ford Landau • 3SS-134S, ovenlnot.p Centgr St., AAonchottor. choosd from. AAorlarfy 643-51M..^ Brothors, 315 Contor St., 71 jn m n«. Good con- Mozda MS7 B3MD cab Chevy 1996 S-10 Blozer,4 x dfflon. Coll oflor 5 pm. Monchostor. *43-5135..^ 4, Tohoe package. V-*, 5 _ M M 3 ff. thortbod. Sunbeam silver, Mazda 1997 B30M cob spped. 911,995. Corter pray Interior. Mortorty plus. Sunbeam silver, M M Yo to ta ^MBdloaol pf^T- Broltiert, 31S Center St., Ford 1993 F150 </i ton Chevrolet. 64*6464..' gray Interior. Luxury U.S., Soviets Styleslde pickup. 6 cy­ up^vHti AObeft Sorvfco Monebinter. 643-5135.*^ GMC 79 Pickup. 4x4. •odv. Cncollonf condi­ pockogg. AAorlorty Broth­ linder, 4 speed, od, excel­ ers, 315 Center St., Mon- S4300. Caron Motors 367 oooLDAflc T O Y O T A tion. «37» . M7-0137. Ford 1M3 F-100 V-«, auto, lent condHIon. 15395. Dil­ FOR ANTTHDia chester. 643-51M...’ lon Ford, 319 AAoln Street, Oakland Street. 649- n wNh fttf Mkgwtna ogNoMl m xisjr^Bim issrfk po, sunroof, om/fm, aloss TOOO.i,' Coupo. Good condl- cop, blue, Lynch, 500 W. '"nnchester. 643-314S.i^ tlon,S3M0 . S««-M4t Center St. Manchester. Mozdo 1997 B3000 SES Ford Bronco 93. Loaded. shortbod, Colltornlo S9495. Caron Motors 367 •U H iu n THIS t m a i n i 600 W. CENTER STREET optimistic on woofcdoyi offor 0 pm *4M 131.»^. Chevrolet 1995 Astro, red, wtTW WWnVINM. brown, beige Interior. Oakland Street. 649- n ON YOUR CAR, MANCHESTER Morlorty Brothers, 315 v-6, outorrMic ps. Lynch, 7000..' CAMAIID-1f 74 LT, new 500 W. Center St., Man­ YOU ntOBABLY Center St., Monchester. Ford 94 Bronco II. M IO TOO MUCH...’ 64 6-43 21 A bolted *0*s, am/fm, Mazda 19*7 B3000 SES cob 643-S135.V' chester. 64*4331..' A booster, chrome Looded. S999S. Caron MANCHESTER, CONN Plut, Collfomla brosm, Motors 367 Oakland wtfoels. Excellent con- bolpe Interior, toother Mozdo 1907 B3000 SES plus Nissan 1996 pickup blue, 5 Street. 649-7000..' arms accord dHlen. S30M/bnt offer. pockooe, PS. Morlorty 5 shortbed. Sunbeam speed. Lynch, 500 W. Cen­ *47-S*SS. Brothers, 315 Center St., silver, groy Interior. Mor- ter St., Manchester. 64* Chevy 01 blazer. Loaded. Al d sm o b il e Omopo - Manchester. *43-5135. i,” lortv Brothers, 315 Center 4331..' S6995. Caron Motors 367 IfTI, V-6, tan. MM137 St., Manchester. 643- Oakland Street. 649- By BrgiMla Watson Mazda 1907 shortbed, lux­ 7000..' which groups were scheduled to offer 7 pm, oth for BNI. 5135..' Thg AstoclottO Press Mozdo 19E7 B3000 SES cob ury pockoge. Sunbeam meet today. DODGE 19S1—3 door, phis, Conol blue, beige silver. 3 to choose from. Toyoto 1994 Cargo von, Glitman said he would return to “Arles K“, “Zlebort Rust Interior, leather package, Mazda 1907 B3000 SES cob Morlorty Brothers, 315 at, ps, coss cruise. 36K. GENEVA — The seventh round of Geneva early next week to continue plus. Sunrise red, gray Center St., Manchester. Lynch 500 West Center Proofed", SImonized. 39 PS. Morlorty Brothers, 315 Take a Look U.S.-Soviet arms talks formally talks on medium-range missiles Interior. 3 to choose from. 643-5135..' Street. 64*4331..' mpB, very dependable, Center St., Manchester. ends today, but negotiations on Morlorty Brothers, 315 Chevy 19to S10 Blazer 5 with the Soviets. The two other service record ovolloble. *43-5135.1^ 1974 FordVon,good condi­ medium-range nuclear miaailes Oottino loreor cor. Apt. Center St., Monchester. speed. 49K. Lynch 500 negoUating groups, on long-range 643-5135..' tion. S1500 or best offer. West Center Street. 64* kre continuing indefinitely with weapons and space and defense 13A, Carver Lone, Senior Dotsun 1993 King cob 9756344.0 Housing._____________ pickup 4 x4 ,4 cyl, 5 speed, 4331..' both sides expressing optimism systems, were due to recess today. Mozdo 1997 B3000 SE5 Mozdo 1994 B3000 pickup about reaching an accord. PS, pb, stereo cossette, longbed, block, gray Int* The eighth round is scheduled to block. 3 to choose from Toyota 1996 X-tro Cob, The official end of the round was lump seats. S5795. Carter rior. Luxuory package. Tonneau, ps, stereo. begin April 13. Chevrolet, 1339 Motn St., S349S. Morlorty Brothers, expected to be low-key compared Morlorty Brothers, 315 315 Center St., Manches­ 3000 miles. Lynch 500 The talks on medium-range mis­ Manchester. *46-6464. Center St., Manchester. with previous rounds, due to the ter. 643-5135..' West Center Street. 646- siles were given a boost this week 643-5135..' 4331..' Dodge 1995 Corovon Le departure Thursday of the top three when both sides made formal U.S. negotiators to brief North HONDA Mopno - 1915, Wagon. 4 cyl, auto olr, Ford 1991 Choteou von. Mozdo 1997 Shortbed, proposals for eliminating such Mozdo 1997 B3000 cob plus Atlantic Treaty Organisation TOOcc, MO mllet, MOM. stereo, luggage rock. Dover white, wine Inte­ V 6 , olr, ps, pb, cruise. block, gray Interior. Lux­ missiles from Europe. Their prop­ 04*4137 after 7 pm, otk $11,395. Carter Chevrolet. rior. Morlorty Brothers, Lynch, 500 W. Center St., ury package. Morlorty officials. osals embodied some agreements for Bill. 1339 Attain St., AAanches- 315 Center St., Manchester Manchester. 64*4331..' Brothers, 315 Center St., The negotiators. Max Kampel- reached in October at the super­ ter. 6464464.i,>’ BOLTON PUBLIC NOTICB 643-5135..' Manchester. 643-5135..' man, who heads the overall U.S. power summit in Reykjavik, Mozdo 1997 B3000 SE5 plus delegation and the delegation on __ joryL ^ AAazda 1997 B3000 cob 5 shortbed. Ondo blue, Iceland. On Peferuory 14, IfftnieZen- Mozdo 1997 shortbed, space and defense systems, May­ Ino Beer* of Aeoeelteroiitee shortbed, light beige, Ford 1995 window von, v6, gray Interior. 3 to choose Dover white, wine Inte­ Formal agreement was pre­ e 1 l ^met dO tleellne i i i verlenee to- auto, PS, S7995. Dillon from. Morlorty Brothers, nard Glitman, head of medium- vented at that meeting when the Prenk Menne te bulM a beige Interior. Morlorty rior. MorloiTy Brothers, Brothers, 315 Center St., Ford, 319 Main Street, 315 Center St., Manches­ 315 Center St., Manches­ range talka, and Ronald Lehman, in Soviets insisted that accords be cMmnev on o hewM el 11 Manchester. 643-3145..' NEW 4-WHEEL DRIVE WeHlt. Manchester. 643-5135.V' ter. 643-5135.V' ter. 643-5135..' charge of long-range missile talks, reached simultaneously on all JOHN H. ROBERTS then headed to Washington for subjects, including the U.S. Stra­ pnoro uf piinu CHAIRMAN LX. consultations. tegic Defense Initiative, or "Star ZONING BOARD INVITATION TO blO SM4 CIVILIZATION DOESN T END OP APPEALS In previous rounds during the Wars,” a program studying the Republican challenger Leonar4 jSiglio contratulates was called after a resident aucceaafully petitioned a ‘1N9TALUTION OP A NSW WHEN THE PAVEMENT DOES. 1-year-old talks, Kampelman has ROOP MOUNTIO SXHAUST possibility of a space-based missile- Democrat Rose Fowler after she defeated him in a apacial challenge to Fowler’s appointment to the seven-member NOnOETOBE TO CREBITORO PANL0CAT90ATSAST IMISSAIM Here's one rugged 4x4 that doesn't ride like a stagecoach. delivered a closing statement to defense system. NARTPORO HtOM SCHOOL election in Coventry Thursday night. The special election council. RSTATBOP RiTcm m Mazda's new 4x4 LX boasts plenty of power, with a big 2.6-litre reporters on the final day and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorba­ PANNiEI EESTHERsther potterPOTTE tometimea answered questions. Tlis Boofd of Education, 110 engine. Plus, you'll find advancedanced susisuspension and luxury chev on Saturday announced that The Hen. Norman J. Lens Hill Driy#, East Hart­ In Brussels on Thursday, Kam­ ProyM, JuOeo, of Itio Court ford, CT., will racsivs ssolsd features that include power steering, reclining bucket seats, the Soviets were dropping that of Prooeto,^itf1ct of An- bids for “ Installation of a pelman gave Washington's NATO requirement, freeing the way for a ^ vor ot o hoorine Now Root Mounted Exhaust herringbone tweed upholstery, sport steer­ feruory IS, 1M7 allies an upbeat assessment of possible accord on medium-range Pen Located at East Hart­ ing wheel, an AM/FM ETR stereo radio, prospects for agreement to scrap Coventry election leaves council intact IfMt oil clelnM muti bo pro- ford Hleh School Kitchen." missiles.
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