Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Reso Slang Words, Phrases and Sayings Alpha A's&A's Alterations and additions Adqual Additional qualifications Ad rift Late for work or duty AFO Admiralty Fleet Orders - see DCI Aggie Weston's Royal Sailors Rests Airy Fairy Derogatory name for Fleet Air Arm personnel All about Astute All boots and gaiters Parade or Gunnery Instructor All for it Enthusiastic (sometimes ironically) All hands in Everybody Ambeet/Amtoot Nickname for cheapest Maltese wine Amp tramp Electrical rating Anchor-faced Enthusiastic about the Royal Navy (see pusser) Andrew (The) The Royal Navy Arse bandit Homosexual Arseholed Very drunk Arse over tit Head over heels At the rush As fast as possible Bravo Babies heads Tinned Steak and Kidney pudding Back Aftie Propulsion Department on Polaris Submarine Bag shanty A brothel Banyan Beach party where lots of beer is drunk Baron strangler Taking advantage of someone well off Barrack stanchion Sailor who seems to be able to avoid sea drafts Bash Casual Naval acquaintance Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Bashing the Bishop Masturbating Basket weaving course Spell in RVH Netley (ex mental hospital near Southampton) Beef/Beefer Homosexual Beef Screen Ship's butcher's ready use store Beer, big eats, bag off back on board Jack's ideal run ashore Beer tokens Money Belay Stop or cease doing something Bellfin Stinking/smelly Connecting tissue between vulva and anus or the shelf between the "playpen" and the "gash Biffins bridge chute" Bible basher Regular church attender "in extremis" Big eats Pay week meal shore BITS Beans in tomato sauce (see Herrings in) Black catter Someone who tops your story Black gang Stokers Black ham Mombasa ladies of the night Blank week Week in which no payday Blow-through Sexual intercourse Blue See Bash above Bluebell Metal polish Blue Card man Special dutyman not required for standard duty watch Blue Liners Navy issue cigarettes Bluey Free airmail letter from operational area e.g. Iraq Blushing & farting Shy, embarrassed Boats Submarines Slang name for ladies of that town who used to frequent the Flotilla Club at South Bo'ness beastie Queensferry Bombay Runner Large cockroach Bootneck Royal Marine Both watches Muster of hands at the start of the working day Brain Damage Pint Newcastle Brown with a Wee Heavy added Bramah Success attained with extreme difficulty Brass hat Commanders & above cap Bravo Zulu (BZ) Well done! Brightwork Any brass fitting that has to be polished e.g. Ship's Bell Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Bristol fashion Neat and tidy as in all shipshape and Bristol fashion Brothel creepers Soft soled shoes Brownhatter or Brownjob Homosexual Bubbly Pusser's rum – grog – tot Bucket of shit Friendly greeting as in Me old bucket o' shit how's it goin Buffer Chief Bosun's Mate Buffing up Polishing brightwork (see above) Buggery board Metal sheet separating two bunks (usually with ventilation holes) Singapore Red Light area famous for Kytais (re-vamped 1985 now trendy shopping Bugis Street centre/tourist attraction ) Bunch of bastards Length of tangled rope that will take some undoing Bunting Tosser Tactical signals branch rating Burberry (Rub of) Lend me your raincoat Burma Doo Bermuda Burma Road/Way Below decks passageway forward to aft Button Wooden cap on top of a mast - see Truck Button boy Junior seaman on top of the mast (HMS Ganges) Buzz Rumour Charlie Caboosh Small work compartment, store, office, hideaway Cackle the fat Idle chatter Cackleberry Boiled egg Call the hands Naval reveille Can Man See Canteen Damager Can spanner Tin opener Canteen boat Junior Captain – gets all the shit jobs Canteen Damager NAAFI Canteen Manager Can't see me suit Bootneck or pongo in camouflage kit Catch the boat up Contract a venereal disease C.D.F. Commonsense. Common dog f*** Channel night Last night at sea PU before getting into base port Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Cheesy 'ammy eggy Toast with bacon on top covered in a cheese mixture and topped with an egg Chinese wedding cake Rice pudding with currants Chippy Shipwright Chippy's mate Shipwright's assistant Chokka Upset Chop Chop Get a move on. Hurry up. Chop one off Salute Chuffed Very pleased Chuffs & Puffs Chiefs and Petty Officers Cinderella leave Leave until midnight only Clacker Pie crust Clanky Someone in the engineer branch Clear lower deck All personnel to muster Clear your yardarm Ensure no blame will come to you if something goes wrong Clews Cords from which a hammock is slung (see nettles) Close to the wind Living dangerously Close up Go to your action station/place of duty etc Clubswinger Physical Training Instructor - PTI Coil one down Have a sh*t in an unusual place Cook of the Mess Prepare meals for the mess & clean up Cock and arse party Officers cocktail party Colours Ceremonial hoisting/lowering of White Ensign Comanche Bollocks Whole Tinned Tomatoes usually served at Breakfast Comic Cuts Sailors confidential or promotion reports Con Control of ship's steering Condensing snot Snoring Corticene Pusser's linoleum (usually red in colour) Coxn's Dog Coxswains Office Helper (Usually an AB). Crabfat RAF personnel Crab Air Air travel courtesy of the RAF Crabs Pubic lice, often known as “crutch crickets” Crash/Crash out Go to bed Cross the bar Die - He's crossed the bar i.e. left life's harbour Crusher Regulating Petty Officer CUMDAFFERS Clear up messdecks and flats for evening rounds Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. CSB Courage Sparkling Bitter - strong ale brewed for HM Ships Delta D by P Discharge by purchase (forerunner to PVR) Dabber Seaman Dabtoe Seaman Daddy "S" Commander in Supply Branch DCI Defence Council Instructions succeeded AFO's circa 1960 Deckhead survey Sleeping Dhaigsa (sounds Diso) Harbour rowing boat peculiar to Malta Dhobi Wash/bath/shower Dhobi bucket Bucket used for crashing out clean clothes Dhobi dust Soap powder Dhobi hitch Unrecognisable knot which comes undone easily Dhobi Rash Red rash caused by not rinsing clothes properly Dhobi Wallah Laundryman (normally Chinese) Dig in/out Help yourself – “fill yer boots” Dip To fail Dip in/Dipped in Strike lucky Dip out/Dipped out Lose out on something Dip your wick Have sexual intercourse Dipshit Stupid Ditty Box Where Jack keeps his prized possessions Divisions Formal parade or how Departments are split Dockyard jellyfish Green gob of phlegm Dockyard matey Dockyard "worker" Dockyard oyster Green gob of phlegm floating in water Dockyard run-around Being messed about Dode More than a smidgen Doggo Ugly, usually ungallantly of a woman Dog Watch (in for a) Derogatory term for a sailor who has only been in RN for a short time Dog Watches 1600 to 1800 First Dog. 1800 to 2000 Last Dog Dollar bosun Paymaster/ Supply Officer /Senior Writer Rating Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Doofer Half smoked cigarette (do for later) Double breasted matelot Coarse name for Wren (now female sailors) Draft Chit Movement order to another ship/unit Drafty Person/office that issues draft chits Draw one off Punch or slap Drip Moan, complain Drop test Electrical version of Float Test DTS Dinner time session or Dartmouth Training Squadron Duff, Up the Pregnant Duff up Give a hiding to Dumb F**k Stupid Dung hampers Underpants - see keks Echo EPO Electrical Panel Operator Ear pounding Bollicking Eggs in a long bread roll (similar to a French stick) smothered in ketchup or brown sauce. Egg Banjo Usually obtained East of Suez. Egyptian AFO's Pornographic books with poor spelling - see AFO Elmer An American Essence Word to describe something beautiful (usually female) Exped Adventurous training Foxtrot Falls Ropes for raising/lowering boats (see marry the falls) Fang farrier Dentist Fanny Container for liquids e.g. Rum Fanny Fanny Bowser Transport from Wrennery to workplace on Naval Air Stations Fanny rat Womaniser Fast black Taxi (origin Singapore) Fassers Faslane Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Faslane Weekend For soft Southies who thought Faslane was on the Dark Side of the Moon. Father Famine Caterer etc or Supply Officer responsible for food Feed 'em rice Uncaring (Tell them Anything) FES (pronounced Fez) Far East Station FFO Furnace fuel oil FFSBU For F***s sake buck up Fid Small marline spike or a sheaf of papers Fish head General Service personnel (word used by Wafoos) Figgy duff Suet pudding, usually with fruit Flaked out Asleep or lying in relaxed position Flag 8 Women in the vicinity Flags Senior Rate Yeoman Signalman Flanker Pull a fast one as in "work a flanker" Flash up (1) Lose your temper Flash up (2) Start machinery/main engines etc Float test Ditch something overboard or getting rid of something Flog yer log Masturbate FOD Foreign Object Damage Four by Two (4x2) As in 4x2 Plank = Stupid Free gangway Able to proceed ashore without formal inspection Friday while Long weekend leave FRISP F*****g repulsive ignorant Scottish pig (Rosyth Dockyard Matey) Golf Gannet Greedy Gas & gaiters Gunnery rating Gash Surplus to requirements Gash hand Spare (but normally useless) rating Get your hat In trouble and being brought to the table Get your lagging on Getting dressed for going ashore Get your lagging off Get your knickers off G.I. Gunnery Instructor Reso Slang, Word, Phrases and Sayings. Gizzits Free gift of any description Gnats piss Weak beer Go round the buoy Repeat, take a second helping Gobbler‟s gulch Area between stocking top and suspender belt Gob shite Loudmouth God walloper Chaplain/Padre Goffer Big breaking wave. Fruit flavoured soft drink Goofer Spectator Green rub Unjust treatment, detailing, draft etc Greenies Electricians Grey Funnel Line The (seagoing) Royal Navy Grippo Free treat - usually by a civilian Gronk An ugly woman Gronk board Mess board with pictures of ugly women Grubber Airframes and Engines mechanic Guard & steerage 30 minute lie in for non watchkeepers working late Very generous gesture regarding rum usually given for a big favour e.g.
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